Hannah's Gold

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by Hannah's Gold (lit)


  Cindy Crane


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage and More


  Copyright © 2009 by Cindy Crane

  E-book ISBN: 1-60601-679-2

  First E-book Publication: December 2009

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2009 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Letter from Cindy Crane

  Regarding Ebook Piracy

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for buying this book. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Producing a novel is a pleasurable occupation, even though it does take many hours of hard work. So, if you would like to share the story of Hannah’s Gold with others, please direct them to the website where you bought it. If you downloaded it to read for free, please be aware that you did so from an illegal, pirate website.

  Please respect my profession and my need to earn a living.

  Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

  With deep gratitude,

  Cindy Crane


  For my husband, who loves a good Western.



  Copyright © 2009

  Chapter One

  Luke parked his butt at an empty table by the window. Six foot two of solid muscle, he relaxed against the chair back and stretched out his long, lean legs. He welcomed the chair’s solid support and the respite it gave him from the constant swaying of his horse. After weeks in his well-worn saddle, he’d begun to think they were fused together.

  The window overlooked the dusty street. Wooden, one-story buildings flanked each side, with boardwalks that ran their full lengths. When the rains came, the street became a quagmire of mud, but, with no rain for a while, the heat shimmied above the hard-baked, bone-dry earth.

  Dust swirled in clouds around the hooves of a horse and the wheels of a wagon that rattled past the saloon toward the general store. Luke watched with idle interest as the driver drew in the horse’s reins and brought the vehicle to a stop.

  He took another gulp of his beer, his third glass since walking into the saloon. The first had barely touched the sides of his throat. He’d been desperate to slake the dryness and the heat that clogged his mouth and tongue. The second had chased it down almost as quickly. But now, sitting back and relaxing, he decided to take his time with this one and really enjoy it as it tickled and refreshed every taste bud and revived every flagging cell in his body. He’d dreamed of this moment for days, promising himself that it would be the first thing he’d do once he hit town. Then, when he’d finished, he’d join his brother upstairs with the two whores he’d already commandeered.

  At the end of such a hard, long trail, all Jed had talked about, for the past two nights, was a soak in a hot tub, a bottle of whiskey, and fucking every whore in town. His wages were burning a hole in his pocket. His dick burned an even bigger one in his pants.

  Well, he had his wish, Luke mused, thinking of him ensconced with the two black-haired beauties. He’d be smothering himself between their luscious tits as they scrubbed his back and soaped his balls. Months of living with a band of cowboys and a herd of cattle left a stink that clung to them like shit. Luke knew he smelt bad too but his first port of call was a beer. Then he’d join his little brother for a bit of fun.

  But he wasn’t rushing. Jed would be more than happy to keep the women satisfied. Luke rather liked the peace and quiet after the raucous goings-on in the big town that they’d left behind. After collecting their wages, they’d decided to travel west for another day, away from the overcrowded saloons and the well-used whores. At least here, there were enough to go around.

  Lazily, Luke continued to watch the wagon. The dust had settled and a woman, dressed in men’s clothing, climbed down from the seat. She tethered the reins to the hitching post. Even from this distance, he could see she was a fine-looking female with curves in all the right places. It was hard not to. After months of forced abstinence and male-only company, a tell-tale tingling stirred in his groin.

  Her blonde hair hung loosely from beneath her cowboy hat. It fell over her shoulders and back in soft curls. And a pair of pert breasts strained at the brown-and-white-checkered shirt that she’d tucked into a pair of pants caught tightly at the waist. A leather belt pinched her waist nice and slim, and accentuated the womanly curve of her hips as well as her nicely rounded buttocks. They swayed evenly as she stepped up onto the boardwalk. Luke instinctively licked his lips. There was something real sexy about a woman in pants. It covered everything yet displayed everything, too, including her long, shapely legs normally hidden beneath the folds of a skirt.

  Someone must have had similar thoughts. As she pushed her way through the group of cowboys who congregated outside the general store, one spoke to her. It was obviously offensive. She raised her hand and slapped him hard across the cheek. The man’s friends burst into laughter but, nevertheless, still continued to whistle and catcall after her as she strode straight-backed into the store. She turned and glared hard at them, spitting a curse.

  Luke grinned. He couldn’t hear what she said but, from where he sat, he could see she knew how to take care of herself. She looked a sassy one, all right. Just how he liked them. There was nothing finer than a good catfight as a prelude to a good, sweaty fuck. Warmth tingled into his groin. His dick, now thoroughly aware of its forced celibacy, quivered in expectation. Those two whores would get one hell of a seeing to once he joined his brother upstairs. But it wouldn’t be just yet. He wanted to see what happened when the woman came out of the store.

  It wasn’t long, about twenty minutes. The men hadn’t moved. In fact, another had joined them. In his long, black dress-coat, white shirt, and thin tie, he looked like no ordinary cowboy but someone of much more importance and most likely their boss. He chewed on a cheroot, and thin clouds of smoke curled alongside one cheek and up toward his black, wide-brimm
ed hat. Periodically, he stroked a thumb across his pencil-thin moustache to groom his already immaculate appearance. Unlike the other cowboys, his black leather boots virtually shone. After his short journey from the bank at the other side of the street, only a thin film of dust covered the toes and heels.

  As the woman stepped from the store, she held a box of rations in her arms. The man in black stepped in front of her and blocked her way. For a female, she stood tall but he towered over her by a good six inches, and as he spoke, he reached down a hand and cupped her brazenly between her legs. With her hands otherwise engaged, this time she couldn’t dole out a slap. Instead, she twisted sharply to one side and shrugged him away. As she pushed past him, she nudged him hard with her shoulder. Her lips compressed into a grim line.

  The cowboys laughed but the man in black turned and barked out an order to them that brought their mirth to an abrupt end. One of the men stepped out in front of her and blocked her way yet again. The woman glared. Her cheeks now burned fiery red. Luke could almost feel the heat from where he sat. But this time, the cowboy tipped his hat at her and took the box of rations from her arms. He turned and took them to the wagon. It looked like they offered her a bit of respect, after all.

  But no, the man in black stepped closer to her, although this time from behind. He caught the woman’s arms in a pair of firm hands and pulled her back against his strong, sturdy body. Pinning her tightly to him, he moved one hand to the junction between her thighs and the other to cup one of her delightful breasts. Finally, lowering his face toward her neck, he buried his mouth into her soft flesh. The way the woman struggled, she wasn’t at all happy with his attention.

  Luke frowned and not for the first time since watching the scenario play out before him. Why wasn’t anyone going to her aid? Townsfolk had suddenly melted away, leaving the street deserted.

  The man’s cronies roared with laughter as they made obscene gestures and lewd remarks at their boss’ antics with the woman. Luke didn’t like what he saw. Rough as he was, even he had standards, and certainly a lot more respect for women. He’d never treat one the way that bastard behaved with this one.

  His chair scraped loudly against the wooden floor and, as he leaped to his feet, it fell backward with a crash. It seemed that if no one else would help her, it was up to him to do something about it.

  Chapter Two

  Hannah cringed. Her flesh crawled with shame and anger. Hot, tobacco-laced breath fanned across her face as she struggled to free herself from the pair of hands that gripped her far too tightly, and far too intimately, for all to see.

  “Now, now, Hannah,” her captor purred lasciviously against her skin. “I’m just sampling my juicy, little gold mine. After all, another few days and I’ll be taking all the interest I need out of it.” He twirled a finger against the nub of her sex.

  Thank goodness a thick seam of denim covered her cunny. Anything that deadened the sensation of his touch was a bonus. Nevertheless, she still felt the pressure and it made her feel sick to think that he would soon be parting her naked thighs and taking his precious prize.

  He squeezed his other hand hard around her breast and fingered the tip protruding through the cotton fabric. Her nipple contracted into a visible point at his rough handling.

  Dammit. She hated the way Ethan McCabe foisted his unwanted attentions upon her. He was an evil bastard. No way would she ever react willingly to his disgusting pawing.

  “Now that feels promising,” he whispered lewdly in her ear, as he tweaked it a little more. “I can see we’re going to have lots of fun together.”

  She tried pushing him away again.

  “Sampling wasn’t part of the deal,” she said evenly, between clenched teeth. Despite the storm of hatred and fear ravaging her insides, she prided herself on her determination to keep her frazzled nerves under strict control. “You’re forgetting there are four more days before the deal becomes a reality. That’s four more days for Jacob to get back and pay you the money you cheated out of his father.”

  But her clear-cut words sounded more confident than she felt speaking them. Gone for nearly twelve months, each day that now approached the one year McCabe had given Jacob to repay the debt, crept agonizingly closer. She’d managed to keep him at arm’s length until now, but the past few weeks had brought more frequent jibes and taunts about her impending future with him and of all the disgusting things he would do with her once she became his possession. It made her skin crawl.

  McCabe’s lips still hovered too close to her ear. He laughed softly, sending shivers of dread down her spine.

  “That spineless fiancé of yours isn’t coming back,” he mocked and spoke the word slowly and derisively. He enunciated every syllable, fee-on-say. It indicated his contempt of the man. “Admit it, Hannah. He’s abandoned you to your fate. He knows I’m going to have his land and his woman. He isn’t even man enough to fight me for you.”

  Angered by McCabe’s disrespect for Jacob, Hannah struggled afresh as she tried to wriggle from his grasp. Jacob would never abandon her. He’d promised faithfully he’d be back. They might not yet be officially betrothed, but when he did return, they would be.

  But Hannah’s lithe, struggling form only made McCabe squeeze her all the more tightly to him, pressing her bottom against the hard ridge at the junction of his pants. She could feel the lust on him. It made her blood run cold.

  “Bastard,” she snarled at him. “Get off me.”

  “Now, now, Hannah,” he repeated. “Calm that temper of yours. I like my women to do as they’re told. That way they don’t get hurt.” Hannah knew her feisty ways aroused him but she couldn’t help herself or her temper. She hated the man.

  His hand traced a path from her breast to the V of her shirt. Poking his fingers inside the fabric, he stroked the soft, bare flesh, and sampled the delights of her silky smooth skin until he reached a dimpled peak. He rolled her unprotected nipple between a finger and thumb.

  “Now, what have we here?” he leered. His mouth felt hot against her ear and cheek. “I’m really looking forward to getting to know these little playthings a lot better. What say we have a little peek, eh boys?” He raised his eyes to meet the eager ones of his men. They nodded, laughing and jeering in eager anticipation. “After all, once I’ve taken my dues out of your pretty little cunt, I’ll be selling it to anyone with a dollar to spare.” He squeezed her sex hard again. “Oh yes, Hannah, I’m going to really enjoy shafting your little gold mine.” He laughed crudely at his sick joke.

  Anger and disgust boiled like a cauldron deep in the pit of Hannah’s stomach. It overrode any shame and humiliation caused by the imminent exposure of her breasts for all McCabe’s men, and the rest of the lily-livered townsfolk, to see. She relaxed, just for a moment, while McCabe loosened his hold on her in readiness to tear open the front of her shirt. Then, raising her knee, she brought up her foot and stamped her heel hard onto the top of his boot. She ground it viciously into the tiny bones of his upper foot.

  His strong leather boots offered some protection but the shock and suddenness of her action made him release his grip on her altogether. It gave her enough time to twist out of his arms, turn, and kick him hard in the groin. Thank goodness she’d decided to wear pants. She could never have moved so swiftly in her skirt.

  With a strangled Oof of pain, McCabe doubled over, and, tightly clenching her fist, Hannah landed a strong right hook to his mouth and jaw. Pain seared through the bones of her hand but the sight of McCabe staggering backward, clutching both his groin and his mouth, made it worthwhile.

  His men sniggered all the more at this fresh entertainment. She was a spirited little mare.

  But McCabe wasn’t amused.

  “You bitch,” he snarled as he licked the trickle of blood oozing from his smarting mouth. “Don’t think I’ll forget that.” He paused for a second. “In fact, you can come back with me now and I’ll show you what pain really is. Get her, boys.”

  Rough hands grab
bed each of her upper arms.

  Hannah cursed the townsfolk for hiding behind their curtains and letting McCabe run roughshod over them all. If they’d all stood up to him in the first place, he wouldn’t be here ruining everyone’s lives. She was only too aware that no one would fight in her corner but she wasn’t going to go down their route and succumb so easily. She kicked out. Her boots caught the shins of the two cowboys holding on to her.

  She kicked again, hard.



  Spitting profanities, they released her, hopping around for a moment but, just before she reached her wagon, they caught her roughly once more. However, she wasn’t going to give up that easily. She spat and struggled like a mountain cat caught in a trap.

  “Leave the lady alone!” A deep voice rumbled over the noise of the mayhem going on in the street.

  The hands hovering over Hannah’s arms froze. Taking advantage, she struggled free and hopped up onto the seat of her wagon. She shot a quick glance in the direction of her unexpected rescuer, wondering in surprise who had actually found the guts to come to her aid.

  Her tormentors too, stopped to appraise the cowboy standing boldly before them. A newcomer, covered in trail dust, he stunk to high heaven.

  He was taller than average, and dirt streaked his fair hair, while several days’ beard growth covered his face. He stood arrogantly, legs apart, with one hand resting on his gun belt. He presented a daunting figure as he squinted in the bright sunshine. His blue eyes narrowed into mere slits in his weather-beaten face, causing tiny creases to form at the corners.


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