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Page 13

by Renea Porter

  Disoriented, I come to, and an EMT is leaning over me, calling my name. “What happened?” I ask.

  “Ma’am, you passed out. We need to get you to triage and get you checked out,” he says.

  Over to my right, I see Anne on the phone with a look of concern on her face. I assume she is speaking with Sly. He’s had enough to worry about and now this happens. The EMTs load me into the ambulance, and Anne says she will follow behind them and that she called Sly. She must be so worried. Inside the ambulance, the EMT takes my vitals.

  “Is the baby okay?”

  “Your baby looks fine, but we want you to get checked out as a precaution. Nothing to be alarmed about. Your blood pressure is a cause for concern. We’ll know when the doctor runs some tests. Just try to relax,” he says with a calming voice.

  I could use Sly’s hand right about now, grazing his thumb over mine like he always does to settle my nerves. Knowing Sly, he’ll be there before we even arrive.

  The ambulance pulls into the emergency lane and I’m ushered to triage. The nurses immediately look me over and recheck my vitals. I feel fine, but I know they need to make sure I am okay.

  “Raine, we are going to admit you for the remainder of the day. Your blood pressure is high, and we’d like to monitor you until we can see if there is cause for concern. Your doctor will be on his way as soon as we get you into a room.”

  I nod, then I hear Sly asking one of the nurses about me, and she escorts him to where I am.

  He rushes toward me. “Oh, thank god you’re okay,” he says with relief. “The baby is okay, right?”

  “We’re both fine. My blood pressure is high, and they just want to monitor me until the doctor comes in.”

  After he hugs me tightly, he holds my hand as he sits next to me. Then the nurse comes in.

  “Well, Miss Raine, we are going to move you to a room now. It’ll be room 112 if you want to meet us there,” she says, looking to Sly.

  Sly stands, but does it hesitantly. He’s being protective of me and I know he’s just worried. I give him a smile and his worry seems to fade. “I’ll meet you there,” he says as they wheel me out of the Emergency Room.

  “Go tell Anne I’m fine. I’m sure she’s worried too,” I tell him.

  Ten minutes later, Sly and Anne meet me in my room. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” Anne says, bending down to hug me. Sly is at my side, sitting in a chair, holding my hand and rubbing it with his thumb. He brings my hand up to his lips to kiss.

  More tests are run, and I feel like I’ve been poked and prodded. A few hours pass before the doctor finally comes in and reads my chart. “Hi, Dr. Rankin,” I say.

  “Hello, Raine, Sly. Looking over your chart, everything seems okay. We’ll get you checked out as long as you promise to take it easy, or I can order bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy,” he says, taking off his glasses.

  “I promise I’ll take it easy, Doc,” I say, nodding my head.

  “And I’ll make sure she does,” Sly says.

  “All right then. I’ll have the nurse release you.”

  He leaves, and Sly has not let go of my hand. He kisses my hand again. “I’m glad you’re okay. But you heard the doctor. You have to take it easy.”

  “I know. I won’t go running any marathons any time soon,” I say, which causes Anne to giggle.

  “You’re not helping,” Sly says sternly to his mom. She stifles her giggles, but the amusement is clearly written on her face.

  In the evening, I’m finally released from the hospital and on my way home. Sly stops to grab some Chinese food on the way; I’m starving. At home, Sly makes me comfortable in bed and brings the Chinese up for us to eat.

  “Well, aside from the scare, did you have fun with my mom?”

  “I did. She bought me a few pairs of pants and a few tops as well. Oh, I have something for you. Can you grab my purse?” I ask him.

  He looks confused, but hands my bag to me. I fish out the watch box and hand it to him. “What’s this?” he questions.

  “Open it,” I tell him excitedly.

  He takes the box from me, and I watch as he opens it. “You do so much for me, I thought I would get you something nice.”

  “Wow, I love it.” He turns the watch over and sees it’s engraved with our initials. “You didn’t have to do this,” he says, smiling.

  “I know. I wanted to. I hope you do like it,” I say. “Look at the date,” I tell him.

  He turns it over and then looks at me. “It’s the date we met.” He reaches over and hugs me tight. “I love it. I’ll wear it every day.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Thirty-two weeks pregnant and I am officially ready to have this baby. I can barely move around, let alone dress myself properly. Looking in the mirror as I get ready for my baby shower, I feel like a Goodyear Blimp. No matter how nice I try to look, all you see is belly.

  “Just put something comfortable on. You look gorgeous no matter what you wear,” Sly says, as if he can read my mind. He kisses the side of my head.

  “I love you,” I say, turning my head up to him to kiss him.

  “I love you too.”

  “Raine, I’m here!” Summer yells up the stairs, arriving early to answer the door and help me with things. Anne decided to let the husbands come for the baby shower as well, so it’ll be the whole family gathering.

  “I’ll be down in a minute!” I yell down to her.

  I throw on a pair of black stretchy pants and a loose short sleeve top. Bringing my hair to one side, I braid it and secure it with a band.

  “See, you look beautiful,” Sly says.

  I smile at him, and he takes my hand as we make our way downstairs. He helps me since I can’t see over my belly.

  I can see all the decorations for the shower—balloons, streamers, and everything you could possibly use for décor.

  Downstairs, I greet everyone. They all got here quick. Everyone hugs and kisses me on the cheek. Even Sly’s grandma made it. In the dining room, we all gather around the huge table. In the center is a cake shaped like a pregnant belly, and I know immediately my sister had a hand in it. I look over to her and she laughs.

  The guys all congregate in the corner with Sly as he hands them each a beer. They all shake his hand and hug him, congratulating him on becoming a father soon. That is a crazy thought; I’ve never even seen Sly around any kids. This will be a new experience for him, but I know for a fact he’ll be a wonderful father. I know that because he takes such good care of me.

  “We’ll have you sit at the head of the table,” Anne says, breaking me out of my thoughts. “We can hand you the gifts and help you,” she continues.

  “Thank you. You seriously shouldn’t have done all of this,” I tell Anne.

  “I know I didn’t. But you deserve to be spoiled, and so does that baby,” she says, beaming. “So let’s get it started. Can I get you a plate of food?”

  “That would be great,” I say.

  There is food and presents everywhere, and right now I couldn’t be happier. A moment later, Anne brings me a plate of food, and afterwards, I open the gifts.

  Lots of baby clothes, mostly unisex since we don’t know the sex of the baby yet. We also got a baby bouncer and a baby swing rocker, as well as some other needed essentials.

  Once the presents are all open, I’m instructed to cut the cake. Standing up, I cut into it with the knife. Everyone claps, then I cut it into pieces and hand it out to all the guests. Sly and the guys have remained in the corner, looking on.

  Spotting the box of chocolate éclairs, I grab one for myself and a small piece of cake. Just as the girls get into conversation, there is a knock on the door. I wonder who it could be since everyone is here. Sly moves from his space in the corner to answer it.

  With my back turned, I can’t see who it is. From where my mother-in-law to be is sitting, she can see.

  “Who is it?”

  “I’m sure it’s nothi
ng for you to worry about, but Sly’s ex, Nicole is at the door,” she says in a low tone.

  “His ex, ex?” I ask.

  She nods. I move to stand, but she puts her hand on my arm.

  “Just let Sly handle it. You don’t need to be stressing about it, you being pregnant and all,” she states.

  I sit back down, but I can’t help that my nerves are spiked. Taking a deep breath, I slowly exhale and breathe. I know whatever it is, Sly will handle it.

  “Do you know what day it is?” Anne asks.

  I shake my head.

  “It’s the anniversary of his son’s death. I totally didn’t realize it until now. So maybe she is just checking in on him. I can guarantee you that Sly is nothing but committed to you, one hundred percent. Trust me, I know my son.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know what day it happened. I never asked him.”



  Opening the door, I never expected to see her again. “Nicole,” I say.

  It’s been five years since Nicole walked out on me after our son’s death. It was like she gave up without even trying. The day she left she told me she couldn’t stand looking at me, because every time she did she thought of our son. She felt like she was dying a slow death by staying. Yes, I remember her words like it was yesterday. Her words shot right to my core, and I was left all alone.

  Her words left me depressed, and I was unsure how to move on myself. I had this empty nursery room that my son should have been in. For some ungodly reason, I carried the guilt around from her blaming me. I just covered everything up, shut the door, and never went inside until I showed Raine.

  “Hi, I’m sorry I came unannounced. I was wondering if we could talk,” she asks nervously as she fumbles with the purse strap on her shoulder.

  “We are kind of in the middle of something. Can it wait?”

  “You know today marks the anniversary of his death,” she says, trying to peek inside the house.

  “I know exactly what day it is, Nicole,” I say sternly.

  “Okay, I’ll just come back another day.” She turns.

  “Wait,” I say, stepping outside and shutting the door behind me. “I guess I can give you a minute.” I sit on the front steps and she sits next to me, facing me.

  “I’m not here to try to get back with you or anything like that,” she says.

  “Why are you here? It’s been five fucking years, Nicole. You just up and leave, and I was supposed to be okay with that? It’s fucked up. I’ve finally been able to move on, though.”

  She faces me, her demeanor somber. She looks in her lap as she fidgets with her hands.

  “I just came to tell you I’m sorry for the way I left things. I’m sorry for leaving the way I did. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you, but I was hurting too, and I felt like my heart was ripped right out of my chest. I’m glad you’ve moved on. I just needed closure and thought maybe you did too. I was in a bad place back then, and I didn’t know how to cope with all of it. I traveled down a dark path after that, but I’ve been clean and sober for six months, and part of the recovery process is making amends.”

  “I’m sorry for being short with you. And I’m glad you came by. I’m happy you’re in a better place. I mean it. No hard feelings.” I lean over and hug her. She grips my shoulders tight and whispers in my ear.

  “I’m so sorry,” she says, and I can feel she is crying.

  “It’s okay. We were young and didn’t know any better,” I tell her, rubbing her back and breaking from the hug. “It’s okay. Now dry those tears.” I swipe her tears with my thumbs.

  “You were always so caring, Sly. Even now. I hope you are truly happy. I really do,” she says.

  “I am. I couldn’t be happier. I’m engaged and getting ready to have a baby,” I say, hoping the information doesn’t bother her. “Do you want to come inside for cake or something?”

  “Oh no, that’s okay. I’m happy for you. You’re going to be a great dad, and you’ll be the best husband to the woman in there. I don’t want to keep you any longer. I just wanted to come by and tell you I was sorry for the way I handled things.”

  She stands to leave.

  I stand as well and before going back inside, I turn. “Nicole.”

  She turns. “Yeah?”

  “It was good seeing you,” I say.

  “You too Sly.” She smiles, then turns, and I watch her leave.

  And the girl I once loved leaves again. Seeing her was almost bittersweet. She was the one girl that I loved before Raine. Our lives took us in different directions, and I didn’t see it then, but everything that happened has led me to Raine. I just hope she sticks to living a sober life.

  Heading back inside, I couldn’t ask for a better life. Every person I love is in this room and celebrating the arrival of our baby, my and Raine’s baby. I’m still in shock when I think about it. I could be a father in just over a month, and I have no clue what I’m doing. I’ve never been around babies. Thankfully, this isn’t Raine’s first time, and she can tell me and show me what needs to be done.

  When Raine sees me, she looks at me and tries to decipher the look on my face. “Is everything all right?” she asks.

  “Everything is perfectly fine. I’ll tell you about it later, okay?” I bend down and kiss her citrus infused hair. I let my lips linger longer than normal to savor her. I love this woman so much, and I plan on spending my life making her happy and being a great dad to our kid. I couldn’t ask for a greater purpose in life than making those two my number one priority, no matter how hectic life gets.



  Sly comes back in the house as though nothing happened, and his demeanor is no different than it was a little bit ago. He kisses the side of my head as if he’s trying to convey something to me. I can’t explain it. Whatever happened outside, he actually seems more content and relaxed. Could she have come for closure? Maybe.

  The guests start to leave. I thank them for everything. I kiss my sister and her husband goodbye and thank her for helping me. She was literally a life saver. Anne stays behind when everyone else leaves to help me clean up and take down the decorations.

  “I really appreciate you putting the shower together, Anne. It was such a lovely day. I honestly wasn’t expecting so many gifts,” I say.

  “Sly, you got some work to do.” She points to them all.

  “I’ll get right on it,” he says, smiling and reaching over to kiss her and hug her. He whispers “Thank you,” in her ear.

  When he breaks from their embrace, she gives him a look that only a mother can convey. He looks like a child being scolded, and he scoops up some things to put in the nursery.

  Once we clean up, Anne leaves and I thank her several more times as we say our goodbyes. I meet Sly upstairs where he is putting everything away in the nursery.

  “So what was that all about?”

  “What was what all about?” he asks.

  I look at him, and he knows exactly what I’m talking about. “Oh that. That was just my ex. She came by to apologize for the way she left things. She wasn’t trying to get back together or anything. I guess she’s in recovery from either drugs or alcohol, I didn’t ask. She said part of the recovery was making amends. So she came to say she was sorry,” he says.

  “That’s it?”

  “That’s it.”

  “How do you feel about that?” I ask.

  “I’m glad she apologized, because it wasn’t right the way she left. I told her it was okay, though, that I’ve moved on, and I told her I was engaged and expecting a baby. I invited her to come inside to meet you, but she didn’t want to intrude on your shower. But everything is good. Did you enjoy your day?” He comes over and slides his arm across my shoulders as we walk to the bedroom.

  “I did. Now I’m exhausted.” I make a face. “I’m glad she came by and talked to you. I think you needed that as much as she did. You seem more relaxed and content…it’s hard to explain.”
  “It was nice to see her. I feel closure now, and it is what it is. If the things that happened hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have met you. That’s the way I see it. Everything happened to lead me to you.”

  I lean over to kiss him. “You’re such a sweet talker.” I giggle.

  “Good to know I haven’t lost my touch,” he teases.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The following month

  Sleeping in bed, I wake suddenly to a strange, popping sensation. As soon as I get out of bed, my water breaks and it puddles on the bedroom carpet. I move to quietly change my clothes and put a pad in my underwear.

  Trying not to freak myself out, or Sly for that matter, I lightly push him to wake him up. Looking at the clock, it reads four a.m. “Sly, wake up,” I say.

  He groggily turns to me and realizes I’m standing by his side of the bed. “What’s wrong, Raine?”

  “My water just broke. I think I’m going into labor,” I say calmly.

  Sly flings the sheets back, immediately jumping out of bed. “What do I need to do?” he asks in a rushed tone.

  “Get my overnight bag, I already have it packed. You can drive me to the hospital,” I tell him.

  “How are you so calm? I’m freaking the hell out,” he says.

  “I’ve been through this before. Just try to relax and get me to the hospital, okay?” He helps me into the car and throws my bag in the back. He rushes to the driver’s side and gets the car moving.

  At this time, the traffic is light so we make it to the hospital in five minutes, and the contractions are already starting. I am immediately admitted to labor and delivery, and a nurse comes in to assess my situation. The labor contractions are painful and the nurse confirms I’m dilated five centimeters, so I’m halfway there. Sly steps out in the hall to call his parents and my sister. The nurse asks if I’d like an epidural, and I nod in response. I need pain relief.


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