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Beautiful Liar

Page 14

by Cin Medley

  I couldn’t help but smile, I’m pretty sure he is thinking the same thing about me.

  “You okay?” He asked.

  I just nodded, looking at Jo. “Now you know the rules, no walking away from Momma or Paul, or Max. You stay with one of us at all times.”

  “I know momma. Can we get pretty dresses?” She loves her pretty dresses.

  I went to answer her but Paul said, “Well I think we could find one or two. What do you think momma?” I saw the twinkle in his eye. He is going to spoil her, give her any and everything she wants.

  “One or two,” I looked at him.

  He laughed, as we pulled up to Saks. Max opened the door while Paul got Jo out of her car seat, which I didn’t realized we had. “Where did that come from?” I asked.

  “I bought it for her, Miss Costello.” Max said.

  I just looked at him, did all these big badass men buckle and become jello around Jo? I smiled at him, “Thank you Max, but my name is Victoria Holmes, and I’m sorry about hurting you.”

  His face blushed a bit, “It’s not a worry, I’m sure I deserved it.”

  I nodded as he helped me out of the car and then Jo. Paul came around the other side. “Are we ready?”

  All of us walked into the store, Max included. We headed to the lingerie department. I watched as Paul walked up to one of the women at the counter. “This is Miss Holmes, anything she wants please put it on my card.” He handed her a black credit card.

  “Of course, Mr. Simon.” She smiled at him.

  Turning to me, he said, “You get what you need. I think me and Jo are going to go for a little walk. Will you be all right here on your own?”

  I smiled, as he gently pulled me to him. Leaning in I whispered, “I still have Denny’s gun. I’ll be fine. Don’t spoil her too much.” Looking at Jo in his arms. She fit so perfectly on his hip. I reached up and touched her face. “Have fun my love. I’ll see you in a little bit.”

  Her smile said it all for me, looking past me she said, “Max, you stay with momma.”

  Paul and I looked at each other. We didn’t need words to see it in each other’s eyes. He said, “How about we all stay here with momma and then we will all go together.”

  She shook her head, her curls softly hitting the side of his face. “No Max stay with momma.”

  “It’s fine, I’ll only be a minute.” I said, kissing her.

  Paul squeezed my side and then let me go. I watched as they walked away. Then I looked at Max who looked a bit uncomfortable. “She’s bossy, just like her mother.”

  I busted out laughing. It took me maybe ten minutes to find enough bras and panties to last a week or so. Then we were off to find Paul and Jo. And find them we did. On the counter were ten new dresses, socks, tee shirts, jeans, shorts, shoes and underpants.

  “Momma, look at all the pretty dresses.” She pointed to the counter.

  “I see,” I said looking at Paul.

  “What, they are all so cute.”

  I laughed. “Yes, but you can’t be doing this.”

  He pulled me into his side, “I can, and I will. Every little girl should have pretty dresses to wear.” He turned to the sales lady, handing her his card. “Could we have these delivered today?”

  “Of course, Mr. Simon. We have your address on file.”

  “Great, there will be more from the toy department as well.”

  She nodded and we walked away heading to the toy department. “Sir, I can have Denny and the guys take all of this back to the apartment. It might be a better choice, considering.”

  Paul looked at me and I nodded. He turned around looking at the sales girl. “We’ll take it with us.”

  She started to put everything in bags. Denny and another man appeared out of nowhere. I’m going to have to ask him about this. We headed to the toy department and bought her a few toys. Which Denny and Max carried, then we headed to the park. While Max pushed her on the swings I walked into his embrace.

  “Considering what?” I whispered.

  “Considering Kathy. Max used to be CIA, he was shot and he quit. Nearly ended his life and he came to work for me.”

  “Which brings me to this question. Why do you have four body guards?”

  He pulled me closer kissing my forehead, his eyes never leaving Jo, “I lived a bad life Victoria, you know this. I pissed a great many people off. Just because your father fixed everything doesn’t mean a damn thing. I’m going to be gone most of the day tomorrow, cleaning up my brother’s life, so I want you to stay inside where Max can keep an eye on you.”

  I laughed softly, “We really do need to have some serious talks don’t we?”

  He chuckled, “Oh you know we do. Come on, she looks like she is getting tired. Let’s go have a nice dinner and then a quiet night. I just want to enjoy the both of you. I want a non-complicated life with you.”

  When we got back to the apartment, we had taco’s. I had to laugh when we watched Jo try to eat one. It was a mess. I felt bad that his floors and chairs were taking the brunt of it. But all in all, we laughed more than we fretted.

  I gave Jo a bath, well the best that I could with one arm. Paul helped me get her out and dried off, and into her jammies. We all changed and curled up on the sofa. Jo was sleeping in a matter of minutes. Paul carried her to the bedroom where we tucked her in together.

  Instead of going back to the living room I headed to the bedroom, while he locked up and turned off all the lights. By the time he walked in I was crawling into bed with his shirt on. His clothes left his body as he walked across the room. Crawling in bed behind me, I felt his erection on my ass. “You are so fucking beautiful,” he whispered into my neck.

  Giggling, I turned my head. “No, you are.”

  I couldn’t help myself. I kissed her, my hand moving up my shirt to caress her perfect chest. I took my time touching her, loving her with my mouth and hands. “God beautiful, what you make me feel.” I moaned as I slid my hand down her stomach. I needed to touch her, to feel her. The truth of what is between us. No way could two people feel this and not be in love.

  “Take them off,” she moaned in my mouth.

  I couldn’t stop kissing her, as I maneuvered my body around hers to slip her panties off. I managed to unbutton my shirt and there she was, all her perfection laid out before me. My hands moved on their own, gently touching her. My fingers totally appreciating the feel of her silky skin. I watched as her back slightly arched, the goose flesh hardening her nipples. Listening to her breath hitch, her tiny moans and mews. Like no woman who has come before her. I will never stop fighting for her, fighting with her. No matter what lies ahead of us. I believe if she keeps what she knows sealed in her mind that she will be fine. I needed her to know how I felt about her.

  She slowly opened her legs to me, as only she could. I swear she was put here on this earth for me alone to worship. God, she was fucking beautiful, her back arched her nipples peaked, her luscious core glistening from her release.

  I was drawn into her scent, my mouth watered as I slowly made a meal of her. When I finished, I moved up and slid into heaven. My mouth capturing hers to dance a dance only we could dance together. Slowly I made love to this exquisite woman. Just before she took me over the edge of any reason I knew, I pulled back. “I love you,” I whispered on her lips.

  With tears in her eyes, she whispered, “I love you.”

  We let go together, our bodies pulsing together. Everything in this moment made sense to me. She is all I could ever want. I need to tell her. I need share it with her. Kissing her lightly I slowly pulled out, lying next to her she wrapped herself around me. I felt my tears as they fell from my eyes. Never have I ever.

  “Victoria,” I began. “My life has been something I am so ashamed of, and I can’t bear to hold it in anymore. I need to clear my slate and tell you the things I’ve done.”

  “I know about it all. I read the file.”

  “No baby you don’t. Please let me tell you.” I
felt her nod. “I was the owner of a sex club. A BSDM sex club. I would restrain woman and have sex with them. It was never against their will, there was always a safe word, but I was not a nice man. Not a gentle lover, if you could even call me that. Rarely was I with the same woman twice. I bought, women for my club, and I was always the first to have them. I could never seem to get satisfied. Hell, when I met you, I fucked some poor girl into unconsciousness trying to get you out of my head. That was when I realized that I didn’t want that life, that I wanted you, she was the last woman I was with, and that was the night we met. Please keep in mind, that I know it hasn’t been a long time, but for me it has. I spent most of my days and nights there, doing nothing really but having sex. Many times, a day, but never without a condom, and I made sure I was checked regularly. It was the only way to deal with losing Sylvia. I haven’t been sedated in over five years. Not until that first night we spent together. Victoria, I have never felt this way with anyone, I have not been gentle with a woman in a very long time. With you, it’s all I want. I’m not sure I could ever really fuck you. You are so much more than that. I sold the club the afternoon I kissed you in your office. I have not kissed a woman since the night my wife died. I have not put my mouth on one. I haven’t wanted to. Until you. I can’t seem to keep my mouth off you.”

  She giggled into my chest. “I’ve only ever been with Steven. What I shared with him, was nothing compared to what I feel with you. He never kissed me there, he only ever fucked me. I don’t think we ever made love, and if we did, he sucked at it compared to what I feel with you. I don’t care, what you were before, or what you did. It isn’t who you are with me, I’m not who I was before, when I’m with you. Together, we are one. I believe that now. I can see it in your eyes. I felt it that first night. I needed to feel safe. Paul, I have never lived my life for me. That first night, that was for me, for you, for us. You gave me something I never knew I was missing in my life. You gave me truth, you gave me trust and you gave love, and yes, I felt loved. That’s why I freaked out. Even when you fucked me, I knew you weren’t fucking me because I know what being fucked feels like. You were making love to me and it hurt so bad, because I knew I had to leave. I blew my cover and I wasn’t sure you wanted anymore from me. I mean your less than stellar introduction scared the shit out of me. But the minute you touched me I felt you. I just fought it. Giving myself to you, was so freeing, so me. Everything I have, all that I am I give you. Can you feel me?”

  “I feel you Victoria, I felt you then, I feel you now. I will never let you down. I couldn’t take the sadness in your eyes. I’ve seen so much of it, put there by other’s that you’ve trusted and loved, and I couldn’t handle being the reason you look like that again. Do you feel me?”

  She giggled, kissing my chest. “To the depth of my soul.”

  The scream that shattered our moment had us both moving. Paul nearly broke his neck trying to get his pants on. Me, I grabbed Denny’s gun and was out the door before he had time to take a breath. I ran into Jo’s room. She was thrashing about in her bed. “No, no, don’t hurt her.” She cried. Then she screamed out again.

  Paul came running in, “Wake her up,” he whispered.

  I just stood there watching her, listening to the words coming out of her mouth. “No, momma. Not my momma.” She screamed again.

  I looked at Paul, he moved around me and picked her up. “Joanna, come on beautiful wake up.” I watched in horror as she hit him time and time again. Her little fists fighting him. She was screaming at him.

  I reached for her, giving Paul my gun. The minute she was in my arms I whispered, “Beautiful girl, I’m right here.” Her head laid on my shoulder and she burst into tears. “Shh, I’m here baby. I’m right here. It was just a dream.”

  Her whole body was shaking, “Come on, bring her in bed with us.” He whispered, rubbing her back. “It’s all right beautiful girl. No one is going to hurt momma.”

  She picked her head up and turned to Paul, reaching for him. He handed me the gun and took her wrapping her in his arms. She laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  I had tears in my eyes, “I got you baby girl. Come on, you want to sleep with us?”

  She nodded in his shoulder and we went back to Paul’s room. I put the gun away and he climbed in bed with her. Lying her down he ran in the closet to put on some pajama bottoms and I crawled in next to her.

  “What happened, baby?” I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

  “Bad men were hurting you,” she whimpered.

  “I’m right here. It was just a dream. We’re going to go home in a few days. Back to the cottage. Okay?”

  She shook her head, “No, momma. I want to stay here. Can we stay here with Paul?”

  He was coming out of the closet, as he climbed into bed on the other side of her he said, “I’m going to go with you, and so is Max.”

  She turned in my arms shaking her head, “No, I don’t want to. I want to stay here. Can we stay here Paul?”

  He looked at me and I nodded, “Of course we can. Now come on, let’s get back to sleep. It’s very late.”

  She smiled at him and rolled over into my arms. Paul moved over and held us both in his arms. After a few minutes she was sleeping again. He chuckled, “I would have never imagined my life would be this.”

  “What?” I whispered, a bit terrified at what he was going to say.

  Looking at me, he touched my face, “So very full.”

  Smiling I closed my eyes, and we slept in his arms, wrapped in the feeling of safety. Wrapped in what I hoped to be love.

  Chapter Twelve

  When I opened my eyes, there was a little hand on my face. My life was full. We may never have our own child but we have this one, and she has already won my heart. They are both so beautiful. Looking over her head to look at Victoria, she has a small smile on her face. God, she is so fucking beautiful, I can’t believe she loves me, wants to be here with me.

  I slowly got out of bed, pulling the door shut behind me, walking out on the balcony, I called Max. “Listen, I need you and Denny to get up here and go through this apartment with a fine-tooth comb. I want to make sure there are no camera’s, no listening devices. I want the locks changed on all the doors, and I want an electronic security system put in with monitors at the doors.”

  “You got it boss.”

  “Thanks,” I hung up and called Saks.

  I arranged for a decorator to come by and decorate Jo’s room. Maybe if it felt like her space she would feel more comfortable. If she wants to stay here, she should feel like it’s her home. Looking at my bedroom door I couldn’t help but smile. This is her home, it’s our home.

  I called down stairs and asked for a shopper to come and take a grocery list. We needed food, food for a three-year-old. Seen as how I know nothing of three-year old’s, I should probably wake up Victoria. As I turned I felt her hand on my back. “Good morning beautiful,” pulling her into my arms.

  “Good morning, what are you doing out here?” She whispered snuggling into my embrace.

  “Well, the guys will be up here scanning for anything that shouldn’t be here. I am having all the locks changed and a security system installed. I called Saks, they are sending someone over to decorate Jo’s room, when they get done. If she wants to stay here, she should feel like this is her home. Oh, and I got a personal shopper coming to get some groceries in here.”

  She laughed, “Paul, you don’t need to do this.”

  “Yes, I do. She scared the shit out me last night. She wants to stay here, so I am going to do everything I can to make her feel safe. To make you feel safe.”

  My hands went to her face, my mouth covering hers. God this woman can kiss. We stood there until the knock on the door separated us. She giggled when she looked down. “I should get the door. We don’t want you scaring the shit out of anyone with this.” She grabbed my cock and pumped it a few times. My hips moving into her.

  “I wan
t you,” I whispered kissing her again.

  “I know. I feel the same way.” She let go and walked to the door. I heard her talking to Max and Denny. “I’m going to get changed. You guys do what you need to do. Paul will be out in a minute.”

  She came into the bedroom shutting and locking the door, and found me in the closet. I could see it in her eyes. She shut the door and dropped to her knees, pulling my boxers down. She didn’t talk, hell she didn’t give me a chance to object. Her hand was on me, and then she was guiding me into her mouth and down her throat. God, it felt so fucking good, I couldn’t object. So, slow she took me, I wanted to hold off and enjoy her, but I was raging. I needed to feel her.

  “God, Victoria. I want to be inside you.” I whispered as I watched her take me again. Her nose touched my stomach and she fucking swallowed. I had no control, my hands reached out to hold myself up as my whole body fucking shook from my release. I wanted to cry out, she is magnificent.

  When I emptied myself, she pulled back looking up at me, she smiled. “Now you’ll be able to concentrate on what is going on, and you won’t be thinking of this.”

  I chuckled, helping her up, “You want to fucking bet? This is all I am going to be thinking about.”

  I kissed her, dropping to my knees, slowly pulling her panties off. She put her foot on my shoulder and I made love to her with my mouth. Time and time again she shattered in my arms. What a way to start the day. We stood there in the closet and kissed for a few minutes, and then we dressed. When we walked out Jo was still sleeping in our bed. She’s so tiny.

  I left her in the bedroom and went out and found Max and Denny. I handed Max a note.

  Start in Jo’s room. Not one word. Just search it, scan it and clear it. Then my office. Work your way through the place. I want our camera’s in Jo’s room.

  He read it and nodded. I went to make some breakfast for us. When I reached the kitchen Victoria was already cooking, so I sat and watched her. “How late does she usually sleep?”


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