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Begging for Bad Boys

Page 125

by Willow Winters

  “Much deeper. Listen, I don’t know what you think of me after all these years, but I hope it’s X-rated.”

  “Cut the shit! I can always see right through you. So was this heist planned…so you could take exactly $1,000 from me?”

  “You know me, I just wanted to come out on top.”

  He shot me a devilish grin. “Yeah, nothing is sexier than that.” I swatted his arm and he continued. “You’ll get paid in good time.”

  “Great. And I expect interest too,” I said sweetly.

  “That wasn’t our original agreement,” he chided.

  “You didn’t pay up, so I’m adding interest. Twenty-five percent interest to be precise.”

  “Worse than my damn credit card.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe you came here to rob me.”

  “Actually, I was looking for dirt to blackmail you with, to force you to pay me and the other girls back.”

  He crossed his arms. “Blackmail? And did you find anything?”

  I grinned. “Sure did. Learned all your deep, dark secrets.”

  “Did you now?”

  I nodded. “You’re looking for a wife so you can get your hands on your inheritance. What will all the eligible ladies think when they learn that you’re still the same old scoundrel you’ve always been? They’ll run away from you like you’ve got the plague. Pay up, Charlie, or else you’ll force this little cat burglar to let her secrets out of the bag.”

  He lowered his head and suddenly his lips hovered dangerously close to mine, in kissing range, but he didn’t press forward and I swallowed hard, forcing myself not to either.

  “Here you are, luv, in a dark house, calling me a scoundrel, yet you don’t seem the least bit scared about what I might possibly do to you.” He ran the tip of the sword gently down my cleavage, driving me secretly mad with its cool touch. “I think I could fall madly in bed with you.”

  “I’m not that easy.”

  His hand slipped over my ass. “Which is easier, you squeezing that ass into those jeans or me getting it out of them?”

  “You’ve always been a dreamer. Just pay me what you owe me, and I’ll be on my merry way.”

  His lips pressed into a grim line. “I don’t have the money. I’m afraid it’s all, uh…tied up right now, which is exactly what I should do to you for breaking into my home like this.”

  “Please, Charlie. Look at this big, beautiful mansion. Don’t even try to play the poor card on me. I’m the poor one here, barely making ends meet, and there’s no work in this little town. My temp job ends in a month, and I’ve got no idea how I’m going to pay my rent.”

  “I’m just a pauper in a palace for now,” he admitted a bit sheepishly. “The money’s not officially mine until I secure my inheritance.”

  “So that really is why you came back to town? To swindle some unlucky girl into marrying you just so you can bulk up your bank account? I imagine chicks are as scarce here as jobs. Why didn’t you just pick up some bimbo in Vegas, go through one of those drive-thru Elvis chapels to tie the knot?”

  “Well, it stipulates that I do have to marry someone from this town,” he said.

  “What? Seriously?” I said, startled since I hadn’t read that part before I scrambled to put the Will away. “Why?”

  “Dad always wanted me to settle down here. He didn’t like the thought of me ‘gallivanting all over the damn place,’ as he put it. I guess he had the last laugh on me.”

  “Do you want to settle down here?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I’m guessing no.”

  “Then your guess is right. My plan is to sweep into town, pick up a fake bride, get my inheritance, and leave like the wind after a quickie divorce in Caribbean paradise, untying the knot fast enough to cause whiplash.”

  “Nice plan. I know I wouldn’t be duped by some charming Casanova, no matter how much he promises to pleasure me with his hotter-than-hot-package. Getting intimate, then signing papers over Piña Coladas and saying adios isn’t quite my style. Actually, I don’t think it’s anyone’s style here in Blue Ridge. You might fare better in California or New York City.”

  “Those states won’t work. I only have to marry someone here, though, then live here for two years to fulfill the terms of the Will. After that, I’ll have my get-out-of-marriage-hell-free card, and I’ll be the one to be on my merry way…er unmarried way, I suppose.”

  “Yeah? And what woman is gonna bite on that? No girl wants to hear, ‘Till divorce do us part in two years.’”

  “I’ll lure her in, then confess all my dark sins before I marry her. Maybe you’ve forgotten how charming, persuasive, and convincing I can be.”

  “Don’t you mean manipulative and sneaky? Maybe dishonest and selfish?”

  “Dishonest? I don’t plan to trick anyone, if that’s what you’re thinking. I was willing to bear my soul and lay out all my cards.”

  “Anyway, you’ve got no money for me? Not even a small installment toward your loan? I’m living a little feast-or-ramen right now,” I complained.

  “I’m broke, too.”

  “Take it up with my ass because she’s the only one who gives a shit.”

  “Listen, if you hang in there, I promise I’ll give you a huge deposit.” He winked.

  I pushed him away. “Huge deposit. I don’t want sex. I want money. What the hell good are you?”

  “Listen, I’ll pay you in full, with interest, once I cash in on that inheritance.”

  “That’s a big, fat if, Charlie. No girl in this town is going to be dumb enough to marry a bad boy like you. It’s going to take you a hell of a long time, the man who slept with almost everyone in this town, to find someone dumb enough to marry you even if it is just temporary.”

  “Lots of women have been turning their heads in my direction. Don’t worry, I’ve got this. There’s only one tiny problem though.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, watching him closely as the calculating look appeared in his eyes that always meant trouble.

  “One problem? I think your problem is that you sorely underestimate the intelligence of the females in this town. Most of us can see right through you. How do you think I knew I’d find proof of some game when I came here?”

  “Still the same old smartass you’ve always been, huh?”

  “Still the same old sneaky bastard you’ve always been, huh?” I parroted, crossing my arms and shaking my head at him.

  “Listen, Jaime, the stipulations of the Will have me under a bit of a time crunch. I have to be married by the end of November, about the time when your temp job ends.”

  “Seriously? Well, I wish you the best of luck with that.”

  “I can give you some of my inheritance if—”

  “Oh, come on!” I yelled and threw my hands up in the air. “Like I’d ever trust you after you took my money and ran off into the sunset. There’s no way in hell.”

  “I’ll sign a legal document this time. You’ll bank a half-million, after taxes. Think about it long and hard because I’m only available for a limited time only.”

  My jaw dropped and I sputtered, trying to find the words. “Wait. Let me get this straight. You want me to help you lure some poor, innocent woman down the aisle with you, for half a million plus the $1,000 you owe me?”

  “Plus the $1,000? Very funny.”

  “Nothing funny about it. It’s the principle of the thing.”

  “The principle, huh?”

  “Damn straight,” I said, nodding sternly, “but I guess you wouldn’t understand something like that.”

  “I don’t expect you to help me lure some unsuspecting woman into my deep, dark web just so I can throw her away later. I actually have a much better idea.”

  He gave me that ridiculously sexy smile.

  “Like what? No one in this town is going to marry you. Everyone knows your bad reputation. You don’t have a shot in hell, even with my help, if I was willing to give it to you, which I’m not. In the
end, we’d both be screwed, because everyone would be pissed off at us when they found out. A woman would have to be an idiot to even consider—”

  “I’ve already got the perfect bride in mind, and she’s no idiot.”


  He smirked. “I’m looking at her.”

  “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” I said exasperated and laughed. “Sleeping with the enemy? No way in hell. You’re not my Mr. Right.”

  “How about your Mr. Right Now?”

  I shook my head.

  “C’mon,” he said. “We’d have a blast fooling everyone. Just like old times. We’ll just pretend like we’re in some kind of Lifetime movie.”

  I laughed. “Trying to appeal to the chick side of me? Movie love is a bunch of nonsense. Those over-the-top scenes don’t happen in real life.”

  “What’s wrong with a romance that blooms in the midst of impossible circumstances?”

  “That wouldn’t be us. Because we wouldn’t be a romance. Knowing you, we’d be more of a trashy romance novel.”

  “Thanks for that image. Now I’m hard as fuck. Again!”

  I glanced down. “Oh, wow. You do have a raging boner. But it’s nothing to worry about. Just take a cold shower. I think that trick will definitely tame Moby Dick in no time.”

  “You’re changing the subject.”

  “How can I not change the subject when Moby came out in ‘all his full glory’ to greet me? But okay, let’s talk about business. You want to pull off the biggest scam of the century.”

  “Come on, you know you would be perfect for me,” he said quietly, trailing his thumb seductively over my lips. “Marry me, Jaime.”

  “No!” I whispered. “Never, not in a million years, for any amount of money.”

  “Why? Because I’m a scoundrel?”

  “Bingo! Who would’ve thought you had a brain in that handsome head of yours?”

  He cupped my cheek. “Think about it, darling. We’re both low on our luck. I’m offering you a deal you can’t refuse. We’re talking about a huge sum of money here.”

  I wanted to pull away, should’ve pulled away, but the warmth from his hand kept me planted right in front of him, secretly wishing he’d kiss me. “It’s not like you to be so…generous.”

  He smirked. “Really? Perhaps you should talk to some of my past conquests. I’m sure they’ll tell you just how generous I can be.”

  I nudged him. “You know exactly what I’m talking about!”

  “Desperate men do desperate things,” he admitted, “and beggars can’t be choosers. I need a bride, and I need her quick.”

  “Like I said, I wish you the best of luck. In this town, you’re going to need it. Maybe you should hop on PayPal and get yourself a mail-order bride. She can move here from Russia or someplace, and you two can split the bounty after two years. She probably won’t even speak English, so you’ll be able to lie to her all you want, and she’ll believe any bullshit you say.”

  “Well, a hot devotchka might be nice, but the conditions of the Will say she has to have been a resident of this little shithole for at least five years.”

  “Oh. Sorry, Charlie, but I guess you really are screwed…and not in the fun way.”

  “C’mon,” he pleaded. “Please. I’m begging you here.”

  “It’s not like you to get all emotional like this. Wait here and I’ll bring you back a tampon and some Midol.”

  “Always the joker. I really wish you’d see things from my perspective.”

  “I would if I could…but I can’t get my head that far up my ass.”

  With that, I blew him a kiss and turned to leave, quietly yelling at my feet to keep on moving.

  “Just think about it,” he said as I whooshed out of the room, “and please don’t tell a damn soul!”

  I waved over my shoulder and hurried down the stairs and unlocked the front door so I could leave. So many thoughts were racing through my mind as I ran to the car where Tammy was parked.

  “Well? How’d it go?” she asked as soon as I jumped into the car.

  “Mission accomplished!”

  “Yeah, baby! You got in and out without getting caught on security footage?”

  “I got in, but Charlie was there. I was totally busted. Even met Moby.”

  Her eyes widened. “Shit! Did he call the police? And who the hell is Moby?”

  “Moby is…it’s a long story. But anyway, no, he didn’t call the authorities,” I assured her and tossed the ski mask in the back seat, running my hands through my hair as my heart continued to pound painfully hard in my chest.

  “Why not?”

  “He wants to put a ball and chain on me.”

  “Kinky, I think, but, uh…what are you talking about?”

  “Never mind,” I said with a chuckle under my breath.

  “He’s still hot, huh?”

  “Hotter than hell, go figure.”

  “I should’ve went in!” she said and cursed as she smacked her palms against steering wheel. “Wait, did you say ball and chain?”

  “He wants to marry me! Complete with ring on finger and carrying me over the threshold,” I ranted and laughed sounding a little crazy.

  “Um, no offense, Jaime, but how much have you had to drink? Did you raid his liquor cabinet before you got caught?”

  “Nah, I’m actually pretty sobered up. Nothing like a little Charlie to take the edge off a martini.”

  “Wait. Are you telling me he caught you in his house in a ski mask just said, ‘Hey, pretty cat burglar, will you be my wife?’”

  “I’m not supposed to talk about it.”

  “C’mon! Spill!”

  I puffed out my cheeks, tapping my fingers on the car door as I tilted my head back and forth. I know he said not to tell anyone, but how could I not at least spill to one person? “He has to marry someone by the end of November to secure his inheritance.”

  “So he wants you to marry him so he can have the house and all his dad’s money?”

  “Yeah, and he’d give me a half million dollars,” I added quietly.

  “No way! You’re going to do it, right?”

  I stared at her wide eyed and shook my head frantically. “No way. Now can we just get outta here? I don’t need him running down here to try to convince me how wonderful it would be to hook up…or deciding to press charges because I didn’t accept his stupid proposal.”

  “Sure,” Tammy said, then floored the accelerator so we could take off.

  Marry him? I thought, still stunned and a bit insulted. Sure, he’s hot, but he’s still an asshole when it comes to relationships, and no amount of money’s worth that. No way. He’ll only cheat on me left and right, and I’m not about to let him make a fool outta me in front of the entire damn town. He might know all my deep, dark secrets, but I know his too!

  Chapter 5

  It was a warm day for November first, with a nice breeze to boot. I sang along with a few songs on the radio, laughing at myself when I messed up the lyrics.

  I drove to work, but as soon as I got out of the car, much to my dismay, I saw Charlie, standing right there in the parking lot and holding a bouquet of long-stemmed red roses. Why did he have to remember I loved roses? Loved everything about them. My heart began to race, and I really did love the sweet aroma of the roses wafting through the air, but it ticked me off that I could feel those damn butterflies fluttering in my chest.

  Damn him!

  I swore I’d never let him get to me, yet somehow, he was doing just that. I knew I needed to build the wall even higher around my heart, just like I did back in high school, when I found myself foolishly starting to fall for the biggest playboy in the school.

  Charlie smiled at me, his warm eyes crinkling, and that smile was absolutely contagious. I couldn’t stop mine from spreading across my face, as I was intoxicated by the very sight of him.

  Now, Jaime, don’t go getting carried away now. So what if a devastatingly handsome man is here to give you flowe
rs? Consider the source, damn it! He might be a few years older, but he’s no wiser. He’s still one of the world’s biggest players on the planet.

  “Charlie? Uh…hi.”

  “Hey there.”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. Bracing myself to shut him down hard, I climbed out of my car. “Are you going to try to sweet-talk me so I don’t blab your devious plan all over town? I mean, is this a bribe? If it is, chocolate works too, particularly Ghirardelli.”

  He laughed that deep, rumbling sound that reached places I didn’t even know I had inside of me, begging for me to get closer to this man.

  “Not a bribe. What can I say? I’m an incurable romantic, and I’m completely smitten by you. I couldn’t even sleep because I was thinking about you all night.”

  “And what, exactly, were you thinking?” I asked, though I wasn’t sure I could handle the answer. I grinned, unable to stop myself.

  A naughty smile crossed his face.

  Oh, I knew it! That smile gave everything away. “Are you having naughty thoughts, you bad boy?” I asked.

  I had to admit Moby Dick did cross my mind once or twice. I dreamed about a night full of hot mind-blowing sex with my childhood friend. I bit my lip hard just thinking about it.

  “C’mon!” he said. “Get your mind out of the gutter. There’s barely room in here for mine. I was thinking that you’d be the perfect wife.”

  I laughed. “Do I look like wife material?”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “Hmmm. A perfect wife. I will…for the right guy someday.”

  “You look like the perfect wife for me.”

  “You’d better get some glasses, sweetie pie,” I joked.

  “There’s not a damn thing wrong with my eyesight, Jaime. You’re simply breathtaking.”

  I blushed. “Thanks. And you have no doubts about putting a ring on it?”

  “None whatsoever.”

  I smiled.

  “Hey,” he continued, nodding his head back toward the building behind him, “apart from being sexy, what do you do?”

  “Like I mentioned the other day,” I said, trying to sound harsh but failing miserably because he looked too damn sexy in a white t-shirt that stretched over his muscles and tight blue jeans that hugged his ass perfectly, “I’m a temp, just office work. Really though, why are you here? You can’t just follow me around town all month. That’s called stalking.”


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