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World of Eternia: The Complete Collection

Page 36

by Antony W. F. Chow

  The player character stares intently at the imaginary camera. He is dressed as an official from Eternia, with the blood red cape of office on his back. He is sitting at a table placed on an elevated stage in the middle of the Town Square at Starter Town. A screen floats in front of him, showing the man from head to mid-chest. “Welcome to the Hundred Man Tournament, co-sponsored by Eternia Development & Entertainment, Inc., and Virtuous Gaming Co. My name is Evan Wisenhart, and I will co-moderate this event along with my partner, Antoinette Tudor,” he smiles at the pretty blonde lady sitting to his immediate left.

  “Hello everyone!” the co-moderator says and offers a beaming, bright smile for the camera to capture. She has emerald green eyes, sun kissed skin with freckles on her cheeks, and she is wearing deep red lipsticks. “We are just moments away from the start of this historic online event. Sitting to our left is Charles Winter, CEO of Virtuous Gaming Co. and to our right is Richard T. Gibson, CEO of Eternia Development & Entertainment, Inc. We want to thank you both for joining us.”

  “Thank you for having me,” Charles says promptly and remembers to smile for the camera. He is dressed in a pure white robe and sandals, taking the monk class for his avatar. A wooden staff is laid on the floor next to his chair. Hopefully, I come across as humble in front of the viewers, he thinks.

  “I’m glad you invited me to join this panel,” Richard adds quickly. In sharp contrast to Charles, Richard is dressed in golden armor for his knight class avatar. His helmet is on the table in front of him; his golden shield and long sword are likewise on the floor beside his seat.

  Antoinette turns her head over to face Charles, her curly long hair wavering slightly with the sudden movement. “Everyone wants to ask you this question: why did you decide to challenge EDE and bet your ownership stake?”

  Charles smiles at the question, since he expected it to come up for discussion. “I’m glad you asked. I think EDE and VG offer complementary pieces that could combine to create a rather formidable company. And I’ve been pursuing a merger deal with my old college friend Richard here, for quite a long time as he can tell you. However, this guy is a stubborn old goat who refuses to even consider joining forces, and I decided this would be a great way to ensure a merger of two great gaming companies,” he explains.

  “And how do you respond to that, Richard?” Evan asks quickly.

  “Frankly, the challenge was a surprise,” Richard answers. “I held an emergency meeting with my Board of Directors to consider our options, and we felt that the opportunity was simply too good to pass up.”

  “How so?” Evan prods.

  “The Board believes that the combined company would offer tremendous growth opportunities, particularly when our patented virtual reality equipment is carried over to a different gaming market than we are in currently. As you know, our company is focused on MMORPGs, but the virtual reality equipment could be modified for use in casual gaming as well as sports related activities even. Simply put, Virtuous Gaming would give us a foot in the door for the casual gaming market. The combined company will deliver tremendous further growth to our shareholders, and that’s why our Board gave its blessing to accept this challenge,” Richard explains.

  “Enough with the business stuff. We’re here to watch an exciting match between a hundred players. Please tell the audience what the event is about,” Antoinette requests.

  The EDE boss nods. “Certainly. This event is a modified version of the traditional tower defense. In a tower defense the player is provided with pieces to place around a tower to prevent the enemy troops from entering the tower. In this competition, the champions of Eternia will defend a portal connecting the We Tang Kingdom to Eternia. If my players can keep the invaders out for four hours, then we win. If a single representative from Virtuous Gaming manages to enter the portal, they win,” he explains.

  “What are the rules and conditions of this event?” Evan asks.

  “Well, the obvious one is that each side will field fifty players,” Charles answers. “In addition, each side gets ten mounts or pets. There is no resurrection allowed. And the use of potions and scrolls are forbidden.”

  “That sounds like a challenge for the spell casters in this event,” Evan remarks.

  “Indeed,” the VG head nods in agreement. “Each player on the battle field has to conserve his mana, and carefully decide when to engage in spell casting and healing. This tournament is essentially a Massive Online Battle Arena (‘MOBA’) between players, and turning it into a spell slinging contest will take the fun out of this event.”

  “We fully expect a majority of the participants to engage in hand-to-hand combat,” Richard adds, “with some fancy spells mixed in to turn the tide.”

  “Thank you gentlemen,” Evan says and then turns to face the camera. “We now have five minutes until the start of this tournament. Get your refreshments, bathroom break, whatever you need to do, because you don’t want to miss the next four hours! And now we have a few messages from our sponsors . . .”

  * * *

  Wesley walks to the front of the waiting room, where the fifty champions of Eternia are waiting anxiously for the tournament to begin. I need to make a good speech to pump up our morale, he thinks as the man takes a deep breath. “My fellow Eternians, you are here today because you have the ability to save Eternia from total destruction. You are the best of the best, the most powerful, determined, and experienced players the World of Eternia has to offer. When you step foot into the We Tang Kingdom, you know exactly where to go and station yourself around the portal. You have memorized our plan to defend the portal, and you know what role you have to play. All you need now is to have faith in yourself and in your teammates standing together with you in this room. If we execute our plan, we will win!” The cavalier pulls his long sword out of its scabbard. “For Eternia!”

  The other forty nine players raise their weapons in unison. “For Eternia!” they cry out.

  * * *

  The waiting room for Virtuous Gaming representatives is split into two equal groups—past and present players from Eternia, and mercenaries from other online games hired for cold, hard cash to participate in the tournament, along with VG employees.

  Virgil Santos looks at the former WoE players with utter disdain. I have to share the stage with this trash?

  Marcus Stanberry catches the disgusted look from the leader of the mercs and returns the same look. The mercs’ avatars are wearing white, black and red face paint typical of traditional Chinese opera actors, with gaudy costumes to match. Thank God I don’t have to appear in public like that because EDE unfroze my banned player account, he thinks silently. “If you got a beef with me, we can settle this right now,” Marcus says quietly as the former WoE player rests his hands on the twin scimitars at his hips.

  Virgil chuckles at the challenge. “What’s in it for me? Unlike you I’m a professional player. I’m participating in this so-called ‘Hundred Man Tournament’ because the folks running Virtuous Gaming can’t find enough traitors like you to join in and take over Eternia,” he sneers. “If you losers are the best VG can come up with, I should have asked for more money.”

  The players standing behind him laugh at the insult. “Virtuous is getting a bargain with us,” a merc chips in.

  Marcus smiles thinly at the insults. “If you’re that confident in your in-game abilities, care to make a wager?” he asks.

  “Oh?” the mercenary narrows his eyes with interest.

  “It’s really simple. Which group will enter the portal first—yours or mine?” the head of The Returned alliance suggests.

  “I like that idea,” Virgil quickly understands what Marcus is offering. “Easy Money is unstoppable,” the mercenary points a thumb at his chest. “If you want to throw money at us, why not?” the mercenary shrugs. “Let’s make it a side bet between you and me though; some of my boys here need the money to pay rent. If a member of The Returned manages to hit the portal first, you win. If a member of my Easy Mon
ey crew gets the honor, then I win. The wager is our compensation for this event. Winner takes all.”

  Marcus winces at the bet. A piece of Virtuous Gaming and Eternia Entertainment & Development will be very valuable. I can’t back out now, and imply that I lack faith in my comrades. “Very well,” he says confidently. “You have a deal,” he announces.

  Virgil grins like a shark. “We have a deal,” he confirms.

  Chapter 55 – Opening Round

  Evan stares straight at the camera. “And welcome back everyone!” he says with a smile. “This Hundred Man Tournament will be streamed live. As mentioned before, the duration for this event is four hours. At the top middle of your screen our technicians inserted a digital countdown clock showing exactly the amount of time remaining. If the clock winds down to zero without a single Virtuous Gaming player entering the portal, then the Eternian side will win. If a VG player manages to break through, the match will end immediately,” he explains.

  “Also, on the top left corner of the screen is a number ‘50’ in red. That represents the number of Eternian players still alive in the tournament. Top right corner has a number ‘50’ in blue, to represent the headcount of Virtuous players remaining,” Antoinette adds.

  “Remember, there is no resurrection allowed during this event. Once a player dies, he is out of the tournament,” Evan explains.

  “Exactly, Evan. This tournament will essentially become a battle of attrition as the two sides try to whittle down the number of players remaining in the game. That said, I think the defenders will have an advantage because of the terrain involved,” Antoinette opines. “The portal is blocked from the back by a mountain that is impossible to climb over, meaning that the attackers have to come in from the front and go through the buzz saw of a defense set by Eternian players.”

  “My take is different, Antoinette. Virtuous players have a number of options in reaching the portal. They could take the direct approach and test the defense head-on. They could sneak in and by-pass the guards. Heck, they could even catapult a player through the air and shoot right into the portal like a basketball through a net. It will be interesting to see what method Virtuous takes to reach the portal,” Evan says.

  “Yes,” Antoinette nods her head in agreement. “In the end though, it boils down to the strategy that each side uses, and how the players respond to the ever changing conditions on the battle field. Well, the tournament is about to start, everyone. Enjoy the game!”

  A moment later, fireworks explode in the sky to signal the start of the event. The players on each side appear in their designated starting location—the Eternians in front of the portal and the Virtuous players at a We Tang village a mile away.

  * * *

  Wesley turns around. “Okay, everyone! Let’s follow the plan!”

  High Priestess Kassender, the ranking member of the Church appearing in the tournament, walks over to stand on the left side of the portal. She stares at the simmering, white colored circle floating in mid-air for a moment. “Let’s set up the Divine Lodestone at this spot,” she orders.

  The remaining nine members of the Church, carrying the black marble pillar in unison, set the stone down gently at the designated spot.

  Kassender holds the cross on her neck, and the other Faithful join in unison. “Oh Great Gods of Eternia, Hear our pleas! Please share Thy Strength with Thy Servants in this heathen land! Amen.”

  The ten Faithful touch the marble pillar in unison and pour their mana into the lodestone. It begins to pulse like a beating heart. Babum-babum-babum! When the stone drains one-third mana from each priest or priestess, a gentle force emanates from the artifact. The force knocks each respective hand down and away from the now living lodestone. The divine artifact continues to beat like a heart, and begins to replenish each Faithful’s mana bar as the Gods of Eternia pour energy back into their servants through the living conduit.

  Meanwhile, the fighters begin to add defensive layers to the outer perimeter. The two designated teams each take over a guard station placed next to the path leading to the portal.

  Heimdall pats the horse in front of him gently on the side. “Time to head out,” the warlord orders.

  “Yes sir!” Maximus replies. “You heard the Guild Master, ladies! We’re gonna hit them fast and hard! Let’s give the audience watching this show back home some shock and awe!” He urges his steed to head straight ahead into We Tang Kingdom’s territory.

  The other nine riders quickly follow after Maximus. The cavalry attack group consists of eight lancers, one priestess and one mage.

  Two crews of five fighters each start setting up rows of abatis around the perimeter. The interlocking pieces of wood are firmly held together with wire and nail, and the end facing outward is sharpened into spikes. An earth mage accompanying each crew uses the Move Earth spell to magically dig trenches in front of the field fortifications. An accompanying fire mage adds a minor enchantment to the interlocking wood to resist fire.

  An air mage flies up the cliff on either side of the path carved into the mountain, with rope tied around the waist. After each mage reaches the top on his respective side of the mountain, he starts hammering a spike into the plateau on the mountain top and then ties the rope to the spike. Once the rope is secure, Eternian defenders assigned to positions on the mountain top start climbing up the cliff, one player at a time, using the rope.

  Each mage then pulls another spike from his respective backpack. The spell casters slowly walk away from the central cut into the mountain and head towards the outer edge of the mountain. Each mage hammers the spike down, pulls out a second rope from the backpack and ties one end of the rope to the spike. The other end of the rope is still wound in a tight bun. Once this task is accomplished, the two air mages remain on top of the mountain, and look out into the distance for signs of the opposing players.

  * * *

  Marcus Stanberry walks up to the five horsemen. “Okay, you’re up first. Remember, your job is simply to scout the road ahead, and ensure that our main body of players won’t be marching into a trap. You are NOT to engage with Eternians,” he says sternly. “If you run into trouble, you are to head back to us and report your encounter. Now go!”

  The riders reply in unison, “Yes sir!” They head out immediately, all going their separate ways.

  The leader of The Returned looks at the nineteen remaining players under his command. “Let’s march!” he barks. The column begins to move in two lines, with Marcus at the head of one; Bergen Lightstaff, his second in command, is leading the other line of marchers.

  Virgil Santos looks at the moving ex-Eternian players and smirks. Classic textbook tactics will not win this fight, my friend. The mercenary shakes his head in disappointment at the former Eternian’s lack of imagination. He looks at the mercenaries under his command and awaiting his orders. “Okay, we’ll let these turkeys turn into cannon fodder for the Eternians. Let’s show the viewers at home what the new player classes in this oriental expansion can do. Carlos, you take the cloud runners and lead the invasion from above. But stay hidden in the cloud until you hear fireworks go off; that’s your cue to attack. Priscilla, you take the ninja corps to scale up the cliff and approach the Eternians from behind. Again, wait for the signal to attack. I will take the fighters to shadow The Returned guys, and set off the fireworks when we reach the mountain. We’re going to do a three prong attack on the defenders. Any questions?” he asks. Seeing none he barks, “Let’s move!”

  Chapter 56 – Anticipation

  “Any sign of the Virtuous players?” Kassender asks via the communication link.

  “Not yet,” Dimitrius the diviner replies. “Our cavalry group is roughly half way to the entry point for the attackers. It’s possible that our opponents went on a more circuitous route, and we missed them altogether.”

  “If the attackers start showing up at the base, your riders will return immediately,” the High Priestess orders. “But until then, please continue riding towa
rd the entry point to confirm that the Virtuous players have departed already,” she continues. “With the blessing of the Gods of Eternia, you may encounter stragglers to be picked off.”

  “Yes ma’am,” the diviner replies before cutting off the communication link to conserve his precious mana.

  Kassender turns to face Heimdall and Wesley. “My diviner just reported in. The cavalry group has reached the half distance mark between the two starting points for players. They have not encountered any Virtuous players yet,” she says.

  The warlord nods. “This was within the scenarios that we discussed in the players’ council meeting. The cavalry attack is a shot in the dark, and we missed,” Heimdall says ruefully.

  “Not much we can do about it except to ensure our lookouts up on the mountain stay alert,” Wesley replies. “We’ve done the best we can, given the circumstances, with a total lack of information. We have very limited means to penetrate the fog of war. With that said I am going to take my position on the mountain top now. Please excuse me.”

  The cavalier walks straight to the edge of the perimeter in front of the path. A basic unit of three fighters, an elementalist, and a priest notes his approach to the unit, and they salute to the senior officer. They all see the blood red cape Wesley is wearing behind his suit of plate mail armor, and immediately realize the identity of the fighter approaching them.

  Wesley returns the salute and says, “At ease, gentlemen.” He shakes the abatis in front of him to confirm that is holding firmly in place. Rather than in a straight line, the abatis has been placed in an elliptical curve with the two guard stations serving as the end points. Since the stations were built in front of steep cliffs, there is no need to use the stations as the center points for the reinforcements on the ground. Instead, the council hopes the guard stations will act as lures for numerous invaders and turn into fiery death traps. Although each station is manned by only five Eternians, they are all willing to serve as sacrificial lambs if each Eternian death will result in two or even three more Virtuous deaths.


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