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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

Page 47

by Berg, Michael

  Not nearly as far away as the group in the old house would have liked, both the authorities and the dark sect were gathering. Unaware of each other, yet vaguely aligned, they were meeting in separate locations around Canberra, Australia’s capital city, under one hundred miles away. The sect had a long history of activity in and around this place, largely out of public view and away from awareness of the authorities. Since times going back over a century before, they had practiced rituals and even sacrifices to aid their cause. Mysterious disappearances of both people and animals, though not common, could mostly be attributed to this group. Their motivation was strong and they saw the approaching snowstorm not for its amazing geometric forms, but as an onslaught and a time where life could perish.

  The authorities were like the storm, as they too were about to begin an onslaught. Their view contained the invisible machines, the dominance over how people spent their lives, and of the imminent technology to be deployed. And so it was these motivating factors that superiors drew upon, ordering sub-ordinates out into the fierce weather to attend tasks for the sake only of efficiency.

  “Soon people will begin to feel the Torus when it is near,” Chan said as the snow beat against the window, driven sideways at times. “But it must be kept on our persons at all times. It is imperative that we do not lose sight of it now physically, or in feeling. We have seen it show us many facets yet appear to remain a stable glow. This is the activation in progress. Soon, it will increase at a much faster rate.”

  “How long will it take?” Jake asked.

  “We do not know, as it is up to intention. But consider it has been activating for a long time and even if the speed of activation increases, we will feel it more than look at it as a point in time.”

  “How will we keep other people from feeling it?” Jenna asked.

  “We must be alert to where we go and base this on our intentions. With this, those who through our intentions are exposed to the Torus, will then feel it. It will bring attention and with such attention, there comes affection or desire to posses the Torus, which is not so unlike the possession of many material item. But the Torus is not just material and its way is not to be a prize and to be hoarded by a few, it is for all. It is an instrument and with an instrument such as this, the mind responds to intentions and so carries out acts founded in those intentions.”

  “So are there other Torus?”

  “Infinite…but no, just one,” Chan laughed a little then said, “For it is also all Torus. See it as a representation and so also a reflection of intentions. The number or physical presence is an indication and so should not be seen as a relic or device to enable this awareness. In contrast it can be seen as if it is a device – one to amplify the intentions and awareness connection.”

  Raynie and Lyle returned at that moment with armloads of wood, but Lyle tripped on the floor rug, sending him headlong towards the center of the kitchen. “Charging in like a bull there,” Jenna said as she helped pick up a few logs he had dropped.

  “Did I miss anything?”

  Jenna did a quick scan, “Yes you missed everything.” She filled him in on the conversation with Chan as they stacked the wood by the fireplace.

  Raynie kept a close ear as she was doing the same with her logs. “Gee it’s getting cold out there. Storms like this are rare in these parts. It normally only has two or three snowfalls per winter here. But two now since late autumn, with heavy snow.”

  The wind took to howling around the house, its’ unique old design making for wailing eddies, screaming currents, and moaning beams - sometimes causing it to shudder. The sect took to wailing as they huddled together in their group not so far away, with skin touching skin, fully naked. They screamed and they moaned, and some also took to howling. And as the superiors of the authorities ordered their operatives and sub-ordinates to go out into the storm, they prepared to engage new technology for deployment throughout the capital. Soon people would learn to scream, they would learn to moan, and they would learn wailing in ways they could never have imagined.

  When the dawn arrived, they were up early again, as the wind continued and so too did the snow, now piled two feet high against the house. The kitchen fire was aglow, stacked high to burn hot and keep the icy winds at bay. Raynie stared at it for a while seeing it flare when reflected on the bottoms of cooking pots hanging to the side of the fireplace. They were all sitting together around the large central table, huddled against the cold as in some way it brought them closer together for warmth, despite the heat from the fire.

  Conversation was low, sometimes drowned out by the rush of a wind gust driving snow against the kitchen door. It was their only window to the world that day, as the snows were driven to blizzards and beyond when the wind neared gale force strength. They had shuttered all the windows in the house, so it was left to the small windows in the doors as their only view to the outside. And then as the sun climbed higher, beyond the heavy clouds overhead, there was only the perception of respite from the low light, for sunlight offered nothing else to see other than the whiteness of the snow.

  Jenna was still curious to discuss more of the geometry, “Are the authorities aware of the geometry around the Earth? You mentioned lay lines as places or meridians. These are connecting points…”

  “Yes. Like all geometries there are such points where the elemental aspects in formation of the geometry intersect. These are the meridians through which the slight variations meet. Each variation also has focus in what some call the ‘golden section’.”

  “So the authorities could be aware of these sections where the focal point can then be amplified?”

  “In effect, yes.”

  “That must be the reason they have boosted HAARP. But I wonder why. The HAARP array has been used mostly for atmospheric testing and materials testing.”

  “Be aware the use of this array is the awareness within by these people, of the potential energies accessed using the meridian lines. It happens in the bodies of people and bodies of objects in space. They are fundamental constructs of the patterns and forms enabling elemental intentions to be projected…or transmitted. It is likely that such as the way it is at HAARP, they are indeed of the energies and they are using them for their own intentions.”

  Jenna was calculating a few rough equations in her head as she considered what the HAARP array might be able to do. She was running through the waveforms in the theta spectrum, the beta, and others, but remained mystified as to their precise relationship to what the authorities are doing.

  “Understand,” Chan said seeing her thinking this through, “That such lines are the way of all creations and if attuned to, they can easily be accessed.”

  “I still cannot grasp why they would use HAARP.”

  “Oh that might be a simple thing as to expect they will use the array to amplify wave forms. Despite the infinite nature of elemental geometry, the vanity of ego for power creates projections to serve the finite desires of ego, and so the waves are created to affect things and life, away from the infinite elemental energies. This disruption to the awareness is then in part considered using the awareness of foundation to all things, but it is just the ego cannot accept this and so it manifests organisation to deliver the projected intentions. It is likely they will use this array to amplify waves to aid their current intentions.”

  “I am thinking of how reluctant human beings were when there was the first theories and research into faster than light speed. With this, subsequent detection and capacity to draw upon infinite energies is being realized. They have some way to go yet in order to fully accommodate it into their agenda.”

  “That is likely. From my own knowledge, I see humans reluctant to accept the simple notion of free and easy. It has been their way for so long, that nothing comes as free and nothing comes as easy – yet it is all around them and within them. This is part of the limited scope of ego driven intentions, and furthers what I have said in regards to the results of such things.”

  “What about the ‘golden section’ you mentioned?” Lyle asked. “Several times I have seen this as a facet through different cultures.”

  “Interesting as this is often seen by those who espouse to the ways of ego, yet they do not fully understand. Some people of note have made clear their understandings of this potential throughout human history, but like many things, they have mostly been ignored.”

  “The golden section is involved significantly in visual art forms,” Lyle said. “It is also seen in algebraic and geometric properties,” Jenna added. “It is a geometrical proportion, which like Pi, has an infinite progression due to ratios.”

  “And too this is found in the growth of organic things. Many instances in plants show this through formation of geometric similarities we have discussed. It enables the recurrence of proportions in the elemental intentions of all…um, creation, without failure. Human beings are so disrupted at times they too miss this connection and the all giving nature of things.”

  “And Lyle, it is so much the foundation of artistic properties for the perception of depth and the focus on the mind, eye, and connected heart. It establishes and follows a rhythm, and its artistic applications are not restricted to just visual art. It also enables the elemental intentions as a response to sound waves. This is part of the understanding from Vienna and why harmony of sound evokes something like a golden feeling. It can mesmerize some and often gives an uninterrupted sense of being. When it is this state, it is when the heart connects and the mind listens to make happen those actions in response. Artistic qualities are focused on the emotion they evoke – it is from the heart, these energies are aligned elementally for the elemental quality of the art can be somewhat…a channel, or a meridian within the geometries. This is where the connections are experience and there are no deliberate egotistical manipulations. Art and music flow harmoniously and the authorities see this, which is why they are going to limit the exposure of people to artistic qualities, and so limit their exposure to these elemental waveforms and geometries.”

  “And a significant thought to contemplate is this – the authorities have been using these energies and meridians for longer than people are aware. They show this in plain view, and so blinded with their heads down, the people do not see it. They are rarely of the mind to even bother to stop and think what it could mean. I noticed the angulations of buildings in other cities and in particular, I mention The Pentagon in the United States. Within this building, many decisions are taken in the name of people with significant numbers of choices affecting them in a controlled negative way.”

  “Not a conspiracy theory?” Jake asked with a little humor.

  “There is no conspiracy – there is merely the way of human beings and they are aware of the triangulations within pentagons as lines of energies leading them to their potential. You see this as elemental design of their vehicles, the HyperJets, and in the military craft they are so proud of.”

  Jenna was nodding as Chan said the last sentence as she saw visions of schematic holographs very clearly showing these patterns and geometric triangulations in their designs.

  “Whatever they do is the reality and these conspiracies are not evident in secret, but like the geometries, they are in plain view. It is obvious in these times, as it has been at various times when humanity repeated the loop cycle where people have been controlled by the few. They have been manipulated to do certain things and live certain ways, and they are told this is the pinnacle of life – the height of status. All these times, these few are wagers of war, they control and regulate the options of people, and they control the medicinal remedies people ‘need.’ Often these remedies are needed because of the very things they are dependent on.”

  “Underpinning these desires to manipulate is no conspiracy, it is just their way, and whilst people remain unaware of what they are doing, they continue to get away with it. This is certainly the most relevant of times for this to occur. The authorities are bringing in measures never seen previously because they now have the ability to do things with technology previous generations could not. It is like they are playing their best hand now in a game of cards. They have many of the highest cards and are prepared to use them.”

  “So in answer, there is no conspiracy because the control of people is so very evident every day, in so many things, and brings the results they view as holographic broadcast for news and social status information. They are both creations of the authority drive to control and then with control, they can more effectively manipulate people further. That is not a conspiracy – it its right out in view, in the open.”

  “With the distractions they offer that people seek, whilst being told it makes for quality of life, is actually instituted to make people follow this type of thinking?”

  “That is very evident Raynie.”

  “And this thinking clouds their view into many other things I suppose?”

  “Yes, it is a fog in their minds. They are manipulated over time to think and act certain ways, and so the nature then is to forget as humans have forgotten so much now over many centuries.

  “All advertised as convenient, comfortable and what it is worth doing it for,” Jake said thinking of those in the high-rise. “You see constant updates broadcast, constant advertising, and constant repetition. People are subscribing to machine based life and yet they wonder why after so many upgrades, they still often feel the same way.”

  “It is because they are expecting change but all they really do is the same thing time and time again. This is the loop in evidence, yet they are led to believe these machines are progress…”

  “Some are,” Jenna interrupted, “sorry Chan.”

  “It is OK and you are correct. It is where I said previously when people see machines in these times as items of affection and dependency. Elemental flow is about seeing them as complementary. These machines can be used to enable alignment and to complement things, but they are largely used in ways by people who are not feeling this.”

  “And yet another way to consider this. Many machines have been created to make life easier. Life is easy - it is just the ego sense of limited intentions interrupting this feeling, for it creates the difficulty. Where the ego is aligned, then it is complementary and it not from convenience, efficiency, or laziness. This too has been prevalent as dependency can lead to complacency, and such things are not the elemental nature of intentions. The elements are of constant flux, or state of change and emergence. It is when thoughts become lazy where this connection is lost and is a human construct of experience. This has often then reflected as the dis-easement, as I have discussed.”

  “Humanity seems to be caught in the past in ways,” Raynie said. “They are simply doing the same thing again and again – they even look at the past and make it relevant for now.”

  “This is the disrupted state. Focus here means they are not feeling the elemental flows and so they miss the intricacies in their meridians for the exponential growth.”

  “What about the degree of pain? Not only physical but also emotion pain?”

  “Once again, it reflects the disruptions. The affliction of pain is elemental in nature and also it is driven by desire. It can be of normal consequence for organic life to experience pain. Look at when a child learns that if they touch something hot, it burns and causes pain. This is simply natural. But often, so much pain is resulting from the ego making decisions and therefore actions that lead people to experience pain. It is part of the dis-easement.”


  For John, pain was no longer an issue. He was training himself well in blocking out the device, which he now saw as rudimentary and lacking in technological capacity. He had determined how it worked and the ways he could then limit its efficiency. It was simply re-directing base sugars found in synaptic pathways in a futile attempt to access or program his thoughts. John almost saw this as comical due to its in-efficiency, but he knew now why they needed the flux mechanics. The mechanics necessary for the ty
pe of technology he was building to actually be affective in re-constructing people’s thoughts, which could also be then greatly enhanced within the vortexes of human bodies, could come through the use of vortex amplifiers by the authorities or others. Ineffective to anyone with a reasonable mind – the device in John’s mind could perhaps influence an outcast person whose brain may have sufficient disruption to eagerly accept the manipulations.

  He was had helped by the others through the sessions of torture and they had re-assured him as they watched him battle the mind-probing device. Without them he could have still made it through, but they made it much easier for him to reach this point of resistance.

  One thing of interest did distract him from it for some time and was so intriguing, John was almost totally pre-occupied with thinking about it. Jake had turned the holographic projector on out of sheer boredom, and it showed the endless official broadcasts. But this time, it featured a news item where two officers were escorting a person to the facility for having failed to get their injection within the specified time frame.

  Naturally, the authorities did not show the entire incident, for it was the one that had featured the robot appear from nowhere to apprehend the person, and then disappear once the officers were on the scene. But John saw something. His time working with flux mechanics had trained his eyes to observe light as it transitioned the conduit laid down by the tacheons. At this frontier, the light waves distorted for a split second, and he had grown accustomed to seeing it during his data teleport work. It was this that trained him to see tiny fluctuations in the light behind the officers as the machine was in its last split second of returning to its invisible state. To the normal eye, this would be un-noticeable, but John saw otherwise. It was then he began to think of a way to escape the facility.

  He dared not discuss almost any of his planning to the others for the sake of avoiding surveillance. Instead he gave them snippets of information about his thoughts, by way of broken sentences at random times. He knew if the authorities put all the audio together and increased the sample rate, then they could listen in, but this was the risk he decided to take. When he spoke, they Lorraine, Asper, and Tobias all listened carefully.


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