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From Mistress to Wife

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by Angie Hayes

  Wicked Pen Publications Presents

  From Mistress to Wife


  Angie Hayes

  Copyright 2014 Angie Hayes

  Published by:

  Wicked Pen Publications, LLC

  P.O. Box 1788

  Red Oak, GA 30272


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination, or used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locals are coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.

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  Cover Design

  Vonda Howard of VPL Graphic Design


  Hadiya Mcduffie


  Wicked Pen Writing

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  First and foremost I'm always thanking God and it won't stop! Thank you for blessing me with a talent to share with others.

  My mother Joyce Thomas: Ma, where do I begin to say how much I love you and appreciate everything you have done and are still doing for me. I know I may not say it all the time but I love you so much! Having you as a mother is a privileged that I am forever grateful for!

  My father, the late great Rev Robert Thomas: I love and miss you so much daddy! You were the best dad a child could want and now you're my personal angel. Keep looking out for us!

  My backbone, best friend, and the man that has brought the best out of me, my wonderful husband Shavargo: baby I'm so glad I gave you the chance to love me because if I hadn't, I wouldn't know what true love feels like. Words can't even describe how much you mean to me. You’re not just a hero in the army; you are my hero in our life together. Thank you for being you and pushing me to do this baby! To the moon!

  My brother Chris: although I get on your nerves, just know that your sister loves you to no end.

  My nephew Dequan: I mean it every time I say that you were my first love when you came into this world. Auntie loves you!

  My nieces: Dazha, Destiny and Shatara, auntie loves you girls so much. I'm proud of the women you are becoming!

  Kenya: girl where do I begin? Not only are you my cousin, but I consider you my best friend. We both have been through the highs and lows together, and had to kiss many frogs to get to our princes. Thank you so much for helping me bring my book to reality and share it with others. Without your encouragement and blessing this wouldn't be happening, I love you boo!

  Cousin Quinton: every one that knows me knows how very close we are. I love you and have your back like no other! Continue to flourish cousin!

  My sister Neka: although we don't always get along as we should, we are sisters and nobody or nothing can change that. I love you girly, thanks for making me an auntie and I hope to make you one soon. Thanks for the support!

  My crazy aunt Iris: thank you for being so crazy and fun loving. I love ya!

  Uncle Bruce: thank you so much for making my life so adventurous and fun for me when I was growing up, I love you unc!

  Little cousins James and Isa: I love you guys so much. Keep making my aunt proud!

  My late Grandparents Howard and Mildred Armstrong: I miss you guys so much. I always wondered what life would be like if you guys were still around, but then I cherish your memories and remain grateful for you two always! Continue to S.I.P

  Uncle Jr, Uncle Bradshaw and Uncle Stewart: I miss you guys!

  To my readers: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your support! They say the best stories told are the ones you’ve been through, so thank y'all for taking this journey with me. Although this is my first story, it definitely won't be my last. Just keep riding with me guys!

  Shout out to my publisher Cachet Johnson: Thank you for giving me my opportunity to share this gift with the world! I'm so proud to be part of the WPP family! Let's keep working!

  Lastly, a very big thank you to my past: you talked and doubted, but I ignored and kept pushing. I see ya in that rear view though! Peace y'all.

  ~A. Hayes~


  “Damn, I haven’t heard from yo’ ass in a while. What have you been up to?” I asked as she comes back to the living room with me a hot rag.

  “You know the usual, working and school. It’s almost time for graduation, so it’s crunch time. I’ve just been focusing on that.”

  “So you mean to tell me you couldn’t pick up the phone and let a nigga know you were good?”

  “Troy please, if you wanted to know how I was doing, you would have come by. Besides, last time I checked the phone works both ways.” She replied smartly.

  “Yeah, but yo’ ass is supposed to call me and make sure that I know what’s going on with you.” I found myself getting mad at how she was acting towards me. She was treating me as if I were any other nigga on the street.

  “Troy just be honest and say that you’re used to me running behind yo’ ass, and since I haven’t, you can’t take it.” She rolled her eyes. “I do recall the last time you were over here you said some real foul shit out yo’ mouth. So to be all the way real, you should have been the one calling me.”

  “Here you go bringing up old shit again. A nigga ain’t come over here for this bullshit Alicia!”

  “Well why did you come over here Troy, to fuck?” She snapped.

  “I came over to check up on you and chill, but I see you still on dumb shit. I don’t know what you got going on lately, but you better change yo’ tune back to where the fuck it was, and soon.” I’m getting tired of the constant arguing with her dumb ass. We never used to be like this before, but now it’s like she’s starting to be my headache away from home.

  “You know what Troy; I don’t even know why the fuck I bother. This past three weeks without you has been an eye opener for me. It made me realize that not only do I want more, but I deserve to have more than this.” she pointed back and forth between the two of us. “For the last three years I’ve given you my all and in return, all you’ve given me is lies, and frequent trips to the clinic. I’m tired Troy. I can’t do this anymore.” Tears fell from the corner of her eyes as she looked down at me. “Yeah, I know I didn’t know that you were married in the beginning, but once I found out I should have left. Then the first time you put yo’ hands on me I should have called it quits, but I stayed because I loved yo’ ass. Love isn’t enough anymore with you. You’re sucking the life out of me Troy, and I refuse to keep letting that happen!”

  Hearing that, I lost it and knocked her ass to the floor. The next thing I knew I was standing over her body punching the shit out of her. I beat her until I couldn’t beat her no more, and left out the door leaving her laying there in a ball crying. I felt bad for what I did, but it was her fault, because she wouldn’t stop running her fucking mouth. Not only was she coming at me sideways, but she started to talk about that leaving bullshit, and I couldn’t have that. I’m not used to women talking back to me the way she did. That shit made me snap. Alicia will learn that she can’t leave me, I won’t allow it; she’s my addiction.

  Chapter One


  I swear I’m so sick of this muthafucka. I don’t know why I just w
on’t leave his ass alone. Yeah I do, it’s because I can’t leave him alone. My boyfriend, Troy, and I have been together for the last three years, and I can honestly say that it hasn’t always been this hard. When we first met, this nigga made sure he was on point. He wined me, dined me, and spent so much time with me, that I thought he was actually my Prince Charming. Troy was far from stingy, so he gave me whatever I wanted. Oh, let’s not forget how good the dick and tongue game was. Yes lawd! Dude was very much blessed in those departments, and soon I fell head over heels for him. You see Troy was something new to me. I had only dated one other guy before him, and that was my first love and high school sweetheart, Rodney. Rodney was my very first everything, and at the time he was all I knew. We had even made plans to get married.

  After high school, we moved in with one another and tried to live the grown up life. Like the saying goes, you never know a person until you live with them. It was then that Rodney became a monster in disguise. The cheating, constant arguing, and physical fights became too much to live with on a daily basis. So after eight years, I decided to call it quits. That was shocking to everyone, especially our families who thought that we were very much happy and in love. What they didn’t know was that it was the total opposite. I was miserable and had grown tired of hiding my black eyes and shit from them. I knew that if we didn’t go our separate ways, one of us was going to end up dead, and I had a feeling that person was going to be me. This became clear one day during an argument when the nigga picked me up and threw me clear across the room, and through a glass table. I blacked out that day, but as soon as I came to, I knew it was time for me to haul ass.

  Directly after that Mr. Troy entered the picture, and I really became the dumbest bitch alive. I swear I jumped straight from the grease and into the fire with this nigga. How you ask? Well I became faithful to a married, lying muthafucka, who only gave a damn about his self. There I was, 21 years old and supposed to be out living it up with my girls, having fun, dating more than one guy, and just fucking shit up. Instead, I found myself home playing Susie fucking home maker, waiting on this nigga calls or for him to drop by. Making sure I had his food, and cold Corona waiting upon his arrival. Then, whenever he decided to show up, he’d eat, and proceed to fuck me like it was the last time we’d see each other. Afterwards, I got get him his usual soapy rag, because Troy never showered at my place, because he didn’t want his wife to smell any soap other than the one they used at home.

  When our evening was over Troy kisses me goodnight and leaves out the door. Man, it’s ridiculous how he has me so fucking trained. As always, after he leaves I lie in bed crying. I cry because I’m lonely, and I cry because I know I’m a damn fool to keep letting him use me the way he does. Like right now, I’m sitting here shedding tears because I know I’m probably pregnant, yet again. If I am, I know that Troy ain’t gonna do nothing but make me get rid of if, just like the others. This one will make baby number three.

  Chapter Two


  I’ve been married to my wife, Cassandra, for nine years now and in all that time, I’ve never been faithful once. Yeah, I know right now you’re thinking that I’m a dog ass nigga, but maybe I am. I’m also a nigga that takes good care of both my home and my family. Cass and I have two kids together, but I have six children in total. I already had one when I met Cass, then the two we have, and three love children, all from different women during the course of my marriage. Check it…I got my shit in order though. Of course my wife knows about my other kids, but that’s only because of their stupid ass mothers and the fact that they thought it was a good idea to put me on child support. Since they wanted to be bitches and put the law on me, I only give them hoes exactly what the court ruled, and not a penny more. Their orders aren’t much either, especially considering the fact that I’m always one step ahead of them.

  I’m self-employed with my own big rig. I also have several contracts with companies that use my truck to make their deliveries. Of course none of my baby mother’s know that. See, I have the courts believing that I’m a lazy ass nigga that’s still looking for work, while living with my mother. Nothing I own can be traced back to me, including my house and vehicles. Each of them is in my wife’s name, while my rig and company are registered to my son. That’s all possible because one of my long time chicken head broads works at the tag agency, so none of my license plates for my vehicles can be traced.

  See, I told you I’m one nigga that has his shit together. It may seem like a lot of bullshit and baggage, but trust me when I say I run this muthafucka. My wife knows her place, and by no means will I ever leave her or our home. Naw, fuck that. That’s the major rule of this life, never leave home for these hoes out here. Cass was with me when I was down on my dick and I will never forget that. When I was younger, I couldn’t live with my mom, because I didn’t get along with her punk ass husband. I never lived with my moms, because I couldn’t get along with her punk ass husband, and even though I knew who my father was, he was an in and out type of dude, so he never did shit for me. I ended up living with my aunt, who was just like a mom to me. In fact, she was more of a mom when my actual mother was. My aunt took care of me up until my senior year of high school, and then she passed away. I ain’t even going to lie, that shit fucked me up inside.

  I met Cass that same year. I was posted up outside the school house, when I noticed her across the street with the hood of her car up. It took me a minute, but I soon noticed that she was the cashier from the local grocery store that I went to daily, and every time I got into her line, she made sure to flirt with a nigga. Cass was an older broad at eight years my senior, but she was cool as hell. Seeing her in distress, walked across the street to lent a helping hand. Once I got her car started I asked for her number, and we started kicking it. Cass quickly became a mother figure to me, minus the fucking. She was older so she cooked; cleaned, and made sure I always had money in my pocket. Since my aunt was gone, I had to make plans to move out of her house, and when that happened, Cass welcomed me with opened arms. She made me feel like a king, even though I was still in high school.

  After I graduated things stayed the same. Cass never sweated me about who I was with or what I was doing. I never had to worry about her being fast in the streets or in the fucking clubs all of the time, because she was a homebody. That was something I loved about her. Four years into our relationship I decided to pop the question, which she accepted. Of course I never had plans to be faithful, I basically just wanted to secure a home, so when I was finished playing with these hoes, I would always have a place to come back to. Shit, that’s how we niggas think, so don’t act like I’m the only one. I’m just trying to give you some insight.

  Chapter Three


  I’m so exhausted. Between working at this call center with these annoying ass customers complaining in my ear all day, and trying to maintain my G.P.A in school –-not to mention Troy’s ass— I’m beyond my limit. I try to always stay busy so I wouldn’t think about him, however, no matter what I do; he always seems to invade my thoughts. I’m tired of being tired, but just can’t let go. It doesn’t matter how many times he’s broken promises, made me cry, or how many times I’ve caught him in lies, I still can’t release the hold he has on me. There have been plenty night when he’d leave my bed and go home to his wife, and still I hold on. I feel trapped, and really can’t understand why.

  “Bitch, I’m so sick of your tired ass excuses! Look, I’m not taking no for an answer this time. I’m coming to get you out of that damn apartment, and we’re going out for drinks. Stop being a damn hermit, especially for Troy’s tired ass. You ain’t his wife. Let that old bitch sit at home waiting on him to come home.” My girl Candy said getting live on the phone, as always. She’s trying to convince me once again, just like every other weekend to get out of the house and live my life like a normal woman in her early 20’s would.

  “Girl please, I’m just tired from work and all this damn homework
I have to do. Besides ain’t nobody thinking about Troy’s muthafuckin ass.”

  Truth be told, yes the hell I was. I hadn’t heard from him for four days now, and it’s driving me crazy. Whenever I call, he sends me straight to voicemail. I don’t text him because he told me from jump that he doesn’t do the texting thing, so I know that doing so would only waste my time. I’m surprised by this, because Troy does his disappearing acts from time to time, and no matter how many times he does it, it still pisses me the fuck off. Then he’ll come back around as if nothing’s ever happened believing that he can just pick up where we left off.

  “Yeah right! I can hear the lies coming through the phone.” Candy laughed loudly in my ear.

  “I don’t know what yo’ ass is laughing for. Shit, it’s your fault that I met the nigga in the first place. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t even have known the bastard existed!”

  “Bitch please! All I did was introduce y’all, ain’t nobody tell yo’ ass to get hooked on the dick, and become a sprung mistress. Besides you gave him your number remember?

  She wasn’t lying, I do remember. That is one thing that I wish I could take back…

  Three years earlier:

  It was a Friday night, Candy and I was at the fair. I usually didn’t go, but that day I had yet another argument with Rodney and wanted to get out of the house. Our relationship was sinking more and more every day. His constant lying and cheating was getting the best of me. Even though he took care of home and made sure I wanted for nothing, it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted all of Rodney like I did all through high school. It wasn’t until he started working at the club that his parents owned when his entire attitude changed. Dude got the big head when the hoes that frequented the club started to pay his ass some attention. You see Rodney drove a nice ass car and stayed looking fly, with all the latest gear and shoes. Add in the fact that those hoes knew that his people owned the club, so of course all they saw were dollar signs. It was around that time when Rodney began giving me his ass to kiss. It went from coming home whenever he wanted, to bitches calling his phone at all times of the night; he was messy as hell.


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