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The Risk: Scott's Story (Runaway Love Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Washington, Pamela

  We land and I tell Maxine I need time to myself for a while, so I ask Drew for a ride back to my house. I don’t want to stay at the flat. As we’re walking to the drop off and pick up area, Drew stops me before we walk outside.

  “What’s up, Drew?”

  I watch him run his fingers through his hair.

  “Well… Danielle and my daughter are picking me up. We’ll give you a lift, but please don’t mention anything about what we talked about.”

  I pat him on the back. “Man, come on. I’m not going to say anything! We’re bros.”

  He laughs. “I know. Thanks. Just so you know, I did tell her we were in New York for a wedding.” He walks away with a smile on his face.

  I laugh and jog to catch up with him. When we step outside, I see Aubrey hanging out the backseat window of an Audi R8. I watch as she screams, “Daddy!” and Drew runs over to get her out of the car so he can give her a huge hug. I watch the interaction between them, and I wish I could feel the same feeling he is right now. I shake the image out my head as I watch Danielle come out the driver side and open the trunk.

  “Hey, Danielle. I have the luggage. You didn’t have to get out of the car.”

  “Oh no, it’s fine. How are you doing?”

  Danielle looks at me, like she’s heard some of the details about my trip to New York.

  “Let’s just say I learned a lot from this trip.”

  She smiles and looks at Drew and Aubrey.

  “Do you think he’ll ever get it together?”

  “I think it takes time, but I’ve seen some changes in him since he told me about you two.”

  It gets quiet so I just start loading our things in the trunk to break the tension.

  “Thank you for taking me to my house.”

  “You’re welcome, Scott. I hope you get what you’re looking for.”

  That’s all Danielle says before she walks back to the driver side. What did Andrew tell her about me? I know I vent to him, but man, she probably knows all my issues. Well, let’s hope not all my issues! I get in the backseat with Aubrey. I turn to look at her and she has hazel eyes, which could pass for green eyes on a good day, long curly hair, with her mother’s brown complexion. I notice she has Andrew’s eyes because they glisten when she smiles.

  “Hey, Uncle Scott, Daddy talks about you all the time. He told me you and him play football together.”

  “Yes, we sure do play football together. He’s a really good player, but between me and you, I’m better.”

  She starts to laugh. I know she’s a sweetheart. Then she asks me the one question I wasn’t prepared to answer.

  “Uncle Scott, do you have any kids? I want someone to play with.”

  “No, Aubrey, I don’t have any kids. But if I did, I know you two would be the best of friends.”

  “Like you and Daddy?”

  “Yep, just like me and your dad.”

  “Oh, okay.” I watch how Drew and Danielle look at each other. Yeah, he has told her about all my issues. I can’t even get upset with him because I completely understand. I’m a lot to handle, and he probably needed advice on how to help me.

  I’m relieved when we finally pull up to my house. That seemed like the longest car ride ever.

  “Okay, Miss Aubrey. It was very nice sitting next to you. Next time I see you, we can go out for ice cream. My treat. Danielle, thank you again for the lift.”

  “Any time, Scott. Just so you know, Aubrey is lactose intolerant, so no dairy for my little one.”

  I smile. “Okay, lactose free ice cream it is.”

  I get out of the car and discover Drew has already grabbed my things out of the trunk. We walk down the walkway to the front door. I pause to appreciate my gardener’s excellent job of keeping up the trail of flowers I had planted to honor my mom. My mom always loved gardens and flowers, so of course I had to have a garden trail up to my front door. I open the door and walk inside toward the kitchen. I notice I have some mail and a note that’s probably from Maria. I turn and look at Drew.

  “Thanks, man. You tell me to keep my mouth shut, but you’ve been telling Danielle a lot of things about me.”

  “Oh yeah, about that, sorry. When Danielle and I are in a good place, I can openly talk to her and usually talk about you. Don’t worry - she completely understands everything and doesn’t judge you at all. I’m going to go. Call me if you need me.”

  “Thanks. Be safe. I’ll call you later.”

  I follow Drew to the door and lock it behind him. I turn the TV on before I pick up my bag and walk toward my office. I take a seat in my leather seat behind my desk and open my bag to pull out the shoebox.

  I line all the letters addressed to my mother in one section and the single letter that’s for me on the other side. Instead of reading mine first, I open up my mother’s mail.

  The first one I open is a check enclosed for five thousand dollars. I open the next one and it’s another check for five thousand dollars. So forth and so on, each envelope has a check for five thousand dollars from my father. I’d always been curious as to where my mother was getting money from when she was hardly working. The last one was a letter:

  My Dear Elizabeth,

  I know you don’t want to speak with me right now. I’ve been checking my bank account, and I don’t see you cashing any of the checks. I told you I’d help support you and Scott. I can’t leave my wife, but I don’t want to totally abandon you and my son. I’m so sorry and I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart. I know I hurt you, but you can’t let that pain control your life. You need to move on – if not for your sake, then for Scott’s. He deserves better.

  You should’ve kept going with your singing career. Just because you have a child, it doesn’t mean you just give up on everything. You still have time to pursue your passion. Let Scott see the real you – the you that comes alive when she’s singing on stage. If you need help getting back into the industry, I’ll help you. No strings attached.

  Do you tell Scott about me? Or do you feel it’s best not to tell him about his father? What’s he like? What are his interests? How does he do in school? I would appreciate it if you would let me know about my son, but I understand your need to continue punishing me. My wife tells me that you’ve called the house several times. Please, Liz, don’t cause me to stop sending you support for my son. You’ll always have a place in my heart. You and Scott mean the world to me. Kiss my son for me please.

  I read the letter over several times until I feel the need to pour myself something to drink. My chest is feeling tight so I get up and pace the room.

  So my mom just stopped cashing the checks? Why? The earliest postage date is a month before Child Protective Services took me away. I had no idea she’d stopped checking the mailbox. Just how far gone was my mother? I do remember hearing her on the phone a couple times fussing with someone – I assume now that it was probably my father’s wife.

  I turn and look at the letter addressed to me. There’s no way I can read it right after I just read my mom’s letter. I need some time to process my parents’ relationship first. I walk out of the office and go downstairs to see my housekeeper, Maria, fixing dinner. I’m relieved to see she has returned after her three week vacation. She loves to go to the countryside where she owns another home. I admire Maria’s strength and tenacity. She’s what I’d consider the perfect motherly type of woman. I’d asked her a long time ago why she and her husband never had kids, and she opened up to me and told me she wasn’t able to have children. I think that’s what made me her bond even stronger – she wanted a child and I wanted a mother.

  “Hey, Scott. I’m making dinner for you. Good thing I remembered to check my phone and noticed your message. Thank you for warning me you were coming back.” She laughs as she gives me a warm hug.

  “Thank you, Maria. You must’ve heard my stomach.”

  “Yes, I did. How was your trip?”

  I usually confide
in Maria, but I don’t feel like opening up to anyone right now.

  “It was good. I actually learned quite a bit about myself and my past.”

  I’m so lost in my thoughts that it takes me a few minutes to realize that Maria is calling me to come have a seat in the dining room.

  I go and sit down, thanking her. Even though I’m starving, I sit there and start pushing my food around my plate as my thoughts take over. I take slow bites as I try to decide what I’m going to do. Do I stay and finish out my soccer contract or do I go back to the States to be close my child? After Grace pretty much confirmed her baby is mine, I know I need to consider my unborn child in all my decisions. My daughter will always first and I will be part of her life whether Grace and Tony like it or not. I owe Tony for saving Grace, but I don’t owe him my daughter. I wonder if Grace even went through with her vow renewal after my visit to her.

  Damn it! Why do I keep torturing myself? Why do my thoughts always drift to Grace? I can’t keep living like this! I can’t let my pain and regret control my life, but I also can’t regret letting Grace back into my life. Seeing her again and hearing what I did to her have changed me. I no longer want to be an arrogant bastard. No, surprisingly enough, I want to be the good guy – the guy who cherishes and appreciates women, who cares about others more than himself, who is considerate toward other people… I know my prick card will always remain in my pocket and come out to play sometimes, but that’s what makes me Scott. I’ve gone from high risk to low risk. I laugh at myself.

  I finish up my food and clean up my dishes. I lean on the counter and scroll through my phone. The Therapist pops up on my screen, and I remember her message to Maxine. Now seems like the perfect time to join their little game. I have a plan. Maxine knows I’ll never bring another women here besides Grace. Maxine only came here one time and left the same day. I think I’m going to treat Gigi to a weekend long vacation with me at my house.

  Me: Hey Gloria, how about you spending the weekend with me?

  I smile after I press send. Let the games begin. I go upstairs to take a shower. I pause when I walk past my office, but I just keep heading toward my room. I have plans right now and I can’t lose focus. I undress before I look in the mirror and start to flex. I guess being in the gym has really paid off! My phone chimes with a message.

  The Therapist: Well, I did have plans, but of course being with you is so much better than anything else.

  She takes the bait, so now it’s time to reel her in.

  Me: Okay, sounds like fun. I’m going to shower, and I’ll be there to pick you up in three hours.

  The Therapist: What should I bring? I thought we lived in the same building?

  Me: I do live at the flat, but I’m at my home in Greenwich. I’d love for you to come out here.

  The Therapist: A little get away sounds like a great idea. I’m going to get ready. See you soon. Xoxo

  I turn the water on in the shower and all I can do is smile. If I know Maxine, she’ll be calling my phone soon. She thinks she can really pull a fast one on me? I was starting to think maybe she changed her crazy ways, but then again, I’m talking about Maxine. I’m not really that surprised, just disappointed.

  I step out of the shower and look at my phone, but there isn’t anything from Maxine. Hmmm… Maybe Gloria didn’t call Maxine yet. Then again, females are unpredictable. I walk into my room, dry off, and spray some cologne on my body before I put on navy Prada pants, a crisp Tom Ford white shirt, and unlined blazer. Of course I pair my outfit off with my Tom Ford loafers and Aviators. I’m going to wine and dine Gloria and make her think I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. I guess the old Scott will come out and have some fun and drink some whiskey. Why the hell not?

  I walk out of my room and pull out my keys to lock my office door. I have to be ahead of this craziness I’m about to start. I walk downstairs and see Maria in the living room watching television. She turns around and smiles up at me. I cross my arms and lean against the doorway.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  “I see a very dashing gentleman looking to break a few hearts.”

  “I’m glad you’re on the right track. I’m trying to break two hearts at one time. Are you staying here this weekend?”

  “I always told you, Scott, that it’s not nice to break a heart, let alone two. Yes, I was going to stay in the lower room for the weekend.”

  That will work perfectly just in case Maxine tries to ruin things before I want them ruined.

  “Okay, great. I’m bringing a lady friend over. She’s not really anybody important to me. I just have to fix a simple problem, and she’s going to be here for the weekend to help me solve it. You’ll enjoy the show if you decide to watch.” I watch her smile and shake her head.

  “Be good, Scott. See you when you get back.”

  I wave to Maria and walk out the door. I walk to the garage, and I realize I have the perfect car here: an Audi R8 Spyder. I was lucky to have won this car from one of the other players on the team. Of course I had to get the paint changed to a black on black matte look.

  I get in and my phone chimes.

  Maxine: I want to see you this weekend

  Maxine is quite clever. I laugh and start the car.

  Me: Maybe next time. I have plans, darling.

  I know she won’t like that very much. I pull out of the driveway and head toward my flat. I want to call Drew and fill him in, but I have to do this on my own. I speed toward my building, ready to have some fun, but when I pull up, I see Maxine and Gloria having a heated conversation outside. What’s funny is they don’t even notice me so I drive around.

  Me: I’m pulling up. Are you downstairs?

  The Therapist: Yes, I’m heading downstairs now. Can’t wait to see you!

  I can’t wait either, I say to myself. This time around, I pull up to the building and park. I watch her walk toward me with her beautiful red hair swinging across her shoulders. She’s wearing a black Balmain bandage dress that accentuates her perfectly curvy body. I get out the car and walk around to open the door for her. I notice she has a cute little overnight bag - how sweet. I nod to her after she gets in and she smiles back at me.

  I turn to walk back around to the driver side when I spot Maxine driving by in her Mini Cooper. I wave and get inside then pull away from the curb.

  “Well, Gloria, I hope you’re ready for an adventure.”

  “I honestly believe anything with you is an adventure.”

  That’s what I want to hear as we head back to my home. Like they say, it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. I hope it isn’t me getting hurt in the end.

  We pull up to my home, and I watch as her eyes open wide. I pull up to the front walkway and turn the car off and walk around to open the door for her. I reach for her hand to help her out. She smiles and I walk her toward the house.

  “Nice garden.”

  “Thank you. I’ll let the gardener know.” I hear her chuckle.

  I open the door and I can smell the delicious meal Maria must have prepared for us. My mouth waters as I wonder what she left. I knew I loved that lady for a reason!

  I give Gloria a short, simple tour and watch her lighten up when I show her each part of the house. I can hear her phone constantly going off, but she’s ignoring it.

  “You sure you don’t have to answer your phone for work?”

  She looks shocked and pulls her phone out to silence it.

  “Oh, it’s nobody important. Besides, all my calls are redirected to another therapist because I’m having a weekend with you. I don’t want anything, or anyone, to interrupt us.”

  I pull her in for a hug and kiss. She smells real sweet, but that’s all it is. I walk her into the kitchen to make up our plates.

  “Are you hungry, Gloria?”

  She takes a seat in the same place Grace was sitting when she was here. I notice Gloria was probably going for a Grace look, but no
pe, that’s not going to work on me. There’s simply no substitute for the original.

  “Yeah, I would love to taste what smells good.”

  “Great! But would you please moving to the next seat over?”

  She gives me a bewildered look, but she moves without any comments and I smile. Maria made authentic Italian lasagna, and I can’t wait to taste it with garlic bread and a salad. I carry our plates into the dining room and Gloria follows behind me with a bottle of white wine. I notice Gloria has on some very high heels that make her legs look even longer and more toned. I lick my lips just as she catches me checking her out. She smiles seductively at me.

  “So, Gloria, what made you agree to spend the weekend with me? I haven’t seen or talked to you in a few weeks, I believe.”

  “Maybe that’s why - I miss you because I haven’t seen you around the building lately.”

  “What if I say I couldn’t stop thinking about you after our night together?”

  She smiles. “Well, you pretty much pushed me out of your bed, but I can believe it. We did have a great time.”

  I sip my wine and watch her eat her food.

  “What would you say if I told you I want to be exclusive with you? What do you think about that?”

  She coughs and chokes on her food. “What?”

  I bite into the bread and look at her while she’s trying to process what I just said.

  “I’m sorry, I would love to be exclusive with you, but what about Maxine?”

  I lean back in my chair. “What about her? She’s not my girl. I was thinking maybe I could invite her over tomorrow to give her the official news that I’ve officially found someone who stole my heart.”

  I watch as all the color drains from her face, but she puts herself back together pretty quickly.

  “If you feel like that’s a bad idea, let me know, but one way or another, she’ll need to know.”

  “Oh, that’s fine with me. I can’t wait to see what she thinks.”

  Tomorrow, Operation Take Down Maxine will be done, and I can make plans for my next move against Mr. Rivers. Gloria and I finish up our food and I tell her not to worry about the dishes. I grab her hand to take her upstairs to the guest room.


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