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Hannah's Gold

Page 17

by Hannah's Gold (lit)

  For that, they would be forever grateful to each other. How else would they have achieved all they had this past year? But she knew was too dangerous for him. She’d seen the look on his face as Maggie had handed out her gifts. She was more comfortable with men and whores who dished out unsuitable gifts to women. He was old-fashioned enough to think that preventing babies was the husband’s prerogative, not a wife’s. Jacob’s look also told her, that he doubted whether he would ever be able to trust her to remain faithful to him. He’d caught her stealing glances at the two cowboys, several times. She’d met his eyes guiltily. She knew he could smell the lust on her. A lust that no longer included him.

  Nevertheless, as they watched the two men ride away, Hannah still struggled to find the words to tell him it was all over. He’d been particularly quiet and subdued since supper the previous night. Hannah decided she needed to take the bull by the horns, once and for all. She took a deep breath.

  “We did well, didn’t we?” she said softly. “We fought McCabe and won.” She paused for a moment, knowing full well that Jacob expected to hear her next words. Nevertheless, it didn’t make it any easier. She took another deep breath. “You do know I care very much for you, don’t you?”

  He silently nodded.

  “But it isn’t enough,” she continued. “And we both know it. We need a bit of honesty here. What we did was good but we can’t risk the rest of our lives on that alone. It was exciting and exhilarating and really scared me at times and I’m glad it’s all over.” She stopped again for another second. “But I’m not ready to become a wife or a mother yet. I’m not even ready to settle down.” She waited another heartbeat and then the words came thick and fast. “But Becky is. She’s never looked at another man since you, and, if you’d just open your eyes, you’d see how she looks at you every time you go into town. And how she looks at me and wishes me anywhere but here. Marry her, Jacob. She’d bear you fine sons and daughters.”

  “And leave you free to follow them?”

  Their eyes locked. Watching the two cowboys ride away, she still wished she rode with them, too. Suddenly, she knew what she had to do.

  “If they’ll have me. Yes.” She wasn’t ashamed of how she felt. She just wished she could have been more honest over the past two weeks. Instead, she’d let Luke think she loved Jacob and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, when all she really wanted was to go with Luke, and Jed, to share their adventures. Where else could she find two men who made her feel the way they could and who could do things to her body that made her crave for more?

  Jacob took her hand and he bent to kiss her lightly on the cheek.

  “Then you’d better hurry before they get too far.” His face broke into a broad smile. “It’s been a pleasure knowing you, Hannah Turner. Thank you for all your help. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “It was a pleasure for me too,” she smiled.

  So now, here she was, ready to share her life with the two brothers if they’d still have her.

  She drew in the horse’s reins and stopped for a moment. Her horse shuffled in the undergrowth, its hooves click-clacking on the stones hidden beneath. She smelt smoke and saw a gray whisper curl up through the trees. She urged her horse toward it.

  As she entered the clearing, she saw Luke putting a fresh pot of coffee onto the embers. He looked up at her as Jed too strode into the camp from between the trees. Naked from the waist up, he rubbed his face and torso dry. He grinned up at her.

  “What took you so long?” he asked.

  Luke turned in surprise toward his brother.

  “You knew she was coming?”

  “I spotted her around midday. I’ve been keeping an eye out for her ever since. Why do you think we stopped here? I couldn’t risk us going farther into the forest and her getting lost.”

  “Why didn’t you say? I never noticed.”

  “You didn’t notice because you were too busy wallowing in your own misery at having left her behind. Anyway, you know my thoughts on the matter. Keep women waiting and they’ll be all the more eager for it when you do fuck ’em. Men too, come to that.” He threw her a teasing look, which Hannah returned with an equally cute one of her own.

  She slid from her horse. Her heart now tripped unevenly all over the place. For a moment, she didn’t trust herself to speak. She stood for a moment and watched Luke. He looked dumbfounded, as if unable to comprehend her being there. She quickly crossed the distance between them and pulled his face to hers. Waves of emotion rolled through her veins as she gazed into his handsome face. She kissed him hungrily.

  As they parted, she took the opportunity to reprimand both him and Jed. “I’ve told you two before not to speak about me as though I’m not here.”

  Luke grinned down at her with a silly, lopsided smile. “If I remember correctly, the last time you accused us of that, you’d just been rendered speechless by one of the best orgasms of your life.”

  Hannah shot him an impish grin, too.

  “Only because I’d not had one in months,” she teased. She couldn’t have these boys getting too complacent. “Maybe it’s time I had another.”

  “What? Jacob lost his touch?” Luke asked a little shortly.

  “You’re jealous,” Hannah teased again. Relief overwhelmed her that maybe she’d made the right decision after all. “Well, for your information, Jacob and I haven’t—we didn’t—not since he came home.”

  “But I heard you. You spent time in the bedroom together on the bed. You sounded happy together.”

  Hannah gave a little laugh. Her heart felt suddenly free and light. This just got better by the minute.

  “What you might have heard was friends talking and laughing, and me tending to his wounds. He could barely move at first. I had quite a struggle to turn him over to bind his bandages. We’d fall and he’d hurt like hell but he’d laugh it off and say it was all worth it because of what we’d achieved.”

  “But I thought you wanted to stay with him.”

  The pain Hannah had felt over the past fortnight now faded fast. She suddenly felt light-headed simply standing here with him. She reached up and kissed him fully on the mouth again. Tears glistened at the corners of her eyes. “I wanted you to ask me not to,” she whispered huskily.

  Luke groaned as he squeezed her to him.

  Jed rolled his eyes. “See. I said you should have asked her along. But, oh no, big brother always knows best. Well, I’ll leave you two alone awhile and go finish washing down at the stream.”

  Neither really heard him. They were both too busy, gazing into each other’s eyes. Luke removed Hannah’s hat. Her curls tumbled around her shoulders. He ran his hands through them and stroked them behind her ears.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked.

  “Why didn’t you?”

  He smiled at her. “Touché.”

  Hannah giggled lightly. “Oh, so you speak French, too, among all your other talents,” she teased. Her heart was on fire all over again.

  Luke laughed and pulled her tightly to him. “Yes, I can speak French, the important words,” he whispered gruffly. “Je t’adore. I love you, Hannah Turner.”

  Hannah’s heart leapt and a pulse fluttered in her throat. He loved her. She glanced coquettishly up at him through her lashes.

  “Je t’aime aussi,” she whispered softly back. “I love you too.”

  Luke groaned and tucked her under her chin. He raised her face to his. Hannah felt the desire rise within her. She ran her tongue across her dry lips, desperate for his kisses. He obliged her, falling on them with his wonderful, passionate ones. His mouth plundered and ravaged hers, while his hands dropped to her bottom, squeezing her cheeks through the fabric of her pants. He groaned again. This time, against her cheek, and his breath travelled along the folds of her ear, sending shivers of delight coursing through her body. As he stroked his hands up each side of her body, he reached the swell of her breasts. He lightly traced his fingers beneat
h them, and, then, caught their tips ever so slightly as he raised his hands to the top button of her shirt. It created just enough pressure to send threads of wanton pleasure coursing through her veins and down into her groin. The breath caught in Hannah’s throat.

  Moisture formed and leaked from her aching slit. And, as he began to unfasten her buttons, she gave a little whimper in expectation of the delights to come. However, he was taking far too long about it all. Quickly, she reached for the buttons of his shirt, too. She tore them open, eager to touch the hard flesh beneath his smooth skin and run her fingers through the coarse hair covering his chest.

  “For fuck’s sake, Luke, hurry up.”

  Luke laughed. “You remember what Jed said. It’s all the better for waiting.” Nevertheless, at her ardent request, he quickly freed her breasts. Her skin dimpled and turned to gooseflesh in the cool, evening air. Her nipples contracted tightly and he stooped to kiss them, circling his tongue over their proud tips as he cradled her breasts in his rough hands. Hannah’s hands traveled in rabid frenzy all over him, too, clawing at his back and tearing at his pants but, to her dismay, he still took his time.

  “Let’s get you closer to the fire,” he said softly. The night had turned cooler and the sun had disappeared “I don’t want you catching a chill.”

  “I doubt there’s much chance of that,” she cried. She was already burning with the heat of her yearning, and the touch of his hands on her breasts was close to making her come. Nevertheless, she obeyed. They both struggled out of their pants on the way.

  The sight of his naked beauty filled Hannah with unadulterated joy. As he swung her into his arms, he kissed her, and laid her down on a blanket by the fire. His stiff shaft stood to dutiful attention, and looked fit to burst from its silken sheath. It rose like a thick snake from its hairy lair. As she parted her legs for him, he dropped to his knees, between them. She was so wet, his fingers just slipped inside her as he circled her clit with her dripping juices.

  “Oh God, that’s wonderful,” she murmured. She reached up with one hand and tangled her fingers through his hair, drawing his face down to hers as she sought his mouth. She gave one last moan and pulled him on top of her, raising her hips to his. He pushed his cock inside, rocking into her as her sex swelled and throbbed hotly.

  Their movements deepened, growing stronger and more urgent as they bucked and ground. A multitude of lights flashed through Hannah’s brain as the floodgates opened, tumbling her through wave after wave of blissful passion. She cried out and wrapped her legs tightly around him as she felt him begin to peak too. But he suddenly stopped, panting hard. She felt him twitch inside her. He groaned as if in pain as he held back.

  “No, Hannah, not this time. If we’re going to make this journey together, you mustn’t put your life at risk by carrying a child. It would be too dangerous. Let me go. Please.” His voice, raw and thick with passion and control, pleaded with her. “There’ll be time for babies when we reach our destination. I promise.”

  She opened her eyes to gaze into his. They pleaded with her, begging her to let him go. She did so. He pulled sharply out of her and fell heavily onto her as hot semen pumped out of him onto the warm skin of her belly. An intense groan of pleasure rumbled from deep within him and he shuddered with the joy of his release. Finally, as he laid his head against her cheek, her heaving breast rose and fell beneath his powerful chest. The world around them vanished, cocooning them both in the center of a breathtaking universe.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Hot and panting, they slipped against each other, sliding in sweat and sticky cum. They laughed. Hannah reached down and scooped her palm across her belly and smeared the sticky issues across his chest, rubbing it into his rough hairs. They laughed again.

  “I guess that should keep us stuck together for a while,” he joked as he rolled off her and held her in his arms. “We must remember to use one of Maggie’s condoms next time. Then I can come inside you.”

  The thought struck her as wholly sensuous. Hannah groaned and pushed him onto his back and quickly sat astride him.

  “And when is that likely to be?”

  She felt like a total hussy. The feel of his spent cock and pubic hair beneath her wet cunt already sent fresh sparks of desire coursing through her veins. She’d missed his sexy, delicious touch, and she squirmed and rotated her hips sumptuously against him. Luke moaned and reached for her breasts, grasping them and, lightly, tracing his fingers around them. Only minutes gone, and she could already feel his cock twitch into life once more.

  “Not done yet?” Jed’s voice drifted through the surfeit of hormones still engulfing the pair of them. “I could hear plenty of ooh-ing and aah-ing and seeing the two of you lying there stark naked is enough to send a man crazy for a hand job. He rubbed his crotch and the incriminating bulge threatening to burst its way out of his pants.

  Luke and Hannah exchanged a knowing look. Luke nodded and a silent acknowledgement of understanding and agreement passed between them. Hannah had loved it when she’d been held by both men, and been given every bit of pleasure they could provide. Luke now gave her permission to experience that delight once again. She sat up straight and reached out an inviting hand toward Jed. Her outstretched fingers beckoned him without even moving.

  “You could always come and join us,” she smiled flirtatiously. Out of the blue, she suddenly blushed, a little shy about her suggestion. Until now, she’d always believed that the sexual act was mutually exclusive, for one man and one woman. She’d never imagined the double pleasure it could arouse of performing it with two men at the same time. It seemed almost sinful.

  She watched Jed’s gaze drop to his brother who still lay flat on his back. She recognized Jed’s need to confirm Luke’s agreement to join them. He knew how Luke felt about her. She thought it sweet that he’d never touch her without Luke’s express permission. As Luke continued to squeeze her bottom around his growing member, she carried on running her hands over his body and chest. She too couldn’t keep her hands off of him. She now threaded the fingers of her other hand through his hair. Luke silently smiled at her and, then, nodded at Jed.

  As he turned his gaze fully back to her, he said, “You know I’ll do anything in my power to pleasure you, you gorgeous woman. And I know just how to do it. Ever had two men at once?”

  Hannah’s heart skipped a beat.

  “Two? How?” Despite her bold, newfound sexuality, she suddenly felt like a complete innocent once more.

  “Well, we’ll show you, if you like,” Luke said gently. “But only if you agree.”

  Two men?

  At once?

  Hannah’s heart scudded across her ribcage. It sounded wholly erotic and sensual and so bad.

  “Yes,” she whispered huskily. “Show me.”

  “You do also realize that once you’ve done this, you may never be satisfied with just one man again,” Jed teased, as he unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. In the firelight, his body gleamed, bathed in its golden light. His muscles rippled as he strode purposefully toward them and joined them on the blanket. He knelt behind her and cupped her breasts in his cool hands.

  Hannah gasped afresh as she caught Luke’s eye. He smiled seductively up at her, basking in her delight. Her cunny pulsated, hot and needy. “I’ll risk it,” she whispered breathlessly. She gasped again as Jed rolled her nipples between finger and thumb. “Only…only, I’m not sure what to do. Will it hurt?”

  Luke groaned and caught the back of her neck. He pulled her to him and kissed her hard. His tongue plundered her mouth.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll teach you and we shall be so gentle,” he whispered tenderly. “The journey west will be a long one and we’ll have plenty of time. I know you’ll be a magnificent and willing pupil.” He ran a finger lovingly across her cheek and dropped his hands to her ass.

  He cupped her buttocks and slid his fingers down the valley between them until he reached her butt-hole. The juices from her cunny fl
owed thickly and he used them to lubricate around it. He slowly slipped a finger deep inside. A little moan caught in her throat and the world around her receded, leaving just her pulsating pelvis at its center, a black hole ready to suck in every bone-hard erection around it.

  “Jed will be using this,” he said softly. “Just relax and let him fill you too.”

  He grasped her hips and raised her up onto her knees. His rampant shaft sprang upright from beneath her wet cunt. She struggled to impale herself on it but he continued to tease her. “Don’t be in such a hurry, Hannah,” Luke said. “Remember what we said about waiting a little longer. It will only increase your pleasure when you do come. And there is one last thing I need to ask before we do this.” He sounded serious. “Just how did you manage to tear yourself away from Jacob and all that gold he brought back with him? With McCabe now gone and no debt left to pay, he must be a rich man. You’re not seriously telling me you’ve given all that up for two poor cowboys?”

  Hannah stopped struggling for a moment. Behind her, Jed also joined in the fun. He squeezed her breasts more tightly as he lifted her away from her pleasure too. She could sense their mirth. She cast Luke a saucy smile and reached down between her legs. She clutched Luke’s hard cock in one hand and snaked her hand behind her to grab Jed’s monster in the other. She squeezed them both hard. Both men groaned in unison at her bold move.

  “I have my own gold mine right here,” she said sweetly. “And you two boys can sink a shaft into it any time you want.”

  Simultaneous growls rumbled up from the bellies of both men. This time at her dreadful innuendo, although the growls quickly transformed into low, desperate groans as, this time, she kept them away from their precious prize. She laughed.

  “But for your information, as a gesture of goodwill and thanks, Jacob did give me a cut of it for all the help I gave him while he was away. It’ll be more than enough to get me, us, started once we reach California.” She paused for a moment before adding somewhat provocatively, “Providing I don’t die from frustration first.” At which point, she released her hold on both men and let Luke lower her onto his waiting shaft.


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