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Inside the Centre: The Life of J. Robert Oppenheimer

Page 106

by Ray Monk

  528. ‘That was the moment’: ibid., 456

  528. ‘But what about Slotnick’s calculation?’: ibid.

  528. ‘I had fun with that’: ibid.

  529. ‘We will start work’: Pais (2006), 117

  529. ‘We had lovely weather’: Schweber (1994), 552

  529. ‘Feynman’s show’: Pais (2006), 117

  529. ‘began its rapid’: ibid.

  529. ‘a real sense’: Schweber (1994), 178

  530. ‘is known’: Feynman (1990), 3

  530. ‘At the present time’: ibid., 7

  530. ‘We physicists’: ibid., 8

  17. Massive Retaliation

  531. ‘The Open Mind’: Oppenheimer (1955), 45–57

  531. ‘We need to remember’: ibid., 54

  531. ‘appear to commit us’: ibid., 53

  531. ‘they would need them’: ibid., 56

  532. ‘More & more physicists’: Time magazine, 8 November 1948, 70

  532. his appearance before HUAC: see Stern (1971), 118–22, B & S, 394–6, and ITMO, 210–16. Schweber (2000), 118–30, has an excellent account both of the hearing and of its repurcussions.

  533. ‘Mr Chairman’: B & S, 396

  533. ‘a dangerous man and quite Red’: ibid., 395

  533. ‘violently denounced’: ibid.

  533. ‘too constitutional’: Stern (1971), 120

  533. ‘Incidents in Germany’: ITMO, 211

  534. ‘It was well known’: ibid.

  534. ‘Before we adjourn’: Stern (1971), 122

  534. called before the committee the very next day: ibid., 123

  534. ‘God guided their questions’: ibid., 124. See also ITMO, 213, where Oppenheimer is asked twice whether he said this. The first time he denies it, the second time he says he does not remember saying it.

  534. a Rochester newspaper: the story is reproduced in full in Schweber (2000), 119–20

  535. ‘because of his intransigence’: ibid., 123

  535. ‘If Peters loses his job’: ibid., 123–4

  535. ‘lost a good deal of sleep’: ibid., 125

  535. Bethe’s letter: ibid.

  535. ‘rather dismal’: ibid., 127

  536. ‘a not very successful piece’: ibid.

  536. ‘I think mostly’: Michelmore (1969), 156

  536. Frank’s turn: Stern (1971), 130–2, B & S, 402–5

  536. front-page story: the front page in question is reproduced in Goodchild (1969), 187

  536. said he had never been a Communist Party member: see ibid., 188

  536. he had been to see J.W. Buchta: Cole (2009), 91

  537. More than fifty physicists: ibid., 92

  537. ‘never agreed with Frank’: ibid., 93

  537. ‘Jackie was absolutely furious’: ibid., 95

  537. ‘Come back’: ibid., 85

  537. ‘Frank Oppenheimer is no longer welcome’: ibid.

  537. ‘What is going on?’: B & S, 403–4

  538. simply dismissed Strauss’s concerns: Stern (1971), 114, 128. See also B & S, 164, and Rhodes (1996), 311

  538. ‘incredible mismanagement’: Rhodes (1996), 359

  538. ‘inimical to our national defense’: Pais (2006), 165

  538. ‘sat in the front row’: Bernstein (2004), 108

  538. The specific issue at hand: see ibid., 107

  539. ‘No one’: Stern (1971), 129

  539. ‘Even to an observer’: ibid.

  539. ‘one eye on Oppenheimer’: ibid.

  539. ‘My own rating’: ibid., 129–30

  539. ‘Well, Joe’: ibid., 130

  539. ‘There was a look of hatred’: ibid.

  539. the cover of Life magazine: Life, 10 October 1949

  539. ‘the best picture’: Pais (2006), 141

  539. ‘Equations at top of the board’: Life, 10 October 1949, 120

  540. ‘although he tried’: ibid., 134

  540. ‘off doing the devil’s work’: ibid., 121

  541. ‘Almost every month’: ibid., 122

  541. ‘what we are forced to call’: ibid., 123

  541. ‘what is at the moment’: ibid., 123–4

  541. ‘the world’s foremost center’: ibid., 121

  541. ‘devoted most of his investigative efforts’: ibid., 132

  541. introduced the term ‘lepton’: see Pais (1986), 450

  542. ‘Models and Methods in the Meson Theory’: Yukawa (1949)

  542. a short paragraph: Oppenheimer (1949a)

  542. a short, co-written article: Oppenheimer and Arnold (1950)

  542. ‘Of his manifold activities’: Life, 10 October 1949, 138

  543. ‘the news that Russia has at last’: ibid., 121

  543. The evidence for the Soviet bomb: Rhodes (1996), 368–74

  543. ‘We have evidence’: see ‘The Russian Explosion: Mr Truman’s Announcement’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. V, No. 10, October 1949, 261

  543. ‘What shall we do?’: Goodchild (1980), 197

  544. ‘We should now’: Strauss (1962), 216–17

  544. ‘it was highly probable’: Teller (2001), 281

  544. ‘In the present situation’: ibid.

  544. ‘Having the Super weapon’: ITMO, 683

  545. Teller set off: see Teller (2001), 283

  545. ‘over my dead body’: ibid.

  545. ‘Probably Oppenheimer wanted’: Hershberg (1993), 472

  545. Hershberg, has speculated: ibid., 875

  545. ‘On the technical side’: JRO to JBC, 21.10.1949, JRO papers, LOC, reprinted in full in ITMO, 242–3

  546. ‘I told Ernest’: Serber (1998), 168

  546. ‘that the United States’: ibid., 169

  546. ‘perhaps the most important one’: Pais (2006), 173

  547. ‘The clear implication’: Seaborg (2001), 142

  547. ‘I expressed my opinion’: ibid.

  547. ‘Although I deplore’: ITMO, 238

  547. George Kennan: ibid., 358–9

  548. ‘I met Luis’: Serber (1998), 169–70

  548. ‘mostly psychological’: Lilienthal (1964), 581, also Rhodes (1996), 397–8

  548. ‘He said that he did not think’: ITMO, 785

  548. ‘the program’: ibid.

  548. ‘interesting talk’: Herken (2002), 207

  548. ‘decision to go ahead’: Lilienthal (1964), 581

  548. ‘one must explore it’: ibid.

  549. Three reports: all three are published in full as the Appendix to York (1976), 150–68

  549. ‘an intensification’: ibid., 152

  549. ‘seeing the same film’: Lilienthal (1964), 581

  550. ‘We believe’: York (1976), 154

  550. ‘it has generally been estimated’: ibid., 155

  550. ‘It is clear’: York (1976), 155

  550. ‘Although’: ibid., 155–6

  550. ‘weapon of genocide’: ibid., 157

  551. ‘We believe a super bomb should never be produced’: ibid.

  551. ‘Should they use’: ibid.

  551. ‘In determining’: ibid.

  551. ‘necessarily an evil thing’: ibid., 158

  551. ‘the nations of the world’: ibid., 159

  551. ‘should with considerable regret’: ITMO, 395

  551. ‘enough be declassified’: York (1976), 156

  551. ‘did not tell me’: Teller (2001), 283–4

  551. ‘Washington’: ibid., 284

  551. ‘There are also forces’: ibid., 285

  551. ‘Before I could say anything’: ibid., 286

  552. ‘into a single sovereignty’: Borden (1946), 41

  552. ‘Weisskopf vividly described to me’: Bernstein (1981), 93

  552. ‘He was disappointed’: ibid., 94

  552. the AEC met: see Rhodes (1996), 404

  553. ‘came back feeling happy’: ibid.

  553. ‘You know’: ibid., 405

  553. ‘If we let Russia get the super first’: Bundy (1988), 211
/>   553. ‘I believe’: Strauss (1962), 219

  554. ‘would improve our defense’: Rhodes (1996), 406

  554. ‘made a lot of sense’: ibid., 407

  554. ‘What the Hell are we waiting for?’: ibid.

  554. ‘to continue its work’: ibid.

  554. ‘alerted the world’: Bernstein (2004), 121

  554. ‘I never forgave Truman’: ibid.

  554. Oppenheimer did not even bother: Pfau (1984), 123

  554. ‘You don’t look jubilant’: Goodchild (1980), 204

  554. Abraham Pais has taken: Pais (2006), 177

  555. ‘prudential and game-theoretical terms’: Pharr Davis (1968), 330. The remark comes from a talk Oppenheimer gave in 1959 to the Congress for Cultural Freedom. See Chapter 19 below, page 646

  556. a series of shocking revelations: see, e.g., Rhodes (1996), Chapter 21, Sibley (2004), Chapter Five, and West (2004), Chapters VII and VIII

  556. McCarthy launched the era: on McCarthyism, see Fried (1997b), Haynes (1996), Morgan (2003), Rovere (1996), Schrecker (1994) and Schrecker (1998)

  556. ‘here in my hand’: Rovere (1996), 125

  556. ‘will make a good many men’: Rhodes (1996), 412

  557. senator for Colorado, Edwin Johnson: see Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, VI (3), March 1950, 66

  557. ‘Our scientists’: ibid.

  557. ‘naïve and monumental indiscretion’: ibid., 67

  557. ‘make a solemn declaration’: ibid., 75

  558. ‘There is grave danger’: ibid. Cf. Schweber (2000), 160

  558. ‘Hydrogen bombs’: Schweber (2000), 161

  558. ‘I had a long talk with Oppie’: McMillan (2005), 68

  558. ‘Back to the Laboratories!’: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, VI (3), March 1950, 71–2

  558. ‘Our scientific community’: ibid., 72

  558. ‘In my mind’: Wheeler (2000), 199

  558. ‘was a great disappointment’: ibid., 199–200

  559. ‘Let Teller and Wheeler go ahead’: ibid., 200

  559. ‘. . . the hydrogen bomb can’t be done’: ibid.

  559. ‘Things have advanced’: ET to JRO, 17.2.1950, JRO papers, LOC

  559. ‘regarded as a matter’: Rhodes (1996), 421

  559. an article by Bethe: Bethe (1950)

  559. ‘Whether the temperatures required’: ibid., 101

  560. ‘I still believe’: Schweber (2000), 163

  560. ‘In case of war’: ibid., 164

  560. ‘With his wonderful virtuosity’: Ulam (1991), 216

  560. ‘was not easily reconciled’: ibid.

  560. ‘seemed rather glad’: ibid., 217

  561. ‘We all agree’: ITMO, 788

  561. ‘The panel contained’: ibid., 684

  562. ‘In fact’: Hewlett and Duncan (1969), 531. See also Libby (1979), 312, and Goodchild (1980), 208

  562. ‘Luis, how could you’: ITMO, 788

  562. ‘You go back’: ibid., 789

  562. ‘Comments on the Military Value of the Atom’: Oppenheimer (1951)

  562. ‘To the first impression’: ibid., 43

  562. ‘of the specific use’: ibid., 44

  563. ‘strategic air warfare’: ibid.

  563. ‘Much of what was clear’: ibid.

  563. ‘the extreme form’: ibid., 45

  563. ‘I cannot believe’: ibid., 45

  563. ‘Project Vista’: see Elliot (1986), upon which my account is based

  563. ‘the possible tactical employment’: ibid., 164

  563. ‘study group’: ibid.

  564. ‘expressed the feeling’: ibid.

  564. fee of $600,000: ibid., 167

  564. ‘All of us’: ibid., 169

  564. ‘On the other hand’: Vista Report, Vol. 1, 3, quoted ibid., 170

  564. ‘explosion’: ibid., 174

  565. Oppenheimer was no longer to be used: York (1976), 139

  565. ‘We have found no great new weapons’: McCray (2004), 361

  565. a yield of between one and fifty kilotons: Elliot (1986), 172

  566. ‘to send material down a tube’: Rhodes (1996), 457

  566. ‘like using a blast furnace’: ibid.

  566. ‘new and elaborate instrumentation’: ibid., 460

  567. ‘staring intensely’: ibid., 463

  567. ‘From then on’: ibid., 467

  567. ‘Edward is full of enthusiasm’: ibid.

  567. ‘The new concept’: ibid., 468

  567. In a series of papers: see ibid., 467–470

  567. ‘The sequence is fission-fusion-fission’: Bernstein (2004), 126

  568. ‘On Heterocatalytic Detonations’: Rhodes (1996), 467–8, also McMillan (2005), 102–3

  568. 225 kilotons: Rhodes (1996), 474

  568. ‘When I came out of the water’: ibid.

  568. yielded twenty-five kilotons: ibid.

  568. The agenda for the meeting: ibid., 475

  568. ‘The outcome’: ITMO, 20

  569. ‘It is my judgment’: ibid., 81

  569. ‘a sweet and lovely and beautiful job’: ibid., 229

  569. code-named ‘Mike’: for a detailed account of the Mike test, see Rhodes (1996), Chapter 24.

  570. ‘In spite of the remarkable success’: Memorial Tributes: National Academy of Engineering, Volume 6, The National Academies Press, 1993, 73–6 (quotation, 76)

  570. ‘Somewhat negative’: Teller (2001), 327

  570. ‘If I’d given him control’: Rhodes (1996), 479

  570. ‘makes its very existence’: York (1976). The words are in the minority report written by Rabi and Fermi, but the general report makes similar points, and there is no doubt that the sentiments expressed by Rabi and Fermi were widely shared among the members of the GAC.

  570. ‘a chunk of the atmosphere’: Teller (2001), 332

  571. ‘A lot of us were really teed-off at Edward’: Rhodes (1996), 479

  571. ‘neither necessary’: Oppenheimer to Dean, 13.10.1951, JRO papers, LOC

  571. ‘among the very best’: Teller (2001), 335

  571. ‘You have to choose’: Serber (1998), 172

  572. ‘a courteous man’: Teller (2001), 333

  572. ‘Strauss told me’: ibid., 334

  572. ‘I think it would be fair to say’: ibid., 336

  573. ‘has the reputation’: Schweber (2000), 147

  573. ‘delayed or attempted to delay’: B & S, 443

  573. ‘a lot of people believe’: ibid.

  573. ‘would do most anything’: Rhodes (1996), 537

  573. ‘I want to say’: ITMO, 748

  573. ‘We felt at the time’: ibid., 746

  574. ‘crucial interview’: Teller (2001), 338

  574. on 9 June 1952: Herken (2002), 254

  574. When Thomas Murray visited Berkeley: Herken (2002), 249

  574. gave a speech: ibid.

  574. ‘now is doubtful’: FBI San Francisco office to JEH, 5.4.1952, JRO FBI file

  575. ‘Some of the “boys” have their axe out’: Hershberg (1993), 600. Herken (2002), 250, quotes the same diary entry, worded slightly differently. I am assuming that, of the two, Hershberg is the more accustomed to Conant’s handwriting.

  575. ‘vitriolic talk’: Herken (2002), 249

  575. Hoover sent transcripts of those interviews: ibid.

  575. ‘I didn’t really expect’: ITMO, 752

  575. ‘suggested that we had’: ibid., 753

  576. ‘As near as I can recall’: ibid., 754

  576. ‘and I believe’: ibid.

  576. ‘paranoid’: ibid.

  576. ‘Dr Griggs had been’: ibid., 339

  576. ‘a pillar of honesty’: Libby (1979), 307

  576. ‘strongly built’: ibid.

  576. ‘I remember’: ibid., 311

  577. ‘I don’t think you fellows’: Stern (1971), 190

  577. ‘Lee DuBridge and I are through’: Hershberg (1993), 601

  577. ‘he is very much
concerned’: FBI San Francisco office to JEH, 5.4.1952, JRO FBI file

  577. ‘believed it would be extremely wise’: FBI report by L. Hoyt McGuire, Chicago office, 9.5.1952, JRO FBI file

  578. ‘worked out a plan’: Goodchild (1980), 213

  578. ‘magnificent’: ITMO, 96

  578. ‘deep sense of personal regret’: ibid.

  578. ‘lasting and immensely valuable’: ibid., 97

  580. ‘technical, military, and economic questions’: ITMO, 598

  580. ‘We decided we would’: ibid.

  581. ‘ZORC’: ibid., 750

  581. ‘in order to achieve world peace’: ibid., 749

  581. ‘the background’: ibid., 750

  581. ‘Griggs. I should say’: ibid., 763

  581. announced on 28 April 1952: see Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June 1952, 133. For a detailed account of this panel, see Bernstein (1989)

  582. ‘would not require inspection and control’: Bernstein (1989), 141

  582. ‘point of no return’: ibid., 143

  582. ‘is irrevocably committed’: ibid., 143–4

  583. ‘whose destructive and retaliatory power’: quoted Wells (1981), 41

  583. ‘The most reasonable explanation’: ibid., 42

  583. ‘man for man’: Life, 19 May 1952, 151

  583. ‘of means to hit’: ibid.

  583. ‘Today’: ibid., 152

  584. the fallout from the test: see Bernstein (1989), 143

  584. on 9 October: ibid., 148

  584. ‘felt that any such idea’: ibid., 148–9

  584. ‘would certainly be pleased’: Rhodes (1996), 498

  585. the first Ulam–Teller hydrogen bomb: the description that follows is based on that given in Rhodes (1996), Chapter 24

  585. ‘You would swear’: ibid., 508

  585. ‘It’s a boy’: ibid., 511

  585. ‘Some people in the Air Force’: B & S, 451

  586. ‘As we sat’: Teller (2001), 352

  586. ‘I assured him’: ibid., 353

  586. ‘had not thought’: ibid.

  586. ‘was so huge’: ibid.

  587. ‘our commitment’: Bernstein (1989), 154

  587. five main proposals: ibid.

  587. ‘Atomic Weapons and American Policy’: Oppenheimer (1955), 61–77

  587. ‘became very vividly and painfully aware’: ITMO, 95

  587. ‘the bright light’: Oppenheimer (1955), 61

  587. ‘Openness’: ibid., 62

  588. ‘The rule for the atom’: ibid., 63

  588. ‘It is easy to say’: ibid.

  588. ‘It is my opinion’: ibid., 65

  588. ‘likely to be small comfort’: ibid.

  588. ‘our twenty-thousandth bomb’: ibid., 66


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