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Robert's Rescue [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Josie Dennis

  He let her words have their effect. He wanted this girl. He’d been half-hard for her since seeing her on the drive awaiting Robert’s arrival. Now that that man was on the property he couldn’t deny that was another reason his pulse pounded. He’d slid into the driver’s seat of the man’s car and caught a bit of the man’s spicy scent. His cock hardened further as Rose pressed her curvy little body against him.

  “Love me a little, Jared?” she whispered.

  He tossed the rag onto the floor and grabbed her to him. “Do you know what you’re asking me?”

  She licked her lips again, damn it. “Mostly.”

  He put his forehead on hers. “You’re pure, Rose. Untried.”

  “But I want you.”

  He kissed her, deeply as he tasted her sweetness, and then pulled back. “And you shall have me. But I’ll take care to keep you safe.”

  She blinked those deep brown eyes at him and he knew he would do anything to keep from hurting her. He had to have her, though. At least a little.

  “Come.” He took her hand and led her to the stairs set at the back of the carriage house. “My bed will be the perfect place to test out just how far we can go.”

  Chapter 4

  Rose’s heart raced as Jared pulled her behind him. They were headed for his rooms above the carriage house! She could scarcely believe her cheek, coming here and begging him to love her. She’d been tied in knots since he’d come to her room that night and, after seeing that new Hawk this morning, she’d been entertaining ideas a girl like her had no right to. Dark eyes intent on her, so sad and yearning, wanting something she couldn’t guess. It had spurred her on to confront Jared this afternoon and if she was to be rewarded with his attentions it had all been worth it.

  “In here,” he said, his voice hushed. “You’re the first girl I’ve had up here, you know.”

  “I know. Up here, that is.”

  He turned from locking the door to face her. “You know? Of my…other times?”

  “Mrs. Holmes might not approve of gossip but she can’t prevent it, can she?”

  He smiled his pretty smile at her and she knew this was what she wanted. She’d simply forget all those trysts she’d heard whispered about and focus on the fact that he clearly wanted her now. She shed her wrap as he poked the fire into life.

  “You know I’m not untried, then,” he quipped.

  “Hardly.” She sat on the edge of his bed. “I also know that you’ve never hurt a one of them.”

  “How can you know that?”

  “The girls here all want to give you a go, Jared. How could that be the case if word of some cruelty of yours reached Hawksfell?”

  “Never any cruelty, believe me. And there have hardly been so many girls.” He came closer. “And none who aroused me like you do.”

  She gasped as she saw the truth in his bright blue eyes. “You mean that.”

  “I do.” He shrugged out of his jacket and sat beside her. “I mean to show you how much.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he cupped her bottom. Feeling very naughty, she wriggled as he lifted her skirts and stroked her. Wet heat flooded her center as she let out a cry.

  “You’re a passionate thing,” he said, bringing his lips to her neck as he had earlier. “I’m going to make you come.”

  “Like I did with you?” She struggled to hold onto a thought as he worked his hand into her drawers. “With your hand?”

  He chuckled and turned, pinning her beneath him. “Oh, yes. I want to lick you, but that will have to wait.”

  “Lick me?” She tried to understand but then his fingers began to do the most amazing things to her flesh. “Oh!”

  “Your pussy is so soft and wet.” He flicked his tongue in her ear as he fondled her. “And tight, I’d wager.”

  She murmured something or other then just moaned as she began to tremble. Her blouse and stays were open before she knew it and his mouth was closed over one nipple. The wet suction of his mouth and the relentless movement of his fingers had her flushing hot and cold as her limbs began to shake.

  “Come, Rose.” He licked her nipple then kissed her lips. “Come.”

  She didn’t know how she was to do that until she did. Lights flashed behind her lids and she cried out as a rush of sensation flooded her. It was frightening and amazing and she didn’t want it to end.

  As she settled back she caught Jared’s grin. “Proud of yourself, I take it?” she asked on a breath.

  He laughed. “Ah, Rose. You’re a right pretty picture in your release.”

  She looked at him and saw that he was still dressed. Leaning up on her elbows, she kissed his mouth and smiled. “Would you like me to make you come, Jared?”

  He growled and leaned to one side, quickly freeing himself from his trousers. “It won’t take much, believe me. My cock is near ready to explode.”

  She touched him as she had that night, once again amazed by how hard and hot he was. “You wanted to lick me,” she mused aloud as she lightly stroked him.

  He let out a hissing breath. “Yes.”

  She ran her thumb over the tiny slit in the head of his cock. A pearly bead of liquid appeared on the smooth skin. “Do you want me to lick you?”

  “Christ, yes.”

  She glanced up to find his eyes hot on her. Before she could think of a reason not to, she shifted and licked the cream off the head. He moaned and she licked down his thick shaft. When he rolled onto his back she shifted to her knees and took him into her mouth. It was nothing she’d ever thought of doing before but he tasted as fresh as his scent. He was thick and smooth in her mouth and the sounds he made as she loved him were utterly delightful.

  “Rose, Rose.” He arched toward her as he seemed to grow larger. “Your mouth… God!”

  He was soon bucking beneath her and her mouth was suddenly filled with him. Swallowing, she gentled her mouth on him and withdrew. His eyes were closed tight and his face was the picture of pleased relief.

  “You came, Jared.”

  “I did.” He took in a deep breath and let it out with a rush. “You sucked me.”

  She licked her lips. “I like your taste.”

  He opened his eyes and smiled at her. “Good to know.”

  She realized then that her blouse was still open and her skirts a tangled mess around her legs. Climbing off the bed, she attempted to right her clothing. “I have to get back to the manor.”

  He sat up, holding out a hand. “You don’t have to go.”

  She shook her head as she made quick work of her clothing. Thankfully her experience as lady’s maid gave her the skills to dress and dress quickly. “I do.”

  He reached out a grasped her hand, stilling her. “What we shared, Rose. It was no disgrace.”

  “I know.” She looked at him then, seeing nothing but his open expression. “I enjoyed it. All of it.”

  He playfully frowned at her. “Don’t be looking at me like that. You’ll have me hard and throbbing again with no means of release.”

  Did she truly have that power?

  “That will be your problem then, won’t it?”

  He laughed again. “Cheeky miss.”

  A glance in the small mirror set on top of the bureau showed her hair was a mess. Again, her skills had her hair fixed and her cap straight in mere moments.

  She faced him again. “I’ll see you up at the manor, Jared. At dinner in the servants’ hall?”

  He nodded. “I’ll be there.”

  She bit her lip then spoke. “I ask because you’ve been known to take your meals at the inn.”

  “That I have.”

  Did he have lovers there? She knew so little of him but she couldn’t ask. Not after sharing more intimacies just moments ago.

  “I’ll see you then,” she said instead.

  She donned her wrap, then hurried out of there and rushed down the stairs. As she rounded the visiting Hawk’s motor car she ran straight into the man himself.


  He caught her arms in his hands and held her. “Easy, there.”

  She took a breath and brought her gaze slowly up to his handsome face. He gazed down at her, that distance she’d glimpsed earlier again in his eyes.

  “Forgive me, Lord Waltham.”

  He held her a moment longer, then released her. “Nothing to forgive.” Leaning a bit to the side, he looked around the carriage house. “Are you alone out here?”

  “No.” She gasped. “I mean, yes.”

  He regarded her closely then nodded. “Ah. I’d hoped to speak with the chauffeur.” His cheeks reddened a bit. “That is, I wanted to make certain my motor was all tucked in.”

  “I’m certain Jared—” She bit her lip. “Morrissey has it well in hand.”

  He looked at her again, his brow furrowed slightly. “Are you all right, miss? You seem flushed.”

  Oh, if he only knew all the naughty things she’d just done with Jared up in his rooms! He couldn’t, though. She’d righted her clothes and her hair and was neat as a pin.

  “I’m fine, my lord. I’m needed up at the house, is all.”

  His face showed his doubt, with the quirk of his well-formed mouth on one side. “And yet you were down here in the carriage house?”

  She had no answer to that, so she merely met his gaze evenly.

  He smiled then, an expression she imagined he didn’t wear very often. Pity, that. It was a lovely smile.

  “Off with you, then. It won’t do for the countess to go missing her maid.”

  “How did you know I’m her maid?”

  He leaned down at bit. “I saw you on the drive. And I judged by your position in that impossibly long line of servants just where you served.”

  “You’re a clever one.” She slapped her hand over her mouth then sighed. “Forgive me, my lord.”

  “As I said earlier, nothing to forgive.”

  His scent reached her as it had on the drive. Spicy hot and alluring and different from Jared’s. And yet she wanted to linger in his company. Surely she was simply daft from the pleasure Jared had given her!

  “Excuse me,” she said. “I must be off.”

  He waved a hand. “Have a pleasant evening, miss.”

  She didn’t answer as she forced herself to take measured steps out of the carriage house. It wasn’t until she knew she would not be seen that she all but flew up to her attic room to wash and ready to see her mistress.

  Oh, the newest Hawk was a right picture all right. And compelling, too, with those dark eyes. She couldn’t shake the fear that he could mean danger to her. For how could she wonder what his kisses tasted like so soon after indulging in Jared’s?

  “I best be on my toes,” she told herself.

  She had to stay away from Jared and Lord Waltham both. Otherwise she just might find herself back in her mother’s house with nothing but a few shillings and a lot of regret.

  * * * *

  Robert stared in the direction the girl fled long after she disappeared. It was the pretty lady’s maid from the drive. He’d seen that as soon as she’d barreled into him. He hadn’t missed her curves as she did so, however, or her hothouse flower scent. She was a tantalizing bit of skirt and, if her flushed appearance was any indication, she’d been up to something in the carriage house. Had she been with Jared?

  “Well, well. Come to tuck her in?”

  He turned to find Jared walking toward him. “Who? The pretty little maid who just flew out of here?”

  Jared grinned. “I was talking about your motor, but I take it you saw Rose?”

  “Rose?” The name suited her. She was a beauty, to be sure. “The lady’s maid, yes. She seemed quite flustered.”

  “She was that.”

  Robert stared at him. “You had her?” he asked in a hushed tone.

  Jared brushed his blond hair back from his brow as he shook his head. “Not quite, no. She’s a sweet thing, though. Hot, too.”

  Robert felt lust lick along his groin as he imagined the beauty in Jared’s arms. “You made her come.”

  “That I did.” Jared stepped closer. “Although this isn’t the conversation we should be having, is it?”

  “Why not? Because I’m a bloody Hawk?” Robert gentled his words with a careless shrug. “We had no trouble talking that night at the inn.”

  “True enough. But you’re a guest of the earl’s now. And I’m his employee.”

  “I don’t see how that changes matters.” Robert leaned against his motor car. “We’re two men discussing engines and the like.”

  Jared arched a blond brow. “Engines, is it? Well, she was purring after I got finished with her.”

  Robert laughed out loud at that. “I’ve missed you.”

  Jared stared at him for a beat and Robert wished he could call the words back. “You’ve missed me?”

  Robert took a breath. “I haven’t had many chums, Jared. None I can recall, actually. Our short time at the inn was a pleasure I hadn’t encountered before.”

  “If conversation with me is a pleasure then you’re in for a treat.” He winked at him. “I rarely shut up.”

  Robert chuckled, happy any awkwardness was so easily dispelled. “Now tell me about this Rose.”

  Jared looked about the carriage house and Robert did likewise. No one else was about. Just what was Jared about to divulge?

  “She’s a right treat, Robert. After our talk at the inn I’d found myself in a bad way.”

  “You were…bothered?”

  Jared met his gaze. “You’re a handsome one, you know. And I felt drawn to you.”

  Robert nodded, though he was astounded that the man was as affected as he’d been. “As I did to you, I admit.”

  Jared watched him for a moment. “I went to Rose’s room after. Eased me, she did.”

  “Never say you fucked her,” Robert said.

  “No. She used her hand the way I showed her.”

  Robert felt that clench in his belly again. “And today?”

  Jared grinned again. “And today, I used mine.”

  Robert let out a whistle. “No wonder she looked so, I don’t know. Pleasured?”

  “She sucked me.”

  Now Robert grew painfully hard. “You’re killing me, Jared. She sucked you?”

  “I didn’t anticipate it, believe me. She’s untried, you know.”

  Robert rubbed a hand over his face as he tried to rein in his beast. “A virgin who sucks your cock. Christ.”

  “That about echoes my sentiments on the subject.”

  “But what of your positions?”

  “Our positions?” Jared grinned again. “Well, she was on her knees and I was—”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Robert cut in with an answering smile. “What of your work here at the manor?”

  Jared looked thoughtful for a moment. “It’s true we can’t be together. I have nothing to offer, really. And she has an enviable position with the countess.”

  “Then you have to tread carefully.”

  “Indeed.” Jared’s eyes held a faraway look and Robert knew he was thinking about Rose and what they’d shared recently. “She was a delight, though. The thought of never having her? I think I could die if I never got to fuck her.”

  “That is plain speaking.”

  “Is that not what friends do, Robert?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never had a friend.”

  Again, this man made him speak truths he’d long kept hidden.

  “Well, then.” Jared slapped him on the shoulder. “As long as no one is the wiser, you can consider me your friend.”

  He opened the door to Robert’s motor and motioned him into the rear seat. Jared joined him and closed them in privacy.

  “As long as no one is the wiser,” Robert repeated. “You don’t want to jeopardize your position, then.”

  “No, Robert. I don’t want to get in the way of you getting to know your family.”

  Robert settled a hand on Jared’s shoulder t
hen. “Thank you, Jared. I daresay you’ve saved me again.”

  Jared’s eyes turned hot as he brought his face to his. “You need a friend, Robert.”

  Robert licked his lips. “I do.”

  Jared brushed his lips against his then leaned back. “You have one now.”

  Robert’s mouth watered for another taste of Jared’s. After holding the pretty maid so closely then sharing more secrets with Jared his nerves were on edge.

  “Don’t tempt me, Jared.”

  Jared’s eyes widened. “The truth of it is I’ve never been with a man.” His eyes dropped to the front of Robert’s trousers. “Seems to me you need to be eased, though. Pity Rose has returned to the manor, taking her lovely mouth with her.”

  Robert shook his head, letting out a soft groan. “I can’t do this.”

  “Do what?”

  “Play at passion.” He turned away, hoping to seek out a willing maid and toss up her skirts. He had to satisfy his urge and quickly. “I can’t use you.”

  To his astonishment Jared reached out and cupped him. His cock throbbed under his touch and he shuddered.

  “You need release, Robert. What are friends for?”

  Robert closed his eyes as Jared stroked him. “Not this, I’m certain.”

  With a flick of his fingers Jared had Robert’s trousers open. His cock surged forth and Jared gripped him.

  “You’re more than a handful, I’d say.”

  Robert laughed and moaned at the same time. “I don’t know what makes me harder, Jared. Your touch or that pretty brogue of yours.”

  Jared leaned close to him, his lips on his ear. “You should hear Rose when she gets going. Mmm, what would we do if we had that pretty package here with us right now?”

  Robert simply nodded. He could scarcely breathe with Jared’s hand on him. He stroked him, fast then slow, hard and teasing. “Yes, Jared,” he rasped.

  Jared nuzzled his neck, biting down on his earlobe. “Come, Robert. You need this.”

  “I do,” he bit out. “God help me, I do.”

  He squeezed his eyes shut and came with a rush. His pulse pounding, he opened his eyes and stared at Jared. He was grinning again as he withdrew a cloth from his pocket.


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