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Beautiful Liar

Page 2

by Cin Medley

  Nodding I walked across the room and took my seat, not looking at the man sitting next to me. Mr. Simon sat back down. “Miss Costello, I’d like you to meet my brother and partner, Paul. Paul, Miss Costello.”

  Smiling I turned my head, my breath caught in my throat, when he turned to face me. I was stunned, and I mean stunned. The man was stunning, and I mean drool worthy stunning. His eyes were turquoise blue. His smile reaching his eyes when he looked at me. “Miss Costello,” he said in a baritone voice, gentle, not harsh. He put his hand out to shake mine and like an idiot I just sat there with my mouth open more than it should have been. I was speechless. My hand just automatically came up. When I put it in his, I felt a charge of electricity zap my entire body. Apparently, he felt it as well. He just sat there holding my hand looking into the depths of my soul.

  I had to force myself to pull my hand away, “Mr. Simon,” I said, not sure it was my voice that came out. Turning my head to look at the first Mr. Simon, I had to snap out of this. “Is everything all right with my work?” I needed to know if I was going to get fired.

  “Yes. In fact, you’re here because of the stellar job you are doing. I wanted to give you a few more accounts. My brother here has reviewed your efficiency on the accounts you do have.”

  “Your attention to detail is very admirable,” the second Mr. Simon said in his baritone voice. “You seem to have a knack for numbers.”

  I smiled, “Thank you, but it’s just my job. It’s what I do.”

  “Well, I will have the accounts brought over to you. Thank you, Miss Costello.” The first Mr. Simon said as he stood. My cue to leave. I nodded my head and walked out of the office. I didn’t breathe until I was back behind my desk.

  Holy shit. What the fuck was that? Oh my god! I sat there for a few minutes trying to get my head straight. I got back to work, trying not to think about that man’s eyes, or his voice that made me wet.

  Sherry knocked on my door, “I’m going to lunch, do you need anything?”

  I smiled, “No, I’m just going to grab a sandwich and eat it here. Thanks anyway.”

  She nodded and walked away. I shut down my computer, which is a rule in this office. I grabbed my purse and headed out. When I opened my door, I stopped in my tracks when I nearly collided with a wall of nothing but solid muscle.

  “Miss Costello,” the baritone voice said.

  I tilted my head up, “Mr. Simon, can I help you?”

  “Well I was wondering if you would have lunch with me?”

  Anger like nothing before shot through my body, shaking my head and not removing my eyes from his I said as calmly as I could manage. “No thank you Mr. Simon. I work for you, you are my boss and I don’t think it would be proper.”

  He chuckled, “Let me re-phrase that. Miss Costello, I would like to have lunch with you.”

  “Mr. Simon, I am not going to get involved with you. If you want someone to play with, try one of the secretaries. I am not for rent, lease or sale. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go. I have work to do.”

  I went to walk around him and he put his hand out landing it on my stomach. “Clearly you don’t understand.” He said softly as he leaned into me.

  God, he smelt heavenly, I closed my eyes, removing his hand from my body, “Don’t ever think it is acceptable to touch me. I am not going to lunch, dinner or breakfast with you, and I’m pretty sure we aren’t going to have coffee either. If my job is on the line by refusing you,” I made sure he saw my face, “then shove it up your ass. I quit!” I shoved my way past him and into the outer office where the four men from earlier were standing at various places around the room. I shook my head and kept on walking to the elevator. I stood there pressing the button when a hand grabbed my arm and spun me around. It was a natural instinct to shove him back. “Don’t fucking touch me!” I screamed as the doors opened. I stepped backwards into the elevator just as the doors closed. Slamming my finger on the button, the car jerked into motion.

  When they opened, one of his men was standing in front of the door blocking my exit. “Mr. Simon wishes to talk to you.”

  I laughed, “Tell Mr. Simon to go fuck himself.” I moved to walk out and he put his hand on me.

  I swung and hit him in the throat, when he bent down I brought my knee up slamming his face into it, then I kicked him in the balls pushing him to the floor. “Don’t fucking touch me.” I ran out into the street and jumped into a cab.

  I fought the tears and the bile rising slowly in my throat. When I got out of the cab I ran into my building. I couldn’t get into my apartment fast enough. I stripped on my way to the shower, turning the water on as hot as it would go and then I let them fall. Sliding down the wall I cried and screamed.

  No one is allowed to touch me. “I love you,” I whispered between my sobs.

  The water ran cold and I got out, moving to my bed I crawled in and cried myself to sleep. No matter how hard I have become, no matter what I have done, the thought of another man touching me makes me madder than all of this. He is my love, the only man who I ever allowed to have me. I love him, and I will love him beyond this life.

  When I woke it was dark in my room, which meant I slept the day away. I managed to get up and put on some yoga pants and an old tee shirt. I made my way to the kitchen to get something to eat. There was some left over Chinese food, so I got it out and went to sit on the couch. My mood warranted some Netflix and some Grey’s. It reminded me of the life I used to have.

  Halfway through the food, my phone started ringing, pulling it out of my bag I saw it was Mr. Simon, my boss. “Hello,” I snapped.

  “Miss Costello, is everything all right? You didn’t come back after lunch. I had my secretary call you several times.”

  “Didn’t your brother tell you? I quit.”

  “No, he didn’t. What happened?” He sounded like he was a bit sincerer than he should have been.

  I chuckled, “He came on to me. He touched me, grabbed my arm. I won’t work for someone who thinks he has some kind of power over me. Thank you for the opportunity to work for you but I won’t be coming back.”

  “Miss Costello, I am sincerely sorry for that. Paul had mentioned that he found you captivating. I wasn’t aware he would actually act on it.”

  “It’s irrelevant Mr. Simon. I’m not coming back. I will abide by the agreements I signed. But I quit. If he tried it once he will try it again. I know how men like him work. Again, I say thank you, but no thank you. Good bye Mr. Simon.” I hung up before he had the chance to say anything.

  Chapter Three

  “Son of a bitch!” He yelled hanging up the phone. Pulling his cell phone out of his pocket he dialed his brother.

  “Hello, little brother. What can I do for you?” Paul smart mouthed.

  “What the fuck did you do to Miss Costello?”

  He chuckled, “I asked her out for lunch. She beat the shit out of Denny. The girl is a spitfire for sure. I could utilize that spirit.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me. She quit. She is good at what she does asshole. We’ve waited for someone like her to take over the books and make them right.”

  “Just offer her more money.”

  “You just don’t get it do you? You can’t go around thinking that every pretty girl belongs to you. What, are you on some kind of power trip? You need to make this right. Get her back here!”

  “Listen John, I don’t beg anyone for anything, and besides, she made me fucking hard, harder than I’ve ever been. I just wanted to taste her, maybe fuck her for a bit. I’m not doing anything of the sort.”

  “Yes, Paul, you will. I don’t give a shit how you do it, but you better swallow your god damn ego and apologize to her and get her back here. If you don’t then I’m out.”

  “Why brother, do you have a thing for this girl?”

  “Fuck you, Paul. You know damn well I don’t swing that way. She is that fucking good at her job. We need her. Now do it.”

  He laughed, “Fine, give
me her number and I will call her an apologize to her.”

  John calmed down, “She really took Denny down?”

  Paul laughed, “Yeah, I found him lying on the floor in the lobby holding his balls. He said she fucking slammed him in the throat, then kneed him in the face.”

  John chuckled, “She weighs like a buck ten if that.”

  “I know. I’ve had to listen to the guys give him shit all day. Listen give me her number and I’ll call her and make nice. But I want to make it clear, she turns me on big time. I don’t know what it is about her, but man I walked out of that building with the hardest cock. I had to fuck some poor girl at the club for like an hour before I was sedate.”

  “Really I don’t need to know this. You and that club.”

  He laughed, “You should come out Paul, we’ve got guy on guy shit happening. You never know you might enjoy yourself.”

  “No thank you. I’m not into deviant sex.”

  “Ouch, that hurt. There is nothing wrong with tying up a beautiful woman and fucking her raw.”

  “Stay away from my accountants. Get it done Paul.”

  John hung up. Shaking his head. He finally found someone he trusted to do the books, and his brother can’t keep his dick in his pants.

  I must have fallen asleep on the couch, because when my phone rang it woke me up. I didn’t even look at the caller ID. “What?” I was in no mood to talk. No one really called me on this phone, just work shit.

  “Well, hello to you too Miss Costello. This is Paul Simon.” The baritone voice said on the other end. Even on the phone his voice caused a reaction in me. I hung up the phone turning it off.

  “No fucking way asshole,” I said to the phone as I tossed it on the table. I got up cleaning up and made my way to bed, I needed to get up and find a new job in the morning. I’m sure when I check the paper that something will be there.

  My alarm went off at six and I was ready for a new day. Fixing my hair, I put on my tan suit with my nude pumps and headed out. I was going to treat myself to a coffee and a Danish while I went through the paper. When I opened my door to walk out, my way was blocked by a huge vase of roses. Shaking my head, I plucked the card from the bouquet.

  Please accept my apology Miss Costello

  I was rude and I shouldn’t have been.

  Paul Simon

  “Asshole,” I said loudly, just in case one of his henchmen was lurking about. Bending down, picking up the flowers, walking across the hall to Mrs. Jones door I sat the flowers down, dropping the card in my purse I headed out.

  Stopping at the newspaper stand I smiled at the kid working it. “Good Morning Miss Costello.”

  “Good Morning Jimmy,” I said, handing him my money as he handed me the paper. Then I headed to the coffee shop on the corner. There was a booth open in the back so I made my way there. I ordered my coffee and a cheese Danish and got to work looking for a new job.

  As I scanned the want ads, I saw what I was looking for. Apparently, I had a meeting this afternoon at the Bean. Not what I wanted but I could work it in. I think I’ll go to the Art Museum when I’m done. I found a few prospects for jobs. I needed to head to the library and print up a few resumes. With coffee in hand I slipped the paper into my bag and headed out.

  I love walking the streets of this city, but my heart belongs in England. Soon baby, soon I can come home. I’ve been saying that for the past two years. I’ve been home two times in between jobs. Maybe I could go home for a bit. I’ll have to think about it.

  As I head towards the Bean my phone goes off in my purse. Not paying attention to what I was doing I stepped off the curb right into an oncoming car. The driver laid on the horn, slamming on his breaks, he scared the shit out of me and I spilt my coffee all over the front of my suit. I turned my head, slamming my fist on the hood of the car screaming, “Fucking asshole.”

  I watched as the guy slammed the car into park and got out. He was fucking huge, wearing a suit I’m sure cost five grand. He rushed up to me looking at his car. Grabbing my arm, he said, “You’re going to pay for that you little bitch.”

  “What about my suit asshole!” I screamed at him. “I think the cost is about the same.”

  “That’s a seventy-five-thousand-dollar car.”

  “This is an eight-hundred-dollar suit. We’re even.” I ripped my arm out of his grip, and started walking.

  He grabbed my arm, spinning me around, “Where do you think…”

  That’s all he got out of his mouth before I slammed my fist in his throat screaming, “Don’t fucking touch me!” As I was turning to walk away, the back door of the car opened, the man getting out of it was slightly bent over, as he came to his full height and turned I nearly fainted.

  “Miss Costello, we meet again,” Paul Simon said smiling at me.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I turned and walked away, continuing across the street.

  I heard footsteps coming up behind me, I felt him before I saw him take up stride next to me. “Miss Costello, that would be the second man in my employ you have managed to disable.”

  I stopped walking and looked at him, “Don’t touch me Mr. Simon or you will be number three.”

  He chuckled, putting his hands up in the air. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Please let’s sit and talk. I really would like to ask you to come back to work.” He made a gesture to the bench along the walkway.

  I looked at the bench, rolling my eyes I walked over and sat down. “I have no desire, Mr. Simon, to work for a man who thinks he has privileges to my body just because he signs my paycheck. I am not for sale.”

  “Technically I do pay you for your services, so you are indeed for sale.” I went to open my mouth to scream at him, but he put his hand up, “I get that you are not for sale, Miss Costello, and again I am sorry for being so forthcoming with my desire to see you outside of the work place. You are a very beautiful woman. Although I am not really a part of the overall business part of our company, I didn’t see a problem with asking you to share a meal. I realize now that I was wrong. My brother would really like it if you would come back to work.”

  I sat there looking at him. “Are you for real? Trust me you don’t strike me as a man who would waste his time with an underling such as myself.”

  He laughed, I mean really laughed. “You would be correct in your assumption Miss Costello. I did view you as a quick fuck, but I can see that you are not that kind of woman so please accept my apology of ignorance. I will make sure to never make that assumption again where you are concerned. Respect, is all you will get from me.”

  I wasn’t sure if I should believe this man or not. He was some kind of arrogant that was for sure. He was playing me, pacifying me for some reason. “Why does it matter? I’m sure you can find another accountant. I’m pretty sure we are a dime a dozen.”

  “Well as it would seem, my brother has taken a liking to you. He told me either I apologize to you and make it right or he was quitting. So here I am.”

  Fire blew through me. I stood up and turned on him. He stood to face me. “So, let me get this straight, the only reason you are here is because your brother threatened to quit if you didn’t say you were sorry?” He nodded. “Well you know what Mr. Simon? Go to hell. If you can’t see that what you did to me, what your fucking goons did to me, was way out of line, and was beyond disrespectful, then I’ve got nothing for you. Nowhere in this world is it acceptable to treat a woman with such disdain. I wasn’t put on this planet for you or anyone else to use and abuse as you see fit.” I leaned into him, god he smelt fantastic, “Fuck you.” I turned and walked away from him.

  I smiled, knowing this was all recorded. I couldn’t wait to see the footage. Fucking asshole. I didn’t bother to turn around to see if he was still standing there. I just kept on walking.

  I must admit that I have never wanted to tie someone up and whip her ass with a riding crop more than I do right now. Watching her walk away with that perfect fucking ass of hers. My cock is fuc
king straining against my pants.

  I don’t know if I should be pissed or impressed. Of course, she has no idea who I am, but let me say this. She will. My body seems to react to her like no other woman I’ve met before. I need to make this right for John, hell for me.

  Turning on my heels I started back to where I got out of the car. I could see my guys standing here and there. By the time I reached the street my car was there. I climbed in, “Take me to my brother’s.”

  “I’m sorry sir. Do you know that woman? I didn’t mean to manhandle her like that.”

  I laughed, “I think it was the other way around, don’t you?”

  “She is a tough broad.”

  Smiling I said, “Well Mr. Hinkle, I can assure you she is no broad. That my dear fellow is a first-class spitfire. I am going to enjoy her immensely.”

  He nodded and we headed to my brother’s.

  Walking into John’s office, I had to chuckle. The man looked like he had been to hell and back. “John don’t look so frustrated.”

  “Fuck you Paul. What the hell are we going to do? We need her.”

  “She can’t be that good. Well I’ve seen her take down two of my men. The woman knows her self-defense that’s for sure.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I laughed, “Well Max nearly ran her over on the street. Spilled coffee all over her beautiful suit. She turned around and dented the hood of my car when she punched it.” Laughing I continued, “He got a little rough with her and she took him down in the middle of the street. I followed her and we had a conversation on a bench.”

  “Is she coming back?”

  “Not sure, I don’t think she thought my apology was sincere enough.”

  I watched as John picked up a file and tossed it on his desk in front of me. Picking it up I opened it scanning the contents. “Jesus, she did this?” The report was stellar and that was being kind.

  “Yes, she did. Do you see what I mean? She can do this. I had her vetted before she came to work here, the woman has high honors in accounting. She has a natural ability with numbers. We need her. Paul, you need to make this right.”


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