Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2)

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Breaking Beautiful (Broken Series #2) Page 14

by Amanda Bennett

  “Bro, you are one lucky son of a bitch. So did you decide yet?” His eyes narrowed in on me, and I knew exactly what he was asking. “I have, actually. I was thinking Daniel Ray Weston. What do you think?” I took in a small breath of air as I waited for his response.

  “Dude, I think that is perfect.” It had taken me forever to figure out the perfect name for my son. When I finally decided, I wanted Theo’s opinion.

  Hannah's head poked through the crack of the door seconds later, “what are you boys up to in here? Holy shit Gray; look what you did with this place. I have to admit, it's pretty fucking awesome.”

  “Are you shitting me right now Hannah?” Theo was about to spontaneously combust I could see it coming.

  “Just because I think it's awesome for him, doesn't mean I think it's awesome for you baby.” She smacked her lips against his bearded cheek and turned to leave.

  “What do you think Theo?” My head shot straight up and I zeroed in on Hannah.

  “Of the man cave?” Theo’s words were strained. “Of course, the man cave. What did you think I was talking about?” She was studying Theo’s expression when relief washed over him.

  “No that's what I thought you meant.” I watched laughing as he let out a big sigh and took a seat next to Hannah. “It's awesome. Too bad my little lady over here would never let me have something like that.”

  “You never know.” Bennett grinned and I knew exactly what she was hinting at. Hannah had already been hard at work making Theo his own man cave at their new house.

  It had been an unseasonably warm day, up until about 5 minutes ago. The wind had picked up and it was starting to get a bit cold. I wrapped my arms around Bennett, pulling her to her feet.

  “How about we move this inside. I don't want my girl getting sick.” I could see the blush rush into her cheeks, and a mile wide smile spread across her face. Man, I didn’t think it was possible to love her more than I already did. I crushed my mouth onto hers, taking all I could for the time being.


  It never got old, hearing him say my girl. I swear every time I would blush like crazy. His voice and words did things to me that I had never felt before. I ended up carving his hands on my body.

  We all made our way into the cozy little living room off of the front of the house. Our house was absolutely amazing. I still couldn't fathom that it was all ours, and that we had built it.

  The smell of Thanksgiving assaulted my nose as I stepped into the large open kitchen. From the smell of the turkey cooking in the oven, to all the fixings set on the counter, I was practically drooling. I swear I had already gained a good 20 pounds and I wasn't even close to giving birth. It was worth it though. Knowing that my baby would come out healthy was all I was concerned with.

  Gray told me everyday how beautiful he thought I was and that made me okay with all of the weight I was gaining. Gray came into the living room a little bit behind us. He had been basting the turkey and making sure the potatoes were starting to boil. As he strolled across the room over to me I wanted to jump him and pull him into our room. His black cable knit sweater was hugging all of his muscles in all the right places. All the way down to his low-slung jeans resting on his hips, to the sly little grin plastered on his face, I wanted every inch of him.

  His hair was pushed back with a little bit of gel but not enough to make it hard or crunchy, just manageable. His glistening blue eyes caught mine roving over his body and I couldn't help but smile. If he couldn't already tell what was on my mind, he was sure to find out very soon. As my smile grew wider, he winked a sly wink that no one else caught just before taking a seat next to Theo across from me. I could feel the wetness growing in my panties and I knew I wouldn't be able to wait much longer. I needed to have him inside of me more than anything else at this moment.

  While Hannah was in the middle of explaining to me how much longer she had in school, my eyes sought out his again. The second they connected; he knew exactly what I was asking. He mouthed the word “now,” and I just nodded my head. His eyes rolled back as he let out a small laugh. I took my bottom lip in between my teeth, knowing what this small gesture did to him. He shook his head then tilted his head in the direction of our downstairs bathroom. I nodded in agreement as I turned towards Hannah asking or her to listen for Charlie, and that I would be right back.

  She just nodded knowing I always had to pee. I slowly stood making my way through the archway. Gray was still engrossed in his conversation with Theo, so I sighed and made my way back towards the kitchen. I walked straight into the bathroom, waiting for his beautiful face to show up. A few minutes later I heard a small tap on the door. I cracked it open a smidge, but as soon as he saw me, he pushed himself into the room.

  “Took you long enough.” I teased.

  “Oh really? It's not my fault. You were practically eye fucking me from across the room. I couldn't very well stand up in front of Theo with a hard on.” He laughed and I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

  “I guess that's a good enough reason.” I winked.

  His strong hands gripped around my thighs, pulling me up onto the small counter. It's a good thing I chose to wear my short sweater dress with leggings. It was definitely going to be beneficial for time purposes. I slid my butt further back on the counter as he lifted my legs to work my leggings and panties down. To his shock and to my benefit, he almost choked when he realized I wasn't wearing any panties. I smiled a sly smile staring into his perfectly blue eyes.

  “I guess I was planning ahead.”

  My leggings were now hanging down around my feet. “I would say so.” He whispered as he slipped a finger in between my folds. “Oh my. You are already so wet.” He groaned just before sliding his slick finger inside of me. My head fell back against the oval mirror behind me. Pleasure rushed through me like a bolt of lightening. I let a small moan escape before reaching out to unbutton his jeans. Once I had his pants unbuttoned I used my feet to push them and his boxer briefs the rest of the way down. I couldn't help myself; I had to look at him every chance I got. His sizeable length was something of beauty. I still questioned how he ever fit it all inside of me. I took him into my hand and I slowly worked my hand up and down the length.

  He hardened even more under my touch, and I smiled. In one swift movement my dress was up and over my head being discarded on the tile floor behind him. His fingers moved fluidly in and out of me with ease. I struggled to keep my eyes open as I could feel the pressure building inside. I felt the clasp on my bra unlatch as he took one of my sensitive nipples into his mouth teasingly. He licked, sucked and nibbled at just the right times. Gray was amazing at everything he did with my body. There had been numerous occasions when I had organized, simply from him just playing with my nipples and nothing else. My head fell back as my moans of pleasure became louder. Since becoming pregnant my body was unbelievably in tune with him. Every touch, every breath made me yearn and ache for him to touch me again. His fingers moved faster and his nibbling more frequent. My grip on his length tightened as I came closer to climaxing. Just as I was about to let go, his fingers and mouth disappeared from my body all together. Just as I was about to ask what the hell he thought he was doing, he quickly pulled me towards him, sliding his whole length inside of me.

  I let out a loud cry as my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist. He pumped into me at a dizzying pace, just before I felt both of us climax together. Our heavy breathing was the only sound I could hear, the sheen of sweat on our faces the only thing I could feel. I took in a deep breath just as he pulled out of me. I watched as he pulled his pants back on, then he slowly lowered me onto my feet. I took his face between my hands and planted a chaste kiss to his mouth. “I love you gray Weston.”

  I wiped the sweat from his forehead with the palm of my hand before reaching down to get my leggings. I wasn't that big yet but bending over was beginning to become uncomfortable. “ Ill get them for you. And, I love you too, always.” He s
lid my leggings into place before kissing me hard and passionately. “And don't think that this gets you out of doing this later.” He chuckled as he handed me my dress.

  “Oh trust me, I can never get enough of this.” I whispered as I softly grabbed his crotch through his jeans. I heard a small moan escape between his luscious lips before I let go. I quickly checked my hair and makeup before we opened the door and headed back out to our friends. There was no use in trying to cover up what we just did. Hell, I'm surprised they hadn't done it first. Gray’s hand caught mine as we made our way back out to the living room, and my heart skipped a beat. He brought it up to his mouth, laying a small kiss across the back before heading into the kitchen.

  “Well, I would ask what you were doing but I'm pretty sure I already know, you little slut.” Hannah's smile was wide with pride.

  “Thanks Han.” I rolled my eyes as I took the seat next to her.

  “Oh honey, you know I know you all too well. Even if I didn't though, you have I-just-got-fucked written all over your sweet little face.” She mocked.

  “I'm surprised you two didn't beat us to it, in all honesty.” I teased.

  Theo decided to chime in on this one, “we actually did earlier when we first got here. But, it was less civilized and in a car.” He winked at Hannah as my eyes went wide in surprise. I knew they liked to do it basically anywhere, but in a car, in my driveway?

  “Well, kudos to you two. I don't think my pregnant body would allow for that in that cramped of a space.” I laughed and Hannah and Theo joined in shortly after.

  Gray suddenly appeared in the archway, “what's so funny out here?”

  “Oh nothing much, Hannah and Theo were just sharing with me that they had sex in their car outside of our house, just before they came in.” My smile grew wide looking at my sexy baby daddy standing against the wall, staring at me with his smoldering eyes.

  “Well, maybe we will try that one later.” He winked before retreating into the kitchen.

  “God, I love that man.”

  “I'm pretty sure he feels the exact same way hon.” Hannah chimed in.

  We sat talking for a few minutes later before gray called us in to eat. I've never been much of a religious person, but I decided to take this opportunity to give thanks for what I felt needed to be thanked. I cleared my throat just as everyone began to dig into their plates of food.

  “I'm sorry but I just want to take a minute to say a small little prayer.” I glanced around the table at my husband, my best friend, and my generically adopted brother. “I just want to say how grateful I am to be alive. On top of that I am beyond words grateful to have each and every one of you in my life.” I grabbed Gray’s hand in mine, “and I'm grateful that next year there will be even more of us at this table, which is filled with so much love. Thank you for being the family I didn't get to have growing up, all of you. Life would mean nothing without you all by my side. I’m especially grateful for our baby girl blissfully sleeping upstairs. My life will be complete once this next little one arrives.” I leaned to my left to plant a small kiss to Gray’s mouth. “I love you. I whispered. Hannah and Theo kissed briefly then came over to me to kiss me also. I felt complete in this very moment and nothing would or could change that.


  Other Books By Amanda Bennett:

  Time To Let Go

  Beautifully Broken (The Broken Series #1)

  Look for my new books coming in 2013

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  Thank each and every one of you for supporting me. Y’all are amazing and some of the best fans anyone could ask for!

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  Check out the first chapter from Misguided Heart Due out

  January 2013


  I walked into my new corner office with a renewed sense of pride. I ran my freshly manicured fingers across the soft mahogany desk as I walked over to the window. My office was right in the middle of downtown Phoenix, and I had the most amazing view of the Phoenix skyline. The sky was strewn in the most perfectly blended shades of gray and white. The thunderclouds were rolling in quickly, and took over the once vastly beautiful blue sky. I took a few steps back and slouched down in my Eldorado high back Italian leather chair. I stared quite intently at the gold letters that spelt my name across the letterhead placed on my desk. Aston Boyd. I was now officially the CEO for P.J. Holden and Son Publishing.

  I propped up my Louboutin covered feet onto my desk and reveled in my newfound glory. I had finally made it to the top, in a predominately male world. As I glanced around my office in all of its hugeness, a sudden rush of forlornness rushed over me. I was twenty-seven years old and I had nobody to share my life with. Sure I had a great job, a beautiful office, a wonderful assistant, but other than that and my Bulldog Bugsy; I had nothing and no one. I had spent the last eight years of my life working my way to the top and now that I was there I had no one to share the experience with.

  I desperately longed for a romantic windfall of some sorts, or a partner here and there. All I seemed to end up with were a couple of one-night stands, and a few boyfriends that I ignored one too many times for them to even care about me anymore. I wanted humorous friends that I could go get a drink with after work, maybe a rowdy rambunctious family that was full of chaos, or even a broken engagement to fill up my half empty stories at the company parties. I had none of that, not even one small ounce of that and I was ashamed to not have it. I had replaced a boyfriend with my job, my family for a 2300 square foot house in Scottsdale, and a child with my three-year-old English bulldog.

  I was jump started out of my own reverie when my work phone began to ring quite annoyingly. I flung my legs over the side of my desk and pulled myself into it as I answered my phone.

  “Aston Boyd, how may I help you?” I could hear the bitterness in my tone as I spoke.

  “Hi, Ms. Boyd, it’s Annie. I just wanted to make sure the phone was working properly. Sorry to have bugged you.” With that the phone went dead.

  Annie had been my assistant for five years now and she was amazing. I never waited for coffee in the mornings, or at night for that matter. She was a beautiful young girl starting out just as I had when I was nineteen. She had been a prime pupil and I was excited to see how far she could go in this company. Who knows maybe one day she would take my job. Annie and I shared a seven-year age difference, but she was one of the only people that I had celebrated with, when I found out about my promotion. Of course, she ended up going home with a beautiful British man that night, leaving me alone but I was thankful to have her around either way.

  A moment later the five foot four, petite little red head came plundering into my office with my mail. I waved her off as I turned in my chair to face the window. There it stood mocking me, a simple black matte envelope with both of their names above the return address. I slid the envelope onto my desk and sat back in amazement. How was it possible that everyone that I had known, at least since high school, have grown up, gotten married, and had at least one kid? I honestly couldn’t keep track anymore of how many weddings, baby showers, and bridal showers I had been to or bought presents for in the last decade.

  My credit card statements over the years reflected nothing but purchases to Babies R Us, Toys R Us, Children’s Place, Bed Bath and Beyond, Ikea, and once in a blue moon a purchase at Macys, for myself of course. I was the one constant provider of gifts to all of my old friends and their children. I ran my fingers through my blonde lengthy hair before reaching for my letter opener in my top drawer. I slid it along the edges and took a deep breathe in as I pulled out the gold and black embossed wedding invitation.

  Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas request the honor of you
r presence

  At the marriage of their daughter

  Sarah Rae


  Michael David Wittmore

  Saturday, the twenty-sixth of June

  Two Thousand and Ten

  Half past five o’clock in the afternoon


  Desert Botanical Gardens

  1201 North Galvin Parkway

  Phoenix, AZ

  Reception to follow/ Black Tie

  Of course it was black tie. I wouldn’t expect anything less from the man who had to make a production out of everything. A hot flash surged through my body and I quickly began fanning myself with the invitation.

  “Why was I even invited?” I wondered.

  I bet she was happy about that one. I knew Michael all too well, I’m sure he fed her some bullshit line about how him and I are still extremely close, and it would only be fair to invite me because I would invite him.


  If I had found someone that I could actually see myself spending an eternity with, I would never invite him. I had learned that you never mix your past with your present, or future for that matter.


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