The End of America

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The End of America Page 9

by Pete Thorsen

  “No. We can drive back and get one off the dead guys if you want.”

  “No it can wait. I don’t want you moving around much until you heal some. I’ll just Mexican carry until I get a holster.”

  “Mexican carry?”

  “It means I’ll just stick it inside my pants without a holster.”


  The day was uneventful with Lynn coming and going from the house checking on Don. Don was antsy but stayed on the couch and read all day. In the afternoon Lynn changed the bandage and looked over the wound closely and even smelled it.

  She said it was doing fine and there was no sign of any infection after putting on a fresh bandage. After supper that night they did talk a little more but Don was cool and initiated none of the conversation.

  Day Twenty Eight

  The next morning Don said he was not sitting all day and they could leave and go to find Lynn some clothes. After breakfast Don had her leave the trailer where it could be easily hooked back up and with Lynn driving they left the place. They first stopped at the car where they had met and Lynn took the belts and holsters from the two dead men.

  She pulled the one out of the car and left him in the road. Don thought he saw her give the body a kick too. Then she climbed back in the driver’s seat of the pickup and Don directed her to park behind his old store where he got out and after looking around carefully he unlocked the door.

  Inside he started the propane lantern he had left there for that purpose and directed Lynn to the clothes isles before going back out to wait in the truck. While she was inside Don waited in the back of the pickup so he could see around well.

  Turned out to be a good idea when he saw a pack of dogs coming towards him. He had his rifle already in his hands and he upped the rifle and started firing. He had shot all four dogs and had finished off the one that he had only wounded with the first shot when he saw Lynn looking out the back door of the store as he was putting in a fresh magazine in his rifle. “Just a pack of dogs it’s OK now, you can keep shopping.”

  Seeing the dogs made Don realize that there must be a water supply somewhere nearby. Of course it could be a sewage treatment pond for all he knew. And it could be a mile or more away in any direction because animals often would travel some distance for water especially in the desert.

  Sometime later Lynn came out with many shopping bags requiring more than one trip out to load them. The bags were full of stuff that she put in the back of the pickup before relocking the store and leaving.

  On the way out of town Don had her stop and hook up yet another covered trailer because he said they should stop and get the rest of the food and supplies in that truck from yesterday.

  Lynn loaded the trailer while Don kept watch and when they left Don drove the car back. The windshield was kinda hard to see through but the car was still very valuable so they took it back to his place.

  When they arrived back home Don had Lynn put the trailer where it would not be in the way and unhook it. He parked the car next to the garage for now. In the house Don laid back down on the couch where he stayed the remainder of the day and slept part of that time.

  Lynn brought all her new stuff into her bedroom and came back out wearing some new clothes that fit much better and she had a belt and holster on now. While Don stayed on the couch she went to the trailer she had loaded that morning and picked through bringing many different items inside the house.

  In the store she had also gotten a bunch of stuff from where they had livestock medications on which she wrote directions then put them in the medical tote of Don’s. She had also brought a bunch more bandages for livestock which of course were about exactly the same as for humans.

  Don wasn’t tired or anything but he knew the leg would not heal near as fast if he kept moving it all the time. So even though he didn’t like it he stayed on the couch the rest of the day until Lynn called him into the kitchen for supper. After supper Lynn tried again to get Don interested in talking.

  “Thank you for taking me shopping today. Did you work at that store?”

  “You’re welcome and yes I was the manager there.”

  “I had never been in that store though I had meant to go in and see what all was in there. It wasn’t open very long before this happened did you just move here?”

  “I worked for the company and they would send me in to manage the new stores until they were up and running smooth before the actual manager come in and took over. Then they would send me somewhere else. Or at least that’s how it was before this all happened.”

  “So where is your real home?”

  “I don’t have one. I’ve been traveling from store to store and state to state for awhile. I don’t own a house or a permanent apartment anywhere. I just rent temporary apartments where ever I get sent to.”

  “It must have been hard to keep any relationships alive with all that moving.”

  “I had no real friends and seldom saw any of my family. But it was good job that paid very well and I moved so much it was always interesting. Plus I got to see a lot of different states and cities. I enjoyed it.”

  “I have never been anywhere except Arizona and I have never even seen much of it. My dad was a vet and I worked for him.”

  “Your folks still live near here?”

  “When those two men took me they killed my folks. There were four of them to start with but my dad and I got two of them before he was killed and I was knocked out.”

  “Sorry I brought that up. You should be a lot safer now. We can find you a nice place that is up in the hills and not easy to find maybe. Kinda like this one. Being hidden should be a lot safer with the way things are now.”

  The talk died off and they sat in silence for a time before they went off to bed.

  Day Twenty Nine

  Don decided to deliver the trailer of food he had brought home for Sam so after breakfast he and Lynn (with her doing the most work) hooked that trailer to the truck. They left right after it was hooked up with Lynn driving. It was only a short drive up to Sam’s house and Don could see the surprise on Sam’s face when he saw Lynn was driving the truck.

  “I brought you a trailer full of food. And I even remembered some for Murgatroyd also. Where would you want the trailer parked?”

  Still with a surprised look on his face Sam pointed to an empty spot near the house to put the trailer. After the trailer was in the right spot and unhooked Lynn shut the truck off and both her and Don got out and walked or in Don’s case limped up to the porch with Sam.

  “What the heck happened to you? And who is the girl?”

  “I had a run in with a couple of no-goods a couple days ago and one of them got a shot off that creased my leg. The wound is no big deal because it is only a scratch though it does hurt a little. The guys were in a car and I found Lynn in the trunk. She insisted on watching over me for a few days to make sure I get healed up. Anyway, Sam this is Lynn. Lynn, Sam.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Lynn.”

  “And I am pleased to meet you. His wound is more than just a scratch but it does seem to be healing fine with no sign of infection so far. Did you know he is a very stubborn man?”

  “I had not noticed that but I could see that he might have a bit of a stubborn streak in him. Oh, thanks for the food Don. And Lynn.”

  “I just did not want the food to go to waste and I knew that Murgatroyd was eating you out of house and home so the food was badly needed up here.”

  “I can unload the trailer and return it to you.”

  “You can just have the trailer. They are giving them away up town anyway.”

  “You went into town?”

  “Yes I made a couple trips back to my old store. I had re-enforced the store and it had never even been looted.”

  “Was there a bunch of people around town?”

  “Never saw anyone. I shot one pack of four feral dogs and that was the only living things I have seen.”

  “Is that where you found Lynn

  “No that was out on the highway. I heard them coming and got prepared for a confrontation just in case they turned out to be no good. They were not very smart and made a play against someone with a rifle that was ready even after I told them repeatedly to just move on.”

  “If you would just stay at home like I told you, you would not be nursing a bullet wound right now.”

  “I am certainly glad he was out on that highway. There is no doubt he more than just saved my life. I will never be able to repay him for saving me.”

  “There is nothing to repay because I was just saving my own bacon. I told Lynn we would find her a nice place of her own stay in. Maybe somewhere up here in the hills. There are many vacant houses because so many were just vacation homes and most were off grid.”

  “Well it is certainly true there are many houses to choose from and I’m sure one could be found with a water supply but couldn’t she just stay with you? That seems like it would be the handiest solution.”

  “I would be agreeable with that but like I said he is a very stubborn man.”

  “I think it best if she has her own place without me under foot. She is a strong woman and would be safe enough taking care of herself.”

  “If I had a spare room she would be welcome to stay here with me and Murgatroyd. “

  “Who is Murgatroyd? Is he your son?”

  “No. Murgatroyd is my worthless finicky demanding cat. Let me see if his majesty is awake and you can meet him.”

  With that Sam got up and opening the door he called his cat who showed up in his own good time. Lynn was thrilled with Murgatroyd and maybe Murgatroyd was thrilled also but it was difficult to tell because he just lay on Lynn’s lap and let her pet him.

  Lynn explained to Sam that she had always been a veterinarian’s assistant and really liked animals. They all talked through the morning and Sam made all of them lunch, with even Murgatroyd getting his share.

  After lunch they again sat for awhile out on the porch for some time before Don said they should be headed back to his place. Once when Don had went to the bathroom Lynn had promptly asked Sam about what happened to the woman that had lived with Don.

  Sam told her that Don had rescued the woman just like he had done again with Lynn. Only to later see her shot by a bad guy. Sam told Lynn how the guilt that he ‘let’ her die had almost killed Don and maybe would have if Sam had not showed up at his place and got Don living again.

  Lynn told Sam that Don had done just about everything but shoot her to keep her from coming home with him. And now she understood that reaction. Lynn thanked Sam for telling her about what had happened and had just finished before Don came back and sat down.

  Both Don and Lynn said their goodbyes to Sam and went back home with Lynn again driving.

  “Your friend Sam seems like a very nice man.”

  “Yes I think he is a good friend. He has a good setup there and now with the trailer full of food he should be set for at least over winter. My leg is healing fine and I think tomorrow we will go house hunting for you.

  I expect it will take us a few days or a week at least to find you a house that will work out good. Or we can set you up with some supplies if you would rather just take that old car and strike off on your own.”

  “I for sure do not want to try to go it alone. I’ve never been alone in life and I don’t think now is a good time for me to try and ‘strike off on my own’.”

  “We can begin looking for houses anyway. I know that will be quite a process.”

  “Like I said I am in no hurry to leave the security I feel at your house. But I know you have lived alone for many years and likely appreciate your solitude.”

  Day Thirty

  to Thirty Eight

  The next morning dawned very overcast and looked like it would start raining at any minute. Don had spent enough time in the western states to know that you do not want to be on a dirt road there in the hills when it rains. The roads turn to grease and it only takes a fraction of an inch of rain.

  Plus if the road was soft at all they would leave ruts that would lead anyone right to their door. The ruts would likely stay for months on the road with no way to smooth them out. So they stayed home that day even though it never ended up raining at all. The next day it was misting off and on all day and the third day they finally received a real rain that was very hard at times.

  Don had set out a couple of empty food cans and he measured the rain that day at just over an inch. Lynn told Don that now that the monsoon started they would be getting some rain maybe once a week for a month or more. Of course it was anyone’s guess about when and how much rain. The forth day it cleared off and they saw the sun which started drying everything out but the next day it was again back to clouds though it did not rain.

  The weather had the good effect of keeping Don inside and mostly off his leg but he was very antsy and had a hard time doing anything for very long because it seemed nothing could hold his interest. The next day though cloudy and threatening rain he said he was going for a walk and Lynn went with him.

  His leg was much better and Don thought what he needed now was fresh air and some moderate exercise. He set off for his secret cabin and just when they spotted it the rain started. They rushed into the cabin to get out of the rain. Lynn was very surprised to see that the inside was fixed up and clean with obvious supplies.

  “So this is your home away from home?”

  “I found this and just fixed it up a little. More just for something to do than any other reason. I do kinda like it here.”

  “It is nice inside and everyone should have a secret spot they can run to, just to get away, even if for a couple hours sometimes.”

  “I guess that’s true. With moving around the country all the time I never had a ‘spot’. Maybe that’s why I like this place.”

  “Looks like it is going to be raining for awhile.”

  “We could stay here or just walk back in the rain”

  “It would be best not to get your wound wet while you are exercising it. So we should probably stay here until it stops raining.”

  So they stayed at the cabin and watched the rain. With nothing else to do Don was ‘forced’ to talk with Lynn all afternoon. It was still raining at late afternoon and Lynn dug through the food supplies and after Don started a fire in the fireplace she cooked them both some supper. After dark they each picked a bunk and slept in the cabin that night while listening to the rain on the metal roof.

  Waking up to a clear sky the next morning they cleaned up inside the cabin and walked back to their house before having breakfast. They stayed around home all that day but Don was working on small projects all day in the garage.

  It was obvious that his leg was much better and he wanted to be doing something instead of laying around waiting for his leg to heal. While still red the wound looked much better and showed no signs of infection when Lynn changed the bandage.

  “Your leg looks better every day and I would say there is very little chance of infection from now on. But it will be another month or better before you are back close to normal again. That leg will be sore and weak for awhile but is healing nicely.”

  “Thank you. You obviously know your stuff when in comes to patching up men or animals.”

  It was clear and sunny all that day and the next morning also dawned clear. Again Don decided to hike around some and of course Lynn accompanied him. This time they each carried small day packs with lunch and a few bottles of water inside. The hiking was slow to save on Don’s tender leg but they still covered several miles that day just enjoying the sun and the views.

  At the end of the day though he was more tired than he expected Don had no problems with his healing leg. The following day was again nice but Don decided not to push it too much and stayed around the place just puttering with small projects, often with Lynn helping him. In the evening Don said if it was still sunny in the morning he thought they could go for a drive because the roads shou
ld be fairly dried out.

  Day Thirty Nine

  They left about mid-morning after giving the roads just a little more time to dry out. Don drove past the little town where everyone had been killed. When he did not stop Lynn asked about why they didn’t and he told her the story. At the end of the story when he said that he should have saved them Lynn told him that he would have likely only gotten himself killed too.

  They continued down the highway where Don had not yet ventured. It was warm and they had the windows open in the pickup and Don was driving slowly visually checking out all the vehicles they passed. Driving up a small hill they both heard gunfire coming from the other side and they stopped.

  Listening carefully they heard a few more random shots and Don turned the pickup around in case they had to leave in a hurry and both of them advanced up to the top of the hill on foot. Peering carefully over the top trying to show only their heads they looked at the scene on the other side. Both Don and Lynn had binoculars and watched what was happening below them.

  There was a small grouping of houses below and they could see people being pulled out of the houses by a fairly large group of what appeared to be Hispanic men. The random shots were the executions of those being pulled from the houses.

  The men and the children were all shot in the head and only the women and teenaged girls were being ‘spared’. While they watched four of those ‘spared’ were being raped and it was obvious that the same fate awaited all the rest of the females in only minutes.

  There were about two score of the men and about a dozen of the prisoners that were about to be brutalized. It looked like the group had an old truck with a large water tank strapped to the bed also an old car and a pickup. The pickup looked to have a trailer behind and the bed of which was about half full of ‘loot’. Lynn looked over at Don and saw he was shaking slightly.


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