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AMP - Phase 1 (Cyborg Invasion) (A.M.P)

Page 16

by Brian K. Larson

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’ll make the arrangements.”

  “Very well, Captain, dismissed.”

  Captain Preston unplugged and returned a salute to Nadine, “Thank you, Ma’am.”

  “Oh, and Captain?”

  Preston stopped as he exited, “Yes, Ma’am?”

  “Nice work,” she finished with a smile.

  Preston returned his smile and left her office.

  “That’s a good boy,” she whispered to herself, “I knew if we kept up our efforts, we’d find some clue...just the needed information I can use to convince my employer that I’m running at peak efficiency.”

  * * *

  Seattle, WA

  Bell Town

  Jamming Club District

  November 24th, 2065 22:30

  Bennie stumbled down the streets and back alleys of Seattle. He had just came out of a bar, not having enough money to go to the jamming clubs, he settled for several shots of whiskey. It was the same whiskey his father liked. All he could think about as he lay in the gutter, vomiting on himself, was how much he hated his father right about now.

  “You should have died!” he stammered, “You shouldn’t have brought any of that back.” He staggered to his feet and walked down the wall, leaning along as he went, thinking of losing Jenny again. How he’d never get to see his Uncle Calvin again, knowing he left him for dead in the sound. Then there was Griffin. Broke his mother’s heart disappearing like he did. He sobbed, knowing that her suicide wasn’t his fault...but then he fell to his knees, sobbing at the thought that what if all this was his fault. He was all alone, even his father lost contact with him after his last mission. He certainly wasn’t about to tell anyone about what he saw back on the island. Who would believe him anyway?

  He held the near empty bottle one more time to his lips and gulped down the liquor, feeling the fire burn his throat. He didn’t care; he just wanted to drown his pain.

  He spewed out the last of the whiskey that refused to go down. Then he tossed the bottle against the wall, shattering glass everywhere. He crawled on the glass, cutting his hands and knees when a man approached him from the shadows.

  Bennie looked up at the tall black man wearing a pin-striped suite and straw hat. He couldn’t hold his drunken laughter, “Don’t you look ridiculous.”

  “Hey, hey okay, man?” the cleft tooth man said. He moved a tooth pick from one side of his mouth to the other and the action reminded Bennie of his dad.

  “Hey,” Bennie stammered, “My dad does the same thing with his cigar...only you do it better,” he chuckled.

  The man knelt down and examined Bennie, “Hey, you don’t look so good. You jam?” He ran his fingers over the back of Bennie’s neck.

  “Yeah, I can jam,” Bennie managed to say.

  “Come on man, it’s not safe in these know...missing folks an’ all.”

  “How do I know you’re not the one takin’ them?”

  “You don’t...but you have a better chance with me than you will with them.”

  “How do you know that maybe I want them to find me,” he said, puking more undigested whiskey.

  “I don’t”

  “Okay dokie...take me to your leader,” Bennie laughed as the man helped him off the ground. “What’s your name, anyway?”

  “You can call me J.”

  “J? That it? Just J?”

  “Yep, much easier to pronounce.”

  “Well, maybe I’d prefer trying to annihilate your native name.”


  “Jamaaludeen wha?”

  “Jamaaludeen, it’s my African name. It means beauty of the faith.”

  “Hmmm, I like it, Jamaaludeen.”

  “Okay, just call me J around others if you will. Come on...this way.”

  “Where you takin’ me anyway, J?”

  “I’m going to do you a big favor, my man.”

  “You got a jamming freq?”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Oh, goodie...but wait until I’m sober, no sense in wasting a good drunk now is there?”

  “Naw, you will enjoy this session, this I am sure of.”

  “This sounds fun.”

  He led him down a set of cement steps and unlocked a door with a swipe of the back of his hand.

  Bennie was sat in a chair while J closed and locked the door behind them. Reaching for a pull string, J clicked on a dim light and illuminated a large machine that lined the wall.

  “What’s that?” Bennie spluttered.

  “That is what’s going to make you whole again...first one’s always free.”

  “I’ll bet this isn’t your typical jamming modulator is it?”

  “Not exactly, no.”

  “The feds aren’t going to come and bust us are they?”

  “No, I don’t think so. This is a pretty good location and I’ve hacked into the power relays before the meter.”

  “Stealing power...illegal AMP machines...tooth pick, I’m startin’ to like you mister.”

  “All very good and well, now, lean down so I can jack you in.”

  “Ah, very well, I like to get plugged in, ya know?”

  “Yeah, don’t we all.”

  J connected the plug and fired up the startup sequence to the machine, “This won’t hurt a bit.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Yes, I’m very sure.”

  “Okay, fire away then,” Ben smiled.

  “Say, what’s your name anyway?” J asked.

  “Ben...Bennie...just don’ call me late for dinner,” he chuckled.

  “Okay, Bennie, my ready?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  J transmitted the signal, making Bennie twitch with pleasure, “Ahhhh, I’ve not felt a good hook up for months.”

  “Whattya mean, months?”

  “It’s been since March, I tell ya.”

  “Who had a modulator station eight months ago? I just got mine built two months ago.”

  “Oh, never mind...must be the whiskey.”

  “Yeah, right. Now how do you feel?”

  “I’m much better, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “So how do I find you when I want to get another session?”

  “Just ask for me at any jamming club. They’ll tell you on any given night where to find me.”

  “How much?”

  “Oh, this one’s I said, the first one’s always free.”

  “How do you know I’ll be back?”

  “Oh, I know you’ll be back alright.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right, I how much?”

  “Now that depends on how much you want...five to ten G’s.”

  “Wow, that’s expensive.”

  “It takes lots of power to generate the wave...”

  “You’re stealing power, you have no cost.”

  “Yeah, ya got me, my man.”

  “How long will the effect last?”

  “I can give you three to ten hours, how deep are your pockets.”

  “Not that deep.”

  “How’d ya like to have some work?”

  “Doing what?”

  “I can hook you up with the Company for some schematic design work. They’re paying advances of 50 G’s...just enough to pay for some AMP sessions, then finish the design specs and you’ll get paid four million.”

  “I don’t want them to know my name.”

  “They won’t have to. I’ll make the arrangements.”

  “Not so fast.”

  “Why not?”

  “Let me think about it first.”

  “Okay, but you’ll not want to pass up this golden opportunity. I only require a five percent finder’s fee...that also retains your anonymity too.”

  “True, but two hundred thousand? Kind of steep...I’ll give you three percent.”

  “One-twenty? Hmmmm, make it one-sixty.”


>   “Okay, okay, my man. You drive a hard bargain, but I’ll give you a break, hundred and fifty G’s. You got a deal, shake?”

  Bennie took the man’s hand and shook, “My word is my bond.”

  “Let it never be said that ol’ J here has ever done you wrong...there, session is all uploaded.”

  “You okay on your own?”

  “Sure, I think so. The whiskey is all gone now.”

  “Yep, sorry bout’ that. It’s the gamma freq. they cause your body to metabolize quicker causing the effects to disappear.”

  “That’s all right, you can take the cost of my drunk off the next bill.”

  “Ha, ha, ha, ha,” J roared, “You’re a funny one, Bennie my man.”

  “Yeah, I’m rolling on the floor how long will this one last again?”

  “You got five hours on the meter. Enjoy and be safe out there.”

  “Thanks,” Bennie stood and unlocked the deadbolt and left the hidden basement.

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Lab Complex

  Nadine’s Office

  November 24th, 2065 23:05

  “This is Nadine...yes... ....excellent news, I’ll be right there.”

  Nadine disconnected her data pad as she got up from her desk and left her office.

  She came to Calvin’s lab and scanned through the man trap where she met up with Captain Preston, who was giving instruction to his peer.

  “Good evening, Captain Preston, Captain Hawthorn. Wonderful night isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Preston smiled.

  “You’re certain about the data?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I ran the checks and we did receive a signal from chip ID 1-5-6-1-1-5. It’s the alien chip tag number that Bennie received from his father.”

  “And you’re saying about a half hour ago it came active.”

  “Yes, we began receiving the feed then.”

  “That means he’s found an illegal accelerator module. We’re you able to locate its origin?”

  “No Ma’am, not exactly, but it is local to this geographical region. It has to be within a hundred miles of the base or our tracker couldn’t have picked it up.”

  “Excuse me, Ma’am?” Captain Hawthorn interrupted, “I’m not sure I’m following. I thought Bennie Petersen was presumed dead?”

  “Captain Hawthorn,” Nadine smiled, “You really don’t know, do you? You just go along, keeping to yourself, and doing your job...I like an officer that can do his job and not interfere, good qualities...right Captain Preston?”

  Preston turned a smile, “Yes, quite right, Ma’am.”

  “I think it’s time the Captain here joins our little flock, don’t you?”

  “I’m sorry, I still don’t get it. What are you talking about?”

  “He really has no idea, does he?”

  “Captain Hawthorn may be my peer. However, he’s only one of many computer technicians at the complex; he’s never been assigned to the lower levels. Only this floor and the main computer complex top side.”

  “I see...well, I think he needs to take a little trip down stairs...clone him.”

  “Come again?” Hawthorn said wrinkling his forehead.

  “It’s going to be alright, Captain. You’ll understand soon enough,” Nadine laughed.

  “Come on, Captain...this way.”

  Hawthorn followed his orders and entered the man trap with Preston.

  “Now that’s a very loyal military soldier, does what he’s told to do without question, isn’t that right, Doctor Childress?”

  Doctor Childress, a medium height, red haired man that sported a pair of round wire rimmed glasses turned, “Yes, he certainly will make a fine addition.”

  “Have you been able to duplicate Doctor Rhodes’ research?”

  “No, Ma’am, I’m afraid not completely. He had some very useful help with Bennie and Jen, but now that they’re gone, we almost had to start over.”

  “Not to mention our box is still missing...we can’t complete the complex without it.”

  “Relax Nadine, it’ll turn up...I mean, we thought Ben was dead. You just proved he’s not.”

  “Well, we found his chip signature sure enough...but we need him back...”

  “We only need the chip, Ma’am.”

  “Quite right, Doctor...only the chip, and I doubt he’ll give it up without a fight...regardless, I want you to increase staffing on the project. We need as much brain power as we can get.”

  “We’re already tracking down some of the top minds in the country. We’ll have them on board soon enough.”

  “Excellent, keep up the good work,” Nadine smiled.

  * * *


  Seattle, WA

  5th Ave. Jammer’s Club

  December 31st, 2065 23:58

  Bennie’s green eyes stared at the dancing crowd. He sat in a corner booth, all alone on this New Year’s Eve. He wore a silk-screened T-Shirt of his favorite super hero and tattered black jeans. His heavy leather jacket was zipped part way up, attempting to boast a tough guy look. He took a fancy to this particular coat while browsing the local stores a few hours ago. Lacking the money, he stole it from a leather shop, promising in his own mind that he’d make good for it later. He had just been AMP’d by J a few hours ago, who was quickly becoming a close friend. J was the only friend Bennie seemed to have at the moment. J had agreed to front him a few sessions of high-octane AMP freqs to get him by until the Company delivered his first assignment. The shop owner didn’t even notice him taking the coat and walking out, since he was AMP’d and Bennie projected with his mind that it was his.

  The 5th Avenue Jammer’s Club was packed on this night. Bennie slowly sipped his favorite dark ale, but he might as well be just drinking water for all the good it would do, being fully AMP’d metabolized the alcohol so quickly, the effects were hardly felt.

  J slinked through the crowd with two cute women hanging on each arm, “Bennie, my man! Why are you sitting here all alone by yourself on this wonderful,” looking at each of the women, “should I say, beautiful New Year’s Eve. Say, it’s two minutes to the hour and I’m not seeing anyone in your booth here, unless you’re hiding them under the table,” he winked.

  “Nope, I’m all by myself,” Ben answered.

  “Come on...let’s party need to have someone to kiss at the top of the, this is Rita...Rita, meet Benjamin.”

  “No, really...thanks anyway.”

  “Oh, Bennie, my man...this one’s on the house...I’m in a very good mood.”

  Rita was scantily dressed in a blue dress that hiked up to her thighs as she leaned over to Bennie. She extended her hand, “Hi Bennie, can I call you Bennie? Nice to meet ya and all,” she giggled under the jamming frequency.

  He looked up at Rita and smiled in return, “Well, I must say that you’re nice shoulder length red hair sure accentuates your dress, Rita,” he took her hand and shook as the crowd began to count down.

  ...10... ...9... ...8...

  Rita grabbed Bennie’s face with each hand and drew him seductively to hers.

  ...6... ...5... ...4...

  Her lips pressed against his...

  ...2... ...1...Happy New Year!!

  He kissed her in return and then backed away and smiled, “No, really...It’s okay...No offence, Rita...don’t get me wrong, you’re a very attractive woman and I would jump at the a heartbeat I would jump at the chance,” he said, running his hand down her curvaceous figure...but you see...I’ve got someone already.”

  Rita retained her smile, but respected his space and backup slightly, and then sat next to him in the booth.

  “So,” Rita asked, “Where is this someone? Shouldn’t she be here with you?”

  Bennie lowered his head, “I don’t know. I lost her...but I’m hopeful that we’ll find each other again.”



  “How long has it been, Bennie?” Rita asked, rubbing his shoulder.

  “Nine months.”

  “He’s been holding on to finding Ms. Someone,” J nodded, “That’s all he ever talks about the entire time I’ve known him...there’s no doubt that he loves her...I’m sure she’ll show up eventually, but in the meantime...I’m sure Ms. Someone wouldn’t mind, you know, bein’ that it’s New Years and all,” J grinned.

  “If I knew where she was...what happened to her?”

  “Well,” J said, taking a seat with Veronica at the other end of the booth, “you know they reported her being killed in that apache chopper incident...with that Doctor fella too.”

  “LIES!” Bennie shouted, his eyes pulsated with anger, “They’re all lies!” he grabbed edges of the table in an attempt to control his temper while being fully AMP’d, but he couldn’t stop his nearly empty beer glass from shattering under the force of his projection.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, there, my man...take it easy now. You don’t want to draw any attention to yourself now, keep it low key, you never know when one of the government goon squads might be lurking about.”

  Bennie knew J was right and calmed himself, soaking up the jamming frequency of the club. The waitress came over, giving him a nasty look. She begrudgingly cleaned up the broken glass and mopped up the spilled remains.

  “Sorry about this, sweetie,” J said, “This damage is my entire fault. Put it on my tab.”

  “Sure thing, honey,” she smiled, “Anything for you J.”

  “Oh, and while you’re at it, bring this fine young man a new one.”

  “You got want anything?”

  “Maybe a side order of you...yeah, heh, heh, heh, heh, I like that idea.”

  “J, you’re so cute. Not gonna happen.”

  “Okay, then I guess I’ll settle for what he’s havin’.”

  “Comin’ right up, handsome.”

  “Come on you guys,” the tall brunette of the group said, “Let’s go jammin on the dance floor.”


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