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Page 11

by Renea Porter

  Today we are hosting the New Year’s Eve party, and the guests should be arriving any moment now. We decided to use the same catering service we used when we had my sister and brother-in-law over the last time.

  “You look mighty handsome there,” I say to Sly. He’s dressed in a pair of black slacks and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up his forearms. He looks so damn sexy.

  “Why, thank you. You look beautiful, like a Greek goddess,” he says, pulling me into an embrace.

  “Thank you, love,” I tell him before pulling away. I run my palms over his cheeks.

  The catering crew arrives to get the dinner prepped before the other guests arrive. Sly’s whole family will be coming, and I’m nervous about announcing the pregnancy to everyone. When the doorbell rings, Sly and I both open the door and greet his parents first. We last saw them at Christmas, and I had on a baggy sweater with leggings so they wouldn’t notice my small bump.

  “It’s so good to see you guys again. Thanks for having us,” Anne says as Sly takes everyone’s coats. He stores them in the coat closet and then we usher everyone to the living room. The doorbell rings again and we greet my sister and Charles.

  We stand in front of everyone. Sly slides his arm across my shoulder. “Okay, now that everyone is here, we have news.” Sly grins from ear to ear.

  I look up at him, beaming with joy.

  “We’re pregnant!” We both shout and laugh.

  The look on Anne’s, Summer’s, and Carina’s faces are priceless. All three gasp in excitement.

  “That is the most wonderful news,” Anne says, standing to embrace me and Sly.

  Soon, everyone follows suit congratulating us on the news. Anne’s excited to be a grandma, Summer’s excited to be an aunt again, and so is Carina. The guys are thrilled to have a little one as well.

  I can’t stop smiling, and neither can Sly as he squeezes my hand. The caterers announce dinner is served, and we sit at the dining room table. I’m so glad everyone seems to be happy for us.

  “I’m sorry I missed Sunday lunch.” I look to Anne. “I didn’t want anyone to notice my bump before we announced it. I missed you guys.”

  Anne reaches across the table and covers my hand with hers. “It’s okay, dear. This is the best news we’ve heard since Sly brought you into our lives. I’m so happy for you both.”

  A lump catches in my throat and my eyes mist over, but I smile brightly at her comment.

  “Have you picked any names yet?” Summer asks.

  “No, I think we’re going to wait and see when we meet him or her.”

  “Oh, are you going to find out the sex beforehand?” Anne asks excitedly.

  “I think we might just wait to see when it’s born. What do you think?” I turn to face Sly.

  “Sounds good to me.” He winks.


  After dinner, everyone cheers to a lovely dinner and to the baby. I toast with my glass of water. Then Sly has everyone move to the ballroom, and I have no idea why.

  “Would you play them a song?” he asks, putting me on the spot. “Come on, it’s a special occasion.”

  Everyone else joins in egging me on, so I relent, making my way to the piano. My music notes are still on the piano. Picking the sheet up, I stroke the keys and start to play, losing myself in the music, and forgetting about those around me. Closing my eyes, I feel the music, so deep within me.

  All of sudden, when I close the song down, everyone claps their hands, and I open my eyes. Standing up, I take a bow.

  “You play so lovely,” Anne says.

  “Oh, thanks,” I say, feeling shy.

  We walk back into the living room and the countdown starts to midnight. We all countdown the seconds until it’s 2015. When the clock strikes midnight on the dot, we yell, “Happy New Year!” Sly leans down, cupping my face into his hands, and kisses me deeply.

  “Happy New Year. I love you,” he whispers against my lips.

  “Happy New Year. I love you too”

  His kisses and the way he looks at me still make me feel drunk, and he still makes the butterflies flutter in my stomach. I don’t see that stopping any time soon.

  We bid everyone goodnight as they leave. Sly takes my hand as he leads us upstairs to the bedroom.

  “Can you unzip me?” I ask him.

  He moves behind me and places soft kisses on my neck before unzipping my dress. “You must be tired after today.”

  “I’m exhausted. How do you feel?” I shake out of my dress.

  “I feel happy. I’m happy for us, and happy that everyone is as ecstatic about the baby as we are. It’s good all around. Now I just want to crawl in bed with you in my arms.” He unbuttons his dress shirt to change, and you can add ‘he still makes me salivate’ to the list.

  “That sounds like heaven. I wish I had the energy for more than that, but unfortunately, I don’t.”

  “It’s okay. Get in bed, sweetheart” he demands.

  I watch as he finishes undressing, and then he sits at the end of the bed by my feet. He takes one foot into his hand and massages it, kneading his knuckles over it.

  “Oh my god, that feels amazing. I was thinking about going to the house and packing some things up since you have to go into the office tomorrow.”

  “Okay, just be careful. Don’t be lifting anything heavy. Promise me,” he pleads.

  “I promise I’ll be careful.”

  “Maybe I can have Ash drop by and help you out,” he says, insisting.

  “Okay, if you want. But don’t force him if he doesn’t want to do it.”

  “All right, now just relax while I spoil you with my special talent.”

  I giggle.

  After a few minutes, he switches to my other foot. I feel like I’m in heaven; I hadn’t even realized how much they hurt until he started massaging them.

  “How’s that?” he asks as he crawls up to the pillow.

  “Thank you. That felt amazing.”

  “Now come here so I can wrap my arm around you and the baby.”

  Turning onto my side, my back is flush against his chest. He wraps his arm around my side and places his hand over my stomach.

  “That’s better,” he whispers against my neck.


  I kiss Sly goodbye as he leaves for work, and I drive back to my old place. It’s been awhile since I was last here. With the holidays, everything has been hectic, especially with this baby on the way. Now that the holidays are over, I can focus on moving out. Sly already called a realtor to put the place on the market.

  Since I haven’t indulged in coffee in a while, I stop for one on the way. I’ll need the energy boost for packing. Pulling up to my house feels weird; it no longer feels like home to me. It feels foreign as I step inside, like a ghost lives here, and I don’t mean my daughter. It is the ghost of me—barely getting by, each day trying to find a new meaning. Ava will always live inside me, and I realize holding onto her things is no longer necessary. Yet, at the same time, I’m not in a hurry to box up her things.

  Stepping inside her room, I take my time looking around, in every corner and crevice. I’ll take some of her things for the new baby. If it’s a girl, then she’ll already have a lot of things. If it’s a boy, I’ll just have to see what can be unisex. Setting my coffee down, I trek back out to my car for some boxes.

  Opening the trunk, I grab a few boxes to take inside. I could really use Ash right about now. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spot a familiar figure as he approaches. Beau. A cold chill runs up my spine.

  “Hey, stranger,” he says, smiling.

  “Hey, yourself,” I respond, feeling nervous.

  Boxes in tow, I head for the door. “Here, let me get those,” Beau says, taking the boxes from my arms.

  “Thanks,” I say, opening the front door as he follows me inside.

  “So, you’re moving out?”

  I pull off my coat and hook it on the coat rack by the door. Before I can answer, he looks at
my stomach.

  “And you’re pregnant?” He has a look of horror on his face.

  “Yes, to both.” I rub my belly, feeling protective.

  He sets the boxes down. “So what, you’re, like, creating a whole new life and erasing everything before it?”

  “What? God no. You must be off your rocker to even think that,” I tell him sternly. “Do you even have a clue how depressed I was when you left me? Or how I wouldn’t even get out of bed when Ava died? I didn’t think I had anything left to live for.” Tears are streaming down my cheeks. “You were nowhere to be found. My sister and her now husband were the ones making sure I ate, and was showering. So don’t you fucking question me about moving on with my life.”

  “Jesus, I’m sorry, Raine. I know it was rough. So is the baby Mr. Wilkes’?”

  “It is. And I’m moving in with him before the baby is born. So you’re just going to have to get used to it. You are no longer in the position to tell me what to do, Beau.”

  “Raine, I would be happy for you if it were anyone else. I swear if it were anyone else. But it has to be Sly Wilkes, and I just can’t be happy about that. Obviously what I told you before never stuck. He’s no good, and he’s certainly not worthy of you.”

  “Beau, I appreciate your concern. I really do. But I couldn’t care less if you approve or not. Now, would you like a few of Ava’s things before I pack them up?” My irritation level is rising. I try to change the subject, but Beau has a disgusted look on his face.

  “I just can’t believe this. I’m not leaving this house until you come to your senses, and neither are you,” he spews.

  A lump forms in my throat and I try desperately to swallow it down, but it won’t go. I have no clue what Beau is going to do, or what he’s capable of doing.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I’m going to say this one time, and one time only. This is my fucking life, and I’ll do whatever I damn well please. Now if you’ll excuse me. Please see yourself out.”

  “And I said I’m not going anywhere,” Beau retorts.

  I try not to panic, but inside I’m crying. “I have company on their way to help me, so I suggest you leave,” I say, trying to scare him off.

  Before anything happens, I quickly move to Ava’s room and lock the door behind me. Scared for my life, I call the police and then Sly. Beau beats on the door with his fists, and I fear he’ll break it down. Then I hear voices, and one is Asher; he has no idea what he’s coming into.

  “What the hell is going on?” Asher asks. I can hear confusion in his voice as I listen through the door.

  Where the hell are the police?

  “Asher, get out of here and get help!” I yell through the door.

  Instead of him leaving, I hear a commotion, like someone is beating on someone else. I pray Asher isn’t hurt as my tears fight their way out.

  “Raine, open the door, hurry up,” Asher says.

  Swinging the door open, relief washes over me as I see Beau knocked out cold on the floor. Finally, the police arrive, as well as Sly, who all but busts inside the house, panic written all over his face.

  “Thank god you’re all right,” he says, rushing to me and wrapping his arms around me. I feel his head nod, probably to his little brother who just saved me.

  “Well, I think my rescuing a damsel in distress is done for the day,” Asher says with a cocky grin.

  I unwrap myself from Sly and move to Asher, hugging him tightly. “Thank you.” I tightly clutch him in my arms. “I mean it.”

  He pulls back, and grips both my shoulders and looks into my eyes. “Just remember this, and you can brag to my future girlfriend.” He chuckles.

  “You are terrible.” I lightly punch him.

  “No, seriously, I’m glad you’re okay,” he says.

  I move back toward Sly, who was just talking to the police. He embraces me tightly. We watch as the police handcuff Beau and haul him away, and we thank them for doing so.

  “Now I expect to get godfather notoriety,” Asher says before heading out the door.

  I laugh.

  “Get out of here before I kick your ass,” Sly says, with a chuckle. Asher rushes out the door, and Sly and I remain wrapped in each other.

  “Let’s get you home to rest. You can tell me what happened on the way.” He clutches my hand and opens the door to the car for me.

  “But I have packing to do,” I say.

  “We’ll come another day, when Asher and I can both come with you. This can wait. Now let’s get going,” he tells me sternly. “You don’t need this stress. It’s not good for the baby.”

  He’s right. Stress is the last thing I need right now, especially with a baby inside me. The coffee has worn off, and I’m already looking forward to a nap and forgetting about this day. Back at home with Sly, I feel safe. Inside, he sets the alarm and ushers me upstairs. He quickly steps inside his office to grab his laptop, and then we make our way to the bedroom.

  “Lie down and get some rest. I’ll be right here next to you, working and keeping my eye on you,” he says.

  “I like when your eyes are on me,” I say sweetly as I move onto the bed, sliding next to him.

  “I do too. Now get some rest,” he orders.



  The thought of losing Raine pains me. I’m so thankful Asher was there to help her. If something would have happened to her, there’d be hell to pay. I can’t remember the world I lived in before she came into my life. All I know is that my world was fogged until the day I met her.

  Now here I am, and she’s safely resting next to me. I’ll have to thank Asher again, and maybe offer him a job in my company. I’ll have to think of something. Thank god she’s okay. I couldn’t handle another loss, especially her. She’s my life. She’s my fucking soul. I’d fucking kill for her. I still might. Beau is so fired.

  After a few hours, I feel Raine waking up, snuggling up to me. “Did you have a nice nap?”

  She smiles. “I did. Now I’m hungry. I didn’t eat breakfast earlier.”

  “You really need to eat three meals a day, at the very least. You have a growing baby inside you. My baby.”

  “I know. I’ll go make us something to eat.” She swing her legs over the bed.

  “Why don’t you just lie here and I’ll go make us something?”

  “Okay,” she replies.

  I make each of us a sandwich and I set two glasses of milk on a serving tray before I head back upstairs. Handing her the sandwich, she positions herself to sit up and we eat in silence. A moment later, she sips on her glass of milk and then gives me a serious look.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” I say, taking the last bite of my sandwich.

  “Why do you love me? What makes me different from the others?”

  “Well, I love you because you are beautiful, you’re kind, and loyal. I just…when I first saw you at the wedding, something clicked in me. Like I knew you were sad, and I related to that sadness I saw in your eyes. All I wanted to do was put a smile on your face.”

  “And you did.” She smiles.

  “It’s the most gorgeous smile too.” I wink at her. “You make me so happy. I never thought I’d feel that again, after what I went through. But I guess sometimes you have to get through the darkness to see the light. And you are my light.”

  She reaches her hand over and squeezes mine. “I think we found each other at the most perfect timing. Although I wasn’t ready to let anyone in, you were persistent, and I’m glad you were. You pulled me from the black hole I was living in.”

  I kiss her hand. “So I guess you figured out, my family did meet the mother of my child. She was the only one I brought around. When she left, I shattered into a million pieces. I vowed never to put my parents through that as well. But I see things clearly now. Everything happened so I could find you. You have my heart, Raine, my heart and my soul. So I guess this is as good a time as any.” I
smile as I get up from the bed.

  Moving from the bed, I pull a small box out from my coat pocket. I’ve been waiting for the right moment to present it to her. “What are you doing?” she asks curiously.

  I clear my throat as I make my way back to her; she sits up, her legs hanging off the side of the bed.

  “Raine, will you marry me? We can wait until after the baby is born. I just can’t see my life without you in it.” I open the ring box, and she gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.

  “I would love nothing more than to be your wife.”

  She reaches her arms around me and hugs me tight. I can feel her crying into my shoulder, then she leans back and kisses me.

  “See if it fits.” I take the ring out and slide it on her finger. Surprisingly, it fits perfectly.

  “My fingers are a little swollen from the pregnancy, but it’s the most beautiful ring. I love the sapphire gem, and the little diamonds that surround it. It’s so breathtaking.”

  “It was my grandmother’s. She wanted you to have it,” I tell her.

  “But Sly, shouldn’t your sister have this?”

  “She has her original wedding ring. This one was an anniversary ring she always wore. I thought it would be better than just some random diamond. And my grams insisted I give it to you when the time was right. I can’t think of a better time than now.”

  “Wow, I’m speechless. Everything you do, you put thought into it, just like the bracelet. I’m so lucky.”

  “No, I’m the lucky one,” I tell her.


  The next day comes quick, and after breakfast I find Raine in the grand room at the piano. I think the room and the music make her feel at peace. The grand room is her serenity, and I’m glad she found some closure with Ava’s death. Now a new life will be born in about four months and I can’t wait to meet the little guy or girl. And I’ve never seen a more gorgeous woman than Raine. How does she do it?


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