The Sheikh's Secret Son

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The Sheikh's Secret Son Page 12

by Maggie Cox

  Darcy stole a fond kiss from her son before they left him. Whilst she welcomed the prospect to rest and recover from the long journey, she couldn’t deny the sense of elation she felt at knowing that she and Zafir would be spending some precious time alone.

  The last time they had been intimate had been on their wedding night. After that they’d had to stay in London for a few days before they left, in order for him to finish some important work at the bank. He would be working late most nights and starting early, he’d told her.

  Not being with him had been hard to bear. His closeness hadn’t just become important to her, it was fast becoming essential. But for now she wouldn’t let the thought scare her as it usually did. She would just have to learn to trust that he wanted this closeness as much as she did.

  * * *

  Zafir owned to a huge sense of relief. Things had gone better than he’d hoped. His mother had already fallen for her grandson, and she had embraced Darcy with admiring eyes and a full heart.

  Now, all his senses tightened with anticipation as he showed his wife into his personal suite at the palace. It was spacious and cool at the same time, as well as undeniably grand. But as he closed the doors he frowned when he saw the thin sheen of sweat that had broken out on her brow.

  ‘I think you need this rest more than you know,’ he said, concerned. ‘I am sorry if I presumed too soon that you were back to full health.’

  In answer, her determined glance told him she was already garnering her strength and her defences. But her plump lower lip quivered and the action betrayed the vulnerability she fought so hard to hide.

  ‘You haven’t presumed anything. I really am stronger than I look and I recover quickly,’ she insisted.

  Zafir knew it was time to employ some tact. ‘That may be so, but I still think you should go and lie down. It will give me a chance to unpack and change out of these clothes. I can find something more suitable for you to wear too.’

  Placing his hand beneath her elbow, he gently steered her towards the bedroom.

  ‘When you wake, we can discuss things some more.’

  * * *

  It didn’t take long for Zafir to deduce that his wife had succumbed to a naturally deep sleep. Before she’d lain down on the canopied double bed she’d let him remove her shoes and had given him her jacket to hang up. He’d stolen a brief, necessarily restrained kiss from her lips then draped a light merino shawl over her. Her eyelids had closed straight away.

  Whilst he couldn’t deny he was disappointed that he couldn’t join her, to express just how much he’d missed her these last few nights, he decided he would take the opportunity to ring his brother Xavier and ask him if they could meet up for their long overdue confidential chat.


  DARCY SCREWED UP her eyes, then blinked to focus her attention. When she saw where she was—lying on a grand canopied bed the size of a small living room, no less—her heart sped like one of those intercity trains to King’s Cross.

  Where was her husband?

  Did he think it rude of her to abandon him and their son so quickly? Had she already risked his good regard by behaving like this? They must both be as tired as she was after their long journey. The ebb and flow of emotional turmoil would surely drain anyone.

  Then she remembered an incident that made her stomach lurch guiltily. Zafir had kissed her just before she’d fallen asleep. If she’d given him the slightest encouragement, shown him that she welcomed that brief brush of the lips, then he undoubtedly would have joined her and not been in such a hurry to disappear. But in truth an overwhelming weariness had seized her, as if all the events of the past few weeks had finally caught up with her, and she’d begged for respite.

  Rousing herself, Darcy got to her feet. She turned on the embossed gold lamp beside her and light illuminated the now nearly darkened room.

  Grateful to find that her husband had thoughtfully left out for her the flat open-toed sandals she’d packed, she silently thanked him. Tucking her feet into the cool leather shoes, she patted her hair, glanced briefly into a nearby mirror to check her appearance, then pinched her pale cheeks to restore some much needed colour. Finally she collected a shawl and her walking cane and limped across to the door.

  The first thing she would do, she decided, was to go and check up on Sami. She prayed that by now he would be seeing the whole episode as one big adventure and not be too upset by events. And as soon as she was able she would send a message to her mum, to assure her of their safe arrival.

  Stretching out her hand to fasten it round the brass door handle, she felt it open as if by magic. It was Zafir.

  He was dressed in cool white cotton pants and a baggy shirt. He’d left his long hair loose and wore a beaded pendant round his neck and a couple of interesting bracelets on his wrists. One was fashioned out of some eye-catching gold coins and the other was made from twisted strands of softened black and copper leather.

  In spite of not wearing his traditional robes, he still looked magnificent. As their gazes met and clung Darcy was glad of her walking cane to help steady her.

  ‘You’re a sight for sore eyes,’ she teased him tentatively, unsurprised at the quiver in her voice.

  ‘It’s good to be able to dress casually from time to time. Where were you headed off to?’

  Entering, he closed the door behind him. Without asking, he linked his arm in hers and led her back into the room. Immediately she sensed hot colour seeping into her face. It was becoming something of a trademark for her, she was sure.

  ‘I wanted to check up on Sami. I didn’t mean to fall asleep for so long. Has he had something to eat yet, do you know? He must be hungry. Goodness only knows what kind of mother you must think me...’

  The expression on his face melted her to her core. His black eyes crinkled sexily and the dimples in his bronzed cheeks were out in force. Once again she regretted not inviting him to join her earlier.

  ‘You are like the Madonna herself, my angel...pure, selfless and devoted to her son. I feel blessed to have found you again.’

  ‘You definitely know how to melt a girl’s heart, Your Highness!’ She grinned, feeling more elated and sure of herself than she’d ever felt before.

  ‘If all it takes is just a smile and telling you how important you are to me to elicit such a response, then I truly am blessed, Darcy.’

  Carefully examining him, she lightly caught hold of his hand and enquired, ‘So what have you been doing with yourself while I was sleeping?’

  ‘I was making sure Sami was all right, of course, but it seems that my mother has already assigned herself his chief protector. She has fed and watered him and presently he is fast asleep in his new bedroom, with the Queen herself keeping a close eye on him should he need anything.’

  Darcy frowned and again felt guilty. ‘She doesn’t have to do that. He’s really asleep? He almost never does that so easily. I know he napped for a little while on the must be because he’s out of his routine.’

  Zafir nodded. ‘He is probably much more accepting and relaxed about the situation than we realise. He’s a four-year-old boy, remember, who has suddenly found himself in the equivalent of Wonderland.’

  ‘You’re right. I suppose I worry too much. But, that aside, what else were you doing after you left me asleep?’

  Tucking a swathe of luxuriant hair behind his ear, he answered, ‘I was arranging a meeting with my brother, Xavier, for tomorrow. We haven’t met up for quite some time, I’m sorry to say.’

  ‘Do you want to tell me why?’

  ‘I think you can probably guess.’

  ‘You mean because you weren’t entirely convinced that we weren’t having an affair? Do you now think you might have made a mistake and it’s made you rethink your actions?’

  Turning over her slim palm to examine it, he commented huskily, ‘That and the fact that I met up with one of the bank’s head secretaries, Jane Maddox, before we left—do you remember her?’

/>   Darcy nodded. ‘Of course I do. She never liked me from day one.’

  ‘That’s because she’s a bitter, jealous woman—as I found out. She deliberately didn’t tell me about your messages. No doubt she told her cohorts to do the same. If she could do that, then what’s to stop her from lying about you having an affair with my brother? Anyway, I got rid of her. And when Xavier and I meet tomorrow I will know for sure.’

  ‘You mean you sacked her?’

  ‘That’s the prerogative of being CEO.’

  ‘So you’ll ask Xavier again what really happened and find out if he lied to you after all?’

  ‘Let us not worry about that right now. I have already made my pledge to you, Darcy, and that will not change. My son and I have been brought together at last and that means everything to me.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Don’t look so sad. Everything will turn out well, I am sure. In the meantime, my mother wanted me to tell you how excited she is about the wedding and that—with your approval, of course—she will be organising it.’

  ‘That’s...that’s very good of her. Do you know when it will be?’

  He sighed. ‘We’re hoping for the beginning of next week. That will give me the opportunity to declare the day as a public holiday. Do you think your mother would like to fly out and join us? I know she was at the ceremony in London, and professed not to mind missing this one if she had to, but perhaps she was just being polite. I can easily arrange her travel, if you like?’

  ‘I’m going to ring her soon. I can ask her about it then. What about what Sami and I are going to wear? Does our apparel have to be traditional?’

  ‘As it will be a royal wedding—of course. Are you hungry?’


  When he looked at her with that carnal hungry gaze of his, as if he could eat her for dinner, Darcy could barely think straight, let alone answer with an uncomplicated yes or no.

  The handsome Sheikh moved in even closer and tenderly tipped up her chin. ‘I asked if you were hungry. We will have to go in to supper shortly, and I need to know if you require anything in particular?’

  Moistening her lips, she turned her startled blue eyes fully on his face. ‘I’ll have whatever everyone else is having. I don’t have any preferences.’

  That made him chuckle. ‘My, my... When did you start to become so easy to please?’

  She pouted. ‘That doesn’t make me a pushover, if that’s what you think. I just want to make life easier for people.’

  ‘What about making it easier for you? I have another question. Do you want to take a bath and freshen up before we go to eat?’

  ‘That would be great—if I have time?’

  ‘You can take as long as you like. I know that a lady doesn’t appreciate being hurried.’

  ‘Good. Then can you show me where my things are and I’ll go and do just that.’

  * * *

  The Sheikh and his brother Xavier met at the official Offices of the Monarch in Zafir’s private quarters.

  In Zafir’s opinion, his younger sibling seemed noticeably happier, and he was well dressed in a tailored suit with his dark hair grown a little longer than usual. Yet when he sat down in a colourful Rococo chair, with attractive motifs and intricate scrollwork, and Zafir indicated that he wanted to discuss certain significant events from the past, he grew distinctly uneasy.

  ‘There is something in particular that I’d like to know. Did you lie to me that day about what you and Darcy were doing when I found you both in my office? Had you tried to force yourself on her? If you had, and did so to make me think you were having an affair, what on earth possessed you? Did you perhaps think I needed taking down a peg or two? Have you any idea of the torturous outcome of your cruel thoughtless behaviour?’

  Flushing guiltily, his brother was immediately contrite. ‘I didn’t deliberately set out to make you suffer, Zafir...’

  His opening words caused Zafir’s stomach to plunge painfully.

  ‘My actions were the consequences of my being greedy and immature. What happened has been a heavy burden on me for such a long time. I am very glad to have the chance to clear the air and set things straight.’

  Shifting in his seat, Xavier wiped a hand across his perspiring youthful brow.

  ‘Your secretary—Darcy—was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. When she didn’t respond to my attentions favourably, it wounded my ego. I took it as a personal insult. Who did she think she was, refusing the interest of the Sheikh of Zachariah’s brother himself? Knowing that you’d made her your personal assistant, I was eaten up with jealousy and a red mist came over me. How dared she turn her back on me?

  ‘Like the vain, insecure boy I was, I decided to pay her back by making it seem as though she was the one chasing me. I kept my eye on the door and arranged it so that you’d find the two of us in a compromising position. I gave her no opportunity to defend herself. So, yes, I did force myself on her. I didn’t hurt her, but the thing is... I know my behaviour was despicable.

  ‘Do you think I don’t know that? I was truly ashamed of what I had done when you fired her. I never wanted you or our family to think badly of me, but I was honestly glad when you eventually gave me my marching orders and sent me home. It gave me a much-needed opportunity to come to my senses.’

  Taking a deep breath in, Xavier slowly released it.

  ‘Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me? I’m a different person now. I like to think a better one. I would never do such a thing again in a million years. You know that I am married now, with a beautiful little daughter. I am absolutely dedicated to my wife and family and I live in fear that something untoward might disrupt that happiness. I cannot put it more clearly. But my life is in your hands, my brother. Our mother tells me that you are getting married yourself, and that your fiancée is from England. May I know her name?’

  Zafir didn’t immediately answer. Xavier’s glossily dark hair flopped onto his brow and he impatiently pushed it back again.

  Twisting his hands together in his lap, Zafir straightened his formidable shoulders. A spasm of sorrow flashed across his brooding dark gaze.

  ‘I think you already know her name. It is Darcy...the girl I fired because of you.’

  The younger man was visibly shocked. ‘You are serious?’

  Zafir’s daunting black eyes stared back at him. ‘I would not joke about such an important matter. I have a son by her. She was pregnant when I fired her—and, trust one in the world could be as sorry as I am about that. Not just that she had my child, unsupported by me...that’s bad enough. But because I acted so abominably.’

  ‘May Allah forgive me... This is nothing less than a nightmare.’

  Pushing restlessly to his feet, Zafir moved his head from side to side. ‘It would be for me too, if I hadn’t had the presence of mind to marry her in London, before we came home. Having the big heart that she has, Darcy decided not to keep me from my son and confessed all to me. But it still makes me ashamed that I made her suffer so needlessly and for so long.’

  ‘I can hardly believe that you have a son by this woman!’

  ‘His name is Sami.’

  ‘And...and you’ve married her? Does that mean that you still have feelings for her?’

  Impatience flashed in Zafir’s eyes. ‘What do you think, Xavier? Of course I have feelings for her. I—Never mind that. Darcy should be the one to hear first how I feel. I’d strongly advise you not to speak of this with anyone but me.’

  The younger man also got to his feet, swallowing hard. His tone was gravely serious when he admitted, ‘I have done you a great wrong, My King. If you banished me from the kingdom for the rest of my life I could not blame you. Your wife must truly despise me.’

  ‘I do not think she has it in her to despise anyone. Her forgiveness seems to know no bounds—even though it is probably to her detriment, I’m sad to say.’

  ‘And... What about you? Can you ever forgive me for what I did?�

  Expelling a long sigh, Zafir grimaced. ‘I have thought about this for a long time. Following Darcy’s example, I feel I should at least try. It is no excuse, but you were young—and very, very foolish. But, as my wife has also said, I want you to know that I am no pushover. If you attack me, verbally or otherwise, I will defend myself in whatever way I deem necessary. Call me a fool, but I am giving you one more chance to help make things right. From now on I want no more lies or deceit. If you transgress this edict one inch, be sure that I will cut you out of my life for good.’

  Duly chastised, Xavier moved across to him and unhesitatingly hugged him hard. ‘I am truly grateful for this chance. I will not disappoint you by word or deed again—I swear. From now on you will hear only praise from my lips.’

  With a wry grin, Zafir set him apart a little then laid his hands firmly on his shoulders. ‘I like to think I’m not so egotistical as to expect praise from those I love. But a little respect never goes amiss...’

  * * *

  Last night’s lovemaking had left her tingling all over. Zafir had been so tender and thoughtful, but still breathtakingly passionate.

  In the early light of what promised to be another flawless sunlit day, with her spirits raised and her heart filled with hope more than ever before, Darcy washed and dressed.

  Zafir had already left for his meeting with his brother, and she eagerly went to find Sami and her mother-in-law. She tried not to think too much about what would transpire between the two brothers and determinedly hoped that things would go well.

  The two women and Sami enjoyed a healthy, nutritional breakfast and chatted easily. The bond that was already forming between the young boy and the gracious matriarch was becoming more and more evident.

  Around midday, when Zafir still hadn’t returned, Darcy found herself restlessly walking through the beautiful palace gardens with her companions. Idly chatting about this and that, Sami and the Dowager Queen seemed almost to forget she was there.

  As soon as she was able to, without seeming rude, she slipped away to sit on a charming bench in front of the cascading fountains. At first she fell into something of a dream. Then she mentally shook herself. All she really wanted to think about was her husband. It was as though her feelings for him knew no bounds.


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