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Beautiful Liar

Page 16

by Cin Medley

  “You can’t be serious. You cannot go up against someone like that.”

  I laughed, they all looked at me. “I’d lay my fortune on the fact that she can kick your ass. I watched her with a broken arm take out her ex with one hand while he had her broken arm twisted and his hand wrapped around her throat.”

  It was kind of funny to see him swallow hard. Victoria walked off the porch and headed toward the beach.

  “What isn’t she telling me?” Joe asked.

  “A great deal, if I was a guessing man. She keeps her cards close to her chest. We haven’t known each other for very long. She will share when she is ready. I think she is still trying to deal with the fact that she knows this man personally. When she figured it out, she nearly passed out. She was a mess for a few days.”

  “Tell me about Joanna.” Al asked.

  “Brilliant child for three. She had a weird dream the other night, said that some men were hurting her momma, and she refuses to go home to England. She also made a comment that scared the shit out of Victoria. She told us that she knew her momma sent my brother to heaven.”

  “A clairvoyant?” Al said softly.

  I shook my head, “Not sure. But it sure was fucking creepy. A clairvoyant see’s the future. Not the past. But what do I know?”

  Joe’s phone buzzed. “Doc has the boat house ready. We should get whatever is in her arm out.”

  My heart stopped. I nodded and headed to the beach. “Hey beautiful, are you having fun?” I asked Jo.

  “Look, Max found some seashells.” She held out her little hand.

  “Wow, those are beautiful. Maybe we could put them in your room.” I knelt on the sand in front of her. “Momma and I have to go have a meeting. Max here, is going to stay with you for a little while. Maybe you two could have a picnic on the beach while you wait for us.”

  She looked up at Max, nodding her head. I watched as Victoria hugged her. “No matter what happens baby, you are going to stay with Paul all right?”

  She nodded, putting her hand on her face, “It’s all right momma.”

  “I love you beautiful.”

  “I love you too.”

  We stood there and watched Max follow her down the beach.

  “Joe said they were ready for you in the boat house.”

  She turned into my chest, “Promise me Paul that if anything happens you will give her a good life.”

  Wrapping my arms around her, “Nothing is going to happen. We are going to have a wonderful life together. Just the three of us.”

  She nodded, “I really am so in love with you. Please promise me.”

  God my heart lurched, “I am so in love with you. I promise Victoria. I so fucking promise.” My hands came up to her face, wiping her tears from her cheeks with my thumbs, “I fucking promise.” I whispered as I kissed her. We stood there kissing for a few minutes.

  “Let’s get this over with,” she whispered on my lips.

  I shook my head, “No, I want to make love to you.”

  She giggled, “Okay.”

  We headed back to the house. Walking in I looked at Joe. “We’re going to need about an hour.” Victoria turned into my chest and giggled. He just smiled and nodded at me, as we continued to my bedroom.

  Walking in I shut and locked the door. She just stood there looking at me. “An hour huh?”

  I raised my eyebrows at her, “Give or take.” I stepped towards her.

  It’s always a slow dance with us. Our fingers touching. Slowly I undressed her. “Fuck Victoria,” I moaned as I looked at her. She reached up and slid my tee shirt up my chest. I pulled it the rest of the way off as she unbuttoned my jeans. Taking her sweet time with my zipper. My cock hurt so much. Her finger tips trailing along it as she pulled down my pants and boxers. On her way down she inhaled me. One movement and I was down her throat. She swallowed and me, Mr. Self-control was gone. “Awe fuck, beautiful.” I groaned out. No woman has ever done this to me.

  When I looked down at her, she just looked so fucking innocent sitting on her heels looking up at me. Stepping back, I got on my knees, kissing her. “We will survive this,” I whispered as we gently kissed.

  “I’m scared Paul. Make me feel safe. Do what only you can do. Love me and make me feel safe.”

  I picked her up and carried her to the bed, and that is just what I did. I made love to her with my mouth taking her over the edge three times, and I still couldn’t get enough of her ambrosia. Her body covered in goose flesh, her nipples so hard, I’m sure she could cut diamonds with them. Looking at her as I kneel between her legs, watching her hips gently rocking into the mattress, my mind empty with everything except her.

  Sliding my hand under her knee, I moved up her body gently opening her up to me. Just as my mouth touched hers my cock slid slowly into her tight silken body. I could feel her body arch into mine. So slowly I made love to this siren, this goddess who has become my obsession. I felt her thigh push against me and I gently rolled us over. She walked herself up my chest, pushing down hard on me, her hips moving in little circles.

  “God Victoria, you feel so good.” Her hand taking mine she put it on her breast. They are perfect.

  Wrapping my other arm around her back I sat up taking her nipple in my mouth. I felt her tighten around me, fuck I’m going to lose it. My hand on her hip moved in and I pressed it on her core. Her eyes opened and looked right into my soul as she released. “Oh god, Paul.” She moaned out. Our eyes locked as we came together. I watched as her eyes filled with tears. “I’m so scared,” she whispered.

  Wrapping her in my arms I laid her on her side. “I know baby. We have to believe this is going to turn out. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”

  We laid like this kissing for some time. I could feel myself getting harder. My hips just started moving, the feel of her making me harder. “God Victoria,” I moan, as my hips started moving faster, harder.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered on my lips.

  Fuck her I did. My arm wrapped around her anchoring her to me. Her body giving no resistance as my hips slammed into her. Fucking this woman is going to become very addictive. I was done ten minutes after I started, releasing all that I had deep inside of her. She burst into tears, clawing at me to get her closer. We laid there for a long time holding one another.

  “I need to clean up,” she whispered on my shoulder, when the tears stopped.

  Pulling out of her was a loss I didn’t want. I never want to be out of her. My eyes not leaving her as she walked across the room into the bathroom. I laid on the bed staring on the ceiling. Please God, let her be all right. When the door opened, she climbed back on the bed kissing me.

  “We need to get this over with. The sooner they figure out what’s in my arm, the sooner I can heal and then finish this.”

  Looking at her, I had to say it. I needed to know, “When this is over Victoria, will you consider becoming my wife? I want a life with you, I want a life raising Jo.”

  She smiled a sweet smile, her hand touching mine. “Yes, I will consider it.”

  I think my smile might have broken my face. Pulling her down on the bed I kissed her deeply. “I love you beautiful.”

  Her good hand on my face, her thumb running across my lips. “I love you.”

  We got dressed and headed out to the kitchen. Jo was sitting in a chair eating, “Look momma, Max made me mac and cheese from a box. Can you believe they make mac and cheese in a box?”

  Victoria busted out laughing, “No baby I can’t believe that.” I watched her walk over and sit down. “I need to go with these men out to the boat house for a little while.”

  “I know momma, they are going to operate on your arm.” She said so matter-of-fact.

  “They are, so you be good for Max and take your nap. I’ll be back in a little while, then Paul and I will come and sleep with you.”

  She nodded her little head, her curls bouncing all over, “I love you momma.” She looked at me. “I love you too

  My heart burst, “I love you too, beautiful.”

  We all walked out to the boat house. It looked like a fucking operating room. I kissed Victoria and then Joe made me leave. “If this goes wrong that little girl is going to need you. Go back to the house and wait for us. Al will go with you.”

  I couldn’t let go of his hand. We stood there looking at one another. “I’m scared,” I whispered. “Paul, please promise me you will take care of her.”

  “I promise, but we are going to do this together. Have a life after this, together, all three of us.” He pulled me into his arms. “Feel me baby, feel me.”

  I nodded into his chest. He has become so important to me in such a short time. Jesus, we just made love like it was the last time we were ever going to make love. I didn’t let go of him until my body stopped shaking, and his hold didn’t falter until I lessened my grip. Pulling back, he kissed me. “Go,” I whispered.

  Turning from me he walked to the door, he paused but didn’t turn around. “Joe, we don’t know one another, but I am trusting you that this man can do this. We need her.”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think this was going to work out. I know trust is an issue for the two of you, but you have to start somewhere, let it be with us, we won’t let you down.” Joe said gently.

  “I love you, Victoria.”

  “And I love you. Promise me Paul.”

  “I promise beautiful. Hurry back.”

  I watched as he walked out the door with Al. Joe went over and locked it, while two other men sealed the door. “Victoria?” A man said. I turned to him. “My name is Sam McDonald. I’m a surgeon. Whatever is going on with your arm we will know shortly.”

  I nodded, “Could you take the tracker out of my neck as well? And when you finish my daughter has one in her neck that I want out.”

  He nodded, “Come on let’s get you changed and on the table.” He guided me to a screen, behind it was a gown. I changed and got on the table. “Now you should be out for maybe an hour.”

  “I don’t want to be put out. Please just use a local. I need to hear and see what you are doing.”

  “I’m not sure a local will be enough.”

  I chuckled, “Well I guess it’s going to have to be. If it’s too much, I’ll let you put me under. I need to know what he did to me.” Sam and Joe stood looking at each other. “This is my choice, my body and it’s what I want.”

  Sam nodded, “Well then let’s get started, and get this cast off.” I listened to the saw for a long time while they cut the cast down both sides. “Okay, now before I take this off, I want to go over a few things. We have no x-rays of what’s inside. I have no idea what kind of surgical incisions are here. I’m hoping I can just re-cut and examine. Now from what I understand you felt it break, you heard it break?”

  “He twisted it back and it snapped. Well something snapped. I personally didn’t think it needed three separate pins. I mean it hurt like a bitch, but not like it should have, and two hours of surgery? Does that sound right?”

  “It would all depend. So let’s get started. You ready for this?” He asked his team. Everyone in the room nodded.

  “Joe, can I hold your hand, because if we blow up, or die from some kind of toxic poison I really would like to be holding someone’s hand.”

  He smiled behind his mask, and reached for my hand. “Thank you.” He whispered. “I think I’m a bit freaked out.”

  I giggled as Sam lifted the cast off my arm. They had set up a mirror so I could look at what they were doing, that and to reflect the light onto my arm. I could see three separate bandages on my arm. Two on the side and one on the front of my arm. They were covered in a yellow type of bandage. “Victoria, where was this surgery done?”

  “London,” I whispered. I could feel the tears coming.

  I felt him lift my arm and remove the bottom of the cast. “All right you are going to feel a few pricks and then a slight stinging sensation.” I nodded. Six pricks in all.

  Joe squeezed my hand, “This will work. Hopefully it’s nothing and they are pins.”

  “What if they are, but still filled with explosives.” I said.

  “That’s why I’m here.” I turned my head. “My name is Jack Ellis. Explosives are my specialty. I’ve designed them, disengaged them, and blown some up. I also designed this little baby, that will tell us if there are in fact explosives in the metal.”

  “Can you feel this?” Sam asked. I shook my head. “All right then let’s get started. I’m going to peel back the surgical dressing.” I felt the gentle tug on my skin but felt no pain. “Ok, you have six stitches on each incision. Which would be right for the insertion of the pins into the bone. This one here on the lower side of your arm looks to be bit infected. Have you had any pain?”

  “Yes, but I’ve been taking pain medication.”

  “I’m going to cut the stitches and re-open the wound.”

  “Wait, I need you to get Denny in here. No offense, but I think I’d like to be put out and I want someone, no offense, someone that is on our side. Someone I know.”

  Joe chuckled, “I can do that.” He pulled a phone out of his pocket and called the house. “Victoria, asked for Denny to come down. She doesn’t want to go under without someone there she can trust.”

  A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. I watched as two men unsealed it and let him in. He changed into a gown and took Joe’s place. I grabbed his hand. “You watch them. Make sure everything is done correctly. I don’t think I can stay awake for this.”

  “Not a problem Miss Holmes.” He squeezed my hand.

  Looking at Sam I said. “Please don’t get us killed. I have a life to live. I’m ready.”

  Sam covered my face with a mask and I closed my eyes.

  It fucking killed me to leave her there. I’ve never been a man of my word before, why do I have to be now? Because I fucking love her, and I need to build that trust. She needs to know she can trust me, and I need to know I can be the man to share her so very complicated life with. Pacing in front of the windows, my eyes locked on the boat house. My phone rang in my pocket, scaring the shit out of me.

  “Yeah,” I snapped.

  “Victoria, asked for Denny to come down. She doesn’t want to go under without someone there she can trust.” Joe said.

  I smiled, my heart started beating again. “He’ll be right down.” I disconnected the call. Walking outside I saw him standing guard over the house. “Denny, could you please go down to the boat house. Victoria wants someone there she can trust.”

  He nodded and headed down. I watched him walk into the building. Now to just wait. Now I will just have my memories, until she wakes up. Come on beautiful, you can do this. Time, it’s something I gave up on years ago, now I can feel the hands move on my watch, I can hear the ticking on the clock in the living room.

  I pace the floor like a caged cat, ready to pounce on the first person I see. Time ticks on and still no movement from the boat house. Looking at the clock two hours had passed. Two hours? I look around, where’s Jo? Heading to her bedroom, I find Max sitting on a chair just outside her door.

  Pushing the door open I find her sitting on her bed with her back against the head board. “Hi beautiful. Whatcha doing?”

  “Momma told me to be a good girl, so I’m being a good girl.” She said so sweetly.

  “Well, thank you. But I don’t think she meant for you to stay in bed all day. Come on, you want to have some ice cream with me?” I put my hand out for her to take.

  “I have to go potty.” She said as she scooted to the edge of the bed.

  I helped her to the potty and waited for her. We held hands and went to the kitchen to have ice cream. “So Joanna, tell me about your room at the cottage. I thought maybe we could make your room here like that. Maybe get you some of the same toys. We could even ask if maybe Denny could go over and get some of your favorite things.”

  We sat on the barstools eating i
ce cream talking about her room. If I was a kid, I would think it was some sort of fantasy land. I couldn’t help but smile. She was a fantastic child. I was so excited by the time she finished telling me about it, that I wanted to go see it for myself.

  We played a game and then we snuggled on the couch and watched a movie. I couldn’t tell you what the hell we watched. But sometime during the movie Jo got up on her knees and looked at me. “Momma’s awake now. Can we see her?”

  I smiled, “Not yet sweetheart.” My heart racing in my chest. Now at least we’ll have some answers. “Max?” I called out.

  “Yes sir,” he was in the dining room.

  “I’m going to go down to the boat house. Victoria is awake. Will you stay here with Jo?”

  “Sure.” He looked at Jo, “Hey little one, you want to go down to the beach?”

  She shook her little head, “No, I want to wait for momma.”

  “Well then we will wait for momma.” He sat in the chair.

  “I’ll be back with her in a little bit.” I told Jo, kissing her on the head.

  I was half way to the boat house when Joe walked out. He met me on the lawn. “There weren’t any pins in her arm. They were explosive’s just like we thought. But not anything we’ve ever seen before. Some highly toxic nerve gas. The one in her neck was a tracker with some kind of poison to kill her in case the nerve gas didn’t work.”

  I turned and looked at the house. My feet were moving and Joe was right behind me. Running in, I picked up Jo. “Come on sweetheart, we need to take you to momma.” I ran across the lawn with Joe and Max following me.

  When we got in the boat house, Victoria was sitting on the bed. Jo reached for her. Victoria smiled at her. “Hey beautiful.”

  “Momma, I was a good girl, just like you told me to be.”

  “That’s wonderful. Sam here is going to give you a shot and make you go to sleep for a little while.”

  “Is he going to take that thing out of my neck? Uncle John put it in there. He said it was in case I got lost.”


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