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Her Desert Panther Princes_Howls Romance

Page 7

by Celia Kyle

  “Nope. You’ll be fine. I promise.”

  Tahvo opened the stall and two servants came running to help him fit the camel with an extra-long saddle. The camel was of the one-hump variety—dromedary, Amy recalled from her grade school obsession with the species—and was so tall her neck hurt looking up at it.

  When Tahvo clucked at the animal and said a few words she couldn’t understand, it kneeled down to allow its master to gracefully climb onto its back. Then Tahvo held out his hand for her to join him. Taking a shaky breath, she closed her eyes and reached up. Before she knew what had happened, she was in the saddle with Tahvo snuggled up behind her.

  If holding his hand had been electric, feeling his body against hers threatened to short-circuit her system. Every part of her was in hyper-drive as he wrapped his arms around her waist and anchored her. Grabbing the reins, he led them out of the stable and onto the dunes where swirls of fine red dust blowing in the breeze contrasted sharply against the clear blue sky.

  “I want you to know that I appreciate how hard you’re working for my sister.”

  His deep voice was so close to her ear the sound thrummed through her like a vibration. She swallowed hard, determined to maintain her composure, if not her dignity.

  “It’s my job. And my pleasure.”

  “Why did you decide to be a doctor? It’s not an easy profession, especially with all the traveling you do.”

  Amy considered this for a moment and decided to tell him the whole, unvarnished truth. Anything else wouldn’t be fair to him. Besides, she wanted to share part of herself with him.

  “I grew up in a very poor, very rural area. Not very many people, not very many jobs. We grew up eating what we could kill, for the most part. The nearest doctor was two hours away, and you didn’t go see her unless your arm was hanging at a funny angle or worse.”


  Amy chuckled wryly. “Money, of course. Most people couldn’t afford to see doctors on a regular basis.”

  She paused and allowed her gaze to sweep across the endless dunes stretching out in front of them. They looked endless, but Amy knew from painful experience that everything ended.

  “I was sixteen when my parents got the flu. Not a big deal in most places, but when you’re running low on heating oil in the dead of winter, you can’t afford to not work. And when you work too hard when ill, the flu can turn into pneumonia, and from there…”

  Tahvo’s arms tightened around her, which gave her more comfort than she was ready to admit. Blinking back the tears that always threatened when she thought of her parents, she shook away the memories and continued.

  “I was on my own after that, and I vowed to spend my life doing everything I could to help others in the same situation. It wasn’t easy, but I managed to get scholarships, grants and a couple of loans that put me through college and medical school. I immediately started PCA and the rest is history, I suppose.”

  Tahvo didn’t speak for a moment and then murmured, “I’m so sorry about your family, Amy.”

  Amy relaxed into his half-embrace and rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

  Cresting the dune they’d been climbing gave them a view that forced Amy to blink and rub her eyes to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. There, in the middle of the vast, lifeless desert, stood a beautiful oasis. Sun glinted off the deep blue water of a small pond, the sight snatching the breath from her lungs.

  Nestled under the shade of a swarm of palm trees stood a red and gold tent, its gauzy fabric billowing gently in the soft breeze. As they drew closer, Amy made out a mass of plush pillows on the floor of the tent surrounding a table piled high with food. The scent of roasted lamb hit her nose and her stomach rumbled in reply.

  Tahvo chuckled behind her. “Sounds like we made it in the nick of time.”

  “I’m about to gnaw my own arm off, but my tummy would still growl over all these delicious foods. I can’t believe you did all of this!”

  “I’m glad you like it,” he said, pulling her tighter into him as the camel slowed to a stop. “I sent some servants to set it all up. I hope you’re hungry.”

  She knew he wasn’t talking about her empty stomach, and not just because she could feel him hardening against the seam of her ass. It took all her will not to grind against him so she could get a better feel for what he had to offer. Besides, he was Shon’s twin. She knew exactly what he had.

  The memory of her antics with Tahvo’s brother chilled some—but not all—of the heat warming her most secret bits and pieces, and replaced it instead with guilt. What kind of woman hooks up with one brother in the morning and then wants a repeat performance with the other in the afternoon?

  When the camel stopped in front of the tent and knelt down, Amy held on to the strange saddle for dear life, but Tahvo leapt off as if he did it every day. Probably did. He turned and offered his hand, his deep brown eyes penetrating her all the way to her very soul as another rush of desire spun up her spine. She closed her eyes to hide her passion and shame, and Tahvo took the opportunity to lift her off the beast’s back.

  She wanted his hands on more than just her waist. The imprints his palms left on her flesh burned brightly, erasing any sign of hunger and leaving behind only need for him. His fingers skimmed her arm until they entwined with her own fingers, and then he pulled her along.

  Amy wanted to attribute her wobbly legs to the heat, her hunger, or the camel ride, but she knew the truth. Tahvo’s powerful presence overwhelmed her. Sinking onto the pillows scattered about, Amy was silently grateful. Two more steps with him touching her like that might have buckled her knees outright.

  As Tahvo sliced the lamb and loaded her plate with rich delicacies, Amy glanced around, searching for the servants who seemed to follow the royal family around wherever they went. She couldn’t see any, but they had to be somewhere nearby…watching.

  “I sent the servants back to the palace,” he said without looking up from his task.

  Good thing he didn’t, because the simple fact he knew she’d been looking for witnesses was even more mortifying than her secret thoughts. Her cheeks flamed, sending the conflagration down her chest until she was certain she was as bright red as the pillow she was sitting on.

  “And here’s some wine to wash it all down,” Tahvo said quietly, his voice calming her nerves.

  She quickly chugged half the glass before daring to meet his eyes. He was leaning sideways on a stack of cushions, smiling at her as he sipped his own wine.

  “You’d better eat something,” he said. “You need to keep your energy up.”

  For what? Amy thought as she tucked into her meal. But all reasonable thought processes stopped at the first taste of the savory lamb. The flat breads, the hummus, the olives, the dates…it all tasted so good she couldn’t stop herself from devouring it all. Most women wouldn’t be so gluttonous on a first date—

  First date?

  Looking around the elegant tent, at the food laid out before her, at Tahvo watching her every move with great interest… Amy realized that’s exactly what this was. A date. An hour earlier, the thought would have sent her into a panic, but the combination of the afternoon heat, the heavy meal, and the heady wine had lowered her inhibitions.

  “You were right,” she said through a mouthful of tabbouleh. “I needed to get out of the palace and clear my head.”

  “I’m glad you agree. Any brilliant new ideas yet?”

  Amy laughed, set down her plate and leaned back against her cushions. “No, other than I probably shouldn’t have eaten so much.”

  “I know just the thing to help with that,” Tahvo said, standing to his full height. “A swim will burn off some of the food and cool you down.”

  Amy frowned. “I don’t have swimsuit.”

  “Neither do I,” Tahvo said with a wink and then held his hand out to help her up.

  Amy stared at it for a long moment, imagining their naked bodies splashing around in the crystal-clear water. In le
ss than a heartbeat, he took her in his arms, the water sluicing between them until no space remained. She smelled his unique musk as her tongue darted along his sinewy neck. She heard her cries of ecstasy and his moans of pleasure as he rocked into her until they both came together in one magnificent flash of pure joy.

  Breathing so hard she was almost panting, Amy met his gaze and reached for him.

  Chapter 10

  When Amy’s fingers slipped into his hand, Tahvo cheered silently. He knew she’d wanted him as much as he’d wanted her!

  Whipping off his white linen tunic, Tahvo gave her a mischievous grin and headed for the water’s edge, pausing only to drop his linen pants. On hot days, he preferred to “go commando” as Americans called it. He waded toward deeper water, and he sensed her eyes on him, her stare devouring him. With a private smile, he dove into the placid pool, reveling in the cooling waters.

  Bobbing back to the surface, he caught sight of Amy tugging her dress over her head and dropping it on top of his clothes. Her luscious body was on full display, and though he knew he should look away, he couldn’t help staring at the perfect cherry tips of her round, full breasts. The curve of her shapely hips. The soft trail of downy hair that led to the space between her kissable, creamy thighs.

  A swell of need rushed to his cock and he gripped himself under the water in a vain attempt to dull the ache as she eased into the water alongside him. As she did, wavelets lapped over her milky skin, wetting and darkening her honey hair so it slicked over the tops of her breasts, just visible above the water.

  Her cheeks brightened to a pretty shade of pink, and it took all Tahvo’s willpower not to reach out and cool her burning skin with the back of his damp hand. Every thought of soothing her flew from his mind the second her bold gaze met his, her blue eyes inviting him to look all he wanted.

  He swallowed hard, his jaw clicking as his cock throbbed again. Even though she was thoroughly submerged in water, her desire lingered in the air between them. Sucking her full lower lip between her teeth, she tipped her head back and dunked her hair, which gave him a full view of her breasts pushing up toward the sky.

  He sucked in a sharp blast of hot air and held his panther back from claiming her as his mate right then and there.

  “You were right again,” she said as she pulled herself back upright. “This is refreshing.”

  He offered her a cocky smile. “I tend to be right on most occasions.”

  “Is that so?” She raised her eyebrows, her lips tilting into a playful smile.

  “It is. I have a knack for seeing things coming and basing my decisions on that.”

  That was usually true, but in the case of Dr. Amy Sullivan, he’d been taken completely off-guard. In his research, he’d learned she was attractive, but that hadn’t been why he’d hired her. Only once he’d met her had he realized just how much she affected him. That he hadn’t seen coming.

  “Did you see this coming?” She splashed him with a rush of cool water.

  Shaking the liquid out of his eyes, he narrowed his gaze and growled. “Oh, so that’s how you want to play?”

  Amy squealed in mock fear and dove under the water, but she was no match for Tahvo. Diving in after her, he quickly caught her around the waist and dragged her back to the surface. They both laughed and coughed, wiping water out of their eyes, but she didn’t pull away from him.

  “You brute.” She laughed and lightly slapped at his chest.

  “You think so? What if I dunked you?”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  Tahvo accepted the challenge and lifted her out of the water by her waist. The entire time, she laughed and shouted, “Uncle! Uncle!” He’d intended to toss her sideways, but when her breasts hit the level of his lips, he lost his grip and she slid down the length of his body.

  “Why did you say ‘uncle’?” he asked in a bid to stall long enough to collect himself.

  “It means ‘I give up.’ It’s a plea for mercy.”

  Tahvo drank in her happy expression, knowing in his heart he could never tire of seeing it. “I will grant you mercy this time, but never forget that I can take my vengeance at any moment.”

  Amy’s tongue peeked out and wetted her lips before disappearing again. Her arms snaked around his neck and she pressed her lush body against his, never breaking eye contact with him.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she whispered, her gaze dropping to his mouth.

  His cock twitched in response. The panther inside him purred, begging him once more to claim her, but a woman like this couldn’t be rushed.

  For Amy, he would take his time.

  Slowly, he pulled her tightly against him, allowing her to feel the steely hardness of his need. His hands slipped lower until he gripped the curve of her ass and squeezed gently. Her lips parted, inviting him to claim her mouth. He couldn’t wait to capture the pink tip of her tongue with his own, but he didn’t want to go too fast. He wanted this to last.

  Dipping his head, he allowed his lips to brush hers, the heat from their panting breaths mingling. She sighed and let her eyes flutter closed, but still he waited. Skimming her cheek with his, he sucked one damp earlobe into his mouth, drawing a gasp from Amy. Her fingernails dug into his back in the most delightful—and prophetic—way. He almost kissed her then, but still he waited.

  Only when she buried her fingers in his damp hair, dragging her short fingernails over his skull, did he know she was ready. The moment their lips met in a burning and frenzied kiss, Tahvo knew he would do anything for this woman. He would take everything she offered him and give it back to her two-fold in return.

  She moaned against his touch, opening herself to him easily and allowing his tongue to explore her mouth. She met him stroke for stroke, falling into the rhythmic push and pull of their kiss.

  Her warm, heaving breasts pressed against his chest, her nipples pebbling harder with every flick of his tongue. As he kissed along her jawline to find the column of her throat, she gripped his hips and ground into him, allowing her deep, desperate need for him to cloud his mind of all thought except when and how he could take her.

  “Yes,” she hissed as his hard length slid against the slick skin of her hip.

  She rocked into him and he gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the surging, all-consuming need to claim her. Before he could lose control, he picked her up in his arms and carried her back to the tent, never allowing their lips to part. Droplets glistened on her fair skin as he laid her down on the sea of pillows, and he finally broke their kiss.

  “Tahvo,” she murmured, making him hard as steel.

  His lips skimmed down her exposed neck and chest until he could finally—finally!—take one stiff, dusky tip between his lips. Then the other. She cried out when he sucked hard.

  He’d known it all along. He’d known she wanted him. Something powerful connected them, and now he was going to prove it.

  Kissing down the plane of her stomach, he reached the juncture of her thighs and licked long and deep, starting at her opening and ending at her swollen clit. She writhed and whimpered at his touch, and he smiled, loving her responsiveness.

  “Tahvo,” she whispered again. “Let me taste you. Please.”

  But he couldn’t allow that. Not yet. He needed to taste the sweet water mingled with her salty need. He was desperate to work her into a frenzy until he finally pushed his fingers deep inside her and edged her toward a mind-blowing release.

  Continuing his attentions, never pausing, he teased her entrance with his index finger. Amy bucked beneath him, his name breaking on her lips as he finally pushed the finger inside.

  “Tahvo, please,” she panted frantically. “I need to taste you. I need you in my mouth.”

  He glanced up to meet her gaze, unable to deny how good her proposal sounded, but he never stopped kissing her throbbing bud. She groaned in frustration and held a finger to her lips. At the same time, she rocked her hips against his mouth, she ran the tip of her tongue along the
length of her finger, before sucking it into her mouth. Closing her eyes, she moaned as she slid her finger in and out of her mouth.

  Tahvo flicked his tongue faster, sensing her needs before she could speak them. Not that she could with her finger in her mouth like that, showing him exactly what she intended to do to him. The display proved very distracting, but he did his best to focus on her needs instead of his own demanding desires.

  Amy clenched around his finger, so he slipped in another. “Oh God,” she cried, arching her back.

  He paused only to say, “Yes, baby. Come for me. Then I’ll come for you.”

  Her hands gripped the cushions around them and she half-buried her face in one as his mouth explored her. With every kiss, every touch, her body quaked against him.

  “I need to taste you!” she sobbed. “Please!”

  The remaining shreds of his will shattered. He stretched out next to her, and with strong, sure hands, flipped her upright so she straddled him, only facing the opposite direction. Grabbing her ass in his hands, he pulled her hips down to meet his mouth.

  “Oh God!” she cried again when he made contact, her voice thick with need.

  Then her mouth closed over his cock and he lost all sense of reality. She pulled him in so long and deep that his eyes nearly crossed at the warm, velvety feel of her mouth. A moment earlier, he would have thought it impossible for him to become even harder than he was. With renewed vigor, he lapped at her clit even faster, eager to prove to her how much he cared about her needs.

  She matched every move, every nibble, every lick with one of her own. When he hummed against her, she returned the favor. When he stroked her folds, she cupped his balls. As she worked his body, he lost all sense of the world—consumed instead by the rising pleasure surging through his body and the need to make her experience the same, all-consuming need.

  He was close—too close—so he pistoned his fingers into her faster and she quaked against him. Together, they pushed and pulled, racing to the same goal, each giving and taking in equal measure. And then, she finally squeezed him so tightly that he thought his fingers might break, her walls spasming in a powerful orgasm.


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