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Inside the Centre: The Life of J. Robert Oppenheimer

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by Ray Monk

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  Thorpe, Charles, Oppenheimer: The Tragic Intellect, London: University of Chicago Press (2006)

  Tractenberg, Alan, The Incorporation of America: Culture & Society in the Gilded Age, New York: Hill & Wang (1982)

  Treiman, Sam, The Odd Quantum, Princeton: Princeton University Press (1999)

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  American Institute of Physics (AIP)

  Luis Alvarez, interviewed by Charles Weiner and Barry Richman, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (15 Feb. 1967):

  Robert Bacher, interviewed by Finn Aaserud at the California Institute of Technology (13 Feb. 1986):

  Felix Bloch, interviewed by Charles Weiner, Stanford University, California (15 Aug. 1968):

  Edward U. Condon, interviewed by Charles Weiner in Boulder, Colorado 17 Oct. 1967, 27 April 1968 and 11 Sep. 1973):

  William A. Fowler, interviewed by Charles Weiner, Caltech (8 June 1972), Sessions I–V:

  Otto Frisch, interviewed by:

  1. Thomas S. Kuhn, Cavendish Laboratory (8 May 1963): 1.

  2. Charles Weiner, American Institute of Physics, New York City (3 May 1967):

  Wendell H. Furry, interviewed by Charles Weiner in Copenhagen (9 Aug. 1971):

  Oskar Klein, interviewed by Thomas S. Kuhn and John L. Heilbron in Copenhagen (25 Sep. 1962–16 July 1963):

  Willis Lamb, interviewed by Dr Joan Bromberg in Tucson, Arizona (7 March 1985):

  Rossi Lomanitz, interviewed by Shawn Mullet in Hawaii (26 July–18 Aug. 2001):

  J. Robert Oppenheimer, interviewed by Thomas S. Kuhn in Princeton (18 Nov. 1963): not on line

  Rudolf Peierls, interviewed by Charles Weiner in Seattle, Washington (11, 12 and 13 Aug 1969):

  Melba Phillips, interviewed by Katherine Russell Sopka (5 Dec. 1977):

  Robert Serber, interviewed by:

  1. Charles Weiner and Gloria Lubkin at Columbia University (10 Feb. 1967):

  2. Frederick Fellows at Columbia University (19 Dec. 1983):

  3. Anne Fitzpatrick in New York City (26 Nov. 1996):

  Caltech Archives

  Carl Anderson, interviewed by Harriett Lyle (9 Jan.–8 Feb. 1979):

  William A. Fowler, interviewed by John Greenberg and Carol Bugé (3 May 1983–31 May 1984, 3 Oct. 1986)

  Frank Oppenheimer, interviewed by Judith R. Goodstein (16 Nov. 1984)

  Milton S. Plesset, interviewed by Carol Bugé (8 Dec. 1981)

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  Epub ISBN: 9781448

  Version 1.0

  Published by Jonathan Cape 2012

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  Copyright © Ray Monk 2012

  Ray Monk has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

  First published in Great Britain in 2012 by

  Jonathan Cape

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  ISBN 9780224062626




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