The End of America

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The End of America Page 10

by Pete Thorsen

  She touched his arm and pointed back towards their pickup. Don just nodded and they eased down until it was safe for them to rise up and walk without fear of being discovered. They got in the pickup and Don took off in a hurry.

  “I’m going to kill them all. I’ll drop you off partway up the dirt road so you can easily walk back home while I take care of business.”

  “Whatever you do, I will be at your side the whole time. This is not negotiable; it is just the way it will be.”

  Don looked at her and saw the anger and determination in her eyes and knew that was indeed the way it would be.

  “I have a plan but it will likely mean we will not be able to make it home tonight for sure and maybe another night. I have to go back to my old store and pick up some things and then set up a trap or two for that bunch. When this event happened, I assumed at some point there would be a bunch come up from Mexico to rape and pillage and it appears I was correct. I will kill them all or die trying.”

  “I am with you one hundred percent. I only wish I could kill each one of them myself up close so they could see that a woman was doing it to them.”

  Don stopped on the highway at the junction of their dirt road and they spent some time to very carefully brush out all signs of their passage through there earlier. Then it was back in the pickup and a fast trip back to his old store. Don had Lynn stay with the pickup to keep watch while he went into the store and made a few trips back and forth carrying things out to put in the pickup.

  There was still some water and snack type food in the store that he had left in case of an emergency like this plus he always had a GHB (get-home-bag) in the pickup with more things inside to eat. He guessed Lynn had something similar because whenever they used the pickup she always threw her day pack in the back.

  He relocked the store and they again took off back the way they had come from. Lynn had noticed Don looking the landscape near the highway over very carefully on the ride in and he stopped now at a spot where the highway had blasted out ridge to avoid the very steep hill.

  He told her his plan and they set to work carrying supplies to the top of the ridge next to the highway. It was hard work but they found what Don needed and a few hours later that part of the plan was as ready as they could get it.

  Back in the pickup they worked together moving many stalled vehicles that were on the highway. When it started to get close to sundown they stopped and Don drove to an empty house he had checked out in the past where they stayed that night.

  Day Forty

  They had a quick breakfast in the morning and again went to work moving vehicles on the highway. They finished that project mid-morning and drove to their first trap and finished getting it ready then just waited for the group of Mexicans to show up. It was only about a couple of hours wait when they saw the group in the distance.

  Don started the pickup so it would be ready for a fast get-away if that was needed. When the group was almost in position he picked up the heavy sledge hammer and watched Lynn for her signal. When she dropped her hand he swung the sledge and hit the pin that was stuck in the truck in place of the trailer ball. Earlier together they had got two large boulders up to the edge of the little cliff above the highway.

  They had tied the two boulders together with heavy steel cable from the store with about twenty feet of cable between them. That morning they had hooked the cable over the pin in the hitch and slowly inched the boulders over the edge enough so there was substantial tension on the cable over the pin that was the only thing keeping them from falling down the hill.

  When Don hit the pin with the sledge and knocked it out of the hitch the boulders were free to fall down upon the highway below which they did immediately. Lynn had done a very good job with the timing and the boulders fell right amongst the group of Mexicans.

  Don had hoped that the steel cable between the boulders would be taut and cut the Mexicans in half but it did not work quite as planned. The boulders were fairly close together but the Mexicans had the old car in the front driving slowly ahead of those walking that were rather bunched up just behind it.

  One boulder hit the car demolishing it but mostly stopping the big rock. The other boulder still had full speed and stretched the steel cable out to the full length and mowed down many of those walking behind the car.

  Don and Lynn did not wait to see the results of their work but jumped into the pickup and bounced down to the highway and sped off ahead of the jumbled mass of dead and wounded Mexicans behind them. When the boulders went down they had knocked many smaller rocks loose that caused a lot of havoc also as they rolled downhill.

  Don drove ahead past just a couple of stalled vehicles on the highway until they got on the other side of a hill that was couple miles or so ahead then stopped down the hill a little where they couldn’t be seen. They got out of the pickup and each took an axe out of the back of the truck and each carried a rifle.

  Lynn went across the small median to the other side and the still limping Don stayed on the side with their pickup. They both laid down in the shade of some stalled vehicles and watched the road that they had just driven on, waiting for the Mexicans to advance.

  The Mexicans were slow to advance because they likely tried to render aid to those that suffered grievous wounds from the rock onslaught but they did eventually show up walking down the highway heading for Don’s next trap. Both Don and Lynn saw that the group had switched lanes and were now walking on the highway on Lynn’s side which did not make any difference for the trap to work.

  As the Mexicans got closer both Don and Lynn eased back behind some stalled cars and waited just peeking around the cars. The Mexicans had started coming up the hill toward Lynn when she lifted her axe and swung it cleanly cutting a rope that was tied to three cars and was holding them from rolling down the hill. The three cars were in neutral and had the steering wheels tied or still locked because the keys were not in the ignition.

  The three cars were all tied together with more of the steel cable so they could only get about six feet apart. Lynn never watched the cars go down the hill but instead went to the larger truck that the three cars had been tied to and using the back of the single bit axe knocked the wheel chocks from the wheels on the truck then jumped in the truck and released the brakes before getting out and watching what was going on as the truck started rolling down the hill after the three cars.

  Don had watched what was happening and just waited then when he thought the time was about right he cut the rope that was holding the three cars on his side so they could also roll down the hill. Then he released the truck on his side to follow the his cars down. Even though the Mexicans were on Lynn’s side he expected some to see the cars coming and likely run over to his side of the highway.

  By the time the group saw the cars coming down the hill the cars were already moving at a fair rate of speed. The two on the hill heard some of the Mexicans scream to the others so they could run but like most people the first thing they did was stand and look around to see what the yelling was all about, then watch the cars coming for a few seconds before getting their feet in gear and start running.

  None ran up the hill toward the now fast moving cars but some ran in each of the other three directions. Some just were either stupid or frozen in fear and stayed on the road where they were for way too long. Those that tried to out run the cars by turning around and running away were also way too slow.

  Those that ran towards the other lane found no safety on that side of the road either because Don’s cars came rolling down the hill. The fast rolling cars and the two rolling trucks killed many of the Mexican group that was left from the first trap with the boulders.

  Even though Don and Lynn had tried to fix it so the cars and trucks would roll down in a straight line of course things did not go perfect but they all did roll down and the Mexicans were spread out some anyway so it all worked out as well as could be expected.

  This time Don and Lynn did not run away and bot
h had extra magazines laid out on the ground next to where they were in the prone position and they started shooting any of the Mexicans that were still standing. The truck on Don’s side had hit one of the cars and a gas tank on one of them exploded. This added to the confusion and injured a few more of the Mexicans.

  The explosion and resulting fire covered the gunshot noises that were up on the hill and several of the standing Mexicans were killed by Lynn’s gun fire before they even knew that they were also under attack with rifles. The first of Don’s targets were the two running vehicles where he shot the cabs full of holes killing anyone hiding inside before he changed to the standing Mexicans that Lynn had not yet shot.

  Both Lynn and Don were methodical and continued shooting and reloading until they thought all of the Mexicans were either dead or severely wounded. Don got up and walked to their pickup and drove it over by Lynn then he shut it off and they sat in the shade from the truck and watched for any movement below them for some time.

  Every time either saw any movement they took very careful aim and squeezed off a single shot. This went on for some time until they were both satisfied that all of them below were dead or very good at playing possum. Don turned the truck around and they drove down amongst the dead down below.

  They each slung their rifles and anyone that was not very obviously dead got a pistol shot to their head. When they had checked every body at least once they started picking up all the guns and threw them into the back of their pickup. Don went through pockets and took knives, ammunition, holsters, and magazines.

  After pulling the dead bodies out of the two trucks they tried to start each of them. They did get one of the two started and it seemed to run OK before they shut it off. The non-running truck was the water tanker and Don and Lynn went through it and took anything they thought useful and transferred it to the running vehicle.

  Whatever was in the trailer behind the running truck they just left in there for now and would look through it at home. They left with Lynn driving their own pickup and Don driving their ‘new’ one with the trailer behind.

  They stopped at the site of the first trap and looked over the bodies for guns and went through what was left of the old car but everything had already been stripped. Neither counted the bodies to see how many they killed that day and left all the bodies where they lay for the buzzards and coyotes to chew on.

  On the way home they stopped and thoroughly brushed out their tracks as was always their custom to protect their home from intruders. When they got home they just parked the trucks and went inside the house leaving it all behind.

  Lynn went first and when she was done and the little water heater had a chance to reheat Don took his shower and changed into clean clothes as Lynn had done.

  Neither was very hungry even though they had only a little to eat in the last twenty four hours but each forced down some food. After supper they sat in the living room with Lynn on the couch and neither wanted to talk. When she started crying Don said nothing but moved to sit next to her and held her for a long time. At some point the crying stopped but neither changed position and after awhile they both fell asleep together still sitting on the couch.

  Day Forty One

  Though not very comfortable they both slept through the night and woke up together on the couch. They took turns getting cleaned up and had a large breakfast. After eating they went out and started cleaning out and putting away all the stuff that was in the two trucks and the trailer.

  There were many guns and a very large amount of ammunition along with quite a bit of food. They also found bags of gold and silver coins mixed with gold jewelry. After lunch they had just started on the project again when Sam and Murgatroyd rolled in for a visit.

  “I just thought I would come down and see how your leg is healing up. I see you must have been down below and by the look of all those bullet holes in your ‘new’ truck you must have quite a tale to tell. So spill the beans but first offer an old man a chair.”

  They walked up and all took seats on the porch. Sam declined a cool drink for now because he said he first wanted to hear the likely wild story. Don and Lynn took turns until Sam had the whole sad story.

  “When this all started I thought it would only be a matter of time before a bad crowd came up here from Mexico. I’m sure there are also some gangs running around now composed of some bad elements that were up here already both white and Mexican. Makes me wonder what they did with all those people in all the jails.

  They would have to kill them or let them go or a little of both I suppose. Even though you guys stopped this bunch it will not be the last and next time you might not be so lucky to get away without a scratch.”

  “There was no way I could have lived with myself if I had just let them go on killing everyone they found or worse. I think Lynn felt the same way.”

  “I’m not saying you made the wrong decision. Only that you might have to make that same decision again in the future and the results could be considerable different.”

  “There was no decision to make after we saw what they did to those people. I would have killed as many as I could have even without Don. It hurt so bad for the short time we watched what they were doing, you have no idea.”

  “In my long lifetime I too have witnessed some of the pure evil that men are capable of and it is always a very ugly sight. Had I been with you there would have been three of us against all of them.”

  “Sorry I meant no disrespect.”

  “No apology necessary missy. What we are talking about is ugly indeed and it’s hard enough to be honest with yourself when you are even thinking about it.

  We are all friends here and under the top layer I think us three are all very much alike underneath.”

  “Thank you for considering me who you hardly know as a friend.”

  “At my age I have got to the point that I can look in your eyes and see the person that is hiding behind those eyes. I knew the kind of person you are the first time I laid eyes on you.

  I could see then that you are someone I would be proud to call a friend and it was same with Don. Eventually I think you two will see that you are very much alike.”

  “To change the subject a little, there is a lot of food, guns, and ammunition here and you are welcome to take as much as you want.”

  “Thanks but with that trailer of food you brought up to me I now have plenty to last a very long time. And I always had enough guns and ammo; I’m too old to start a war. So what is your plan for the future? You just going to stay up here? I know you have plenty of everything you need here.”

  “I really don’t know. We haven’t talked about it. (Lynn took note of this statement) I know there is no pressing reason to leave here at all. I just feel I should be doing something. Maybe helping others. I just don’t know but I do know it is dangerous every time we leave this place.”

  “We all have to make our own decisions about our lives. It is great to have noble thoughts but your first obligation is to yourself and those around you. You have been a big help to me and Lynn already and you two saved countless lives by taking out that bad bunch. In my thoughts you have already done more than your share but it is something we all have to decide on our own.”

  “I had expected the military to have shown up by now. I’m sure their vehicles are hardened against this kind of stuff. But we have not seen them at all and no jets flying over either.

  Kinda makes me think that this is a natural world wide situation. At first I thought it was likely an attack by a foreign country but now I don’t think so. All I know is that for right now we are totally on our own.”

  Sam stayed through the afternoon and before supper he and Murgatroyd went on back to their place. It had started to cloud up again so Don and Lynn picked up the pace of putting away all the stuff from the truck and trailer so it would stay dry before going back in the house and having a late supper. They talked for awhile after supper about nothing important and both were tired so they decided
on an early bedtime.

  Day Forty Two

  to Forty Six

  It was rainy for the next three days but it never amounted to anything only about what the weatherman used to call a ‘trace’ each day. Lynn and Don straightened up in the house, shed, and garage. Don showed Lynn the ‘hidden room’ and they put some of the guns and ammunition in there.

  That room was now about full. They found spots in the garage and shed to hide a few of the guns and Don came up with some ingenious hiding spots in their house for a few loaded pistols that they could access easy but would not likely be found by anyone else.

  The forth day it was again clear and sunny so they took a big load of supplies up to the cabin and then seeing there was still plenty of room there they made another trip with even more supplies.

  Don never talked about finding a separate house for Lynn anymore, something that was a relief to Lynn. Don was antsy everyday and had to be doing stuff all the time. His leg was improving more all the time and his limp was less noticeable everyday.

  The next morning Don asked Lynn if she would like to ride to town and just do some exploring to see if there were any people there and what supplies might be there. Even though they needed nothing Don thought maybe if they found a bunch of food supplies maybe they could distribute some to any people they found.

  Obviously they would have to use extreme caution but they had never seen anyone the few times they had went to his old store but that was right on this edge of town. Lynn suggested they each bring a full backpack with them in case of trouble so they could hike all the way back home if necessary. So they packed carefully and then put the packs in the back of the pickup and were off.

  They were extra careful brushing their tracks out both on their driveway and where their dirt rode met the highway. Don never even slowed down when they passed the scene of their attacks on the Mexicans. On the edge of town was a small industrial area that mostly consisted of warehouses that Don wanted to check out first.


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