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From Mistress to Wife

Page 10

by Angie Hayes

  Before I met Rodney, I didn’t give a fuck about nothing but my kids. I was so used to what Troy was doing it became natural to me. Now I see shit for what it really is, and that’s my marriage is fucked up. I know that I can’t keep allowing myself to be treated like this, especially in front of my kids. I can’t believe that I actually thought I was winning a prize by being married to Troy. Back then I use to laugh at all the desperate chicks that would do anything to have him, when I was the dumbest of them all.

  There’s no way that I wanted to lose Rodney and continue done the same path that Troy has me on. It’s just that I don’t know what to do to change it.

  “Baby I’m sorry and I know that you’re tired of hearing this, but I’m really trying to break free from my marriage. You just have to trust me on that. Now I know it’s not going to be easy for me to just up and leave like that, because even though he does what he does on the side he will not let me walk out like that, especially with his children. So please bear with me because I have to plan this out carefully. In the meantime let’s just enjoy one another.” I said to Rodney trying to convince him to just let me handle this.

  When he didn’t reply, I leaned over and began kissing on his chest. Slowly I made my way down to the tip of his dick, placed it my mouth and nibbled on the head. Rodney loves when I do that. I know that this is the only way to get him to forget about the situation for now and give me some more time to figure out my next move.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  They say there’s nothing like a woman scorned, But what they fail to mention is that men can be scorned as well. I hate to fucking lose, especially when it comes to losing what’s mines. Alicia was my world. In fact when I first met her, I knew she would be mines. I’d been with her since she was fourteen all the way up to the age of twenty-two until that fuck nigga snatched her up from me. Yeah, I did my shit in the past. I’ve even smacked her around a few times when she got flip at the mouth, but I always took care of home. Alicia never wanted for anything when we were together. I made sure she had any and everything she wanted and more, but that wasn’t enough for that ungrateful ass bitch! She first started seeing that nigga Troy behind my back then up and left me for the muthafucka! I was pissed when I find out that another nigga was running up in my pussy. I was the one to popped that cherry all those years ago, and now he was enjoying my fruits.

  Once Alicia and I ended, I always kept an eye out for her. I made sure to stay in the background. My pride wouldn’t allow me to ask her to come back. Instead, I wanted her to come back to me and tell me that she wanted to come back home, but as you can see that shit never happened. I just knew she was going to come to her senses and come running back when she found out the nigga was married. Like I said, I’ve kept tabs on her all this time along with his ass too. At any given moment I could have taken his head off. I knew where he lived, worked, what he drove and even where his other hoes laid their heads as well. Man, dude had so much going on I couldn’t believe that Alicia would stoop so fucking low. If that was the case she should’ve just stayed with me, because dude just didn’t give a fuck.

  One day when I was riding by his crib I saw his wife out in the front yard. She wasn’t a looker, but she had to be something because he put a ring on her finger. Imagine my surprise when I walked into home depot three months ago, and ran right into her. That’s when the wheels began turning in my head and I was ready for some get back. See, a man can do what the fuck he wants to do but our lady, especially our wife, better not try that shit. We could fuck a hundred chicks, but another nigga better not ever run up in our pussy! If some shit like that were to happen, she’s tainted and that’s a pill that us men can’t swallow. I figured he fucked with mines, so I’m going to fuck with his. Taking his family away was what I was going to do to break him.

  Cassandra was such an easy target. She craved something new from the drama that Troy was putting her through, so I gave her that. We started out as friends, but it grew into more. She would cry on my shoulder about how much of a dog he was. Even though I never said it out loud, I honestly wondered why in the hell she hadn’t left him a long time ago. Troy had giving her his ass to kiss on more than one occasion. We’ve all did our dirt as men, but he was burying her with his. This nigga was married with children, with numerous baby mothers, and in love with his mistress. That last part I could understand, because Alicia does have that effect on a person. Look at how she got my crazy ass acting! I’m plotting on another man while most niggas would have just moved on. I’m not doing that though. I have invested too much time and money into Alicia, not to mention my heart.

  So right now while Cassandra is all in love with me, she’s just a pawn in my game. I really don’t give a fuck about if she leaves him or not, I’m just acting like I do in order to keep things going smooth. Little does she know she won’t have to leave him, because she’ll be a widow real fucking soon.

  Chapter Thirty-Two



  My wedding is a week away and I’m stressed the fuck out! The crazy part is that the stress isn’t because of my wedding, it’s coming from some news that I learned a little while ago. I received an email out of the blue from Stacy, who is my ex-girlfriend. Stacy was the woman I was going to marry. We were together for five years before I popped the question. She was in the air force too, and we were both stationed in Hawaii.

  For me, it was love at first sight. We started to kick it and one thing led to another, and we ended up in a relationship. Soon we had to leave Hawaii and were both stationed in different places, but made sure to keep constant contact with one another. When we had a chance, we took turns visiting each other just to keep our relationship fresh. One weekend she complained about being sick, so I decided to pay her a visit. We both had keys to each others place so I knew that getting in would not be a problem.

  Imagine how I felt when I walked into her apartment and caught her ass sucking a nigga dick on the living room couch. I just stood there shocked for a moment, before flipping the fuck out on her! This bitch was sucking another niggas dick with the same nasty ass mouth she was kissing me with. There was no way in hell I was going to look past that shit, so I left her ass alone. Stacy called me constantly begging for forgiveness. She cried and tried her best to plead her case, but I wasn’t trying to hear that shit; I was done. I can’t lie and say that it didn’t eat me up though. I couldn’t sleep, and was hardly able to eat. My social life was a wreck, and I had minimal contact with the outside world, other than going to work. I put it in my mind to never trust a woman again, especially when there was distance between us. But you know how the saying goes; tell God your plans and watch him laugh. That’s exactly what happened when I met Keisha two years ago.

  I never told Keisha about Stacy because I wanted to keep her and the hurt she caused me buried deep. I also never wanted to speak her name ever again! Curiosity had me though, because I’m wondering why all of a sudden she wants to see me. Not wanting to seem eager, I waited a few days to respond. I explained that I was in California, and she replied that she already knew that and that she lives here as well. Now ain’t that some ironic shit? Now at first I’m thinking the bitch wants to meet up and try to get in where she fits in, but she clearly stated that it wasn’t about us. My question is who the fuck is it about then? I decided to meet her for lunch to see exactly what the hell it is that she wants.

  I looked up in time to see her as she was approaching the table I was sitting at. I do admit, time had done her good. Stacy still looked as fine as ever and even though she put on a little weight, it’s all in the right places.

  “What’s up Stacy?” I asked nonchalantly as she sat down.

  I was ready to get this shit over with. It didn’t matter how fine I thought she looked, I still remembered just how much of a fucked up person she was.

  “Well hello to you too Keith.” Stacy spoke back to me.

  “Yeah, well what’s so important that yo
u need to tell me after all this time? I hope it’s important because if not, you could have just emailed it to me.” I said rudely to her. I didn’t want her to think this was going to be a pleasant meet up.

  “You know for someone who hasn’t seen me in years, you sure act like you’re too busy just to give me a second out of your day.” Stacy grinned.

  “I am busy. I have to make the final preparations for my wedding so my time is limited. I would like to get back to my fiancée soon.” I said biting my lip.

  I leaned back in my chair to get a good look at how disappointed she looked.

  “Fiancée?” She asked surprised.

  “Yes, fiancée. You know, the thing you were before I caught you sucking on another nigga’s dick? Fuck all this, what’s up Stacy?” I asked again this time more impatient. I wasn’t trying to go there with her about the past.

  “Well, I guess congrats are in order.” She said grinning.

  “Thanks” I replied unmoved.

  “Listen Keith from the bottom of my heart, I’m really sorry about what I did to you. I was a selfish ass woman who took a good man for granted, and for that I own up to—“

  “That’s all good to hear, but I’m going to ask you one more time, what is this about?” I interrupted.

  “Because if you’re just going to keep apologizing about the past I’m over that shit and have already moved on.” I said to her.

  I was really starting to get impatient with her ass.

  “Whatever Keith. Since you moved on and have a wedding to finalize with your fiancée, you just make sure that you include your fucking daughter in the festivities!” She spat out loud.

  I know this bitch just didn’t say what the fuck I think she said.

  “What the fuck you talking about?” I asked her hoping I didn’t just hear her correctly.

  “I’m talking about exactly what you heard. You have a daughter, and her name is Destiny. She’ll be two next month.” Stacy explained as she reached into her bag.

  “Here’s a picture of her.” She said as she slid a picture across the table.

  I saw a beautiful little girl who looked just like me. My features were strong. She had my nose as well as my mouth, and her smile was identical to my moms.

  “Why the fuck did you wait all this damn time to tell me this shit Stacy?” I yelled at her. I was beyond upset that she waited almost two years to tell me about a child I had out here.

  “It wasn’t like that Keith! I didn’t know I was pregnant until three months after we broke up. You know I always had irregular periods, so it was hard to tell. By the time I found out, you had made it completely clear that you didn’t want to hear shit from me.” She said to trying to sound like it was actually my fault.

  “Oh, so you didn’t think that telling me that we have a child on the way wasn’t important enough? You never had a problem apologizing and begging for me to take yo’ ass back, but the most important thing you should have been telling me you didn’t! ”

  The more her selfish ass talked, the madder I got.

  “I admit, once you decided not to give us a chance I was a little angry. I gave up and said fuck it. I was just going to raise my baby by myself and live my life. My logic was if you didn’t want anything to do with me, you wouldn’t want anything to do with her either.” She admitted dropping her eyes.

  “Stacy that’s bullshit! You now damn well that I’m not that guy. You know I would’ve taken care of my responsibilities, regardless of what went down between us. My question now is how do I know that she’s mines?” I asked even though I knew in my heart she was.

  “Don’t play dumb Keith, look at the fucking picture. Even a blind man can see that Destiny is yours.” She said laughing trying to make light of this fucked up situation.

  “If you want to be sure we can get a DNA test.” She offered.

  “So what now?” I asked ignoring the DNA comment; I knew that little girl was mines. “Why tell me now?” She said.

  “I figured I can’t keep being selfish. I know my daughter deserves to know who her father is.” Stacy explained.

  “And it took you almost two years to figure this out?” I asked her snidely.

  “I’m sorry.” She told me with a straight face.

  “That’s all I’ve been hearing from your ass since you fucked up! You’re sorry, yet you keep doing dumb shit like this. What the fuck man? I’m about to get married, and now I have to go home a week before my wedding and drop this shit on my soon to be wife. Do you realize how much you’ve disrupted my life with your selfish ass ways? Not to mention how you have deprived me from getting to know my child, this is fucked up Stacy!”

  I’m still shocked, yet mad. I don’t know how the hell I’m going to break this news to Keisha.

  “I need to get my shit together and figure out how to handle this. Let’s exchange phone numbers so we can decide where to go from here.” I suggested to her.

  “That’s fine for now, but don’t wait too long.” Stacy warned.

  “Oh believe me; I won’t wait two years like you did. Matter of fact, expect a call from me within the next two weeks to set something up.” I told her.

  After I left from meeting with Stacy, I had already made it up in my mind to wait until after my wedding to tell Keisha, because here was no way in hell I was going to lose her.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  With the wedding being next week, I decided to come home a week earlier to make sure that everything was in place. I was a nervous wreck, but excited at the same time. The shocker was that David had called me when we landed and asked if he could see Jass for a couple of days. He claims he has something planned. When he called, I had to look at my phone to see if it was the David I knew.

  His ass has never volunteered to do anything with my child. Either he was up to something or he actually was trying to change. Maybe it was because of the move, I have no clue. All I know is that Jass loves her dad regardless and I have never been the type to keep my child from her other parent, so I agreed. The plan was for me to drop her off at his moms and he would bring her back to the hotel we were staying at. Now that I think back, that was the biggest mistake I could have made. The night David came to my room to drop Jass off, she was sleeping, and so he carried her into the adjoining room and laid her on the bed. Once he tucked her in, he walked into my room and asked if we could talk.

  “What’s up?” I asked as he sat on the couch in my room.

  I was sitting across from him on the edge of my bed.

  “I just want to apologize for doing shit the way I have all these years when it comes to Jass. You are the only baby mother I have that doesn’t give me grief. You have always been there for a nigga since day one, and I shitted on you and my seed.” David said.

  Listening to him, I just sat there for a minute digesting what he was saying.

  “David, where is all this coming from?” I asked.

  For so many years I harbored so much anger and hurt from David, so hearing him apologize was shocking.

  “I’m just saying Keisha, I know I fucked up. I knew that for a long time but my pride wouldn’t let me admit to the shit back then.” He said sincerely.

  “Your pride? I’m sorry; I wouldn’t know shit about that! Especially since I had our daughter. You see, when you have a child, your needs and wants go on the back burner. For years I hated you for abandoning us, for abandoning her! Then you did it for what? For these bitches out here who only was around to get what they could out of you? How soon did you forget that it was me that was down with yo’ ass when you only owned one pair of tennis shoes and a golden bus pass!” I said to him as I found myself crying.

  I didn’t mean for me to cry, but I guess these years of being frustrated started to take its toll on me.

  “Come on Keisha, don’t cry.” David said as he got up and came over to the bed and placed his arm around me.

  As he continued to attempt to console me I tried my best to push h
im off, but he wasn’t budging. The next thing I knew his mouth was on mines and we were tongue wrestling. Still locked in the kiss, David laid me down and undressed me, while I did nothing to stop him. That night he made passionate love to my body. It felt like old times, except this time I had a fiancée I was about to marry in two days.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Just as I suspected, I’m pregnant. The urine test came back positive right away and just to be sure, I got a blood test and that came positive as well. Not long after I had an ultra sound, which revealed that I was nine weeks pregnant. I knew then that this baby couldn’t have been Shawn’s, because we always used condoms. My mind began to think back to the last time that Troy and I had sex. Come to think of it, it was the day he beat me up! This can’t be happening! Here I was thinking I was done with his ass for good, but being pregnant will keep me tied to him for life. I’ve moved on and now have a wonderful man in my life. I’ve relocated, started a new job and have a new place to stay, only to get slapped with this. There is no way in hell that I’m telling Troy shit! For what? His ass already has a wife and a bunch of fucking kids already, and I definitely don’t want a part of that shit anymore.

  My concern now is breaking the news to Shawn. What if he decides he doesn’t want to be with me because I’m carrying another man’s child? Getting an abortion is out of the question. I’ve been there and done that. I’m keeping my baby, and there’s no question about it. I swear it seems like every time I start to get my shit together, the devil comes along and fucks it up! After finding out the news, my boss was a dear and gave me two days off to get things situated. I’m now sitting in my car dialing up Keisha.

  “Hey cousin, slash my maid of honor, what’s up girl?” she answered in a cheerful tone that I didn’t want to hear at the moment.


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