Hannah's Gold

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Hannah's Gold Page 2

by Hannah's Gold (lit)

  “And what business is it of yours?” McCabe asked. Finally recovered from Hannah’s well-placed kick in the balls, he could now stand tall once more and was able to look the stranger straight in the eye.

  “The lady doesn’t like the attention, so I’m making it my business,” the man drawled softly. His quiet authority showed that he meant business, even though he was outnumbered five to one. A frisson of hope traveled up Hannah’s spine.

  A smile slithered across McCabe’s mouth but it never reached his eyes. He too spoke with quiet intimidation.

  “We don’t take too kindly to strangers meddling in our affairs ’round here. I suggest you saddle up and ride out of here.”

  “Or what?” the cowboy goaded. He still spoke with a cool, even tone, while his unwavering eyes held McCabe’s, matching his threat.

  McCabe’s men watched the stand-off. Hannah could sense their eagerness as they shuffled their feet in the dirt. She knew what was coming. She’d seen it often enough before with others. Their boss relinquished his gaze first and gave his head a slight nod. However, before she had chance to call out a warning, McCabe’s men fell upon the stranger with their fists and feet.

  Chapter Three

  Jed lay spread-eagled on the bed. He puffed out his cheeks and let his breath go in one long, slow blow. Well and truly fucked, his body felt like a puddle of jelly. The two whores had serviced him well.

  He’d buried himself deep into their warm, wet cunnies, feasted on their ample bosoms, and suckled on their delightful nipples. He’d made them squeal and ooh and aah in rapturous orgasm. Such was his arrogance, he knew they’d be fighting for his services next time he was in town. They might be whores but they were still women. It was part of his pleasure to make them come too.

  His cock lay limp and spent. It flopped to one side, nestling in the bush of dark, curly hair. It was the only hair on his body not bleached by the sun. One dark-haired, Irish hussy, with soft brown eyes and a melodious, sweet lilt to her voice, still played with it. Her tongue flicked its end, licking off a drop of cum and smearing it across her ruby red lips. She held his gaze. Her eyes overflowed with clear, wanton debauchery, but he needed a few minutes more before he would be ready again. He decided he might come in their mouths next time and, if willing, in their asses later. He liked it like that. It felt so tight, like taking a full-blown virgin. At least, that’s what he imagined. He’d not found many willing virgins on his travels. Virgins needed time and wooing, and living life on the trail didn’t allow time for relationships such as that.

  He wondered what kept his brother. If he didn’t hurry his ass up here soon, the poor cows would be worn out. After so many months without hot, rampant sex, his libido had gone into overdrive. His cock, already twitching into life again, sensed fresh stirrings of arousal knocking at its door.

  The other whore made little mewling noises as he fingered her slick, wet cunny and played with the little pink button that winked at him from beneath her thick, dark bush. A few more seconds and he’d be rolling her under him and ramming his hard cock inside her once more.

  Suddenly, a noise from the street seared the haze that clouded his brain. His eyes shot open and he listened. Always on the brink of trouble himself, he recognized the sound. Someone was having themselves a scrap. He brushed the girls aside and jumped from the bed. He stuck his head through the open window.

  Yep. He was right. Down the street, right in front of the general store, a fight was going on. The odds didn’t look too good either. One against five.

  Fuck! He suddenly recognized the one. Luke.

  “Shit, bro,” he spat. “What the fuck are you playing at?”

  He grabbed his pants and boots and hopped around from one foot to the other as he pulled them on. Finally decent, he leapt through the window onto the upper veranda. He poked his head back through the window just long enough to wink and say, “Won’t be long, ladies. Keep those nice, juicy cunts hot and ready.” After that, he gate-vaulted over the rail and landed in an untidy heap in the back of a wagon tethered to a horse just below.

  The horse whinnied and harrumphed at the unexpected disturbance. It pranced from side to side in distress as Jed jumped out of its wagon and onto the street. He paused for a second to calm and pat it.

  “Steady there, boy,” he puffed. His chest heaved with the sudden, unexpected exercise following his near-comatose, post-fuck haze. Then, still fastening his belt, he scooted up the street toward the action.

  Luke wasn’t doing so badly. He’d already floored two of his attackers and now fended off the other three. Jed leapt into the fray, grabbing one by the scruff of his neck. He turned him and planted his fist smack in the middle of his face. Blood squirted from the cowboy’s nose. He hopped around squealing, livid with the unexpected pain.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You’ve broken it!” he screamed.

  But Jed ignored his pathetic squeals and followed up his punch with a hefty kick to his backside and sent the man sprawling. Spinning on his heel, he turned back to view Luke. He still held his own.

  Next, as the other two cowboys clambered back onto their feet, they threw punches in Jed’s direction as well. He jarred up an elbow and cracked the front teeth of the cowboy behind. Without stopping to think, he spun round again and dealt him a swift kick in the bollocks. The cowboy doubled over and sank to the ground, whining as he clasped his bruised balls. At least that one no longer seemed in the mood to continue fighting.

  Jed felt a dirty, sweaty paw clamp down on his bare shoulder. Before he had chance to react, the cowboy turned Jed’s face into his closed fist. Jed staggered backward with arms outstretched to help him retain his balance. He saw stars. With a huge roar, he straightened and charged forward, grasping his attacker round the waist. They fell to the ground, where Jed proceeded to pummel the slimy bastard’s face with his fists. Grunts and groans, accompanied by dull thuds and cracks of knuckles against bones, filled the air.

  A single gunshot echoed around the deserted street. The sound bounced from one building to another. Everyone stopped and looked in the direction of the perpetrator of the sound.

  Chapter Four

  Hannah stood in the wagon. Her rifle pointed skyward.

  “That’s enough,” she shouted. Two fiery circles stained her cheeks but her voice remained steady and commanding. She turned to face McCabe’s men.

  “Get the hell out of here.”

  Quickly, she rounded on McCabe himself and pointed the rifle directly at his face. Having watched the whole sorry scene that his men had just enacted with the two strangers, he didn’t look best pleased.

  “As for you,” she snarled. “Come near me again and I’ll be using this on you.”

  She lowered the barrel until it pointed directly at his chest. Her eyes narrowed in stark warning. She wouldn’t be messed with until the time came for her to pay her debt. She knew she’d caused him nothing but trouble ever since she’d come into town. She’d make sure it stayed that way. She’d continue to remain tantalizingly out of reach until Jacob returned. It was the only way her plan would work.

  McCabe’s lips curled in a mocking sneer. His thoughts were clearly written on his face. Yes, he’d really enjoy showing this little missy a thing or two. He took a long, lazy drag on his cheroot and matched her steely stare. He tossed the butt into the dusty street as he turned to his men once more.

  “Come on, you sorry bunch of fuckers. Outnumbered by two strangers and a woman, you should be ashamed of yourselves.” His smirk morphed into an evil leer. “As for you, Hannah.”

  The cold threat in his unfinished sentence sent an icy chill coursing through Hannah’s veins but she remained resolute. She might be quaking inside but she didn’t lower her rifle until they’d all gone. She inhaled slowly and laid the weapon beneath the seat of her wagon.

  She sat down heavily. She needed to still her trembling. Her legs threatened to give way. She took another deep breath and forced a smile in the direction of the two strang
ers who’d come to her aid. She wished she felt as calm as her exterior portrayed. Her insides churned in a jangle of nerves, and her heart thudded like a drum against her ribcage.

  “Thanks,” she finally said. “I’m grateful for your assistance.”

  One of the cowboys stretched out a friendly hand. “You’re welcome, ma’am. I’m Luke Daniels and this here’s my little brother, Jeremiah.”

  “Hannah,” Hannah replied, as she reached out and lost her small hand in his huge, callused paw. It felt so tiny in his, and after being strong for so long, it made her suddenly feel very vulnerable. Her heart gave a little flutter and she was glad that she’d sat down. Her legs had gone all wobbly again. He had a kindly smile and she’d not seen too many of those in a while. She tore her eyes away from his and turned her attention instead to his raw, bleeding knuckles.

  “You’re hurt,” she said in alarm.

  “Aw, it’s nothing,” he shrugged. “A bit of water will soon put it right.”

  Jed pushed Luke aside and took her hand next. “Ma’am,” he said by way of introduction.

  “Jeremiah,” she smiled, “thank you, too, for your kindness.”

  “Jed,” he corrected. His wide, beaming smile matched that of his brother’s.

  Hannah was immediately struck by the similarity between the two men, even though there were a few differences in height and coloring. Fair-haired and blue-eyed, Luke was a little shorter than his brother, who stood another good two inches over him. Jed was also a little darker haired. Nevertheless, both struck her as fine figures of men. As he squeezed her hand, her eyes, drawn inexplicably to Jed’s strapping physique, roamed helplessly for a moment over his damp torso. Quickly, she lowered them again. Suddenly, she felt a little shy. She wasn’t used to half-naked men touching her, even though he only shook her hand. Letting her eyes stray over a firm, broad chest and hard, muscular shoulders, invited a hunger she wasn’t comfortable with.

  She withdrew her fingers, sliding them slowly from his firm, yet gentle grip. However, the tingle that followed crept sensuously up her arm and across her skin. Such a long time since she’d experienced the gentle touch of a man, the contact startled her. She sucked in a huge gulp of air to steady herself.

  “Have you just gotten into town?” she asked politely. She needed to distract her thoughts, away from strong hands and fine-looking bodies.

  “A few hours ago,” Luke explained. “We finished a cattle drive a couple of days back. But the town we arrived in was too busy. We decided to come down here for the peace and quiet.” He chuckled. “Don’t look like we found much of that.”

  “I’m sorry,” Hannah apologized. “The townsfolk here are good people. It’s McCabe and his men who are the trouble.” She gave a little smile. “Look, you must let me cook you supper as way of thanks for seeing them off.” The men looked as though they might appreciate a good home-cooked meal.

  Luke tipped his hat. He’d retrieved it from where it lay in the dust while Jed introduced himself. He smiled kindly at her.

  “That’s mighty neighborly of you, ma’am.”

  Jed folded his arms across his bare chest. He drew himself up to his full height and winked at her, as he turned to his brother and wrinkled his nose in disgust.

  “I suggest you get yourself a shave, a bath, and a change of clothes first, bro,” he said. “We don’t want the lady passing out from your stink.”

  Hannah silently agreed. Luke’s scent was more than a little ripe. He’d obviously not had the benefit of a bath as Jed had appeared to have done. They both laughed as he made a deliberate show of sniffing his armpits.

  “He’s right there, ma’am. I’m sorry if the smell is offensive. The call of a beer was too much to resist before all that soap and palaver.”

  Hannah nodded in understanding but asked impulsively, “Why not take a bath at my place? There’s hot water and I can easily find a change of clothes and a razor for you. I’ll even wash those clothes of yours. It’s the least I can do after your kindness.”

  Luke tipped his hat again.

  “Why, thank you, ma’am. I might just take you up on that.”

  “Good. That’s settled then.” She smiled. “And please, call me Hannah.” She paused for a moment. She had an idea. She didn’t want McCabe and his men following her. That time would come soon enough. “I’m heading home now. Would you like to come back with me now?”

  She glanced quickly from one to the other. Relief flooded her bones as Luke nodded in agreement. However, Jed declined to join her immediately. Instead, he looked down at the thin film of dust that now covered his sweaty torso. He ran his palm over his bearded chin and said, “I had to jump from my bath to come give you a helping hand. My shave’s still waiting. I’ll go and finish off. No point in wasting all that nice hot water.” He gave a quick, backward toss of his head in the direction of the saloon. At the same time, he slipped Hannah an easy smile.

  The mischievous twinkle in his eyes also told her it was more than just his toilette he was eager to get back to. Knowing exactly what went on in the upper rooms of the building, her heart gave a little flutter. Maybe it was a good thing he had declined her offer. Having lived among cowboys for a while, she knew some men liked nothing more than a good fight to get their juices flowing. Suddenly Jed looked extremely horny. A tingle snaked its way along her spine. She’d not been with a man in a while, so, maybe it was better this way. At least Luke’s stink was enough to divert her sudden, and unwanted, wayward thoughts.

  Chapter Five

  Hannah poured the last of the water into the tin bath. Long tendrils of steam curled and meandered their way toward the ceiling. Luke had carried the bath into her bedroom.

  She’d felt a little shy at first, letting him into her private abode, but she’d insisted he would have more privacy there. But it wasn’t just his privacy she now worried about. He’d ridden by her side all the way back to the ranch, and she’d been a little too conscious of his strong thighs straining at the fabric of his pants as he sat astride his horse. He’d controlled its movement, here and there, with only a slight nudge of his knees and spurs.

  When she’d lived back East, Hannah had done lots of riding. It was her passion. As she’d gotten older, she began to notice how sensual the activity could be, especially watching manly legs control the beasts. She’d always hated the ridiculous side-saddle her mother had insisted she ride and, when out on her own, she too would sit astride the animal’s back, like a man, and feel the power of the creature between her legs.

  Consequently, by the time she got back to the ranch, more than the afternoon heat coursed through her veins.

  Hannah had always been a sensual creature. With Jacob gone so long, she missed the touch of his hands on her body and the squirming pleasure he could give her. The way the cowboy tilted his hat and spoke kindly to her reminded her of what she’d lost. He held his reins so easily while his hips swayed with the natural rhythm of the horse. It combined to stir up feelings from which she’d long distanced herself.

  She now started to think that maybe it was a bad idea, after all, to have invited him back here. The last thing she wanted to do was watch him bathe in the kitchen, the place where Jacob usually put his bath. Scrubbing the stench of cows and sweat from his lean, rangy body, might be more than she could stand, but it wasn’t the smell that made her uneasy. She’d be busy preparing supper and she didn’t want any distractions. In her mind she’d promised herself to Jacob. After all, they had been lovers, if only for a brief time before he left. It was the only way she’d got through these past months, even though everyone else thought he would not be coming back.

  She found Jacob’s razor and shaving brush as well as a clean shirt and fresh pants. She’d washed Jacob’s clothes often enough while acting as housekeeper for him and his father. Luke was about his size. She’d put his clothes out with tomorrow’s laundry. She also gave him her small vanity mirror to help with his shaving. It was the least she could do. No one else had
come to her aid. These days, even the town sheriff kept well away. Ethan McCabe now upheld the law, if it could be called that, along with everything else he set his sights on.

  She busied herself with supper. She pulled up a few vegetables from her little garden and chopped them into the stew. It bubbled away nicely over the fire. It smelt good and she expected the two men hadn’t eaten tasty, home-cooked food for a while. After her earlier misgivings, it started to feel good cooking for someone other than just herself again. The two cowboys looked as though they had lusty appetites.

  She could hear Luke humming some little ditty while he bathed. As Hannah passed by the door, it was slightly ajar. She couldn’t resist sneaking a little peek. He had the mirror wedged between his knees. To cram his tall frame into the bath, they bent at an acute angle. She smiled as she saw him scrape a thick layer of soap and hard bristles from his chin and upper lip. It seemed an age since she last watched a man perform such an intimate act of his toilette.

  Her heart ached afresh. How she missed Jacob with his warm touch and soft timbre to his voice. The man sitting in her bath reminded her so much of him. Even during the fight, he’d remained cool and calm, totally unfazed by McCabe’s threats.

  She almost sighed as Luke removed the last vestiges of his beard and splashed water over his freshly shaven cheeks. Rubbing his fingers around his chin and mouth, he did away with all final traces of soap. His face, now smooth and shiny, struck Hannah as being most handsome, despite the weather-beaten tan and fine lines crinkling the corners of his eyes. She idly wondered if the rest of his body looked as fine. Warmth trickled into her groin and her heart gave an unexpected lurch. It startled her back to reality, shocked by her wicked thoughts.

  Hot moisture began to leak from the cleft between her legs and a needy ache gnawed at her insides. Unexpectedly, she felt hot and reckless. The way she used to when Jacob’s hands and tongue traced delightful pathways of bliss over her delicate skin. Her lips suddenly went dry. She flicked her tongue across them to wet them. She felt as though she might be running a fever.


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