The Sheikh's Secret Son

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The Sheikh's Secret Son Page 13

by Maggie Cox

  Their heady lovemaking last night had left her feeling especially womanly and satisfied, and she wondered how soon it would be before they repeated the exercise. Doubt and apprehension had finally dispersed, leaving her with a real sense of well-being and happiness. Zafir hadn’t yet told her that he loved her, but sometimes loving intentions could be just as powerful as words...such as when he had so gently and carefully helped her to bathe, treating her as though he wanted nothing more than to meet her every need...

  * * *

  Darcy was wearing the eye-catching yellow kaftan his mother had gifted her with, plus a gracious silk cowl edged with gold, to protect her pale skin from the sun, and when he at last found her Zafir thought she looked utterly adorable. His heart soared at the sight of her and he knew then that he wanted to make her feel the most treasured and happy woman on earth.

  Any previous hesitation he might have had, fearing her feelings might not be as strong as his, had all but disappeared—like the foreboding black clouds that heralded an oncoming storm. Following his discussion with Xavier that morning, his brother’s frank testimony had helped Zafir make his peace and remember everything that was good and meaningful in his life.

  Stealing silently up behind his wife, where she sat on the elegant white bench, he gently lifted the silken cowl that nestled against her shoulder and planted a tender kiss at the side of her neck. Breathing in her exquisite personal scent, he found himself longing to demonstrate his feelings more freely...

  ‘Mmm...that was delicious.’

  * * *

  ‘You’re back.’

  Her mouth curved softly with pleasure and when he moved round in front of her Darcy was fiercely glad that he had come. It seemed that not a single moment went by without her feeling impatient with desire to have him close again.

  As if attuned to her every need, he carefully sat down beside her. Falling easily into the richly dark gaze that reminded her of molasses, she played with his long hair and trailed her fingertips down his cheek.

  ‘ did the meeting with Xavier go? Did he tell you the truth about what happened that day?’

  Appearing more serious than usual, her husband nodded assent. ‘Yes...he did. What can I say? I was appalled to learn I had been so gullible, so easily taken in. Whatever I may do for you and Sami in the future, it will never be enough to make up for my dangerously foolish behaviour. I let my love for my little brother make me blind to the truth, even though in my heart I suspected he might be lying. Can you forgive me for making you suffer so?’

  ‘You didn’t do it on purpose, Zafir.’ She softly touched her palm to his bristled cheek. ‘I don’t think either of us expected our feelings to grow as strongly as they did, and maybe the power of those feelings blinded us to what was going on around us...’

  ‘You unselfishly include yourself in that scenario when you have no need to.’ Her husband frowned. ‘Where did you learn such selflessness?’

  Lifting her elegant shoulders in a shrug, Darcy mused, ‘I suppose if I have learned such an attribute it must have come from my late father.’

  ‘If I’d ever had the good fortune to meet the man, I know I would have admired him immensely.’

  ‘And he you, Zafir. He wasn’t impressed by wealth or position, but he knew a truly good man when he met one. What about your own father? You told me you cared for him very much?’

  Sighing, he slid his hand over hers and held it fast. ‘He was my rock and my mentor as well as my father and King. He lived his life by demonstrating strong values and a code of ethics that our people still try and adhere to. They didn’t just admire him—they wanted to reflect those values in their own lives and show the rest of the world that it was possible to live in harmony.’

  ‘And did he achieve that?’

  His answering smile was gentle. ‘I like to think he came close. There will always be wars and dissension the world over, but he didn’t let that stop him from trying to be a peacemaker. I am far more argumentative, and I give way to anger much more easily than he did.’

  ‘But I bet he saw qualities in you that he was immensely proud of and loved you nonetheless?’

  Chuckling, Zafir leant forward and affectionately kissed her on the mouth. ‘You must know by now that I’ve always been impressed by you, Darcy. Not just for your beauty and grace, but for who you are... From the moment I met you, when you became my assistant, throughout our affair, and even after I stupidly told you to go, I always knew I would never find another woman like you.’

  ‘You shouldn’t tell me things like that... It might give me a big head, thinking that I could turn the head of a king.’

  ‘What? You mean the knowledge could possibly lead you to becoming unbearable?’

  ‘Not a chance, Zafir. I only want you to feel that you’ve made the right choice in choosing me to be your wife. If I know that, then I’ll be as docile and sweet as you could wish.’

  ‘Never!’ He laughed. ‘If you became like that then you wouldn’t be the feisty and sexy woman I fell for.’

  Her expression caught somewhere between hope and delight, she flung her slim arms round his neck and rained down avid kisses on his face.

  ‘I’m glad that you like me just as I am and don’t want me to change. In turn, I want you to know that I absolutely adore you and our son. If I can live with both of you for as long as for ever, then I’ll think myself blessed beyond measure.’

  ‘I echo that statement entirely, My Queen. Now, do you think we might slip back to our suite for a while? Sami is probably quite happy to spend some extra time with his grandmother, and we won’t even be missed.’

  ‘Did anyone ever tell you that you’re a very bad influence?’

  She squealed when he lifted her high into his arms for answer, and unhesitatingly carried her across to the mosaic walkway that led to his rooms.

  On the way his guards caught sight of the couple, and whispered what she hoped was something complimentary, even envious, beneath their breath.

  She smiled like a cat that had got the cream...


  ‘MUMMY, ARE YOU smiling because Daddy makes you happy?’

  In the large stylish chamber where Zafir had allocated her a beautiful desk to write letters and answer correspondence, Darcy sighed contentedly and reached down to her small son to lift him onto her lap. He was a warm bundle of flesh, bone and sheer deliciousness, she thought affectionately as she pressed her lips to the back of his neck.

  She loved him beyond distraction.

  ‘Yes, your daddy makes me happy,’ she told him, ‘and so do you. I adore both of you, more than words can say. But there will always be a very special place in my heart just for you, Sami.’

  The curly-headed little boy grinned, showing his teeth. ‘I like it when you talk to me like that...all lovey-dovey.’

  Ruffling his hair, she laughed. ‘You’re just a great big softie.’

  ‘What’s a ring-bearer, Mum? That’s what I’m going to be at the wedding, isn’t it?’

  The mention of the wedding was guaranteed to give Darcy the jitters. She could hardly believe that the big day had nearly dawned.

  For the past few days preparations involving her wedding dress, correct royal etiquette, trying on the exquisite jewellery that was traditionally passed on to the Sheikh’s bride, as well as perusing the guest list had consumed her. Whilst she didn’t know most of the invitees, her mother-in-law had assured her that she’d invited not only the most prominent people, but many ordinary citizens as well and that there was nothing for her to worry about. She would be there to steer her right.

  That was easy for her to say. The glamorous Dowager Queen came from a highly privileged world, whilst her new daughter-in-law didn’t. But Darcy was determined to keep her feet firmly on the ground and take things in her stride.

  As for Zafir—he had been just as preoccupied. Probably even more so. What with the preparations for the wedding, and visiting as many of the disadvantaged and
sick as he was able to in the lead-up to making his official vows, he was also keeping himself apprised of what was going on with his businesses in London and New York.

  When Darcy had asked if she could help, by going with him on his visits, he’d told her that it was traditional that the new bride shouldn’t be seen by the public until the wedding. Frustrated, she was consoled by the fact that tomorrow night would be their official wedding night, and their guests could hardly complain if the bride and groom absented themselves early to go to their rooms.

  ‘A ring-bearer is the person who carries the wedding rings for the bride and groom. We call them page boys in England, but I think that ring-bearer sounds magical. It’s like a name out of one of those fantasy stories you so love. In any case, I think you’ll look fabulous in your new clothes.’

  ‘You would say that, Mum.’

  ‘Your dad would say that too...and Nannaa Soraya and Nanny Patricia.’

  Satisfied, if a little embarrassed by all the attention he was suddenly receiving, Sami jumped off his mother’s lap and ran to the door. He called out, ‘I’m going to play football with Rashid. I’ll be in the big garden.’

  Giving her son a reluctant wave, she called back, ‘Well, be good...and also be careful. I don’t want you hurting yourself before the wedding.’

  ‘I will!’ he yelled.

  * * *

  ‘Was it your idea or your mother’s to have this little soirée before the wedding?’

  Giving the exquisite blonde he’d already married back in London a knowingly indulgent smile, Sheikh Zafir el-Kalil of Zachariah found himself still warring with the possessive urge to steal her away and take her somewhere where they could be alone.

  Gently steering her into a closeted corner of the vast communal living room that already teemed with people, he dropped his hand to her slender waist in the charming lapis lazuli dress she wore, noting that it perfectly highlighted the shade of her vivid blue eyes.

  ‘It was my mother’s idea and I didn’t want to deny her. She’s waited a long time for me to get married and to sire an heir. Celebrating her heart’s desire is the least I could do, and in my opinion a small party won’t hurt.’

  ‘And you don’t mind all the other things you have to do besides be the star attraction at the wedding?’

  ‘I won’t be that on my own. Everyone wants to see you too, Darcy.’ The black eyes strayed meaningfully over her features. ‘But I don’t deny it’s my role to be seen and ensure that my people are happy.’

  She grimaced a little. ‘That must be quite a hard expectation to fulfil. I meant to make sure that everyone else’s needs are met and yet still have time to enjoy the celebrations yourself?’

  ‘My father taught me from a young age that my position was above all a privilege, and that first and foremost I should help to take care of our people not just by visiting those in difficulty when I could, but by demonstrating good values and morals. He told me that would be a big part of my remit as the country’s royal heir, then their King.’

  ‘You’re looking very serious all of a sudden. Do you think you’ve been trying to do a bit too much?’

  For answer, Zafir pulled Darcy into his arms, right then uncaring as to who might be looking at them, and reassured that no one would interrupt.

  ‘It’s a serious undertaking, being the country’s Royal Head of State, but it definitely has its compensations.’

  Helpless to do anything else but happily agree, she tenderly laid her hand against his cheek. ‘Oh...? And what are those?’

  ‘Wait until we’re alone in our rooms and I’ll show you.’

  * * *

  It had been a long day and a tiring one, threaded through with a whole gamut of emotions and perhaps a bit too much champagne... God only knew how she would fare tomorrow, Darcy thought as a perfectly attired manservant suddenly appeared and handed Zafir a note.

  They were standing together in one of the more intimate gardens, where all kinds of exotic aromas pervaded the air. As for their well-heeled guests—the majority of them had already left to make their journeys home.

  Before she went to bed, Darcy decided, she would look in on Sami and give him a kiss, even though he was likely fast asleep. But right now the dazzlingly bright full moon was working its magic and it tempted her to stay a little longer and contemplate her extraordinary good fortune.

  ‘Thank you, Amir. I will see to it.’

  As he turned his attention back to his wife it was clear that Zafir was perturbed by the note’s contents.

  Tucking a loose coil of buttery gold hair behind her ear, Darcy frowned. ‘Is it anything to be concerned about...the note, I mean?’

  Smoothly depositing the missive into an inside pocket, Zafir patted down his silken robes. ‘It’s just an old friend—a business associate, really. He only wants to say a quick hello and wish me well. Go back to our rooms and I’ll join you there.’

  His matter-of-fact tone was obviously meant to reassure her. But, no longer as enchanted by the silvery orb that spectacularly lit up the inky dark sky, Darcy was disappointed that she couldn’t wax lyrical about it with her husband.

  Her spirits somewhat dampened, she automatically turned her cheek towards him to accept his kiss and answered, ‘Okay. I’ll see you later, then.’

  Evidently reluctant to leave, he remarked, ‘It will be sooner rather than later, my angel. That’s a promise.’

  Yet her heart was filled with unease as she watched him walk away and very soon lost sight of him. His tall, broad-shouldered figure had quickly been swallowed up by the darkening shadows. Hugging her arms over her chest, she made herself stay a bit longer, to breathe in the scented air and contemplate what their future together might bring.

  Since he’d received that note, she suddenly found she didn’t feel so optimistic any more... He’d been worryingly reticent to talk to her about it.

  Breaking into her reflections, the sound of a sultry female voice reached her. It might have come from anywhere. Beyond the flickering lanterns that had guided their way along with the brightness of the moon it was still dark. But it was what the woman was saying that rendered Darcy rigid as a statue.

  ‘I had to see you alone, Zafir. I wanted to tell you that I made the most terrible mistake when I agreed to let you go. Our relationship meant so much more to me than I let on. It was never just a convenient arrangement, as you thought. I’ve been in love with you all along, my darling.’


  ‘Yes, I’m in love with you...can’t you tell? You know I would never have come here if I didn’t think there was a chance you might feel the same way too. Can anything be done to bring this marriage of yours to a quick end, so that we can be together as our families always hoped we would?’

  The man’s reply was low and gruff. ‘You stun me, Farrida. You say that you love me?’

  Darcy had no desire to wait and hear any more. It was as though she were a fragile sheaf of corn being pummelled by the wind.

  Still limping, she fled as fast as she was able, not knowing where she was heading. Her only certainty was that she had to get away. The urge to escape, to move as quickly as she could away from the scene and gather her wits, had never been so strong...

  Breathless and tired, she finally stopped trying to run. Aside from the nagging ache in her ankle, it would be easy to get lost in the vast acreage of the gardens. Even in her haste to get away she’d had the sense to note a couple of helpful landmarks. But it was only when she dropped to the ground behind some high hedges to rest that the full impact of what she’d just heard sank in...

  Had Zafir ever really cared for her at all? Had he fooled her into thinking he did just because he wanted to be close to his son? Did he plan to take him away from her?

  Darcy didn’t realise she was crying until the tears started to gather under her chin and trickle down onto her gown. If this was heartbreak then she knew it intimately. She knew despair too, but she wouldn’t let either of them break her, she
decided. She might not have the wealth and powerful connections of Farrida, and she had not been Zafir’s childhood friend, but she wouldn’t give up her child—no matter what they threatened or did. She would rise up and fight for what was right, despite it all.

  Somehow, amidst the torrent of violent emotion that deluged her, a sense of calmness and purpose found its way into her blood. The impulse was stronger than she thought, and it quelled the urge to escape. It was hard to believe that she’d started to think clearly again, but she had.

  Could a man really pretend to be so enamoured of her and treat her as if she was the brightest star in his galaxy if he was in love with someone else? It didn’t seem feasible. No, whatever happened she would fight for her man—he was the love of her life and the father of her child.

  Farrida might have decided at the eleventh hour that she loved Zafir, but one thing was for sure: Darcy loved him more...

  * * *

  Being summoned by Farrida to his private gardens in order to hear her tell him that she’d always loved him and then demand that he should bring his marriage with Darcy to an end so that they could be together was more than a bolt out of the blue—it was the epitome of the woman’s arrogance!

  All it had done was remind Zafir of how spoilt she was. She couldn’t bear not to have anything she wanted handed to her on a plate just because she wanted it...

  Zafir decided that he’d had a lucky escape.

  Having put her in the picture and told her that meeting Darcy was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and that she was already his wife, he had almost felt sorry for the woman when she’d burst into tears, sobbing that he’d betrayed her, and then hurried off in search of her driver to take her home.

  The unfortunate episode had made him even more anxious to return to wife. She’d wanted to share her charming reflections with him in the moonlight and he’d abandoned her to talk to Farrida. Now all he wanted to do was go to her and take her in his arms again...


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