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The Forbidden Wilds III: An Inevitable War

Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

  “Have the probes detected anything unusual in the force field they’ve developed?”

  Alex shook his head, “No, they use a set frequency on all of them and the probes have not detected them changing frequency; our defense missiles should be fine in getting through their force fields.”

  “So, why am I worried, Alex?”

  “I don’t know. Have you seen something we’ve missed?”

  “Nothing I can put my finger on.”

  The wall monitor illuminated and Mike appeared on it, “Good day everyone. I called this conference to discuss where we are in our preparations to take on the LMC Aliens.” Mike turned to Jingle, “Is there any possibility of persuading them to call off their plans?”

  Jingle shook her head, “No Sir. Unlike the Canis Major Aliens, the civilization in the Large Magellanic Cloud is aggressive and they see us as their most dangerous adversary.”

  “Couldn’t you tell them we won’t enter the LMC and thus not be a danger to them?”

  “They’d only see that as weakness and figure we see them as a huge threat to us. There’s no way around it, Sir. This is an inevitable war that can’t be avoided.”

  “You’re certain about that?”

  “The probes have intercepted numerous communications and we’ve learned that the former Kraken deliberately committed suicide because he promised not to enter our territory. The Kraken serves for life and he chose to end his so a new Kraken wouldn’t be bound by his promise. You can be certain that we’re all that’s on their minds,” Jingle answered.

  Mike looked around at the Senior Leaders on the monitor and shrugged, “I suspected as much. We’ve also learned from intercepted communications that they have managed to get treaties signed by the civilizations surrounding their borders to not attack when they move against us.”

  “That’s not good.”

  “Why do you say that, Admiral Berringer?”

  “They’ve been forced to keep an equal number of warships inside their territory to defend themselves. This effectively doubles the number of warships they have to use.”

  Jingle sat and listened to the Senior Admirals discuss how to meet the coming threat and something was bothering her. She couldn’t put her finger on what it was until Admiral Roland said, “At least they stopped sending small stealth ships to attack us.”

  “THAT’S IT!!” Everyone turned to her and Jingle began speaking quickly, “Something has been bothering me, but I couldn’t get my mind wrapped around it. How do we know they’re not building small stealth ships?”

  “The probes haven’t detected any,” Mike answered. “Why is this bothering you? You know our Warscouts can detect them.”

  “Sir, our Warscouts can detect them but what about our civilian ships?” Mike shrugged. “When the major battle breaks out, where will all of our warships be?” Mike’s eyes narrowed and Jingle continued, “They’ll be out in open space between the Milky Way and the LMC to meet their fleets leaving none inside the Union. They’ll send those small ships on a wide circle around the Milky Way and attack when we move in position to meet their heavy fleets. I’ve wondered why they’ve delayed so long and that has to be the reason. They’re constructing enough small stealth ships to go in and attack our construction planets. Even if we win the major battle, we won’t be able to invade the LMC if we lose ships in the fight.”

  “But that doesn’t explain why the probes have not detected them anywhere inside their territory,” Mike commented.

  “Sir, are we absolutely certain that is the only place they control? How do we know they haven’t conquered and now control other places in the LMC?”

  Mike stared at her and Admiral Wozniak spoke up, “Sir, we’ve detected LMC warships leaving their space and then turn and move away from their territory when they were far out from the edge of the galaxy.”

  “If that’s true and they control another area in the LMC, then they can launch those small ships and we’ll never see it happen!” Jingle responded.

  Mike nodded slightly and turned to Admiral Jenson on the monitor, “Get some Warscouts out and find out if there’s any truth to this!”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “How do we handle this if it’s true?”

  Everyone was silent and Jingle finally spoke up, “The Warscouts will have to handle them. We’ll be forced to use the Terminators to take on their major fleets until they can be removed.”

  “But we’ve been counting on using the Warscouts!!” Mike replied.

  “Sir, the Milky Way will be in jeopardy and the safety of our planets represents our primary concern. The Terminators will have to delay them until those stealth ships can be handled, if they exist. Even if we lose the battle, we have no choice but to do it this way. The Terminators aren’t maneuverable enough to take on thousands of small warships; some would get through. They’ll scatter and head toward their targets if the Terminators are used to stop them.”

  Mike turned to Curtis, “Find out quickly!!”

  Curtis lifted his communicator and began speaking.

  • • •

  Three weeks later, Mike contacted Alex and Jingle at home, “You’re right. They’ve been building the small stealth ships on the other end of the LMC.”

  “How many?” Jingle asked.

  “More than two hundred thousand and they’re still building them.”

  “You know they’ll launch those ships prior to the launch of their major fleets?” Mike nodded. “And if we attack those small ships, they will not launch their fleets.”

  “We can’t run the risk of those stealth ships getting through to the Milky Way, Jingle.”

  “Then it’s going to take all of our Warscouts to surround them and follow them back to the Milky Way,” Alex responded.

  Mike thought about it and replied, “We can take them out and then attack them in their territory.”

  “Mike, then we’d be the ones having to maintain our fleets far from home. I suspect they figure that either way they win. If we attack them in their space, the other civilizations may join them. It’s better to face them now than to give them time to rebuild.”

  “I never thought I’d say this, but I’m concerned the Terminators won’t be able to stand up to them,” Mike replied.

  “They will need to just delay them long enough for the Warscouts to take out their stealth ships,” Alex interjected.

  “That could take a while, Admiral.”

  “How many Terminators do we have to use?” Jingle asked.

  “We built a hundred and fifty thousand before we stopped and turned our attention to building the Warscouts.”

  “Then we’ll have to use the Triples with them,” Alex responded.

  They won’t be able to stand up to their newest warships.”

  “They’ll be loaded with the new defense missiles and they’ll move in, fire, and get out.” Alex paused, “We’re going to lose ships, but this is the only way we can take them on.”

  Mike took a deep breath and blew it out slowly before saying, “I’ll start getting new crews trained to fight the Triples. We still have time; the probes haven’t detected anything about them planning an attack in the near future.”

  Jingle was staring straight ahead, and Alex and Mike stared at her, “What are you thinking?” Alex asked.

  “Didn’t I read somewhere that our new probes can attach to the hull of a ship?”

  “Yes.” Mike answered.

  “How powerful is the self-destruct device?” Mike and Alex were silent, and Jingle continued, “We can launch thousands of them into the LMC with programming to attach to the hull of their warships. They can self-destruct simultaneously on a signal. Could they make a difference?”

  “That depends on where they attach on the ship?” Mike answered.

  “Start increasing the explosive charge in them and program them to attach at the thrusters or above the reactor rooms,” Alex suggested. “The hulls on those new warships is much thinner above the thrusters.”
  “I’ll get Admiral Wozniak to start working on it immediately.”

  • • •

  Mike disappeared from their monitor and Alex hugged Jingle, “Another good idea.”

  “It will slow them down but there’s no way enough of the new probes can be built in time.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s going to require time to develop and build them in enough numbers. I don’t think we have a lot of time left.”

  “It’s at least a way to help the Terminators and Triples.”

  Jingle sighed and moved in closer to Alex. Mab woke up and started crying in his bedroom and Jingle stood up to go get him.

  • • •

  Belle always heard that the senior year at the Academy passed faster than any other. They were right…and wrong. She was still ranked number one in her class, but just barely; Barry had closed the distance between them.

  She was studying hard for a test in Physics and Ringie helped her with the more difficult formulas. Before she went to bed, Ringie said, “You know that Barry doesn’t have a computer to assist him.”

  “He has a computer!”

  “Not one that he’s mentally linked to. I suspect he’s actually smarter than you are. Does that bother you?”

  “Not at all; it’s better if he is.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I’m like my mother and I can be a handful. He’ll be better off if he’s smarter.”

  “Are you suggesting that you will stop using me to make it an even playing field?”

  “No way! I’ll use anything I can to graduate number one and that includes you, Ringie.”

  “So you don’t believe in playing fair?”

  “I believe in winning and whatever it takes to do it.”

  You are indeed like your mother.” Ringie was silent and Belle closed her eyes just as he said, “He’s very popular.”

  Belle’s eyes opened, “How do you know that?”

  “I have a lot of free time and I keep an eye on him.”


  “There are many co-eds after him.”


  “He doesn’t allow them to get close. I’m a machine and I don’t understand why he’s so devoted to you.”

  Belle shook her head slightly before replying, “Frankly, neither do I, Ringie.” Belle closed her eyes and went to sleep.

  • • •

  Graduation day finally arrived, and the class standings were not on line; they would be announced at the graduation ceremony. Belle waited outside the main auditorium and a man and woman walked up to her, “I want to thank you.” Belle turned to the woman and then recognized her; it was Barry’s mother. “Barry told me after he went back to school after you injured him that he was going to make something of his life. We’re so proud of him and you played a big role in him turning his life around.” Belle blushed as the woman stepped forward and hugged her. Barry’s father hugged her as well before they turned and entered the auditorium. Jinny looked at Belle and asked, “You knew Barry in high school. And what did they mean you injured him?”

  Belle raised her shoulders, “It’s a long story and we have a graduation to get up for.” Jinny’s eyes were narrow, but a male student walked up and hugged her. She immediately forgot about her conversation with Belle.

  • • •

  The ceremony was more than nerve wracking for Belle, she just didn’t know if she was number one and it was driving her bonkers. Finally, the Academy Commandant stood up and smiled, “I have the pleasure of announcing the top ten graduates in this year’s class. I know they’ve worked hard and when I call your name, please come to the stage. I’m calling you based on your birthdays. Jamal Adams…”

  Belle’s name was called next to last and she knew she had to have done better than ninth place. The Commandant then called the first name and congratulated the cadet for being number ten in his graduation class. Belle sat on her hands and then she and Barry were the only ones not called forward. Jingle was sitting beside Alex squeezing his arm. Alex grabbed her hand, “Hey, you’re cutting off the circulation!” Jingle released his arm but then grabbed his hand. Alex rolled his eyes and waited for the announcement when he could rub his hand.

  The Commandant turned and looked at Barry and Belle. She turned back to the huge audience and smiled, “There was only one-tenth of a point between our two graduates this year, however, the Academy does not round up or down any scores. What you score is what you get. I congratulate both of these fine students on their hard work and determination. The next name I announce will be the top graduate in this year’s class. The other is ranked number two. The top graduate is…Katherine Connor and Barry Bowen is the runner up!”

  Belle lowered her face in her hands as Barry picked her up and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and heard him say, “You deserve it. You’ve always been the best.”

  He put her down and she walked up to the Commandant. The Commandant pinned a small gold star to her uniform indicating that she was a number one graduate. The huge audience applauded her, and she saw her mother jumping up and down in the front row. Most of the assembled Admirals didn’t understand her enthusiasm and Alex pulled her down into her chair, “You’re going to give her away, Jingle.”

  “I don’t care!”

  The Commandant motioned everyone back into their seats and when the room grew silent, she said, “Admiral Glennon has requested to speak to you before we pass out the diploma’s. Admiral Glennon is the Supreme Fleet Leader in the Union’s Navy.”

  The crowd applauded Mike and he waited until they sat down and grew silent. He turned and looked at Belle still standing beside Barry. He faced the audience and smiled, “Five years ago, a young woman came to my office and begged me to allow her to enter Fleet Academy. I steadfastly refused to honor her request…but…she wore me down. And in the end I relented. That young woman is now the number one graduate in her class. That much you probably figured out…but what you don’t know is that she was twelve years old. Or, as she said, nearly thirteen. I agreed but she had to change her name and if anyone found out who she was, I’d kick her out of the Academy. Katherine Connor is the name she chose. Her real name is Belle Berringer and is the daughter of Admiral Alex and Jingle Berringer.” The entire audience was silent.

  Mike smiled, “And she kept the pact. None of her professors or cadets knew who she really was, and she had to earn what she accomplished. I’m telling you now so that her diploma has her real name on it. She’s seventeen now, or as she would say, almost eighteen.” The audience laughed. “It’s also been kept secret that it was Belle that intercepted the LMC stealth warship and prevented it from launching nuclear missiles at New York.” Mike turned and saluted Belle, “Thank you for making me change my mind.”

  Belle returned his salute and her tears were flowing freely. Mike turned back to the Commandant and smiled, “Let’s give the graduating class what they’ve worked so hard for.”

  The Commandant smiled and shouted, “Senior Class, Attention! When I call your name, come forward and receive your diploma. Remember your fleet training begins in two weeks.”

  The ten cadets on the stage went back to their places among the cadets and Belle was greeted with hugs and handshakes. Belle stood at attention and Ringie said over their link, “Do you feel bad now about preventing Barry from being number one?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Are you that hard hearted?”

  “That’s not it. Whenever we have a disagreement I can remind him that I was number one. I suspect I’m going to need it.”

  The Admirals sitting around Alex and Jingle in the front row congratulated them and Alex’s pride in his daughter was clear for all to see and it was Jingle’s tears and smiles that clearly showed her feelings. Now Belle was out of the dark and life could return to normal.

  • • •

  Belle caught up to Barry after the ceremony and immediately said, “Barry I’m sorry…”
  Barry interrupted her, “You have nothing to be sorry for, Belle. Congratulations on being number one and it’s not much longer before I can say more.”

  “You won’t have to, Barry. It’s me that has something to say.”

  Barry smiled at her and walked away. Jingle rushed up and hugged Belle. Alex picked up both of them and swung them in a circle, “I’m so proud of both of you!”

  He put them down and Jingle nodded toward Barry walking away, “He gave you a close run for number one.”

  “Yes, he did. And on my next birthday, I’m asking him to marry me.”

  Jingle’s eyebrows came together, “I thought you weren’t going to have a relationship while you’re in the Academy?”

  “I haven’t.”

  “Then just how do you know he’s the right one to spend your life with?”

  “Mom, he was on Ringie when we attacked that stealth ship. He mentioned it to no one, and he figured out who I really am. He asked me out more times than I can count but he backed off and kept his distance since then.”

  “Then how do you know he’s still interested in you?” Alex asked.

  “Because he’s turned down every female cadet and told them some things are worth waiting for. And trust me, some real beautiful cadets have tried hard to get his attention. He’s stood by and waited on me to turn eighteen and he shouldn’t have to wait a moment longer to know where I stand with him.”

  “How can you be sure?” Jingle asked plaintively.

  “He’s smart, courageous, courteous, and says that I turned his life around when I put him in the hospital in high school.”

  Jingle’s eyes flew wide open, “HE’S THAT BARRY?!”

  Belle laughed, “Yes he is. And he’s quite amazing.”

  “Perhaps you should get to know him better before you make that big of a decision, Belle.”

  “Dad, I know him better than you think just by standing by and observing him for five years. Trust me, if I don’t take him off the market, someone else will. I’m the one that’s going to have to work to be worthy of him.”


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