Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study
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Tobacco Industry Research Committee, 85
Toilet training, 140, 232
Tolstoy, Lev, 135
Tranquilizers, 113, 255, 286, 306, 387, 388
Trauma, 227, 266
Trust, 147, 368; lack of, 119, 120, 121; learning of, 127; mature capacity to, 187
Trust funds, 70
Vacations, 134, 167, 388; interview questions about, 83, 377; life compared to, 202, 222–223; little or no time for, 119, 236, 325; with wives, 202, 212
Vaillant, Caroline, 381
Variables, 3, 10, 13; in Decathlon of Flourishing, 33–34; of nature and nurture, 35; outcome variables, 30; predictor variables, 30, 39–44
Vascular risk variables, 129, 130; dementia and, 134; minimization of, 251; physical health decline and, 244, 245, 246; sexual activity and, 219
Vegetarianism, 241
Velveteen Rabbit, The, 49
Very significant (VS) correlations, 34
Viagra, 208, 237
Vietnam War, 68, 100, 120; opposition to, 335–337; PTSD among veterans, 101, 332–333; questionnaire and, 89
Virtue, 30
Viscerotonic, 16
Vision, decline of, 226–227
Voltaire, 164
Voting, 8
Waldinger, Robert, 54, 94, 95, 98; funding for Study and, 107; marriages studied by, 106, 193; Study of Marital Intimacy, 190, 203–204
WASPs (white Anglo-Saxon Protestants), 290, 303
Watson, John, 64
Weil, Oscar, 336–337
Wells, Frederic Lyman, 61–62, 72–73, 75, 84, 85
Werner, Emmy, 106, 208
Western, Robin, 94–95
What People Are (Heath), 77
What Predicts Divorce? (Gottman), 199
White, Robert, 104, 149
Who’s Who in America, inclusion in, 30–31, 41, 42, 69, 134, 356
Wiehaus, Sylvia, 200–201
Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, 6
Wisdom, 148, 158, 161; compassion and, 169; definitions, 186; Guardianship and, 155; hallmarks of, 168
Wisdom of the Body, The (Cannon), 57
Wisdom of the Ego, The (Vaillant), 57, 353
Wives, 94, 106; alcohol issues of, 198, 200; behavior during interviews, 174; questionnaires sent to, 193
Woods, William, 62, 74, 101, 142, 355; limitations of methodology, 130; personality profiling scheme of, 77–78, 82, 130
Word association test, 18, 73
Wordsworth, William, 108
Work, 374–375, 377; enjoyment of job, 386; hours worked in old age, 167; lack of pleasure in, 173–174; work problems, 142
World War I, 61, 68
World War II, 67, 68, 166, 281, 333; censorship during, 83; combat exposure in, 247; “combat fatigue” in, 101–102, 319; creative process in veteran of, 363; Grant Study men in armed services, 82; identification of potential officers, 79–80; Manhattan Project, 57; military rank in, 43, 45, 172, 251, 323; officer selection in, 35; Terman women and, 382, 383
Wright, Thomas, 62
W. T. Grant Foundation, 107
X-chromosome-linked disorders, 348–349
Yakovlev, Paul, 147
Young, Algernon, 180–186, 214
Young Man, You Are Normal (Hooton), 77, 140