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Alien Commander (Zerconian Warriors Book 11)

Page 15

by Sadie Carter

  “I will. I promise.”

  He stepped back as Moroco and two other healers approached, giving them space.

  “How did he get here?” Safan asked.

  “And where has he been hiding?” Largan added.

  “He must have a ship here.” Toriq’s mind was thinking furiously. “The satellite. A few days it went down for a few hours, he must have slipped through then.”

  “Do you think he was working with Maria? That he killed Maria?” Safan asked.

  “We need to find him before he takes Sophie off the planet,” Toriq said.

  “But where could he hide a ship?” Argus asked.

  “There is only one place I can think of.” He looked at Safan. “The desert.”


  Sophie woke with a jolt as her whole body groaned in protest. The ground beneath her was hot and sandy. Where was she? She blinked her eyes open, wondering why her vision was so blurry and she felt like vomiting.

  “Damn, you have put on some weight, you stupid bitch. Didn’t I tell you to watch that? Nobody wants to fuck a fat cow.”

  That sounded like…but it couldn’t be...

  Suddenly everything flooded back in a rush. She’d been walking with Saffron when someone had grabbed her. She hadn’t even had time to fight. What had happened? Her neck ached, and she reached up gently to touch the sore spot. Ouch! Had he drugged her?

  “You drugged me.” She stared up at Maxwell who was bent over, his hands on his knees, his breath coming in fast pants, and his face red and sweaty. His clothes were stuck to his body with sweat.

  Gross. He certainly didn’t look like a catch right now.

  He stood straight and glared down at her. “Good, you’re awake. You can walk the rest of the way, I’m not carrying your fat ass.”

  I’m pregnant, you jerk. She bit off the words. Maybe he didn’t know? But how could he not?

  Why had she and Saffron left the house alone? Idiot move, Sophie. But she’d been thinking along the same lines as Saffron. Murders happened all the time back home and they didn’t stop their lives and hide because of bad things happening around them.

  Alarm filled her as she realized Saffron wasn’t with them. “Where is Saffron? What did you do to her?”

  He smiled, his eyes cold. “I killed the stupid bitch. If she didn’t die straight away, then she’s bled to death by now.”

  No. No, he couldn’t have. Panic filled her. Toriq!

  Sophie! Sophie, where are you?

  She looked around. Where was she? Nowhere she’d been before. The ground was red and sandy, and there were no buildings, just a few strange plants, and large rocks.

  The desert, but I don’t know where. Maxwell kidnapped me. He killed Saffron.

  She’s alive. Although she may wish otherwise once Moroco is through with her.

  Relief filled her, so sharp and hard she felt dizzy. Thank God. She didn’t know what she would do without Saffron.

  “Get up, bitch. We’ve got to go.”

  He wants me to go with him. What do I do?

  Toriq’s voice was like warm fire on a freezing cold day. Warming and comforting. Do as he tells you. Do nothing to provoke him. I will find you.

  Of course, he would. Toriq wouldn’t stop until he found her. That thought filled her with relief. And courage. She needed to do what she could to help him. Starting with delaying Maxwell.

  Maxwell stepped forward and grabbed her hair roughly, twisting it. Her scalp burned and she cried out.

  “Get up.”

  “No. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  Sophie, I can feel your distress. What is happening? Toriq’s voice was agitated.

  I’m okay. Just a bit scared.

  I will not let him take you.

  Maxwell pulled at her hair again then he pulled a blaster from his holster. “Move.”

  “You won’t shoot me. You didn’t come all this way just to kill me.” She hoped.

  His gaze narrowed. “You shouldn’t have left me, Sophie. You’re mine.”

  When Toriq said that to her, she felt happy, warm. When Maxwell said it she just felt ill. “You don’t own me.”

  “But I do. And now I own that baby in your belly as well.”

  Shit. He knew. Of course, he did, it was crazy to think he didn’t. He’d carried her all this way, he had to have seen her bump. “And I think you’ll do what I want in order to protect it, won’t you? I don’t think it will be good for the baby if its mom gets shot in the leg, do you?”

  He wouldn’t. Surely, he wasn’t that insane? But as she stared up into his dark gaze, she realized he was. Hastily, she pulled herself up.

  “Very good. See, as long as you obey me things will be just fine.”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “I have a ship hidden out here.”

  No way was she getting on that ship. She needed to buy time for Toriq and the others to find her.

  “Does Alicia know you’re here, Maxwell?”

  He snorted. “Of course not. She has no idea about you. She’s going to be my wife.”

  Poor girl.

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her forward. “There’s no need to be jealous. I wasn’t going to end things between us. Alicia will be my wife, but I will still have time for you.”

  Wow. How wonderful for her. Did he actually expect her to be grateful? If so, he was crazier than she thought.

  “How did you know where I was? Why did you come here? There’s a whole planet full of women on Earth for you to fuck, why come after me? Or hey, here’s a thought, why not be faithful to poor Alicia?”

  He turned and slapped her. She stumbled back, falling as he let go of her arm. Tears filled her eyes as she stared up at him, cupping her throbbing cheek.

  “You’ve changed. I don’t like it.”

  She bit back a sarcastic reply. She didn’t want to provoke him into really hurting her. She had to protect the baby.

  “I grew stronger,” she said quietly. “I learnt what real love is and it made me strong, not weak.”

  He grabbed both of her wrists and dragged her up. “You’ll learn to watch that mouth soon enough. Living with these overgrown idiots has you thinking you’re better than you are. You’re not. You’ll always be the daughter of a whore. Trailer trash.”

  She wouldn’t show him how much that hurt. Wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  Sophie? Is everything well?

  I’m fine. I love you.

  I will find you.

  Soon. Please let it be soon. She bit her lip. “You never said how you knew I was here.”

  “Now that was just blind luck. Maria overheard you talking about me with your sister when you first arrived here. She contacted me. Very sloppy, Sophie.”

  “You knew Maria?”

  “I placed her here.”

  What? What did that mean? “She wasn’t spying for Humans for Humans? She was spying for you?”

  “Actually, she was doing both,” he replied with a smug smile.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Maria was planted here as a spy for Humans for Humans. Of course, the Coizils were meant to kill you all. But she was a back-up plan in case that went wrong. Just as well I had the foresight to have a plan b.”

  “You’re a part of Humans for Humans?”

  His gaze narrowed. “I am a part of nothing. I started that damn movement. Oh, there were a few others who helped, but I am the brains.”


  “But…I heard you talking to your grandfather about them. You said you would destroy them. Why would you start the movement?”

  He sighed. “You always were a little slow. What happens if you create an environment of fear and chaos? What do people search for?”

  “Stability and safety?”

  “Exactly. They blame the current government and look for someone who can ease their fears. Someone who promises stability.”

  “You want to overthrow your own grandfather?” She ga
ped at him.

  “Finally, she gets it.” He clapped his hands mockingly. “Humans for Humans are going to create a rift between Earth and Zerconia and wreck the alliance. I have people back on Earth already creating doubt. Whispers have begun that the Zerconians have plans to attack, to steal our women, forcing them to mate. People will become afraid. They’ll turn on their leaders. And then I’ll step in.”

  “Wow, I knew you were a jerk, I just didn’t realize you would murder innocents and betray your own family to get what you wanted.”

  He shrugged. “Sometimes sacrifices have to be made.”

  “Maria was a good actor. I thought she was utterly terrified when we were taken by the Coizils, I’m guessing they knew not to kill her?”

  “No, they were going to kill her as well. But she didn’t know that. I told her that someone would come for her. Like I said, sacrifices are necessary for the greater good. She had to die sometime. She knew too much.”

  Because he wouldn’t want it known that he was behind the movement.

  “How did you get past the Zerconian satellites?” Distract him. Keep him focused on something else. She eyed the blaster he held. If she could just get hold of it then maybe she could wrestle it away from him. He was soft from sitting behind a desk all day. Sophie wasn’t that strong, but she was determined.

  “I hired someone to put a bug into one of their satellites, so it crashed briefly. Cost me a pretty penny. You’ll be paying me back for that.”

  With what? Her stash of millions? God, he was an idiot.

  “I remember when that happened, that was days ago.”

  “I’ve been waiting for my chance to get to you. Maria was supposed to frame your bitch sister, not you. Then you would have been isolated. Instead, you ended up being heavily under guard, and I’ve had to wait around here for days to get to you. You have greatly inconvenienced me.”

  “Well, sorry,” she said sarcastically.

  He slapped her again. This time, she managed to keep her balance.

  “Do not ever speak with such disrespect to me. I am your lord and master. I went to great lengths to get you back, Sophie.”

  “You killed Maria, didn’t you?”

  “She fucked up and she knew too much. Besides, I only have a small ship. There was no room for her on it.” He eyed her with disgust. “I cannot believe you fucked one of those ape-like idiots.”

  Her temper stirred. “Unlike you, when Toriq caresses me, I go off like a rocket. I no longer have to pretend to orgasm.”

  “You bitch!” As he raised his hand to hit her again, she lunged for the blaster. She missed the blaster and grabbed his wrist instead. He attempted to shove her away, but she held on, knowing this might be her only chance. She swung one knee up and slammed it into his groin. He made a loud squealing noise, like a pig. But his hold on the blaster loosened, and she grabbed it from his hand and then pushed it against his side and pressed.

  For a moment nothing happened. It was as though all time paused. Then he crumbled to the ground. She stepped back, panting heavily, staring down at him. His eyes were open, but he wasn’t moving.

  Was he dead? With a sob, she took another step back. She wasn’t about to stick around and find out. Still gripping the blaster, she turned and walked away. She looked back over her shoulder, still no movement.

  Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

  She was trembling so badly, she knew she wouldn’t be able to move much further without collapsing. What if he wasn’t dead? What if he came after her? She had to keep moving.


  Sophie, where did you go? I’ve been calling for you!

  He had? She guessed she’d been so focussed on getting free she hadn’t noticed. She grimaced as her stomach tightened. Oh God, what was that? It couldn’t be a contraction, it was way too early.

  Toriq! I shot him. I think he’s dead.

  There was a pause. Had he heard her?


  Look around. Are there any distinguishing things you can describe? We have drones in the air, but we cannot see you yet.

  No, nothing! Panic filled her. Toriq, I think there is something wrong with the baby.

  Everything will be well. I am coming.

  Just then she heard a buzzing above her. Looking up, she saw a gray drone. She waved her arms frantically. Then she gasped, placing her arms around her stomach as another pain gripped her. Oh god, please let the baby be okay.

  I see one of the drones! Can you see me?

  I see you. I am coming. Do not worry. All will be well.


  The sound of a heartbeat filled the room, and Toriq closed his eyes in relief.

  “Oh God, that’s the baby’s heartbeat? Really? He’s fine?”

  Toriq opened his eyes once more, turning to his mate. He had a tight grip on her hand, unwilling to let her go, even for a second.

  He’d come so close to losing her.

  They would need to have another talk about obeying his orders, especially when it came to her safety, but right now he was too relieved that she was safe to be angry with her.

  He took in her pale face, his grip tightening as he saw the bruises on her face where Maxwell hit her. Twice. He could have lost her. What would he do without her?

  She turned to him. “I’m okay, Toriq. He didn’t hurt me. I’m fine.”

  Didn’t hurt her? He’d hit her. Bruised her. Terrified her. His Sophie. But Toriq forced himself to loosen his grip, concerned he would accidentally hurt her.

  “The baby is fine. The heartbeat is strong. It shows no sign of distress.”

  Tears dripped down Sophie’s face. Moroco looked over at Toriq with worry and with no small amount of desperation. He cleared his throat as Toriq said nothing, just sat there staring at the screen where the baby was displayed. Of course, it looked like little more than a blob to him, but Moroco had assured him that that was what it was supposed to look like.

  “Toriq, your mate is crying.”

  “I know. She is relieved. We both are.”

  “Stars, well don’t you start too.”

  Toriq glared at him.

  “What were the pains then?” she asked in a wobbly voice. Sophie was near the end of her endurance. She’d been drugged, kidnapped, hit and terrified about her baby. He needed to get her home and settled.

  “Most likely your body’s way of telling you that you’d had enough stress and you need to slow down.” Moroco gave her a stern look.

  “I didn’t do any of this on purpose!”

  “You and your sister should never have been walking around on your own. You disobeyed your mate, you put yourself and your baby at risk, and do not get me started on your sister’s role in all this! Just because she cannot stand to be around me, she thinks she can disobey me!”

  “Enough, Moroco!” Toriq barked out. “You do not reprimand my mate.”

  Moroco stared at him, almost challenging. Then he nodded. “You are right, there is another who deserves my reprimand. And as soon as she is well enough, she will learn of my displeasure.” He turned to Sophie. “You need plenty of rest. No stress. I mean it or I will put you on complete rest, understood?”

  Sophie nodded, her eyes wide. Moroco left the room, muttering something to himself that Toriq could not decipher.

  Toriq helped Sophie sit and right her clothing then lifted her off the table. He wrapped his arms around her gently, kissing the top of his head.

  “He is right. You disobeyed me.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry. I just never expected that Maxwell would come for me.” She pulled back, glancing up at him, her eyes swimming with tears.

  He reached up and wiped away one that slipped free. “Shh, no more tears. Moroco said no stress.”

  She snorted. “I’d like to know how I’m supposed to achieve that.”

  “You do that by resting. By letting me take care of you. I know you believe I am being too over-protective. But that will be nothing in comparison to how protective I will be
from here on. I could have lost you.”

  “I know. I was stupid and I could have died, my baby could have died, or I could have lost him.”

  Toriq slipped a hand down between their bodies, placing it over her belly. “Nothing will happen to you or this baby. Not while I breathe.”

  “I love you, Toriq. More and more each day.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “Lean on your mate. Let me help you. Let me take care of you.”

  She smiled. “Always. Now take me home, my commander.”




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