Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2)

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Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2) Page 13

by Amanda Bennett

  Gray’s tongue made its way up the side of my neck and onto my bottom lip. I let a small moan escape between my lips as his hot breath tickled my skin. “Morning, Baby.” He moaned in my ear.

  “Hhhmmm.” There was no way to answer him with words when he was making me feel, SO.DAMN.GOOD!

  “I love you Mrs. Weston.” He growled as he pushed himself deep inside of me with one swift movement.

  I cried out in pleasure and pain as another orgasm ran through me. His hands gripped at the back of my hair, tugging just enough to have me begging for more. I urged him on, wanting him to go faster and harder. He happily obliged and minutes later we found our release, together.

  A smile lit up my face as I looked up into my husband’s eyes. “I love you too, Mr. Weston and good morning to you too.” My lips found his and I kissed him long, hard and deep. When I pulled back he was smiling like a fool. We both laughed and then finished up our shower.

  Gray helped me out of the shower and helped me dry off. When I pulled out my black lacy thong he let out a low chuckle. “And, what prey tell is so fucking funny?” I was starting to get pissed.

  “Baby, you’re due any day now and you’re wearing those?” He pointed at the small piece of black lace, barely showing beneath my belly. He started walking towards me and I shook my head.

  “Oh no you don’t. If you think this is funny, then you are cut off until this baby makes its way here. You got me?” I pointed my finger into his muscular peck that was begging for me to touch it.

  “Fine.” He put his hands up in surrender. “I won’t laugh. But love, you don’t have to wear that stuff for me. I would want to fuck you no matter what you wear.”

  I shook my head as his arms circled around my waist, “you’re a liar, but I love you for it.” I pressed a chaste kiss to his soft sumptuous lips but quickly jerked back.

  “What’s wrong, Button?” Worry flooded his expression.

  “I’m pretty sure my water just broke. Either that or I just peed myself.”

  “Seriously? Oh my God, okay let’s go.”

  A very naked Gray was grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bedroom, hospital bag in hand. We had been leaving it by our bedroom door, just in case. I started laughing loudly and Gray looked back, a hurt look upon his face.

  “What’s so funny? We have to go.” He tugged on my arm but I didn’t budge.

  “Gray, I’m pretty sure if we went into the hospital like this they would send us home. We are both stark naked, minus my lacey underwear.” I laughed again as reality settled in.

  “Oh shit! Okay let’s get dressed, then go.” He was running into our closet trying to find me some clothes to put on.

  “Gray, honey?”

  “Yes, Button?”

  I sat down on the bench that sat at the end of our bed, taking in a deep breath. “Honey, just breathe.” I laughed as his lips touched mine. “Now get dressed. I don’t need anymore reasons for women to flock to you.” I smiled as he kissed me one last time before he went to put some clothes on.

  Ten minutes later, we were both dressed and heading out the front door. It didn’t take long for the contractions to follow, once my water broke. I think it was pretty safe to say, that I was suddenly in a considerable amount of pain by the time we reached the truck. I grabbed my phone from my purse, sending a mass text message to everyone we knew, including Gray’s aunt Tina.






  G, B & BABY W

  I hit send and threw my phone back into my purse. We were only about ten minutes from the hospital when the contractions started hitting hard, and fast. With less than a minute between each one, I knew this baby was coming now.

  Gray pulled into the round about and a nurse was running out with a wheelchair. Gray grabbed our bags and me and pushed me as fast as humanly possible into labor and delivery. Within minutes, it was time to push. Nobody was here yet and I was suddenly starting to freak out. Gray was unusually calm and instantly by my side trying to calm me down.

  I focused on my breathing and Gray’s bright blue eyes. A couple pushes later and our baby was out. Tears rolled down my face as I smiled brightly up at my amazing husband, who was still holding my hand and cutting the umbilical cord, all at the same time.

  “It’s a girl!” I almost died as the words left the doctor’s mouth.

  Gray looked at me through wet eyes and smiled just before placing a long passionate kiss to my dry mouth. “You’re amazing Bennett. I mean it. Truly amazing. I love you more than words could ever express.”

  I kissed him back whispering ‘I love you’ in between each kiss. The doctor handed me my baby girl and I couldn’t help but cry. Gray’s hand came up to my face wiping away the tears. I watched intently as he gently caressed our baby girl’s little beanie covered head. She was absolutely beautiful. She had copper brown hair just like her father and at the moment her eyes were a bright blue. We would have to wait and see if they stay that way, but either way she was gorgeous.

  Gray stood with outstretched arms as I handed him his daughter. I closed my eyes briefly to thank God for giving me such a wonderful gift, two of them actually. Gray and this little girl were everything I had ever wanted. I looked over at the two of them and smiled.

  After the doctor finished up with me and cleaning the baby and myself up, they left us to be with our daughter. Gray slid into the bed next to me, cradling our little girl in his arms. I had never seen a man ever look so happy in my whole life. I reached out for her, worried that Gray wouldn’t give her up so soon, but he happily handed her over.

  “Let me get my phone. I want to take a picture.” I groaned knowing what I looked like at this moment, but I looked down at my daughter and suddenly didn’t care. He was back beside us seconds later and clicking away. He must have taken at least a dozen pictures in a matter of minutes.

  I kissed our precious little girl on her head, wishing that our parents could have been here to see this amazing life we brought into this world. “I miss them so much, Gray.”

  “Me too, Button. Me too.” His lips left my cheek all too soon. “What do you want to name her?”

  In all of our disastrous days we hadn’t even thought of a name. Of course, we didn’t know what we were having but we could have chosen boy and girls names.

  “What were you thinking?” I whispered.

  “How about Charlie?”

  My heart swelled with happiness at hearing my mother’s middle name come out of his mouth. “Really Gray? Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive. It’s beautiful, just like she is.” Tears sprang to my eyes as my gaze settled on Charlie’s peacefully sleeping body in between the two of us. “Charlie Reagan Weston. How’s that sound?”

  I watched as Gray’s eyes moistened at the sound of our mother’s names. “It’s perfect.”



  Pure joy and happiness took over me as I sat looking between my sleeping wife and my resting daughter. Charlie began to stir and I quickly adjusted my hold on her to better accommodate her tiny body. I couldn’t believe after all we had been through, we finally had our family.

  I stood and paced back and forth at the foot of Bennett’s bed as I rocked our daughter. She opened her beautiful baby eyes and stared directly at me. My heart grew a little more every time I looked at the amazing baby we had created. I was one lucky man. She started to cry and I bounced and talked to her trying to soothe her so Bennett could get a little bit more sleep before having to feed her again.

  “Hey there baby girl. Oh man, Daddy loves you so much Charlie Reagan. I’m going to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you. You are so special to your mom and me. I hope you know how hard mommy and daddy fought for you to be here. You’re one special little girl. I never thought it was possible to love somebody so much until you were here.
Just remember that your daddy will always love you.”

  I leaned in and placed a kiss to the top of her head. I started telling Charlie all about the amazing grandparents she would never meet and I felt myself becoming overwhelmed with happiness. When I turned to look at Bennett as I spoke of her mom and dad, I caught her staring at me. I smiled weakly at her and walked to the side of her bed. When I got to her I reached out with my free hand, grabbing hers in mine. I kissed the back of her hand and placed it above my heart.

  “You girls are my world, Button. I don’t know how I ever lived without either of you.” I bent down and kissed her fully on the mouth. I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip just as Charlie let out a loud wail. “I guess that will have to wait, huh?” I smiled against her mouth and placed our crying daughter in my wife’s open arms.

  “My life was nothing without you in it, Gray.” Her face was beaming as I released my hold on Charlie. I turned to grab her nursing pillow, when the room door burst open. Everybody came running in at once, wanting to see our new addition.

  I hugged everyone before they made their way over to Bennett and Charlie. There were so many oohhs and aahhs that I was going to be sick. I sat back smiling at ‘our’ family, each one of them contributing a little bit of love over the years. They all meant the world to us and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  The last person through the door stole my breath. My aunt Tina stood, hands on her hips with a glowing smile spread wide. I ran to her, arms open and I wrapped her up in them. She was the only real family I had left and she was here. I whispered ‘I love you’ as I firmly pressed my lips to her forehead. She squeezed me tightly before pulling back a bit.

  “I love you too, Gray Elliot, but I have to say, I didn’t come here to see you.” She smiled and I let her go to Charlie.

  I stood back taking it all in. I couldn’t have asked for more out of my life at this very moment. I had it all and I was determined to keep it that way.

  Bennett’s and my eyes met from across the room and I jokingly rolled them at all the fawning going on. It was pretty safe to say that June 15, 2012 would forever be significant among us. My wife’s face curled up in a sneaky grin and I knew exactly what she was thinking. I winked and blew a kiss in her direction. As soon as we could, we were trying for more.


  One year and five months later…. approximately


  I watched as the setting sun gleamed off of her rich auburn locks of hair. I was pulled into her more and more everyday. If it was possible for someone's beauty to possess you, well then hers did for sure. It was hard to fathom that after everything we had been through in the last 5 years, that we somehow found ourselves back in one another's arms. I stood back on the porch, as a mere bystander watching as she took in the peace in her surroundings.

  All I had ever wanted since that fateful night was to provide her with a small piece of mind, a place to feel safe. I didn't want to pat myself on the back, but hell, I did do quite a job. Our home was beautiful in every sense of the word and my family would live here feeling as if the world could never reach them. I knew now, no harm would come to them here.

  She had made her way to the white picket fence that wrapped around the actual house. She couldn't have been anymore than about 50 feet away from me, but I could feel her right next to my hyper aware body. My heart literally melted when her gleaming gray eyes caught mine. A smile as wide as it could reach spread across her face and I couldn't help but reciprocate the gesture. Her look did something to me, and I never wanted it to end.

  I gave a wink as I turned on my heel to walk back into the house. I reached for the pitcher of lemonade just as I heard the front door creek open. I knew Hannah and Theo were expected soon, so I didn't bother to check the source of the noise. I felt a small gentle hand press firmly against my back as smooth lips brushed against my scruffy cheek.

  “Do you ever shave anymore Gray?” Hannah's mocking tone made me let out a throaty laugh.

  “Seriously? Have you seen Theo’s face recently? It looks like a raccoon is attached to his chin.” I continued to laugh as Theo came around the island, giving me a one armed hug.

  “Don't mock the beard, bro. You're just jealous you can't grow one like this beast.” Theo ran his hand down his beard as if deep in thought and I couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

  “You're exactly right. So jealous.” I shook my head as I pointed for them to follow me out back. Just as we reached the vast wooden deck, Bennett was headed our way, small baby belly in tow. I smiled knowing that the amazing woman in front of me was carrying another magical piece of me inside of her. I still don't know how I had gotten so incredibly lucky.

  “Here you go, love.” I planted a small kiss against her forehead while handing her a glass of lemonade.

  “Thanks baby,” she winked just before pressing the tall glass to her plump lips. Visions of what she could do with those things shot through my head, one image at a time. We all sat at the large red wooden picnic table that Bennett had found a couple months back, and just had to have. I swear since this whole second pregnancy thing, my wife had found a way to get everything her little heart desired, starting with the damn picnic table. I sat straddling the bench, pulling her perfect little pregnant body into my chest. I wrapped my hands around her now five-month baby bump, caressing it through her shirt.

  Her and Hannah were rambling on about something or another while Theo pretended to listen. My mind floated above us in a whole other world. Lately, I found myself drifting off into daydreams about how our life was going to be.

  Charlie was getting so big and I absolutely loved watching her try to run around all day. I could now picture our baby girl and soon-to-be son, bouncing around as I chase them through the fields. Their momma watching as we wave in passing. I couldn't help it; I was in awe of my life at the moment. I heard my name break into my thoughts and I straightened my back, pretending to know what the conversation was about.

  “Baby, what are thinking about so hard over there?” Her whisper sent chills down my spine one inch at a time. I kissed her rosy cheek, “oh nothing. How are you feeling?” I had already asked her 3 times today, but I wouldn't stop until I knew she was being truthful. Honestly, this pregnancy had been much harder on her than the first. That mixed with Charlie still waking up in the middle of the night, we were barely getting a decent nights rest. I didn't mind though, it was just extra time I got to hold my girls close to me.

  I caught her sideways glance in Hannah's direction before she answered me. “I'm doing good.” I knew her smile was forced and I couldn't help but wonder what she wasn't telling me. I kissed the tip of her perfect little nose before making my way to her plush lips, “if you say so.” I kissed her cheek one more time before motioned with my head for Theo to follow me.

  “Were going to go have some guy time.” I said to the table, even though the ladies were no longer listening. I clapped Theo’s shoulder as we made our way out to the small shed near the outside perimeter of the house.

  “What the hell is this dude?” I let out a small chuckle, “This my friend, is what I call Mecca.” I had to laugh at my own joke as I opened the rickety door to the worn down shed. We both walked into the small space and Theo almost fell over in hysterics.

  “Bro, are you serious right now? This is seriously the best thing I have ever seen.” I pointed for him to sit on one of the black stools at the matching high top table.

  “You laugh now, but wait until you see the inside of the fridge. The minute I saw this old piece of shit out here, I knew exactly what I was going to use it for.” I opened the old fifties style fridge in the corner of the space and waved my hand in front of it, just like Vanna White. “I present you with the man cave beer fridge.”

  “Dude, you've got to be shitting me?” I shook my head no. The entire fridge from top to bottom was filled with rows upon rows of bottles of Blue Moon, my favorite beer. I had turned this small little piece of shit sh
ack into the perfect man cave. It was a small 10x10 space but I made it work. Along with the fridge and the bar height table, I had also put in a small love seat, rustic and old to match the feel of the shack. Along the far wall next to the window was a 60" flat screen TV, with a satellite receiver, Xbox and play station 3 just below it.

  There was no expense spared in making up my room. It was my small sanctuary away from the main house that I could escape to, and not have to answer to anybody. Well, except for my wife and daughter when they needed me. I smiled at Theo knowing he was jealous.

  “Dude, Hannah would never let me have something like this. She would have my balls before that would ever happen.” I laughed knowing exactly what Hannah was capable of.

  “I guess I got lucky in that department, Bennett practically kicked me out of the house the first time she saw it, telling me she wanted me to have a place to call my own. Of course she threw in the whole “I wish it could be closer to me,” but she has since gotten over it.”


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