The Tastemaker
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Manhattan Opera House
Manhattan Transfer (Dos Passos)
Mann, Thomas
Mansfield, Richard
Mardi (Melville)
Marinetti, Filippo
Marinoff, Fania; acting career of; Block Beautiful apartment of; childhood of; correspondence of CVV and; and CVV’s death; and CVV’s relationships with gay lovers; European vacations of CVV and; fractures in marriage of CVV and; Jewish background of; Mabel Dodge and; midtown Manhattan apartment of; newspaper interviews given by; parties hosted by CVV and; photographs of; Snyder’s resentment of; at Stage Door Canteen; wedding of CVV and
Marinoff, Jacob
Marshall’s Hotel (New York)
Martin, Dr.
Marx Brothers
Mason, Charlotte
Masters, Edgar Lee
Matisse, Henri
Mattachine Society
Maugham, Somerset
Mauriber, Saul
Mayer, Edwin Justus
Mayer, Louis B.
Mayfair Ball
Maynard, Leah
McAlmon, Robert
McBride, Henry
McCarthy, Joseph
McDowell, Edward
McKay, Claude
McPherson, Aimee
Meadows, Allen
Meeres, Paul
Megapolensis, Johannes
“Melanctha” (Gertrude Stein)
Melba, Nellie
Melville, Herman
Mencken, H. L.
Metropolitan Opera; in Chicago; Farrar’s farewell appearance at; modern dance performances at; Salome performed by
Michigan, University of
Millen, Gilmore
Miller, Henry
Miller, Patsy
Miró, Joan
Mitchell, Charley
Moby-Dick (Melville)
modern art; exhibitions in New York of
modernism; American; literary (see also names of writers); as revolt against tradition
Monroe, Marilyn
Montaigne, Michel de
Montparnasse, Nina de, see Auzias, Eugénie (“Nina de Montparnasse”)
Moore, George
Moran, Gladys
Moran, Lois
Morand, Paul
Moszkowski, Moritz
movies; adaptation of novels for; cowboy; Fania Marinoff in; Marx Brothers’; novelists as screenwriters for; porn; scores for; stars of
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozley, Loren
Muir, Lewis F.
Muray, Nickolas
Murphy, Dudley
Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Music After the Great War (CVV)
Musical America magazine
Music and Bad Manners (CVV)
My Friend from Kentucky (musical)
Myers, Carmel
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Association of Negro Musicians
nationalism, cultural
National Urban League
Native Americans
Nedra (movie)
Negri, Pola
“Negro Theatre, The” (CVV)
New Amsterdam
New Deal
Newell, Herbie
New Jersey
New Mexico
New Negro Anthology, The
New Negro identity
New Republic, The
New Woman identity
New York; CVV returns from Europe to; Fania Marinoff’s absences from; grounds for divorce in; in industrial age, cultural life of; reform of; slumming in; winter in; during World War I; see also Manhattan
New York Amsterdam News
New York City Ballet
New Yorker, The
New York Graphic
New York Journal
New York Post
New York Press
New York Public Library
New York Sun
New York Telegraph
New York Times, The; Book Review; dance criticism in; music articles in; Paris correspondent of; profile of Gertrude Stein in
New York World
Nichols, Beverley
Nigger Heaven (CVV); African-Americans’ responses to; Avon reissue of; European success of; impact on white American readers of; possibility of movie based on; publication of; white authors’ opinions of; writing process for
Nijinsky, Vaslav
Noguchi, Isamu
Norton, Louise and Allen
Norton, Wid
Nude Descending a Staircase (Duchamp)
Nugent, Richard Bruce
O’Keeffe, Georgia
O’Neill, Carlotta Monterrey
O’Neill, Eugene
opera; in Chicago; CVV’s writing about; in Europe; jazz; see also Metropolitan Opera; titles of operas
Oppenheimer, George
Opportunity magazine; awards given by
Ornstein, Leo
Others magazine
Our Country (Strong)
Palace Theatre (New York)
Panic of 1893
Paresis Club (New York)
Paris; African-Americans in; avant-garde in; CVV in; Lindbergh in; “lost generation” in; during World War I
Parks, Rosa
Parsons, Louella
Parties (CVV)
Passing (Larsen)
Paterson (New Jersey) silk workers strike
Patti, Adelina
Pearson, Norman Holmes
Pearson’s Magazine
Père Lachaise Cemetery (Paris)
Peterson, Dorothy
Peter Whiffle (CVV)
Philadelphia Jimmie’s (Harlem)
photographs; of African-Americans in Europe; of childhood and adolescent friends; cigarette card; codes for homosexuality in; of CVV; donations and bequests to institutions of; exhibition of; family; gifts of; homoerotic; newspaper; of opera stars; paparazzi; portrait (see also names of subjects); travel
Picasso, Pablo
Pickford, Mary
Pierre (Melville)
Piney Woods School for Negro Children (Mississippi)
Pittsburgh Courier, The
Plantation Club (Harlem)
Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant (Shaw)
Poitier, Sidney
Pollock, Anna
Porgy and Bess (George and Ira Gershwin and DuBose Heyward)
Porter, Cole
Portrait of Mabel Dodge at the Villa Curonia (Gertrude Stein)
Pound, Ezra
Prancing Nigger (Firbank)
Prediction, A (Covarrubias)
“Prescription for the Negro Theatre” (CVV)
Presley, Elvis
Prince Igor (Alexander Borodin)
Pringle, Aileen
prizefighting, see boxing
Progressive Era
Promise of American Life, The (Croly)
prostitutes; male; see also brothels
Proust, Marcel
Provincetown Playhouse
Psi Upsilon fraternity
Publishers Weekly
Pueblo culture
Pulitzer, Joseph
Quaker Oats
Queen Anne architecture
Quicksand (Larsen)
radicalism; of CVV’s parents; of Gertrude Stein; in Greenwich Village; during World War I
Radio City (New York)
Random House publishing company
Rauh, Ida
Ray, Man
Razaf, Andy
Red (CVV)
Reed, John
Reeve, Winnifred
Reis, Arthur
Reno (Nevada)
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Rensselaer, Kiliaen van
Rensselaerswijck patroonship
Republican Party
Revolutionary War
Revue Nègre, La (show)
Rhapsody in Blue (George Gershwin)
Richmond (Virginia)
Rigoletto (Giuseppe Verdi)
Rivera, Diego
Robeson, Eslanda (Essie)
Robeson, Paul; correspondence of CVV and; at CVV’s parties; Epstein’s portrait bust of; Greenwich Village Theatre concert of; socialist politics of; stardom of
Robinson, Bill
Robinson, Jackie
Rockefeller, John D.
Rogue magazine
Romanesque architecture
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
Romilly, Rita
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Stuart
Rosen, Lucie
Rosenfeld, Paul
Rosskam, Louise
Rotary International
Roth, Philip
Rubinstein, Arthur
Run, Little Chillun (choral play)
Russell, Lillian
Russia; Communist, see Soviet Union
Sacchetto, Rita
Sacre du Printemps, Le (Stravinsky)
St. George, Camilla Martinson, Company
Salemme, Antonio
Salisbury, William
Salome (Wilde); opera based on
Sanborn, John Pitts
San Francisco
Santa Fe (New Mexico)
Santayana, George
Schildkraut, Joseph
Schirmer, G., Inc. publishing company
Schoenberg, Arnold
School of American Ballet
Schulberg, B. P.
Schuyler, George
Scottsboro Boys
Sebastian, St.
Sennett, Mack
separate but equal, doctrine of
Seven Arts, The, magazine
Sex (Broadway show)
Shaffer, Van Vechten
Shakespeare, William
Shaw, George Bernard
Sherwin, Louis
Shiel, M. P.
Shirer, William
Show Boat (musical)
Simmons, Louis
Sinclair, Upton
Skene, Hener
Skinner, Otis
Small’s Paradise (Harlem)
Smart Set, The
Smith, Ada (“Bricktop”)
Smith, Bessie
Smith, Clara
“Smoke, Lilies and Jade” (Nugent)
Snyder, Anna; adolescent relationship of CVV and; alimony payments owed to; child given up for adoption by; college education and career of; divorce of CVV and; in Europe; long-distance romance of CVV and; marriage of CVV and
Some Like It Hot (movie)
Sorrow in Sunlight (Firbank), see Prancing Nigger (Firbank)
Souls of Black Folk, The (DuBois)
Sousa, John Philip
Soviet Union
Spain; Civil War in; folk music of
speakeasies; gay-friendly
Spider Boy (CVV)
Spingarn family
Sports Illustrated
Stage Door Canteen (movie)
Stage Door Canteen (New York)
Stagg, Hunter
Starke, Pauline
Steffens, Lincoln
Steichen, Edward
Stein, Gertrude; African-American readers of; American tour of; correspondence of CVV and; death of; Fania Marinoff and; Hopwood and; on “lost generation”; Mabel Dodge and; New York Times profile of; opera by Thomson and; Paris home of; photographs of; publication of works of (see also titles of books); at second performance of Sacre du Printemps; story about Southern black woman by; suggestion of collaboration of Berlin and; Trend article on
Stein, Leo
Steinbeck, John
Stern Caskey, Elsie
Sterne, Maurice
Stettheimer, Florine
Stettheimer sisters
Stevens, Wallace
Stieglitz, Alfred
Stone, James
Stone, Lucinda Hinsdale
Stone, Lucy
Stonewall revolution
Story of the Illinois Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs, The (Elizabeth Lindsay Davis)
Strauss, Richard
Stravinsky, Igor
Streetcar Named Desire, A (Tennessee Williams)
Strictly Union (movie)
Strong, Josiah
Sublett, Desdemona
Sullivan, Noël
Summerfield, Arthur
Summers, Montague
Sunset Club (Chicago)
Survey Graphic
“Swanee” (George Gershwin)
Sweet Man (Millen)
Swirksy, Thamara de
Talmadge, Constance
Taos (New Mexico)
Tarantelle (Chopin)
Tarbell, Ida
Tattooed Countess, The (CVV)
Taylor, Prentiss
Tender Buttons (Gertrude Stein)
Tender Is the Night (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Tetrazzini, Luisa
Thaw, Harry K.
Théâtre des Champs-Élysées (Paris)
Third Awakening
Thomas, Millard
Thomas, Theodore
Thompson, Paul
Thomson, Virgil
Three Lives (Gertrude Stein)
Three Weeks (Elinor Glyn)
Thurman, Wallace
Time magazine
Tin Pan Alley
Toklas, Alice
Toomer, Jean
Trend, The, magazine
Trip to Chinatown, A (musical)
Tristram Shandy (Sterne)
Trotsky, Leon
Trowbridge, J. T.
Tucker, Sophie
Twain, Mark
“Twelfth Night” (Mabel Dodge)
291 Gallery (New York)
Ulric, Lenore
Ulysses (James Joyce)
Underground Railroad
“Unfinished Symphony” (CVV)
United Artists
Universalist Church
Universal Negro Improvement Association
Universal Pictures
Vallombrosa (Italy)
Valmouth (Firbank)
Vanderbilt family
Vanderpool, Vanderpool
Van Doren, Carl
Vanity Fair; African-American culture articles in; Hollywood articles in
Van Vechten, Ada (CVV’s mother); in Chicago; clubs established by; death of; love letters of Charles Van Vechten and; social causes supported by
Van Vechten, Anna Snyder, see Snyder, Anna
Van Vechten, Carl: African-American culture championed by; air travel as passion of; American music collection at Fisk University established by; arrival in New York of; in Bahamas; birth of; black culture collection at Yale established by; and black evangelical religion; blackness concept of (see blackness); boxing up materials to secure legacy of; at brothels; Chicago visit with father; childhood and adolescence of; collecting obsession of; coterie of young gay men around; cross-dressing fascination of; cruising by; cultural influence of; dance reviews by; death of; deaths of friends of; as drama critic; as editor of The Trend; essays on New York by; i
n Europe; family background of; Fania Marinoff’s affair with; financial irresponsibility of; Firbank promoted by; Gertrude Stein promoted by; at Greene’s Opera House; Harlem experiences of
health problems of; in Hollywood; honorary degree awarded to; imprisonment of; influence of parents’ values and religion on; Mabel Dodge’s influence on; male lovers of; marriage and divorce of Snyder and; marriage of Fania Marinoff and; modernism embraced by; and mother’s death; music criticism by; New York apartments of; novels by (see also titles of novels); operas attended by (see also titles of operas); parties attended and hosted by; personal appearance of; as photographer (see also names of portrait subjects); political avoidance and ignorance of; and Prohibition; scrapbooks of; self-destructive behavior of; self-mythologizing of; sexual awakening of; tabloid journalism of; in Taos; as tour guide to Harlem; at University of Chicago; use of word “nigger” by; at World’s Columbian Exposition; and World War I
Van Vechten, Charles (CVV’s father); in Chicago; and CVV’s birth; and CVV’s books; and CVV’s financial irresponsibility; death of; financial success of; love letters of Ada Van Vechten and; moves to Cedar Rapids; racial attitudes of; respectability; Universalist faith of
Van Vechten, Derrick
Van Vechten, Emma (CVV’s aunt)
Van Vechten, Emma (CVV’s sister)
Van Vechten, Fannie (CVV’s sister-in-law)
Van Vechten, Giles (CVV’s uncle)
Van Vechten, Michael
Van Vechten, Ralph (CVV’s brother); career of; during CVV’s childhood; CVV’s financial irresponsibility criticized by; death of; in New York
Van Vechten, Teunis Dircksz
vaudeville; black
Victor, Sarah
Victoria Theatre (New York)
Vidal, Gore
Vidor, King
Villa Curonia (Florence)
Vitascope motion picture technology
Volstead Act (1919)
Wagner, Richard
Walker, A’Lelia
Walker, Madame C. J.
Walpole, Hugh
Walrond, Eric
“War Is Not Hell” (CVV)
Washburn, Charles
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, Carrie (“Carita Day”)
Washington, George
Wasserman, Eddie
Waste Land, The (Eliot)
Waters, Ethel
Weary Blues, The (Hughes)
Weaver, Raymond
Weinberg, Jonathan
Wellesley College
Wertheim, Arthur Frank
West, Mae
West, Nathanael
West, Rebecca
West India Company
White, James “Slap Rags”
White, Walter; in NAACP; Nigger Heaven supported by; Paul and Essie Robeson and
Whitechapel Club
Whiteman, Paul
white supremacy
Whitman, Walt
Whitman Sisters
Wilde, Oscar; American tour of; CVV influenced by; incarceration of; tomb of; trial of