Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2)

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Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2) Page 6

by Amanda Bennett

  I quickly wiped the smile off of my face and headed back inside. Gray just followed behind without saying a word. I could see the worry in his eyes and I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. I was heading back out to the foyer when I spotted a smaller room that sat off of the kitchen. I hadn’t noticed it before but now I couldn’t believe how I didn’t.

  The glow from the lights on the Christmas tree was amazing. Through an archway sat a whole room dedicated to Christmas. A giant fir tree stood with lights wrapped all around. I slowly made my way towards it with an outstretched hand. I hadn’t had a real tree for Christmas since my parents had passed. My heart suddenly ached for them. I pushed aside the longing and continued to inspect the rest of the room.

  The whole tree was decorated with ornaments from my parents and Gray’s. It was beautiful and I was speechless. As I looked down I noticed all of the presents that lay around the tree. There had to be at least a hundred of them.

  I could feel the tears welling up behind my lids and I tried to bite them back, not wanting to ruin this moment. I noticed then that this room opened up to the sitting room off of the front of the house. I snaked my way back through the front room to the stairs. I looked back to see if Gray was following but didn’t see him.

  My heart plummeted in my chest. I should have said something, anything to let him know how much I appreciated it all. I looked to Hannah, who in turn shrugged her shoulders. As I went to walk back towards the kitchen, she pointed for me to head up the stairs. I nodded while hanging my head in shame. When I reached the landing there were two hallways. The one to the right housed the master bedroom and down the other housed three separate rooms. I went towards those ones first, putting off the inevitable of seeing our room.

  I fell back in shock as I entered the first room, a nursery. It was painted and decorated to the nines. The walls were painted a pale blue with a large cherry blossom tree painted on the wall across from the crib. Everything was mahogany and I couldn’t help but notice it was all of my old furniture. The dresser, nightstands and even the mirror were all pieces of furniture that once made up my childhood bedroom. I slid my hands across the familiar wood with a smile. There was no more faking it. He had done damn good. I quickly made my way out of the room and rushed through the rest of them. There were two other rooms as I had suspected. One was an office and the other a guest bedroom.

  I grabbed Hannah’s hand as I made my way into the master bedroom. I knew it was going to be amazing but, this, was far beyond anything I would have imagined. There in front of me sat all new bedroom furniture, beautifully matching my old stuff. There was a small sitting room off to the right and I noticed Gray, kneeling down, head hung in defeat.

  I half ran to him hoping I hadn’t hurt his feelings too bad. “Gray, I’m so sorry. I love it, I really do. I love it all. I can’t believe you did all of this for me.” I reached for his face when he lifted it up to look at me. A smile as wide as the Grand Canyon splayed across his face and I couldn’t help but smile just as big in return.

  “Oh my God, Gray. What are you doing?” My hands flew up to my mouth. He was holding the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.



  I knew she was being hard on me on purpose. I let her have her moment for the time being because I knew I was going to get mine soon enough. I broke off from the group after she found the room with the Christmas tree. I was going to wait until tomorrow, on Christmas morning, but I just couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to know that this awestruck woman would be mine, forever.

  I ran up to our room and pulled the small red leather box out of my jacket pocket. I knew that this would be the last place she would want to look, so I situated myself in the sitting room that sat off to the side of the bed. I waited with baited breath. My nerves were flying through my body at the speed of light. I had never been so nervous about anything in my life, well besides the whole hospital thing.

  I heard her as she saw the nursery. I wanted so badly to see her reaction to it, but I had to do this now. I waited and waited and waited. When I heard her footsteps coming closer I took in a deep breath and dropped my head. I knew if I saw her before I said anything that I would just blurt it out.

  I slowly opened the box as she finished her sentence and looked up into those amazing gray eyes.

  “I need to know one thing. I need to know if you would be willing to be my wife? I have realized that my life without you just isn’t a life I want to live. I need you as much as I need air to breathe. You are what makes me whole. Please say that you will marry me?”

  I sat there uncomfortably kneeling on one knee, waiting for her to answer. I started to get worried wen she just kept staring at me without saying anything. I couldn’t even hear her breathing at this point. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and let out a loud groan.

  “Shit! Maybe I should have waited. Damn it! I just wanted it to be perfect, you know?” I started to get up when her lips came crashing down onto mine. Her soft sweet kiss slowly turned into something more and I couldn’t help but smile, “Is that a yes?”

  “That’s a yes,” she whispered against my lips before continuing to kiss the hell out of me. I pulled her body into mine as I stood up. I spun her around once and placed her back on the ground. I yanked her left hand out in front of me and carefully placed the ring, I designed, onto her ring finger. I placed a small kiss down onto it and smiled at my soon to be wife.

  “Woman, I swear if you ever do that to me again, I will have to hurt you.” I placed a chaste kiss to her lips and looked over at Hannah and Theo.

  “Thanks you guys, for everything. Now who’s ready to celebrate?” I swept Bennett up into my arms and carried her down the stairs and into the kitchen, setting her gently on one of the stools.

  I poured champagne for the one’s who could drink and some sparkling cider for my bride to be. I raised my glass for a toast. “To my beautiful fiancé, for saying yes and to two of the best friends a guy and girl could ask for. May this be the beginning of an amazing year to come.”

  “Here, here.” Hannah and Theo said in unison.

  We sat around the breakfast bar catching up on the happenings over the last few weeks. Hannah and Bennett were thoroughly engrossed in their conversation as I motioned for Theo to follow me outside. I quietly closed the doors behind us as we stepped out onto the deck.

  “Well man, that couldn’t have gone any better. Congrats, Gray.”

  I clanked my glass against his. “Thanks Theo, for everything. Really, between you and Hannah, you guys made this all happen.”

  “We were more than happy to do it. We love you guys.”

  “I needed to ask you a question, bro. I have to go back to work the day after tomorrow and I would really feel more comfortable about going, if Bennett had someone to stay with her while I was gone. I know it’s a lot to ask, but would you guys be willing to stay with us for a bit? It doesn’t have to be for a long time. I was thinking maybe a week? Just until Bennett gets settled.”

  “Honestly, we already brought our stuff over when we met the delivery guys here. We knew it was going to be rough for you guys for a little bit. Hannah is out on break for school and I already got a few of the guys to cover my shifts at the firehouse. We’re more than happy to help.”

  I let out a sigh of relief when he clapped me on the shoulder. With Raylon still out there and me having to go back to work, I knew it was going to be hard to get Bennett to feel safe again.

  This was going to work.



  It had only been four days since Gray had gone back to work, but it felt like an eternity. Hannah and Theo had decided to stay with us for a little while, mainly in part due to Gray asking I’m sure. I was having a blast hanging out with Hannah everyday, but honestly, I was missing being alone. I rarely ever got a minute to myself these days.

  I know they had the best intentions but I was beginning to feel smothered. Christmas h
ad come and gone and I was now trying to rid the house of Christmas clutter. Honestly, I was just trying to do something to get my mind off of Gray and myself.

  I know the doctor told him that we needed to be careful when it came to sex, but he hadn’t so much as looked in my direction since we got home. I was beginning to feel like it was my new scars that were scaring him off. It didn’t help that the minute he got home, him and Theo were all wrapped up in each other. I knew it was ridiculous to be jealous of Theo and his relationship, but that’s exactly what was happening.

  I had managed to haul all of the gifts up stairs and was headed back down when Hannah caught me on the stairs. “Hey honey, you feeling okay?” I know she was only worried but I was so sick of answering that question.

  “I’m fine.” I ended up sounding a bit snippier than I had intended and I instantly felt guilty for taking it out on her. “I’m sorry, Han. I just…I don’t know how I feel.” I sighed and sat my growing ass down on one of the stairs. Hannah sat down next tome and started rubbing my back with the heel of her hand.

  “What’s going on? I mean I know pregnancy is making you bitchy, but ouch that stung a little.” She let out a small laugh. I know it didn’t hurt her feelings that bad, but I still felt bad about it.

  “I just feel like Gray is treating me like a child. I get it, he worries about me, but I am a big girl. I can take care of myself Hannah. I don’t need to be babysat.” She gave me a sympathetic look before explaining herself.

  “Honestly, Bennett. I knew you wouldn’t be all that thrilled with Theo and me staying, but Gray is so worried about something happening to you, and you being all alone. He just cares about you and that little guy, or girl inside of you.” Her hand landed on my belly.

  I let out a loud sigh, “I know, but I feel like if he was that worried then he wouldn’t have moved us to the middle of nowhere. I mean, I get it and I absolutely love the house; I just feel so far away from reality. I just want him to hug me and kiss me, show me some affection, you know?” I was started to feel drained, emotionally and physically.

  “I know, honey. I think he is just afraid of hurting you. That’s all.”

  “He just makes me feel like a monster. When I get undressed at night and get ready for bed, I catch him staring at my scars. I know how they must look but he’s supposed to love me, regardless.” I stood making my way back upstairs. “I’m going to go take a nap. I’ll be down in a little bit.” I closed my door behind me before she could respond. I just needed to be alone.

  I walked straight into our bathroom and started undressing. All of my jeans were getting too tight and I refused to buy maternity clothes yet. I stood in front of the full-length mirror in my matching bra and panties. My eyes fell down to the two large scars on my inner thighs. I shuddered at the memory of how they had gotten there. It’s no wonder he doesn’t want to touch me. Who would want to be reminded of such stupidity?

  I quickly turned and headed for my dresser. I grabbed out a pair of sweat pants and a matching long sleeve shirt. I was so tired I could barely hold my eyes open any longer. The minute my head hit the pillow, I was out.


  I wasn’t sure how long I had slept when I finally woke up, but it was now dark outside. I made my way into the bathroom to run a brush through my tangled hair. I was feeling a little bit better now that I had napped, but certain things were still bothering me. I pushed it to the back of my mind and drug my emotional self downstairs.

  When I reached the bottom steps, I noticed it was oddly quiet. I suddenly wondered where everybody was. I was sure it was late enough that Gray would be home. I made my way into the kitchen and stopped mid stride. The table was glowing under the light of all the candles sitting on top of it. In the middle sat a meticulously placed dinner with all the trimmings. I was shocked.

  I felt his hands slid around my waist moments later and I melted. This was the first time he had touched me, other than a quick kiss, in almost a week. I turned in his arms and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him.

  “Where are our houseguests?” I pressed my lips against his one last time before he spoke.

  “They went home.” He whispered just below my ear while peppering kisses down my neck. When he reached my collarbone, I gasped. The amount of pleasure coursing through my body was unbelievable.

  “When?” I whispered.

  “Sit and eat and I will tell you.”

  I immediately took my seat across from him. He felt so far away from where we just stood. Before I could move next to him, he was already doing so. I slipped my beautifully ring covered hand over his knee, giving it a small squeeze. I could die a happy girl just knowing that this man was all mine.

  He smirked, most likely reading my thoughts, before divvying up the food onto our plates. “Theo and I had talked about it last night, about them leaving, I mean. I know you feel like we haven’t had much time together and you’re right, we haven’t. I’ve been so busy at work and I just didn’t want you to be alone in this big house. I know I should’ve asked how you have been feeling about all of this. I’m sorry.”

  I could tell by the remorse look on his face, that he was genuinely feeling bad about it. “I just feel un-wanted.” I whispered it, not knowing if I wanted him to know.

  Gray’s fork and knife clattered against his plate as he turned towards me. He grabbed both of my hands in his and kissed the back of each of them. “Come, dinner can wait.”

  He was pulling me off of my chair and leading me upstairs. I was nervous and excited for what I thought was about to happen. We hadn’t been intimate with one another in far too long. I could feel the heat pooling in my panties as we reached the landing of the stairs. I was suddenly thankful that I hadn’t changed out of my matching lingerie.

  Gray sat at the very edge of the end of our bed, holding me in place in front of him. My legs began to shake as he started undoing the tie of my sweat pants with his teeth. They would graze my belly every so often and a shiver of pleasure would run through me. I needed this feeling more than he could ever know. I needed to feel his hands touching me, like only his could.

  His long agile fingers slid down and around my ass, pulling the pants down with them. Before I knew it, my pants were down around my ankles. I heard him take in a deep breath between his teeth and I knew he liked what he saw.



  Holy shit! I could barely think straight the minute my eyes caught sight of those pink lace panties. Only a man could have made those. They left very little to the imagination, and man were they see through. I wrapped my hands around her hips, thrusting her crotch into my face. My tongue slipped out between my wet lips and traced the outside of hers, over the soft lace.

  I wanted to be inside of her more than I could’ve thought possible, but I was determined to take my time. I needed her to feel special and loved. I needed her to know that I did in fact, want her.

  I pulled the thin lace off to the side and slid my finger up and down her slick folds. She was so wet, begging for me to be inside of her. I quickly pulled back and stood in front of her removing the shirt she was wearing. I needed to see all of her. With one swift movement her shirt was gone and discarded onto the floor behind her.

  My mind began reeling as I took in the sight of my beautiful fiancé standing in front of me, with nothing on but a matching pair of lingerie and a smile. It should be illegal to look that good. Her beauty never ceased to amaze me, and pregnancy looked good on her.

  My eyes glanced down at her arms folded over her newest scars, and I could feel the insecurities radiating off of her. Sliding her hands down to her side, I knelt down and kissed every last one of them. I lingered a bit longer over her abdomen. Not only was my baby in there, but also it was the biggest scar of them all.

  To me Bennett was absolutely beautiful, scars and all. I would never look at her different or any other way she must have assumed. Her body was perfection, and all mine. My lips pulled up into a sly grin just above her b
elly button.

  My lips stayed where they were as my hands made their way up to unclasp her bra. I looked up and watched as her full breasts bounced a bit as I slid her bra down her arms. My fingers touched, pinched and rolled each nipple a few times over. Her body arched into my hands, accepting all of the pleasurable torture I was bestowing upon her.

  I slid my fingertips down the sensitive skin on her back, slipping them under the elastic of her panties. I took my time sliding them down, all the while licking between her legs. When I had her fully undressed, I stood to melt my lips onto hers. My hands tangled themselves in her hair. I gave it a slight tug, knowing how much it turned her on. She reciprocated by pulling my body as close as she could to her own.


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