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Last Chance Mate: Wes (Paranormal Shapeshifter Mystery Romance)

Page 10

by Anya Nowlan

  “Yeah, I ain’t gonna push it over to Mack’s place, now am I,” Gus replied.

  Oh boy, Dakota thought, ignoring the way Wes was staring at the truck in barely-contained awe. This ought to be interesting.



  Dakota looked slightly green as she, Gus and Wes rolled along the highway in Gus’ truck, with the Toyota hooked up to the back of it. They were all squeezed into the small cab of the Chevy, with Gus behind the wheel, and Dakota and Wes sitting shoulder to shoulder.

  “It’s not far now,” Gus said, yanking the wheel to turn onto a dusty dirt road.

  “Your friend’s shop is pretty out of the way,” Dakota remarked, earning a chuckle from Dakota.

  “Shop?” he asked. “I never said Mack has a shop. But he can fix your car, no doubt about it.”

  Dakota shot Wes an unsure look, and he nodded back, trying to convey it was going to be fine. He could understand why Dakota would be nervous, but Wes was inclined to take Gus’ word for it. If this ‘Mack’ character had had a hand in keeping Gus’ truck going all this time, a busted radiator wouldn’t be that difficult a task for the man.

  And Wes himself was used to this kind of word-of-mouth spread of services. Back in Pinedale, most people in town would bring their cars over for Sean to take a look at them, instead of going to the town mechanic.

  Reputation is key.

  “Are you sure Mack won’t mind us showing up like this?” Dakota asked.

  “Not if you pay him,” Gus replied.

  “That won’t be a problem,” Dakota nodded.

  “Then he’ll be thrilled to see you,” Gus chuckled, turning off the road entirely.

  Wes had to hold on to his seat as the ride got considerably bumpier, and Dakota paled, throwing glances at the Toyota being dragged along behind them. Wes reached out and covered her hand with his, squeezing softly.

  “You okay?” he whispered.

  “Yeah, fine,” she replied, giving him a small smile. “Not exactly how I thought this day would go, though,” she added.

  “We’re still alive,” Wes shrugged. “That’s a win.”

  “And I got to use the crossbow,” Dakota tilted her head at him, her voice low. “I gotta say, I enjoyed that. But this,” she gestured to the tall trees and rolling hills all around them. “Is quite the detour.”

  “I know you feel personally responsible, and you want to get Elias before he hurts someone,” Wes replied. “But we’re doing all we can. You can’t beat yourself up.”

  Dakota nodded, her shoulders slumping.

  “I guess,” she said, but it didn’t sound very convincing.

  “Here we are,” Gus announced, effectively ending their conversation.

  A farmhouse came into view, with a barn off to the side. Both buildings looked to have a fresh coat of paint on them, and Wes could appreciate the construction – solid work, with a simple, down-to-earth feel to it.

  Yet there was something else that caught his attention more than the houses. There were half-dismantled vehicles everywhere, some in rusting piles, others looking like they were still being worked on. The selection ranged from motorcycles to tractors, both old and new, altogether making Mack’s front yard look like a real automobile graveyard.

  Gus came to a stop near the edge of the lawn, and honked the horn.

  “You better lead with the money,” Gus suggested, before getting out of the car.

  “I have some cash…” Wes started.

  “I’ll take care of this,” Dakota interjected, hopping out and heading to the Toyota.

  Wes watched her get into it and crouch down, fiddling around with something. When she reappeared, there was a healthy stack of bills in her hand.

  “Okay, then,” Wes arched a brow at her.

  “My aunt was kind enough to compensate me for the items she sold,” Dakota shrugged, and Wes got the feeling kindness had nothing to do with it.

  By the way Dakota spoke of her aunt, he found it more likely threats were involved. He felt no sympathy for Dakota’s aunt having to part with her money. Thanks to her selling things that were never meant to be sold, some douchebag rich guy now had the ability to send demons after him and Dakota.

  “Hey, Mack,” Gus called out, drawing Wes’ attention to the farmhouse.

  A man appeared from the door, wearing stained overalls and rubbing his fingers on a rag he was holding. He looked slightly younger than Gus, with his hair only graying at the temples, and the lines around his eyes less pronounced.

  “Gus,” the man nodded, before turning his attention to Wes and Dakota. “And who are your friends?” he asked, striding across the lawn to meet them.

  “You must be Mack,” Dakota reached out a hand, back to the bubbly persona she had used to get Gus to help them out. “I’m Dakota, and this is my brother, Wes,” she added, using the same introduction as before.

  Mack looked to be more interested in her other hand, the one with the cash in it, as he absentmindedly gripped her fingers. Wes shook the man’s hand next, giving it a healthy squeeze in case Mack thought he and Dakota were some easily-scammed city-slickers.

  “We’re having some car trouble, as you can see,” Wes said, glancing back at the Toyota. “Gus told us you could help.”

  “Whatever it takes,” Dakota nodded, waving her hands so the stack of cash waved past Mack’s face. “We have a family emergency, and we really need to get to New York.”

  “Ever heard of flying?” Mack remarked, walking past them to get a better look at the car.

  “My brother’s afraid of flying,” Dakota quickly replied. “Panic attacks, throwing up, the whole nine yards.”

  “That’s me,” Wes nodded, throwing Dakota a quick, less-than-thrilled look. “The sky is for the birds,” he added for good measure.

  “Can’t say I disagree,” Mack replied, crouching down and poking at the Toyota’s smashed grill. “There’s nothing like the road ahead of you, a nice engine purring beneath the hood, the wheel in your hands…”

  “So you can fix it?” Dakota asked.

  “I’ll need a closer look before I can promise you that,” Mack grunted, getting back to his feet. “And it’s going to take a while,” he added, glancing up at the sky, turning pink as the sun began to set.

  “Great,” Dakota muttered. “I don’t suppose there are any hotels around here?” she asked, sighing.

  Wes was already preparing himself to spend the night on the floor of Gus’ gas station, when Mack spoke up.

  “None of those, but you can sleep in my barn if you’d like,” he shrugged. “For a small fee, of course.”

  Dakota and Wes locked eyes. They didn’t need to speak to convey that they both knew they didn’t have a lot of options at the moment.

  “Thank you for the hospitality,” Wes said. “We’d be happy to take you up on that offer.”



  Gus had already driven off when Mack started giving Dakota and Wes the tour of the barn. Dakota didn’t really have high expectations as they stepped into the high, wooden building, with its dirt floors and different machine parts lying around.

  But when Mack pointed toward the hayloft, Dakota’s eyebrows shot up.

  “Follow me,” Mack gestured, walking over to a ladder and climbing up there.

  Exchanging a look with Wes, Dakota followed, and in no time, all three of them were standing up there, staring at the makeshift bedroom in front of them. The bed was made of wooden crates, but it was a bed, nonetheless. And there were fairy lights hanging off nails hammered into the wall behind it, a wire leading out of a small hole chiseled into the wood.

  Mack flicked a switch, and the lights came alive, bathing the loft in soft, yellow light.

  “My nieces and nephews visit in the summer, so I fixed this place up for them,” Mack explained. “It’s not much, but you two have probably shared a bed before, so I reckon you’ll be fine.”

  “What?” Dakota sputtered,
before she remembered she and Wes were supposed to be brother and sister.

  Why did I think that lie was a good idea, anyway?

  “Oh yeah, right,” she smiled, hoping Mack didn’t notice how flustered she had gotten. “And as we said, we appreciate all you’re doing to help us.”

  Wes definitely did notice her blunder, though, shooting her a look she couldn’t quite read.

  “I’ll get your car to my garage out back and put it under some lights, get a closer look,” Mack said. “But if you want it up and running by morning, that’s gonna cost you extra. I like my sleep.”

  “Of course,” Dakota nodded, and Mack seemed pleased with that response.

  “Okay, then,” he rested his hands on his hips. “See you tomorrow,” he said, turning around and climbing back down the ladder.

  That left Dakota alone with Wes again, the bed in front of them like an elephant in the room. It was big enough that they wouldn’t exactly have to squeeze in next to each other, but Dakota was reaching the limits of her self-control as it was.

  Sleeping next to Wes? That was maybe more than she could handle.

  A small voice in her head urged her to give in to the feelings swirling inside her. What would be the harm? They were both adults, they clearly found each other attractive, and they even got along great.

  But it was that last part that gave her the most pause. In another life, she might end up wanting more with Wes. But with the cards she had been dealt, that wasn’t an option. She couldn’t just walk away from her responsibilities, and she had already gotten Wes more mixed up in her business than she should have.

  Besides, he had a family, his pack, waiting for him in Pinedale. He had roots, ones he had worked hard to put down. She couldn’t even think of taking that away from him.

  “Are we safe for now?” Wes asked, sitting down on the bed, while Dakota remained standing. “Wouldn’t want Mack to end up as collateral if some other creature comes looking for us.”

  “Summoning a real, flesh and blood demon is no small feat,” she replied. “It will be at least a day before Elias can attempt something like that again.”

  “So using the spells has an effect on him?” Wes questioned, as Dakota began to pace in the limited space of the loft, trying to distract herself from looking at Wes.

  “The bigger and badder the spell, the higher the cost,” she nodded. “The darkest magic out there even requires a piece of your soul as payment. Lower-level stuff can range from pain, to blood, to body parts. And then of course there’s the chance it will all blow up in your face, if you get even the tiniest part of the spell wrong.”

  Wes let out a low whistle.

  “Damn,” he said. “Why would someone like Elias even risk it? He’s already filthy rich… And would you stop pacing, you’re making me dizzy,” he added with a laugh. “You said it yourself, we’re safe for now. We’re not going anywhere until Mack fixes the car. So relax, come sit down,” he patted the space next to him on the bed.

  Chewing on her bottom lip, Dakota hesitated for a moment before going over and sitting down.

  I’m being ridiculous, she chided herself. I’m not some teenager. I can control myself.

  But when she looked up and came face to face with Wes, his hazel eyes burning into her like he knew exactly what she had been thinking of, she was suddenly not so sure.

  “It’s going to be okay,” he assured her for what must have been the hundredth time, yet she still found comfort in it.

  This time, though, there was something raw in his voice as he looked down at her, and the electricity that always simmered between them, just below the surface, crackled in the air.

  Dakota didn’t know what to say, her gaze darting between Wes’ eyes and lips. The moment seemed to stand still, the tension between them getting ready to snap. She didn’t even know what she wanted anymore. To fight this feeling that drew her to Wes like a moth to a flame? Or to let go, and forget about everything else but the two of them, just for tonight.

  When Wes carefully reached out, sliding his palm up her arm, the decision was made for her. Her body ached to be touched in a way that left no room for doubt. She closed her eyes as Wes’ hand slipped higher, until he was cupping the side of her face.

  She could feel him get closer, his breath falling softly on her face. When his lips finally pressed against hers, Dakota couldn’t help but moan. It was a relief to finally give in to the pure lust between them.

  Wes wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer, and she all but melted against him. His tongue dipped past her parted lips, drawing her into a slow, exploring kiss. Angling herself toward him, Dakota locked her hands behind his neck, giving herself over to the sensations rushing through her.

  Wes was so warm, his chest firm against her breasts, and his arms squeezing her ever closer. He kissed her like a man who knew exactly what he wanted, and how to get it. Dakota had no problem giving herself over to him, reveling in the way her instincts took over.

  There was no longer a single part of her that argued against her following her desires. All that had faded away as soon as he had kissed her.

  Without even thinking, Dakota climbed onto Wes’ lap, straddling him on the edge of the makeshift bed. His hands immediately went to her ass, cupping and squeezing. She let her head fall back, and his lips trailed down her neck, his stubble dragging across the sensitive skin there.

  “What are we doing…” Dakota muttered, squeezing him with her thighs.

  “What we’ve wanted to do for a while now,” he replied, his lips tracing her collarbones.

  She couldn’t argue with that, not when she was now grinding away on his lap, her clit rubbing against the hardness pressing against his jeans. Nearing the point of no return, she sighed when Wes nuzzled the collar of her shirt away and kissed the tops of her breasts.

  Putty in his hands, all she could do was arch her back and enjoy the ride.

  “We could regret this in the morning,” she still couldn’t help but say, needing to get the words out there.

  They both needed to be aware of the potential consequences of giving in to their desires.

  “I highly doubt that,” Wes chuckled, his hands moving away from her ass to slide up her lower back.

  Unclasping her bra under her shirt, he moved his hands to the front, pulling down her shirt and bra. Dakota’s breasts were now bare in front of his hungry gaze, and she watched with burning anticipation as he bent his head down and kissed circles around her hard nipples.

  When he sucked one into his mouth, the sharp pleasure of it traveled straight to her core, making her buck her hips against his. He let out a low growl at that, gently worrying her nipples between her teeth until she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep quiet.

  The barn was so far away from the main house that it was unlikely Mack would hear anything, but this was still a dangerous game they were playing. What if he decided to come back, ask about the car or about his payment?

  But, at the state Dakota was in, she could hardly make herself care about that. With Wes’ strong hands roaming across her body, leaving shivers in their wake, she was having trouble with thinking anything that wasn’t some version of yes, more!

  Wes continued to lavish her breasts with attention, cupping them in his huge palms, kissing, licking and sucking until Dakota was seeing stars. Her panties were already soaking wet, with an empty ache filling her gut, begging for more of Wes.

  Feebly, she started tugging at his clothes, while whimpering quietly at the pleasure heaped on her. The growl echoing out from Wes’ chest only grew, primal and sexy, filling the air around her.

  Before she could open her mouth and tell him she would really like to see him less clothed right about now, he flipped her over in one quick, smooth move, sending her hair flying around her face as she landed back-first on the mattress.

  She wiggled backwards until only her feet were dangling off the edge, while Wes knelt above her, a thrilling glint in his eyes. His full
lips were curled into a grin as he let his eyes slowly snake across her curves.

  Bending down, he pulled off one of her boots, and then the other, letting them fall onto the floor. Wordlessly, he pulled off his shirt next, revealing a body Dakota couldn’t help but ogle.

  Broad, muscular shoulders gave way to a smooth, firm chest and a six-pack that looked to be carved of stone. Dakota gulped, wanting to get back up and let her hands roam across his skin, but she was enjoying the show too much.

  Wes unbuckled his belt next, all the while keeping his eyes firmly on Dakota. Transfixed, she watched him undress in front of her, until there wasn’t a stitch left on that gorgeous body of his.

  And there was a lot to see.

  Damn, she sucked in a breath, staring at the thick, long cock jutting away from his hips. I’m getting a lot more than I bargained for.



  The scent of Dakota’s arousal filled the loft, driving Wes absolutely crazy. The way she licked her lips when she looked at his cock didn’t exactly help with his self-control, either.

  Crawling onto the bed, he helped her out of her jeans and panties, while she tossed her shirt and bra aside. There was nothing between their bodies now, just skin on skin, and Wes devoured her naked frame with his eyes.

  Lowering himself against her, he kissed her, savoring the sweetness and the way she responded, moaning into his mouth. His cock rubbed against her pussy lips, slick with her juices, and the thought of finally having her for himself was nearly overwhelming.

  It was clear to him now this was where they were always headed. The attraction between them was just too strong for them to not give into it. And now that he had finally had a taste of her, his appetite was only growing.

  He could hear her heartbeat thundering against her chest, the blood rushing in her veins… Yet the sweetest sound was her ragged breathing, betraying her desire for him.


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