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Party Girl Shared (Easy Book 2)

Page 5

by Matt Coolomon

  "Don't defy me," he said evenly, and he reached beneath her skirt, and Carmen again turned her head while he felt her pussy. He was rubbing her through her panties, pressing his fingers against her quite firmly and making her wet, and that time when he peeled her panties aside she felt his finger penetrate. "That's better," he grinned.

  Carmen felt embarrassment heating her face and shame churning in her belly. She kept her head turned away in defiance. He was using her fluids to lube her clit and he started rubbing it. She fought the sensation for a while but she could feel his fingers spearing into her pussy and what must have been his thumb vibrating against her clit. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe but her belly was cramping and the heat from her pussy was coursing through her body. She fought it for as long as she could but her orgasm overwhelmed her resolve, and as it ripped through her Roland shoved his head between her legs and stuck his tongue up her.

  Carmen clamped her thighs around his head and tried to squirm away from him. He clung to her hips and buried his face into her. His tongue was slicing through her pussy lips and swirling over her clit. She fought to push him away but she couldn't, and she finally surrendered and laid back, staring at the ceiling.

  Her legs were spread wide and the older man ate into her. He tongued her and sucked on her clit. He fingered her and mauled her thighs. She thought he was going to fuck her but he didn't. He eventually got up, wiping his mouth on his arm. "Dinner will be in half an hour," he said, and he turned and left the room.

  Carmen rolled over and buried her face in the pillow. She pulled the front of her skirt down and her hand ended up between her thighs. Her thighs were wet from her boss's mouth and her panties were soaked with her own juices. The delayed afterglow from her orgasm seemed to swarm over her body and she worked her hand down the front of her panties and cupped her throbbing pussy.

  She clung to the pillow. What was happening was beyond reason and she was no closer to getting her head around it when the door opened again and Lisa rushed to her side. "Oh, sweetie, are you okay?"

  "He…. He touched me," Carmen answered shakily.

  "That bastard! Did he hurt you?"

  "No, he didn't hurt me. I'm just so embarrassed."

  Lisa smoothed her hair warmly. "He's like that with me too. He's always been the same. He makes me do horrible things – you wouldn't believe what he's made me do."

  "You?" Carmen asked, confused. "What does he make you do?"

  "Sweetie, he's a real pervert. But look – it's best just to go along with it. I tried to stop him from coming up before I could warn you. It's best to just do what he says."

  "But I think he wants to have sex with me," Carmen said. She was gaining composure.

  "Well if that's all he wants you'll be lucky. We will both be lucky! You know, he blames me for spoiling his weekend with this stupid money thing, and that means he'll take it out on both of us."

  "But he's your husband. I don't see.... Unless he is violent with you?"

  "No – not violent. But he likes to make me entertain his staff, if you know what I mean."

  "Oh god! That's horrible!"

  "Well. Like I said, it's best to just go along with it because I know if I don't he will leave me with nothing. And if you don't, then he's a very powerful man and he won't be satisfied until you're in prison or worse."

  Carmen hugged her friend. She was past the shock of how quickly things had happened and although she felt a surge of embarrassment again, it quickly subsided. Lisa took her into an adjoining room and helped her find something to wear to dinner. She picked out a short black dress that was fitted and slightly loose around her bust, as Lisa was a cup size larger. Carmen had worn a black lace bra to work that day and Lisa agreed it would be fine. "These are new," she said, handing Carmen sheer white panties that she could see her fingers through. "He told me you have to wear them," Lisa explained before Carmen had a chance to object.

  Lisa sent her to the shower and said she would be back in fifteen minutes. Carmen spent the time soaking under the hot water, trying to get a grip on what she had gotten herself into. She dried and combed her hair and wriggled into the dress. The hem was barely an inch below her crotch, and she tried to tug it down as she followed Lisa along the corridors and through an open foyer to what appeared to be the main dining room. There was a long table with eight men seated. They all stopped talking and turned to look at Carmen as she entered the room.

  Roland was at the head of the table. Lisa sat to his left and Carmen was ushered to the seat to his right. The talking resumed but it was just a jumble of noise to Carmen. Nothing seemed real.

  There were waiters serving food, and in spite of her situation, Carmen was hungry. She was sitting quietly and no one seemed to be interested in her. They were apparently business associates of Roland's but she had never seen any of them before. Lisa seemed perfectly relaxed and was chatting with her husband and with the other men as if all was fine and normal.

  The man sitting beside Carmen was heavy set and loud. His laugh seemed to shake the chair she was sitting on and his arms were huge. He'd bumped her several times with his elbow and turned to smile and apologize. He did it once again and that time he seemed to pause and look at her chest.

  Carmen glanced at Roland. He was already staring at her. His eyes were set in a manner that warned her to be careful. She could feel the big man's breath at her shoulder, and she glanced down at her chest. The dress was tight at her waist and it was gaping away from her breasts. Her bra was on display as deep as her nipples and they were almost visible through the lace.

  Carmen looked to Lisa but Roland was whispering something to her, and Lisa then stood up and led Carmen out of the room and along a hall to a bathroom. Lisa turned and took a breath. "He wants you to take your bra off."


  "Sweetie, don't fight it. He said if we're not back in two minutes he will make you take your dress off too!"

  Carmen met her friend's eyes, pleading with her, but she just shook her head. "Quickly...." she said. "Please – just do it."

  Carmen fumbled for her bra and slipped it off. She pulled the dress back up and hurried after Lisa. She didn't have time to check herself until she was seated back at the table and the big man was immediately at her shoulder.

  She thought to tug the dress down but it was as if Roland was reading her mind. His eyes were searing and they lowered to her chest. She glanced down at herself. Her breasts were shuddering upon her breath and her nipples were completely exposed.

  The big man remained there, only he leant forward a little and spoke with Roland. They were speaking about sales targets and they were both casually glancing down at Carmen's tits. She sat fiddling with her napkin, looking anywhere but at their faces. She knew her nipples were firm and there was nothing she could do about it.

  One of the wait staff approached and Roland guided him to Carmen's shoulder. The big man had returned to his food, but the waiter, a man of perhaps twenty five, leant in close and stood staring down her dress. He was discussing the dessert menu with Roland, and Carmen could feel his crotch pressed against her shoulder. She felt the bulge in his trousers firming and she wanted to move away but she knew she couldn't.

  The waiter finally left and Roland motioned to an older man at the far end of the table. He leant close to Carmen's ear and whispered, "Sit forward a bit. The older man approached and Roland guided him close. Carmen shakily leaned forward. She glanced down and saw that her tits were then completely on display. The big man leaned across for another look and the older man leaned on the back of her chair. The three of them spent ten minutes talking about an ad campaign and blatantly staring at Carmen's tits.

  "Very good," Roland said to her discretely when they had finished. "Now when anyone walks over here to speak with me, I want you to lean forward like that and let them have a look. That's anyone – waiters included. Agreed?"

  Carmen nodded. She could feel the heat between her legs and she nodded obediently.r />
  After dessert was served the men were strolling about and gathering in small huddles of conversation. The big man had moved on and Lisa came and sat next to Carmen. Lisa also had a dress that opened away from her breasts and she was also without a bra, although her breasts were only visible when her shoulders sagged.

  She was cheerful and Carmen found herself feeling a little more at ease. Roland was still beside her though, and Carmen was forced to lean forward and show herself to each of the men he'd invited to dinner.

  The old man from the far end of the table returned when Lisa was busy talking with one of the waiters. Roland was also occupied, and the old man placed his hands on Carmen's shoulders and bent to her ear. "You seem tense," he said softly and he started massaging her shoulders and neck. His thumbs were firm behind her neck and his fingers were in front of her shoulders, and as he massaged her, her tits lifted and fell gently and her nipples rubbed against the fabric of her dress. He remained at her cheek, watching her tits move. "That's better – just relax and let us look at you," he whispered. "You know, I don't really like women with big breasts. I much prefer sweet little ones like these."

  Carmen felt Lisa's hand close over hers beneath the table. She had finished with the waiter and she turned and sat quietly watching. Carmen looked to her but her eyes were lowered and she was staring at her tits as well. The old man was talking with Roland but he was still massaging and Carmen squeezed Lisa's hand to try to get her attention.

  "It's okay, sweetie, just try to relax and go with it." Lisa smoothed Carmen's hair from her cheek and kissed her softly but she moved back away when one of the younger guests leaned in to have a look.

  Carmen felt her face redden as she glanced up to meet his eyes. He was an attractive man of about thirty. "Calm down, Brad," Lisa smiled, and Brad nodded and moved on.

  "He's one I don't mind doing favors for," Lisa whispered into Carmen's ear, and she kissed her cheek softly again.

  Lisa was called away and the old man had moved on too. Carmen was left alone for a moment but Roland had waved one of the waiters over, and when she felt him at her shoulder she leaned forward obediently. "I believe you know young Paul?" Roland said.

  Carmen looked up and recognized one of her son's friends. She quickly clutched at her dress in front. Paul grinned. "Hello, Carmen – you don't mind if I call you Carmen do you?"

  "She doesn't mind," Roland said flatly. "Paul, go on through to my den and wait for me there. I want to have a word with you."

  Paul's grin expanded and Carmen saw he and Roland exchange a wink. Roland's hand then closed over Carmen's knee and he lifted her chin. "If you do as I ask this weekend there will be no investigation into the missing twenty thousand. If you've got it it's yours – no questions asked. You will do as I ask now, won't you?"

  Carmen nodded. She took a breath and agreed with the horrible man.

  Roland's hand moved up her thigh as he leaned close. "Good decision, Carmen. Now, I want you to go through there to my den, get down on your knees, and suck young Paul's cock. The word I'm going to have with him is to ask him if you did a good job."

  Carmen stood and walked slowly in the direction young Paul had gone. Whether she was prepared to go through with it or not was something she would deal with. As she left the dining room she was just happy to be away from Roland and his friends.

  Paul was a relatively new friend of her son's. He'd been coming around for a few months and had seemed like a nice, polite boy. She was quite pleased to see him there, though being exposed to him had felt strange at first.

  She walked along the hallway to the third door on the right, as she had been directed. The door was open and she stepped in to find Paul sitting on a couch over by a window. He was reading a magazine. He looked up and smiled.

  "God, Paul, I'm so glad to see you here – these people scare me." Carmen had blurted out what she had said. She tried to collect her thoughts.

  "We don't scare you do we?" Paul asked easily.

  "No – not you. I mean Roland and his friends. They've made me dress like this and I don't know what I'm going to do."

  "So what makes you think I'm any different from them? I know why you're here, Carmen, and if you don't do me right I'll be telling the boss."

  Carmen felt her cheeks redden. "You can't be serious. You've been to my home. You know my children. You can't expect me to do that."

  Paul was rubbing his crotch. He was obviously firm, if not fully erect. He undid the zipper in his trousers and freed his cock. It was smooth and although it wasn't long it was quite thick. He was circumcised and the head was broad and glistening with a drop of precum. He looked up at Carmen. "If you don't suck me off I'll be telling your husband all about this weekend. I guess he thinks you're on a business trip or something, does he?"

  Carmen looked at the door and thought about leaving. She thought about walking out of the house and forgetting the whole damned thing. She looked back at young Paul. His cock had firmed and lengthened. He was stroking it slowly and still smiling up at her. "So I'll go and tell the boss you refused will I? I'm about done waiting."

  Carmen thought of the prospect of keeping the money she was supposed to have lost. She thought of the prospect of that, and of walking away empty handed. It seemed that she was safe enough from actual harm. The old business men were obviously perverted, but they didn’t strike Carmen as dangerous. The boy she had been sent to service was of age and quite good looking.

  She took a step forward and Paul's smile broadened. He shifted forward in the couch, tugging his trousers down a bit. She approached tentatively and knelt on the floor in front of him. She touched his knees and felt the firmness of his bulging thighs. She took hold of his cock. It surged in her hand. She closed her eyes as she lowered and took the head in. His body tensed and his hand closed over the back of her head. She moaned in protest but his hips rolled and his cock filled her mouth. "You like that don't you?" She looked up at him as he spoke. He was watching her and she instinctively started bobbing her head.

  Carmen could feel the moisture between her legs. The smell of the boy, and the rich, salty taste of him was filling her senses. She couldn't deny the primal sensations gripping her belly but she was thinking with enough clarity to try to bring him off quickly. She worked the bulbous head of his cock with her tongue and cupped his balls, softly squeezing them. His thighs had firmed to iron and his face had distorted. She remembered the teenaged back seat sex from her youth and knew at his age he wouldn't be able to hold out long. She felt his cock firm and swell in her mouth. His hand had slipped from her head and he clutched the seat of the couch. He tensed and his body trembled. And then the first hot gush of cum hit the back of her throat.

  Carmen closed her eyes and accepted the flood of thick young sperm that filled her mouth. She held it for a moment, thinking where she could spit it out. The bathroom she had been in earlier was at the other end of the hall and there was no guarantee she would be released right away. She looked up at the young guy. He was grinning down at her. He'd regained his composure and his hand closed over the back of her head again. She still held the head of his cock in her mouth and it was still gently throbbing. She closed her eyes and swallowed.

  "Does she give good head?" It was Roland's voice, and Carmen turned to see him standing in the doorway.

  Young Paul got up and fixed his trousers. He stepped away and left Carmen sitting on the floor. "She gives real good head, boss. She's got a hot mouth – even hotter now!"

  "Don't get up," Roland commanded, and Carmen obeyed him. He then told young Paul to hurry and send his wife.

  He walked over and sat on the couch and Carmen expected she would be told to suck him off as well but he just sat quietly looking at her tits. She leant forward a little, and he smiled. "You're learning."

  "When can I go home?" Carmen asked thickly.

  "Tomorrow night. After my guests have gone I'll send you home and we'll forget this ever happened."

  "Do you promis
e I can go home tomorrow? If I do everything you say will you let me go, please?"

  Roland sat up and he casually reached into Carmen's dress and felt her tit. She arched her back, presenting herself to him. He smiled again and she slipped her shoulder straps and pulled the dress down. "Feel them," Roland said, and she cupped her breasts, massaging them and tweaking her nipples. "Very nice.... If you do as I ask I'll let you go home tomorrow night. If you respond when I let someone touch you I'll have a car ready to take you home in the morning."

  "If I respond?"

  "Yes – like you did with young Paul. I saw you feeling his balls and I saw how you were working the head of his cock. If you respond to the others like that I'll be feeling very generous."

  Roland had looked up at the door, and he waved Lisa over and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her and whispered something to her. Carmen had fixed her dress when Lisa knelt down on the floor beside her. Lisa bent to her ear and whispered, "He wants to watch us together."


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