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C&A Novella (Marked Heart #2.5)

Page 5

by M. Sembera

  She only had thirty minutes left to endure when she turned and saw Auggie walking into the kitchen, carrying his niece Keylee.

  It occurred to her she was fixing to be her niece too as Auggie said, "There's Aunt Charlotte," with a smile.

  Forcing a smile, Charlotte replied, "She really seems to like you."

  Happily nodding, he coaxed, "Say 'hi' to Aunt Charlotte."

  Giving her a little wave, Charlotte started to smile when Jackson stepped in the room.

  "Hey, can you give me a hand?"

  Auggie answered, "Sure," before handing Keylee over to Charlotte.

  It happened so fast, she didn't even have a chance to protest.

  Bracing herself against the counter, Keylee was a little heavier than she appeared and the way she was squirming made Charlotte afraid that she would drop her.

  "No, no, he'll be right back. Okay?" She tried reasoning with the almost one year old who seemed insistent on flailing her arms and legs around.

  Looking around for assistance, no one was even paying attention.

  "Keylee, please." She begged trying to get her under control.

  At that moment, Keylee must have realized Auggie was nowhere to be found and she was stuck with Charlotte.

  Scrunching her entire face up as if she was going to cry, Charlotte couldn't help laughing as she shared, "Well that's an ugly little expression."

  Keylee's expression instantly went blank and then a little baby scowl formed between her light brown eyebrows.

  "Oh, no. You are going to be all kinds of trouble aren't you." She laughed, curling the side of her mouth into a smile.

  Charlotte's smile earned her a wide giggly one from Keylee.

  "I bet you're going to be somethin' else when you grow up." She continued, smiling wider at her.

  Another giggle from Keylee and Charlotte couldn't help giving her a little squeeze.

  As she reached out, grabbing strands of Charlotte's hair off of her shoulder, Charlotte thought she inherited the best Caffrey traits. She looked just like Ailin, scowled like Auggie, smiled just like Braden and there was no doubt she would be beautiful just like Penny. Then laughing to herself, she mentally cautioned, 'I hope you don't act like your mother.'

  Keylee started to squirm again, causing Charlotte to turn around. An unusual feeling settled in the pit of her stomach when she realized Auggie had been standing there watching them with a smile on his face. When she saw the look in his eyes, whatever the feeling had been, changed. She was certain he wanted something that she couldn't give him.

  Auggie was in such a good mood, it was actually starting to make Charlotte sick. It wasn't as if she wanted him to be in a bad mood, but his happiness was making her feel bad.

  As soon as they walked in the back door of The Dog House, he pulled her to him, saying, "Two days."

  All of the sudden Charlotte felt like she was about to cry. Holding onto him tight, she nodded against his shoulder.

  His hold tightened also as he asked, "What's wrong?"

  Taking a deep breath, Charlotte pulled away, stating, "I have been up front with you from the beginning."

  Concern immediately spread across Auggie's face as he replied, "Okay?"

  "So I would appreciate it if you would be upfront with me."

  "Okay?" He repeated a bit slower as confusion took over his concern.

  He always had to be so damn frustrating.

  "Okay? That's all you have to say?"

  "Was there a question somewhere in there I missed or are you just want me to start confessin' stuff?"

  With a loud huff, Charlotte tugged the bottom of her shirt and swiftly walked to her office, slamming the door behind her.

  She didn't have time to make it behind her desk, when the door flew open.

  Storming into the room, Auggie growled, "You listen hear woman, we are getting married day after tomorrow so either you tell me what you think I've done or save your imaginary reason's to argue 'til after the wedding 'cause I haven't made it this far for you to start givin' me hell now."

  Furious with him, she fussed, "Admit it, you want kids."

  "What in the hell? Where did you get that from?"

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she replied, "I saw the way you were smiling at me and Keylee."

  "You have got to be the craziest, crazy ass woman on earth!"

  "Is that right?"

  "Ya damn right, that's right. It couldn't of been because you were holding my niece and it was cute seeing y'all together. But I'll sure as hell keep a straight face from now until the wedding so I can wait out the last two days in peace."

  Seeing reason, but unwilling to give up the fight quite yet, she snapped, "Oh, please tell me how hard it's been to make it this far."

  Taking a step closer to her, Auggie griped, "I've been walkin' around for the last month with it so hard, I can touch you with it from two feet away."

  "Really? Two feet?" Charlotte questioned with a slight smirk.

  A hint of a smile threatened to break through as he added, "And a quarter."

  Glancing down, she curled the corner of her mouth into a smile before looking back up at him as he smiled back giving her a nod of assurance.


  A steady stream of customers and congratulations kept Auggie busy behind the bar for most of the night. It was good having Kieran and Liv at the bar together. When Penny showed up with Braden, they squeezed in next to Liv and nothing but laugher came from that end of the bar even after the doors were locked.

  Closing up the bar Auggie smiled to himself, knowing the next time he opened it, he would be a married man. One more day. Never in his life, before Charlotte, would he have believed how happy something like that would make him.

  Stepping into the kitchen, he thought about how seeing Charlotte with Keylee made him feel. It was hard to explain, especially to himself, since he never thought about having kids of his own. Something about the way she was holding her and the look on her face as she smiled at his niece that caused his mind to wonder. Taking a moment before walking back into the main area of the bar, he let his thoughts drift to the impossible.

  It wasn't a kid thing, especially when Caffrey family babies were plentiful and there was always a new one popping out. It was a Charlotte thing. Making babies with someone wasn't something he would have considered particularly thrilling, but when he imagined Charlotte holding one with fiery red hair and her blue eyes, his chest involuntarily started to swell.

  Shaking off a smile as he walked back into the main area of the bar, Auggie stopped and stared at his brother. Trying to figure out what had happened in the minute he stepped away, He watched Braden moving towards Kieran with Liv in between them.

  "What's your drunk ass gonna do?" Kieran mocked as he stood up tall in front of Braden.

  "Little help here, Auggs?" Liv snapped, noticing he had walked back in.

  "Nah, let's see what he's got." Kieran taunted, provoking Braden to lunge at him.

  Quickly grabbing Braden from behind, Auggie held him back, warning, "Knock it off."

  With heavy breath, Braden shared, "He's been lying to Penny this whole time."

  Auggie immediately glared at Kieran as he said, "It's my shop."

  Right then and there Auggie knew Penny's apprenticeship was pointless.

  He was just as angry with Kieran as Braden seemed to be, but at the same time, Penny was in the back and she already had a broken heart, she didn't need to find out about this too.

  "Let it go." Auggie advised Branden before Kieran took a step closer saying, "Come on, little boy."

  "I said, knock it off." Auggie growled directly at Kieran at the same time Liv planted her hands against his chest shouting, "Stop it!"

  Braden started to shout, "You're a sorry ass mother f..." When Liv cut him off, agreeing, "Yeah, that's a dirty thing to do."

  Looking down at his wife, Kieran barked, "Why ya takin' his side?"

  "You're wrong for making her think..."

"Liv!" Auggie snapped, seeing Penny walk up.

  Stepping closer to them, Penny hesitantly asked, "What am I missing?"

  All Auggie could do was stare at the confused expression on his sisters face.

  Allowing Braden to jerk away, Auggie couldn't say a word. There was no way he was going to be the one to hurt her.

  Much to his relief, Braden griped, "Nothin' Pen, let's go," as he stepped toward her.

  Shaking her head at him, she looked at all of them asking, "This is about me?"

  Braden nodded, saying, "Guess no one else is man enough, I'll tell you."

  "Braden!" Auggie snapped before Braden turned to him hollering, "You should be just as mad as I am."

  Auggie instantly yelled back, "I'm not gonna tell the man what he can and can't do in his shop."

  "Did Penny say that to you when mom refused to draw out your tattoo or did..." Braden started to shout but was cut off when Auggie heard Charlotte question, "What?"

  Panic and anger instantly filled him.

  Grabbing the front of his brother's shirt, Auggie was seconds away from knocking Braden out when Charlotte shoved Braden away and stood in front of him.

  "She refused?" She questioned with an angry glare.

  "Lotte..."Auggie started before Charlotte narrowed her eye at him, fussing, "I cannot believe you."

  Furious with Braden, he pointed directly at him and swore, "Your dumbass is out of the wedding."

  Charlotte quickly assured, "No, you're not." Then went on to snap at Auggie, "No, he's not."

  "The hell he's not." Auggie growled in frustration.

  "Do you wanna marry me?"

  Wondering what the hell kind of a question was that, Auggie nodded.

  "Then he's in the wedding." Charlotte informed before turning and heading out of the room.

  "Where are you going?"

  "To see your mother!" Charlotte snapped, causing Auggie to stop dead in his tracks.

  One damn day was all he had left and dumbass Braden couldn't keep his mouth shut.

  "I better not see your ass before three on Saturday." Auggie warned his brother.

  Pushing through the swinging doors, he took off after Charlotte.


  Charlotte counted back from ten after each loud knock on Sarah Caffrey's door. She knew Auggie wouldn't be right behind her. She took care of that by throwing his keys down the alley behind the bar when he tried to stop her. But, he would eventually find them and if this woman didn't hurry up and open the door, she would never get the answer she came for.

  After ten minutes of banging on the door, Charlotte noticed the curtain on the front window move.

  "Mrs. Caffrey, it's Charlotte!" She started before asking, "Can I speak with you?"

  The door barely cracked open as she heard Auggie's mother question, "Charlotte who?"

  Taking a slow deep breath, Charlotte mentally questioned, 'How many Charlotte's knock on her door in the middle of the night?'.

  "Your son's fiancée."

  Pulling the door open a little farther, Sarah stated, "You're not welcome in my house."

  Nodding, Charlotte took a step back and glanced around assuring, "I can say what I need to say on the porch."

  Sarah quickly swung the front door open and stepped out.

  It was hard for Charlotte to stay angry when Auggie's mom looked so much like Penny. Sarah had quite a few more years on her than her daughter but every bit of her was simply an older version, right down to her auburn hair that was held in a long braid, hanging over her shoulder.

  Placing her hand on her hip, Sarah shot Charlotte a hard glare.

  "I feel sorry for the Roberts'."

  "Excuse me?" Charlotte snapped, before reminding herself she needed to at least try to be respectful towards Auggie's mother.

  "I'm sure they raised you better."

  Mentally counting back from ten in her head, Charlotte replied, "Well, I'm sure they appreciate that."

  "Doubtful." Sarah mumbled before griping, "Let's hear it."

  Charlotte paused, realizing now that she was face to face with the woman she was sure hated her, this wasn't about Sarah.

  Sarah had made her feelings about Charlotte known and clear from the beginning. Regardless of whether she was right or wrong in her assumptions about Charlotte, she was honest. Charlotte could respect that.

  It wasn't Sarah she had an issue with at all, it was Auggie.

  "I apologize for coming out here so late and waking you up."

  Scowling at her, Sarah griped, "Seems a little strange to me that you would cause something to apologize for."

  "I don't have a problem with you."

  "And you assume I have a problem with you?"

  "Don't you?"

  Sarah's face held a stern expression as she replied, "The problem I have is that one day the novelty of my son will wear off for you."

  Shaking her head, Charlotte swore, "I'm in love with him."

  "At the moment you are, but as soon as you're stuck home with kids and responsibility while he spends every night at the bar..."

  As Auggie's truck pulled onto the gravel driveway interrupting her, Charlotte let out a frustrated groan.

  Charlotte noticed Sarah shake her head as Auggie swiftly making his way to the porch.

  "Ma, I need to talk to Charlotte." He insisted.

  "Son, I don't think she came here to talk to you."

  "I didn't." Charlotte confirmed with a harsh glare.

  Stepping closer to her, Charlotte could tell Auggie was remorseful as he apologized, "Lotte, I'm sorry."

  Before Charlotte could respond, Sarah snapped, "Are the two of you still getting married?"

  "Yes." They replied in unison.

  Appearing put out, she fussed, "Then get off my porch, go home and I will see ya'll Saturday."

  Surprised, not by being told to leave but that she was coming to the wedding, Charlotte blurted, "You will?"

  Sarah turned and opened her front door before looking back at her.

  "What kind of mother would I be, if I wasn't there to see my son get married?" Sarah scolded before stepping into the house and slamming the front door behind her.

  As Charlotte stared at the door, even though their conversation was brief, she understood why Sarah disliked her.

  It was fear. She didn't want her son to get hurt. Sarah was afraid for him. In a way, it made Charlotte feel good. It meant even his mom could see how much Auggie loved her. But on the other side of that, was a man, who in spite of all his love, lied to her.

  Charlotte could feel Auggie staring at her as she stepped off the porch.

  "You shouldn't have lied to me." She whispered, making her way out to her car.


  The wedding party was gathered outside at his Uncle Brennan's place for the wedding rehearsal and Charlotte seemed angrier with Auggie than she was the night before. Thanks to Braden not showing up for the rehearsal, she now had something new to be mad at him for.

  Auggie followed Charlotte out to her car, she had walked off on him one too many times, and he was getting pretty aggravated himself.

  "Would ya stop for a minute!" Auggie griped, trying to catch up with her.

  Shaking her head, she continued to her car.

  When Charlotte reached her car, Auggie stepped directly behind her, sliding his hands around hers.

  She started to hold his hands then pulled away, asking, "How many times am I supposed to forgive you."

  "As many as it takes to keep us together." Auggie replied, suddenly feeling panic rising in his chest.

  Turning, Charlotte looked into his eyes and stated, "I don't know what's worse. That I'm not worth your honesty or that you'd rather lie then talk to me."


  "You swore nothing would come between us and I believed you. I believed you when you told me there was no more you and me, only us."

  With an anguished expression on his face, Auggie lifted his hands to the sides of her face asking, "An
d now you don't?"

  "It's you that doesn't believe in us."

  Shaking his head in confusion, Auggie replied, "I do."

  "Then why lie to me?" Charlotte asked, her eyes searching his for the truth.

  He looked into her eyes, at the time he had a reason, but at the moment it didn't make sense.

  Sliding away from him, Charlotte nodded.

  "I'm sure about us." She swore before her voice cracked as she suggested, "If you're not, don't even bother showing up tomorrow."

  A sharp pain twisted in Auggie's chest before settling in his stomach causing him to take a step back.

  "You don't want to get married?"

  Opening her car door, he could see tears pool in her eyes as she replied, "I don't want to wake up one day and have to pretend to be someone I'm not because you suddenly don't want me anymore."


  Auggie sat alone in The Dog House with a bottle of whiskey, keeping the bottom of his glass filled as he sipped it, thinking about what Charlotte said. He knew she was talking about Kieran and Liv. The more he drank, the more he compared himself to his cousin.

  Refusing to believe there was a similarity there, Auggie recalled when Kieran chose his own mark over Liv's.

  Wearing a proud expression, Kieran puffed his chest in Auggie's direction.

  "What'd ya think?"

  Eyeing the mark on the left side of his cousin's chest, Auggie laughed, "It might be time for your ol' man to retire."

  "Why?" Kieran asked, looking down at his own chest.

  "'Cause that doesn't look like a lily to me."

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Kieran slapped Auggie's shoulder, informing, "I had Sarah change it."

  "You serious?" Auggie questioned, finding it hard to believe, given how committed his cousin was to his legacy.

  "I love Liv. Have since the first time I saw her. But, man, I was sittin' there at your mom's and all these 'what ifs' kept gettin' me."

  "She's gonna be pissed. You know that right?"

  With a quick nod, Kieran shared, "She was. Swore it's 'cause Sarah hates her."


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