Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2)

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Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2) Page 7

by Amanda Bennett

  Without breaking our contact, I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist, just before I laid her on the bed. Our kissing became fierce and heated, and I had to pull away to catch my breath. I turned my head to the side and took in a long deep ragged breath, when I heard her whisper something ever so softly into my ear.

  “What did you say, Button?” I whispered back.

  “I love you, Gray Weston.” Her smile literally took my breath away. I shook my head with a large smile playing on my lips.

  “I love you, Bennett Weston.”

  I heard her take in a sharp breath hearing my name with hers. “Say it again, please.” Her voice was doing things to me, things that I was trying hard to not just delve deep inside of her.

  “I love you, Bennett Weston.” I whispered it right into her ear and I could feel her body shiver beneath me.

  I propped myself up on my arms on either side of her head. I was looking directly into her eyes as I slid my hard erection slowly into her. Her body arched into mine and her breath became ragged and deep. I started out slow but she was so slick that I felt myself going faster and faster with each pump.

  Her nails raked down my back and I could feel the skin splitting. I took it as a sign that she wasn’t in pain and wanted more. I pushed myself inside of her as deep as her body would allow. I quickened my pace, feeling her walls tighten around my length. I knew she was close and I wanted to reach my release with her. I slid into her one last time, hard and fast as we both melted into one another.

  I quickly rolled to the side of her, remembering her fragile state. I pulled her head into the crook of my neck, wrapping her up in my arms. I kissed the top of her, pushing her hair back out of her face. When our eyes met, a piece of me fused with her. No matter what we would go through, I knew I would always be hers, just as she would always be mine.

  My eager hand found its way to her belly a minute later. She wasn’t showing very much given the fact that she was only four months along, but knowing my baby was in there was the only reason I needed. I slipped my other arm out from under her head, bringing my lips down to talk to our child.

  “I love you too, lil Baby Weston. Daddy can’t wait to meet you.” I placed a small kiss to the center of her abdomen and then laid my head down on it. I couldn’t wait to meet our child. Hell, I just couldn’t wait to be a father. I felt like I had been waiting an eternity for this moment.



  I woke up before the sun had finished rising above the horizon. Gray was still sound asleep, curled into a ball on his side of the bed. I smiled thinking about how happy I was. I finally felt like I was beginning to heal, and it was mostly in part due to the man lying next to me every night.

  I quietly slid out from underneath the sheets to make my way into the bathroom. I was shivering as I rummaged through the closet in search of clothing. Gray must have forgotten to turn the heat back up yesterday. I swear icicles were going to start forming throughout the house.

  I threw on one of Gray’s old hoodies and pulled on a pair of my yoga pants. I glanced in his direction one last time before stepping into my slippers and heading downstairs. I brewed myself a small pot of decaf coffee and tightly wrapped the afghan from our couch around me. My teeth were chattering. I could practically feel my lips turning blue.

  The thermostat read 65 degrees. “You have got to be shitting me.” I said aloud to myself. I pushed the button all the way up to 72 and made my way back into the cold ass kitchen. This was definitely a time for carpet not tile floors.

  When the coffee was ready I all but ran to the coffee pot. The aroma of coffee beans mixed with creamer was utter bliss to my senses. I took in a long sniff of the smell rising from my cup. I closed my eyes, inhaling every ounce. I took a small sip, testing out the temperature then made my way over to the French doors.

  The view was breathtaking and I couldn’t help but wonder how many acres we actually owned. I gripped the warm mug tightly between my hands as I continued to sip and stare out back. There hadn’t been much snowfall, but enough to turn the entire ground white with a small hint of green here and there.

  My mind drifted to thoughts of my time in the hospital. As much as I hadn’t wanted to think about it, I couldn’t help but remember certain conversations. One in particular stood out among the rest.

  Apparently, things would have turned out quite different had gray not intervened when he did. From the bits and pieces that Hannah had told me, Raylon had all but killed me that night. I can't explain the feelings that ran through my mind when I would think back to that night. I honestly thought that I was going to die. No amount of praying and begging could have stopped what was going to happen. Hell, I even said my good-byes and was ready to go.

  Hannah told me Gray never left me alone at the hospital. The whole time I was there so was he. When they had first brought me in, on the brink of death, Gray spent every second either in the hospital chapel or at my bedside.

  Gray obviously would never have told me this. He was too much of a man to admit how scared he was. Hannah had filled me in on all the details when Gray finally went down to the cafeteria. Hannah went into great detail, explaining the overwhelming feelings that they had all been feeling.

  After I had passed out from the loss of blood, Gray showed up with his partner, Jason. Raylon had made the call that was made to the precinct that night. She wasn't there so obviously she didn't know exactly what had happened, just the things she had overheard from Theo and Fray’s conversations. Raylon wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but he was a master manipulator. Gray and his partner were already at the station when the call came in requesting certain officers.

  Unfortunately for Raylon, Gray wasn’t that gullible. Nobody ever requested certain officers to be on the scene, unless they were family. Minutes later Gray informed Jason that he had left me alone and Theo and Hannah were out of town.

  When gray showed up at my house, he kicked the door in without hesitation. He ran right for my room, gun drawn and all. He was planning on killing whomever he found there with me, at least that's how Hannah had put it.

  Once Gray and his partner entered my room, Gray immediately started searching for anything he could to help stop the bleeding. Gray and his partner had most of the bleeding under control once the ambulance showed up, but it still wasn’t looking good. Gray had to fight tooth and nail to ride with me to the hospital, but like always he got his way. The man was hard to say no to, that's for sure.


  I shook my head, trying to clear the bad thoughts out of it. Every time I thought back to what Gray had to go through, a piece of me broke. A small smile played at my lips as I thought of the good that would be coming out of all of this. If there was anything else I cared for more than Gray, it was the innocent unborn baby growing blissfully in my belly.

  I dropped one hand from my cup and rubbed my still flat stomach. My only job now, was to make sure that this little boy or girl made its way into this world happy and healthy. My second official doctor’s appointment was only a few weeks away and I couldn’t wait. I wanted more than anything to hear my baby’s heart beat again. I think more than anything, I needed to hear it.

  I didn’t hear Gray enter the room until his arms were wrapped around me. Every muscle stretched as far as his skin would allow. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, which worked in my favor. I ran my fingers up his bulging bicep and into the back of his hair. When his lips touched the scorching skin on my neck, I went weak in the knees.

  I turned and crashed my lips onto his. I slid my hand down his chest and chiseled abs, ready to force my hand down his pants if needed. To my surprise, he was wearing absolutely nothing. He smirked as I my head shot up grinning at him. I wrapped my fingers tightly around his hard erection and began moving my hand up and down. The deep groans vibrating from his chest were enough to know that I was getting him going.



  Before I knew it,
I had Bennett fully naked. I stood back to look at her, well as much as I could, given the fact that she still had a pretty tight grip around my dick. Her eyes met mine and there was something dark and naughty brewing in them. I stood in awe as she licked her plump pink lips, just before kneeling down in front of me.

  The breath rushed out of my body the second her moist lips touched the sensitive head of my dick. My visceral reaction was all she needed to continue. She slowly took all of me into her mouth and I watched as her head bobbed back and forth. I brushed the hair out of her face, holding it behind her in a makeshift ponytail. Watching her as she worked me over with her mouth brought on an extreme wave of pleasure. I have never been compliantly natured, but I was willing to obey her every command.

  I could feel myself getting closer and I didn’t want to finish in her mouth. I pulled her up to her feet, spinning her around so she was facing the kitchen table. I gently pushed down on her back as I bent her over. I slid one finger inside her and then two. I knew she was ready by the over abundance of wetness now on my hand. I pushed myself inside without hesitation.

  I pushed myself inside of her harder than the last time, every time. My fingers reached around and found her hard nub. I started circling it, starting out slow and then picking up the pace as I pushed my length harder into her. Seconds later we were finding our release together.

  I was placing gentle kisses down her spine when I felt something wet hit my foot. At first, I assumed it was only the remanence of what I had spilled into her, but then I felt it again. I pulled back just as more blood splattered onto the tile.

  “Bennett, don’t move.” I pushed down on her back, just before I ran into the kitchen in search of a towel. Luckily we hadn’t had to do laundry yet, so there was a stack of them on the end of the counter. I quickly ran back to her, pushing the towels up under her. “Bennett, I need you to hold these in place. Can you do that?”

  “Gray, what’s wrong.” I could hear the panic rising in her voice. I knew she hadn’t seen the blood yet and I was thankful I had some time before she started freaking out.


  “Gray, Oh.My.God. There is blood everywhere. No, oh no, no.”

  Or not…I could hear the cries coming from her mouth and I darted upstairs. I threw on some clothes, quickly gathered a bag of things we might need if we got admitted to the hospital, and flew back downstairs. I made it back down to Bennett, seconds before she passed out in my arms.

  I knew I couldn’t get her to the hospital in this state. I searched for my phone in my pocket and dialed 9-1-1. “Bennett? Bennett, can you hear me? Button, you have to wake up now.” The operator on line cut through my pleas.

  “9-1-1, what’s your emergency.”

  “My fiancé is pregnant and bleeding. She just passed out. Please send someone to 47985 Wuthering Road. Please, hurry.” I could feel the hot salty tears rolling down my cheeks. I was having a sense of Déjà vu that I never wanted to have to feel ever again in my whole life.

  “Sir, we have an ambulance en route to you. Can you tell me what happened?”

  “We were having sex and then I felt the blood dripping. When I ran upstairs to get dressed, she…she...” I couldn’t find the words to tell her. I could possibly be losing my soon-to-be wife and child, and she wanted to know how it happened? I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, “it’s all my fault,” but I just went silent, crying over her limp body.

  My phone clattered onto the tile floor. I needed to get her dressed. She couldn’t be seen like this; she would be so embarrassed when she woke up. I scampered to get her hoodie over her head and her pants over her legs. She still wasn’t moving so I did the best I could.

  I finally heard the sirens, as they made their way up our driveway. I hugged Bennett’s body tighter into mine, as they busted in through the door. My tears never let up and I had no control of my actions.

  “Gray, where are you?”

  I heard Theo’s voice echo throughout the hallway leading to the kitchen, where we were. I wasn’t a religious man, by any means, but I thanked God at that very moment for Theo.

  “We’re in the kitchen. Hurry, Theo.”

  The look of shock on Theo’s face, threw me for a loop and I lost it all over again. “Help her, please Theo. You have to do something.”

  Theo nodded his head and gently pushed me away from her. He instantly began working on her. As he lowered his ear to her mouth, the world slowed down to a glacial pace. Every movement and word was suddenly in slow motion. I watched as he nodded his head at his partner. My eyes slowly blinked shut and back open. I felt like I was in a movie, and a bad one at that.



  The last thing I remember was looking down at the towel Gray had pushed under me. I was still slightly bent over the table when I saw the crimson red, soaking clean through it. I knew I was going to pass out due to the blood. I had never been good with the sight of blood, especially my own.

  I watched as he came towards me and my world went black. After that, all I heard were his pleas and cries. I wanted to reach out and comfort him. I wanted him to know that I was going to be fine. But, I didn’t know that for sure.

  When I woke up in this God-awful place again, his solemn face lay broken and tattered against the bed. His eyes were closed and I could tell this was the first time he had slept. When I heard the door click open, I quickly pushed my finger up to my mouth to hush the person entering.

  “Well hello, Miss Reynolds. How are you feeling?” Dr. Cutler spoke in a hushed tone and I was grateful Gray didn’t stir at the sound of it.

  “I feel fine. Is everything okay with the baby?”

  “The baby seems to be doing just fine. We have been observing you both through out the night. The heart rate is good and strong, as is yours. I don’t think the passing out was from loss of blood. Do you get queasy or squeamish around blood?”

  “I embarrassingly answered, “yes.” If it wasn’t for my inability to look at the stuff, we could have avoided all of this drama.

  “You sure gave this guy, quite the scare.” He whispered softly.

  “I feel horrible.” I looked over at Gray just as his eyes popped wide open.

  Dr. Cutler quickly brought his hand to Gray’s shoulder before he could freak out. “Mr. Weston, your fiancé is fine. So is your baby. Everybody is going to be okay. Now, I do have to tell the two of you that you need to refrain from having intercourse for at least the next 48 hours. When you do resume your “activities,” try being a bit more gentle.” He winked at Gray just before heading for the door and for the first time in my life, I saw Gray blush. “We’ll have you guys out of here in no time. Take care.”

  As soon as the door shut, Gray and I both broke out into a fit of laughter. His head hit the bed, hard, and our laughter only intensified. It felt good to have this moment with him, after everything that had been happening to us.

  When I was finally able to catch my breath, I reached for his hand. “I’m sorry for scaring you. You know I would never intentionally do that, right?” I was scared he thought it was something I could control.

  “Button, I know. I’m just glad you both are okay. Looks like I’ll have to take it easy on ya for a little while.” He winked and then firmly pressed his lips to mine. I could tell he was still worried.

  It was almost 6:00 am when they finally released us from the hospital. Gray wheeled me out to the car in a wheelchair and kissed me on my cheek, just before placing me into the passenger seat. He closed the door and went to return the chair. It was freezing outside and he had the heater all the way down. I reached over and cranked it up then searched for some music on the radio.

  When he returned, he grabbed my hand in his and pressed his lips to my palm. “Ready?”

  “Absolutely.” I smiled and fastened my seatbelt.

  When we got home, I noticed that the door was boarded up. “Please don’t tell me that they had to break through the door?” I hung my head i
n shame.

  He just gave me a sideways glance as we pulled into the garage. “I’ll get it fixed later today.”

  When we got inside, Gray tucked me in on the couch, forcing me to take a nap. It was still early and I was tired, but I wanted him to hold me. “Lay with me, please.” I looked up into his clouded blue eyes, knowing he needed sleep just as much as I did.

  He slid in behind me and tucked me in close to his side. I snuggled myself into his chest and neck, falling asleep almost immediately. I felt someone shaking me minutes later.

  “WHAT?” I shouted in irritation.

  “You were screaming, again. Are the nightmares back?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t ever remember anything once I’m awake. I’m sorry.”

  “It's okay, love. I just didn't know what the hell was going on. You scared the shit out of me.” He ran his fingers back through his tousled hair. I couldn't help but stare at all of his perfection. I wanted him, now, and I didn't care what the stupid doctor had said. I slid my hand up under his shirt, working my way to his nipples. His hand quickly found mine and pulled it out from underneath his clothes.


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