Begging for Bad Boys

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Begging for Bad Boys Page 95

by Willow Winters

  "Wait. Stop." I took slow steps until I stood in front of him, face to face. He continued to stare at the floor. "Look at me."

  He slowly lifted his gaze. His eyes were pained, brows drawn together in frustration. "I don't want you to think—"

  "Shut up."

  I pulled out my phone, staring at the pictures again. Something stood out this time, in stark relief.

  His tattoo was different. The one I'd seen that night when I'd first seen him fully naked. It didn't look like I remembered it.

  I tugged the neck of Gael's shirt down, exposing his upper chest. "You said these tattoos are new."

  Gael let me paw at him without protest. "Yeah."

  I scrolled through all the photos again, wondering if maybe it was just the lighting or the angle. But no. The tattoo was different. Incomplete. Less intricate. Fewer designs.

  "The tattoos in this picture are different." I looked up into Gael's eyes. "These photos are from months ago."

  He softened with relief. "They are."

  "And..." I studied the pictures again. "You didn't take them yourself. Someone else is behind the camera."


  I let him go. He tugged his shirt back up. My mind was whirling.

  "Cerise was so upset," Gael said. "We needed people talking about us."

  I stared at him, stunned.

  "You did this on purpose," I said slowly.

  He nodded reluctantly. "I had to do something."

  "So you decided to pull a Kim Kardashian."

  That small smile returned. "It worked, didn't it?"

  I was speechless. The relief I felt, the easing of that tightness in my chest, was quickly replaced with utter bafflement. I threw my hands in the air, flailing wildly just to prevent myself from punching him in the face.

  "How in the world did you convince yourself this was a good idea? Fuck, Gael." That small smile turned chagrinned. At least he knew enough to be ashamed of himself. "You know your sister is freaking out about this, right?"

  "I've got it under control."

  "You posted naked selfies of yourself with a porn star!"

  "She's just a friend. I did her a favor, posing for some tasteful nudes for her portfolio months ago."

  I nearly rolled my eyes. "Of course you're friends with a porn star."

  "She's a cam girl."

  "As if that makes a difference!"

  "I didn't want to hurt you."

  "Well you failed in that."

  "I just wasn't thinking."

  "I know exactly what you were thinking. Cerise was freaking out about you not having enough publicity so you went out and got some. That's it, isn't it? Is that why you do all the rest? Punching paparazzi and trashing hotel rooms?"

  "Hey, sometimes those paparazzi deserve it." He tried to give me his usual cocky grin, but it faded in the face of my wrath. He turned earnest again. "There's no such thing as bad publicity."

  "Cerise thinks there is."

  "Cerise can't have it both ways. She wants us to be famous but she's not willing to do what needs to be done. I am."

  "And what needs to be done, exactly?"

  "No one gets famous just because they're good musicians anymore. It's all about what's scandalous, what's outrageous. You need to give people a reason to talk about you."

  "Well you've certainly achieved that," I said sarcastically. "Way to go, Gael. Bravo. Your brilliant plan worked. You made everyone think you're banging a porn star. Even me."

  "I'm sorry. We posed for those photos months ago. I didn't think about how it would look when I posted them yesterday."

  "You didn't think, for even a second, what might happen if I saw them? You didn't think about what my reaction would be?"

  He paced over to me slowly and cupped my face in his hands. I stood still, torn between pushing him away and leaning closer.

  "I'm so sorry, Jess. I'm a thoughtless asshole."

  "Yeah, you are," I bit out, narrowing my eyes at him, not willing to fall for his tricks again.

  "I should have told you what I was planning."

  "I would have tried to stop you. I'm supposed to be keeping you out of trouble, remember?"

  He cracked a grin. "Always such a good girl." His eyes swept over me. "Just makes me want to do bad things to you."

  A flutter in my stomach told me that as mad as I was about what Gael had done, he still had complete command over my body.

  I wanted to resist, but the look in his eyes made me want to give in.

  "I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive you yet."

  He looked hopeful. "But you will forgive me eventually?"

  "Maybe," I said grudgingly. "But you'll have to grovel some more."

  He nodded. "I can do that." He fell to the floor on his knees. He looked up at me with an almost boyish grin. "Please miss, I'm sorry. I promise to never misbehave again."

  "Still teasing me about the schoolmarm thing?"

  He got back up and pressed his hand into the small of my back, urging our hips together. "I could make it up to you in some other way."

  My stomach fluttered. "And what way is that, exactly?"

  He nibbled on my ear. "Licking your cunt until you come on my face. Over. And over. And over. Until you can't stand to come anymore." He leaned back with a wicked grin. "And then I'll keep doing it anyway. Because I have a lot to make up for, you see."

  He leaned down and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder with my ass in the air. I kicked out with my heels in protest, but he didn't put me down until we reached my bedroom. He threw me down on the bed. He watched as I bounced a few times.

  "These need to go."

  He tugged on the hem of my yoga pants, peeling them off my legs. My panties were next, then my tank top, until I was bare. His hands travelled my body, stroking and caressing until I was writhing on the sheets.

  Crawling between my thighs, he pressed kisses up my leg, starting with my ankle until he reached the hollow of my hips. He teased me by kissing my inner thighs, then my belly, skipping past where I really wanted him.

  After long moments of teasing he finally fastened his mouth on my clit, sucking and licking. He held me down with two hands on my hips as I squirmed and moaned wildly. He switched to dipping his tongue between my folds, probing at my entrance as deeply as he could.

  It was both too much, and not enough. I dug my fingers into his hair with desperation. I bucked my hips, trying to get more of those delicious sensations, wanting his tongue to continue fucking in and out of me.

  He played with me expertly with his lips and tongue. I was so close to the edge, I just needed a little more—

  He shoved two fingers into me, stroking my inner walls. I came almost violently, riding out my climax as I shook and panted. I ground myself against his face, rolling my hips with abandon. He kept licking and sucking until finally I let go of my grip on his hair and collapsed back down onto the bed.

  He gathered me up in his arms, cradling me as I caught my breath. I buried my head in his neck, breathing in his scent. My eyes closed as my breathing turned deep.

  They flew back open when I felt two fingers explore my folds.

  "Did you think we were done?" There was an evil glint in Gael's eyes. "I told you. I have a lot to make up for."

  I moaned as his fingers delved deep within me, the rough, calloused skin dragging deliciously inside me.

  Gael captured my mouth in a bruising kiss before murmuring against my lips. "I seem to recall telling you that you were going to come until you couldn't stand it."

  And as always, Gael made good on his promise.


  Gael had invited me out to watch another one of his concerts. It was going to be their last concert as an indie band before they officially signed with their new label. For various reasons, we almost didn't make it on time. When Gael strode backstage with me in tow, Cerise pointedly glanced at her wrist, faking a look at the time.

  "You're late."

  "Sorry," Gael
said breezily. "I was busy giving Jess multiple orgasms."

  "What?" Cerise asked, shocked.

  "Oh my god, could you not?" I groaned.

  "I like to take care of my woman," Gael said smugly, draping an arm across my shoulders. "And I don't mind who knows it."

  My heart melted a little at Gael calling me his woman in front of his sister.

  "What? You and Jessie?" Cerise shot me a startled look. "What about your no rock stars rule?"

  I flushed as Gael's hand trailed down my back to cup one ass cheek. I tried to subtly smack his hand away. "I made an exception."

  Cerise still looked completely flummoxed. "Well. Okay. If you're happy with this lunatic," she jabbed her thumb at Gael, "then I guess I'm happy for you. For the both of you." She punched Gael in the arm. "But you're still late. Show's starting soon. You need to get ready."

  "I'll be ready in five," he assured her.

  "This is our last indie show so we better make it count. We want people raving about us."

  "I'm sure they will," I told her. "You guys are awesome, as evidenced by your brand new recording contract."

  She lit up. "Fucking right we're awesome. We're going to be the biggest rock band the world has ever seen. We're going to turn the music scene on its head."

  Cheery and full of confidence, Cerise wandered backstage to group together the rest of the band, who I'd still had yet to meet.

  "Cerise seems much happier now," I noted.

  "Scoring that record deal made a world of difference. I hope she manages to calm down a little now. Of course," Gael frowned, "now we're going to have to deal with paparazzi and touring and crazy fans. I don't know if Cerise has thought about yet."

  A sharp jolt hit my gut like a blow. I ducked my head to hide my distress but Gael noticed. He tipped my head up with a soft hand on my cheek.

  "You're thinking those thoughts again," he said.

  "What thoughts?"

  "Whenever I mention girls or fans you get all upset."

  "I can't help but worry." I pulled away from him and crossed my arms over my chest, trying to put some distance between us. "You're going to have girls throwing themselves at you non-stop. You're going to be gone for months at a time on tour. I know we've been having fun together, but..."

  "Fun?" Gael frowned and took my arm in his hand. "Is that what you think this is for me? Just some fun on the side?"

  I stayed silent, pressing my lips together.

  "Jess." He pulled me into his arms. "I told you before." He leaned down, bringing us nose to nose. "You're the only woman I want."

  My heart clenched at the familiar words, filling in what he hadn't said.

  "I know what you're thinking. It's not just for right now." His bright blue eyes met mine, burning with sincerity. "You're the only one I'm ever going to want. Ever."

  I felt my heart melt a little, but I steeled myself against it. "And what happens the next time Cerise freaks out? You're gonna go find yourself another cam girl to pose naked with?"

  "No. No more cam girls, no more naked photos." His lips curled into a smile. "Unless you're posing for them with me."

  I shoved at his chest, but he didn't budge an inch. "I'm serious Gael."

  He pulled me tight and pressed a kiss into my hair. "I'm serious, too. I don't want anyone else. Just you."

  My fingers clenched in the fabric of his shirt. I lifted my eyes to meet his.

  "You're the only one I want," he said. "You're the only one I'm ever going to want." He rested his forehead against mine. "I promise."

  A weight lifted from my chest. My heart felt a thousand times lighter. Just hearing those words was enough to set my heart racing.

  Because Gael always kept his promises.

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  by KB Winters

  Chapter 1


  “Fuckin' jerk,” I muttered to myself as I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal.

  My BMW rocketed down the road and the engine screamed as it took me as fast as it would go. I tapped my well-manicured fingers against the steering wheel impatiently. I wanted to get through this desolate stretch of land and find some semblance of civilization. This place was the fucking land that time forgot.

  I kept my foot on the gas, my speed nearing a hundred. I wanted to put as much distance between us as humanly—and as quickly—as possible. Checking the rearview mirror to make sure I was still alone on this lonely, seemingly never-ending, two lane highway, I caught a glimpse of the purple peeking out from underneath my concealer. I knew I was going to need to touch that up when I stopped to avoid any unwanted notice—or questions.

  Tears welled in my eyes as I looked at the pitiful woman staring back at me. How could I have been so stupid as to fall for a man like him? Yes, he'd seemed so charming and kind at first, which was exactly why I'd moved all the way out here to be with him. Against my better judgement, I'd moved to Palm Springs, a nice place, but nothing at all like I'd imagined it to be.

  Three Days Grace's song, “I Hate Everything About You,” rang out in the car, and I shook my head, my anger surging within me once more.

  “No way, fuckwad,” I said, speaking to the empty car as if my ex could somehow hear me through the phone, even though I wasn't answering.

  The song ended and immediately started playing again. He was obviously going to keep calling until I answered. Yeah, right. I gave the phone the finger before picking it up and hitting the button that ended the call, silencing that stupid song. There was no way in hell I was going to talk to him. Not now—not ever. Asshole.

  “Seriously, I said no—”

  And as I was holding it, the song rang out again. And to make matters worse—as if they could get any worse—Scott's smiling face popped up on my phone display. You know, just in case the custom ringtone wasn't enough to tell me who was calling, I had to see his stupid face as well. As soon as I saw that stupid ass grin on that stupid ass face, I grunted in disgust and tossed the phone into the seat next to me.

  Or at least, that's what I’d intended to do.

  Instead of my phone landing on the seat, I’d thrown it a little too hard—right out the open passenger side window. I gaped at it for a minute and then laughed, shaking my head. Well, there was no way Scott was going to get through to me now.

  Apparently, no one was.

  “Shit!” I cried out, cursing at my luck. My typical, terrible, horrible, no good luck.

  I usually wasn't one to throw around foul language like that, but after the day I'd had, I was just done with everything and could be forgiven for a little coarse language. I hit the brakes, pulled over and stepped out of my car, my head pounding and my rage rolling over me in waves.

  I walked back to where I'd tossed it out the window, just in case I'd had some small miracle, some teensy bit of luck that would allow me to salvage my iPhone—not that I was holding my breath. That wasn't how my luck ran usually. But silently praying for that miracle anyway, I walked along the quiet highway in the middle of nowhere, in the high desert of California, looking for my phone.

  The sun beat down on the asphalt, and I literally felt like I was melting. Even with the windows down, it was brutally hot. Standing out in the direct sunlight was even worse. I hated everything about living out there. Maybe if we'd lived near LA or San Diego, things would have been better. But Palm Springs seemed to be about as far away from the beautiful California coast as one could get. I may as well have been living in Missouri.

  I'd moved out here to start a new life, one with a man both me and my parents had fallen in love with. Little did I know that life would include being kept beneath the boot of a man who felt a woman shouldn't be given too much freedom. He wasn't anything like the man I thought he was. He was certainly nothing like the man he appeared to be when we were talking online.

  But I was a stupid, naive girl when I moved out her
e. I’d been so desperate to move away from home and to the land of warmth and oceans, that I probably would have believed any fairy tale some guy spun for me. I obviously had this time.

  And today, well, it was warm alright. 115 degrees to be exact. And there was no ocean in sight.

  I sighed when I found my phone a few yards down the road from my car, lying in the middle of the road looking like a fresh piece of roadkill. The screen was shattered and the back of my iPhone was lying next to the front.

  But hell, at least that jerk’s face was gone. There was that.

  I considered stepping out into the middle of the desolate road to pick up the pieces, but then quickly decided not to. Why bother? Not like it was going to do me much good anyway. And the way my luck was going, I'd probably get run over by the only other car on the entire stretch of road just as I stepped out to pick it up.

  I walked back to my car, carefully picking my way along since my heels were a little too tall for walking alongside the road. It's not what they were made for, and I didn't want to break an ankle—or worse—damage my Jimmy Choo strappy crystal sandals. I had no idea where I was or where I was going, for that matter. I'd left our house on the outskirts of Palm Springs and just drove, putting as much pavement between my old life and the new one I was about to embark on.

  With no destination in mind, I climbed back in the seat of my BMW—windows up this time—with the air conditioning blasting on high, just praying the next town I came to would have a bed and breakfast—or somewhere I could sleep—assuming I actually came to a town at some point. After all, it had been a long ass time since I'd seen a town of any sort, and that made me nervous. It was nothing but dry, brown earth and dilapidated old buildings as far as the eye could see.

  The first sign of a problem—and the reappearance of my infamous shitty luck—came about five miles from where I'd tossed my phone. Steam poured from under the hood of my car. I squinted, trying to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me—hoping they were. It was just a little at first. Then, before I knew it, my entire car was filled with smoke. It was coming in through all the vents, from underneath the hood—anywhere it could come from. The smoke clouded the interior of the car so thick, I couldn't see a damn thing. I hit the brakes and pulled over to the side of the road, hoping I didn't hit anything. Not that I needed to worry too much about it since there was nothing but desert on this desolate road.


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