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The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1)

Page 8

by Matthew M. Johns

  “I will take the first day watch and follow them should they leave. Follow my markers at nightfall, and we’ll see where we are and what trouble we can create.”

  They all nodded, Gall a little more smugly than the rest. Vex ignored him and set off for the distant woods, looking for a hiding place and preparing the information he would give Caliban during the third watch.

  Chapter 7

  Morning came crisp and clear. The light of the new day shone through the guest rooms the children occupied. Those that did not begin to rise with the sun were brought around by either the Beagle or David. After seeing to their immediate morning needs and changing clothes, the children were brought downstairs to meet a flurry of activity.

  The youngest Oswalds brought the children to a table full of various foods and provided them with small leather sacks. “Your father and the Coterie brothers say you are to eat in the saddle,” said the young Oswald girl. “Place enough of each food in your bag for your morning meal. It is all cured, so it won’t spoil if you don’t eat it all at once.”

  Having said her piece, the young girl left and joined the others in preparing supplies for their departure. There was a great deal of activity to join, too. Already there were over a dozen small packs with rolled up mats beside them. Outside, a long string of horses were being saddled. In a corner of the room, one of the Coterie was looking over a small pile of assorted weapons. Sister Oswald was assembling small parcels over by the kitchen. All around there was much to see.

  As the children finished loading their breakfast sacks, David came over. He looked at each of the children and nodded. “The Oswalds are a true blessing. The new clothes you are wearing will help you blend in when we are in towns or met on the road by strangers. Being such a large group, we’ll still stick out between towns, but there’s no helping that. We’ve been given food supplies, some first aid supplies, a change of clothes each, and various other camping supplies.”

  David pointed to the piles of goods. “Each of you, grab a bedroll and a pack. Brother Oswald will help you secure it to your mount or a pack animal. I know most of you have riding experience, but we’ll be at it all day. The oldest will pair up with the youngest and ride two per horse. The horses are being led on a rope because they aren’t good with sudden changes; they are to be riding horses for nobles in the Seventh Kingdom. All of our supplies have been arranged so we can easily carry them ourselves when we are without horses.”

  “Brother David,” Brother Oswald quietly interrupted, “we are also going to give you an older plow horse which can serve as a pack animal when you and the Coterie brothers separate.”

  David smiled and clasped Brother Oswald’s hand. “Thank you; I did not come here expecting this much help. You are truly a blessing among men.”

  Brother Oswald bowed modestly, but could not say anything as the Coterie member who had been inspecting weapons approached.

  “Truth Wielder,” he said to David before turning to Oswald, “Brother Oswald, I’ve selected some good weapons the eldest can carry.”

  Nic looked at his father in surprise. David just nodded and said, “Considering what has happened the last two nights, I thought First Thunder’s suggestion of arming you was prudent.” David paused and placed his hand on the Coterie member’s shoulder. “By the way, this is Fleet of Foot; he is the youngest brother of First Thunder. He’s taken the liberty of selecting some weapons out of their stock and from Brother Oswald’s stores.

  “I’m aware of the games you all played in the woods, but these will be real weapons. I’ll train you as well as I can; however, we’ll have to get all of you teachers when we get to the Central Kingdom. We are not in a position to go without weapons.”

  Fleet of Foot led the children over to the table where he had laid out some weapons. David picked up two small daggers, pulled them partway out of their sheaths, and nodded. He handed one each to Esther and Eve.

  “Those are only for protection when there is no other option. I expect you to seek shelter first; however, since you are also responsible for your younger siblings, you’ll need methods other than running to help out. I’m proud of how you protected the younger ones when the Dark Riders caught you on Earth.”

  Deborah had been looking around the table as her father spoke. “Dad, I’ve never been one for fighting. I played sticks with Mel and Nic when we were younger because they wouldn’t leave me alone until I fought one battle, but. . .” Deborah trailed off and gestured at the table. “If I were to use any weapon, I’d prefer a staff because that’s what I defended myself with back then.”

  Fleet of Foot smiled. “Rock uses a staff and has a spare one I’m sure he’d lend to you.”

  Deborah looked at him and then at her father, questioningly. David answered her, “Rock is the middle brother of our three traveling companions.”

  Deborah bowed slightly to Fleet of Foot and said, “Thank you.”

  Meanwhile, Mel had picked up a hatchet and was looking it over. Fleet of Foot caught his attention and then said, “Hand axes are a specialty of the Coteries. They are versatile as a tool and a weapon. Are you familiar with this type of weapon?”

  “I’ve used hatchets before, but as a tool only,” replied Mel.

  “I can show you some tricks as we travel.”

  Everybody turned suddenly at the clash of steel, only to see Nic and Silas eyeing each other. Nic’s hand was around the hilt of a small sword and Silas’ hand was on top of his. Their struggle to take possession of the sword had rattled it against the other weapons on the table.

  David sighed, “Boys, stop.”

  After a moment more of glaring at each other, they both released the sword.

  David sighed again. “Nic, you take the sword and a dagger. I’ll teach you some blocking techniques with both.” David put up his hand to forestall Silas’s complaint, which was apparently on the tip of his tongue, judging by the look on his face. “Silas, stop. Now if I remember correctly, you and Mel are always practicing with my old high school archery gear. Why don’t we get you a bow?”

  David motioned toward Fleet of Foot, who said, “Yes, we have several spares. He should also select a dagger, so as to have a close range weapon.”

  David nodded, and Silas grabbed a dagger near Nic’s hand. Then Eve spoke up, “I use that archery set too, and I can shoot as well as Silas any day.”

  David massaged his temples before answering. “Very well, Eve, but you all have to stop fighting amongst yourselves. There are far too many enemies out there without creating enemies within the family. Now everybody get your things and let’s go.”

  Packing up, securing weapons, and mounting took a little over half an hour more. By then, both David and the Coterie brothers were eager to be underway. Farewells to the Oswalds were brief as Brother Oswald assured them they would always be welcome at Oswald Farm. Not even the Beagle noticed the shadows in the distance shift momentarily as a cloaked figure moved deeper into the surrounding fields.

  Mel ended up on the lead horse of the eighteen strung-together riding mares. Fleet of Foot had insisted on this, as he wanted to show Mel some tricks with the hatchet as they rode. Deborah rode with Dinah, Nic with Mary, Eve with Jeremiah, Silas with Ruth, and Esther shared with Hannah. David rode a horse separate from the line of horses, but had the pack horses secured to his mount. First Thunder and Rock also rode their own horses, and they varied the speed of their mounts as they switched from rear guard to forward guard. The Beagle rode atop several bundles secured to the last of the tied up mares. Every now and then the Beagle would jump down and circle the group, going far to the front, wide to each side, and far behind as he did so.

  Just after a midday rest, Fleet of Foot suggested the group of children could spread out further as they all, except the youngest, showed fair riding skills. So it was when they remounted, that Deborah, Mel, Nic, Eve, and Silas had horses of their own. This left Esther to ride with Dinah, Hannah with Mary, and Ruth with Jeremiah.

rest of the day went smoothly, and the group made quick time with the use of the Coterie horses. However, as the sun neared the horizon, David and First Thunder sped up the procession’s pace as they were still a few miles out from the next sanctuary.

  “We are not out so far that we can’t make it by full dark,” First Thunder mentioned, “but it would be best not to risk your group.”

  “We have a tail,” replied David; “of that I’m sure.”

  “The Void Riders would be at risk if we caught them in the light of day, but, I think they’d be willing to take the risk. Do you know why you’ve been called here?”

  “I have a strong suspicion, as did Brother Oswald; I’m sure you do, too. Why does He ever bring twelve of the same bloodline into the Crossroads? We now also have powerful enemies standing against us.”

  “You’ll have to tell them, sooner rather than later. They need to be prepared. Fleet of Foot wants to continue on with you.”

  David looked over at First Thunder, with a mixture of surprise and thankfulness washing over his features. “I couldn’t ask any of you to risk more than you already have,” David replied.

  “He wants to be part of it,” said First Thunder. “I’ve agreed. Rock and I can make this delivery without him. He is versed in many weapons; not a master, but well suited to help you teach basic skills.”

  “I cannot guarantee his safety; however, I would appreciate another set of trained hands and eyes. Will we part company at the Southern Cross then?”

  “Yes, we are going on to Council Rock. . .”

  First Thunder and the rest of the procession were brought to an abrupt halt. In front of them, a bright being materialized in an explosion of rainbow color. It wore a simple robe that shimmered in the waning light and its features were not fully visible due to light reflection, refraction, and transparency. Upon its back a large set of feathered wings sparkled like many different jewels, each no less or more solid than the rest of its body. When it spoke its voice seemed to be a mix of both male and female tones.

  “Be not afraid,” it said. “I come with news of dire importance.”

  The Beagle moved in front of the group. “Speak your message for we all serve He who is the Word.”

  The being bowed its head in acknowledgement of the Beagle. “You,” it started pointing to the Beagle then everybody else in turn, “the Truth Wielder, and his offspring are to go to Council Rock. Demons have fully vested their schemes there and are in the process of amassing forces to fail the Seventh Kingdom. Warriors of the Word will be sent to you when battle is joined. The time for the new kings and queens to take their places upon the thrones of the Crossroads has come.

  “To you, Sword Bearer, I give you this news; your wife and unborn child are being escorted to the Central Kingdom where they will await your arrival after your first child has taken control of Great Hall at Council Rock.”

  With that final statement, the being vanished, becoming at once more translucent and refractive at the same time. Silence reigned, not even the sounds of nature intruded. Then, two beats of a heart passed and a single bird called out in song. David turned to his children, who were already shifting their gaze to him instead of the now vacant spot on the road in front of them. He noted the expressions of bewilderment, wonder, and incredulity in their faces. Facing forward once more, he began speaking.

  “That was an angel undisguised,” David spoke softly, yet everyone there could hear him, “one that confirmed what I’ve suspected for the past few months.” David took a deep breath before continuing. “As I told you, very few people have traveled to the Way World and returned to their planet of origin. I knew I would be called back; the Beagle and the Sword of Truth were constant reminders of the job I still had to do. I originally hoped you children would be spared the hurt of my disappearance when it came. However, as more and more of you were born, I began to wonder if you were not to join me. When we found out your mother was pregnant with a twelfth child, I dreaded the truth of what that could mean. I dared not speak my fears, for in speaking the truth would be revealed.”

  These words were spoken with David’s back to the rest of the group. Finally, he turned his horse around and faced his children. “I have told you of the twelve different kingdoms within the Crossroads. What I did not tell you, though, was that each of the kingdoms is held by a member of the same bloodline. Currently, and for eight generations, the thrones have been held by the race we call elves. However, over the past two generations, the forces of the Void have been able to infiltrate and corrupt the dynasty until now it is near collapse. In the history of the Here Between, this has nearly happened several other times. Before the end times, it will happen again. We have been tasked with bringing about a stronger order by claiming the thrones of the twelve kingdoms. You and your unborn brother or sister are to be the next kings and queens of the Crossroads.”

  David stopped and felt the burden he had carried for many months double as the truth of his words set in. Before he could speak again, Eve, who could no longer hold her tongue or anger in check, spoke up.

  “So that’s it; sucks to be you! Now, not only are we stuck here, we have to somehow become rulers! Well, I’m sure this is magical and awe-inspiring to most of you, but to me it’s a load of. . .”

  “Eve!” The Beagle’s harsh tone cracked like thunder in the girl’s ears. She pulled back as she looked down at the rebuking hound. “So, you believe this is too much for you? What part of this do you think is too much for God? If you have fears and doubts, voice them at an appropriate time and in a more constructive manner.

  “You’re right in thinking the task set before you will not be easy; then again, you are not alone. Call upon the Lord and He will provide. Take strength in the Word and you will find courage, wisdom, and guidance. You will be tested sorely, for the forces of the Void seek chaos and confusion to better carry out their ultimate goals. Nonetheless, there is nothing that can stand against you if the Lord is for you.”

  The Beagle stared at Eve for several moments. The angel then spoke once more, “I’d hate for you to be so obstinate on this point that you would have to spend three days in the belly of a whale to come to your senses.”

  “Wha. . .” Eve began, but the Beagle cut her off at once.

  “Don’t test God. I’m positive He could come up with something to help you come around.”

  At these words, Eve looked genuinely abashed. The Beagle huffed and walked away. Everybody remained silent as they took in all that had just occurred. Then First Thunder put his hand on David’s shoulder.

  “Then we shall travel together, your family and mine.”

  David looked up, taking in First Thunder’s reassuring air. “As the Word speaks, we follow.”

  Fleet of Foot spoke up then, “As we follow, God provides.”

  “Amen,” said the Beagle. “Now let’s get quickly to the Southern Cross and discuss this further as needed.”

  All the men nodded and moved the group back into a fast pace toward sanctuary. The children became abuzz with concern, excitement, and confusion. They knew better than to press their father further at this time, especially after Eve’s chastisement. Regardless, he’d moved himself far to the front of the group and had the Beagle take the sides. Thus, the children were left to themselves to discuss what it would be like to be queens and kings. For the younger children, this unexpected journey started losing some of the fear as they imagined grand castles and envisioned a myriad of fairy stories where good triumphed over evil. For the older children, they had been exposed to more reality and knew good did not always win out over evil. They felt a new pressure now, knowing they were here for a purpose and not just accompanying their father on some adventure.

  The group reached their destination by nightfall; they quickly secured the horses in the stable and their supplies in the rooms provided them. After a simple meal they retired. The young children fell quickly asleep, having been reassured by both David and the Beagle. Deborah, Mel, Nic, E
ve, and Silas all lingered with their father and the Coterie brothers a while longer. They pressed their father for information on the kingdoms, their expected responsibilities, and weapons training. Though not much could be accomplished that night, they finally went to bed feeling they had a better grasp of what was to come. Little did they suspect the level to which they would be tested as individuals and as a family.


  Vex waited until the Sword Bearer’s band was well out of range before he moved from his hiding place and ran to rejoin his fellow Riders. The news from the angel that he had overheard would have to be shared with many, many interested parties. Vex knew now that they truly pursued the new chosen twelve and that he would need a force larger than just the Void Riders to bring them down.

  Chapter 8

  The journey from the sanctuary, Southern Cross, to Council Rock would have to be divided into two days. The problem this created was that there was no sanctuary in between the two places. Over the last two generations many sanctuaries had fallen, and travel between towns and kingdoms was becoming less frequent. So early into the morning ride, the Koen band began to discuss what was to happen.

  First Thunder reassured David that he and his brothers would help protect his family. Fleet of Foot also added that, by dividing the trip into two days, the children would have daylight hours to practice with various weapons. The Coterie brothers agreed to divide the three watches of the night between them, David, and the Beagle. Even with these reassurances, David did not like being exposed at night this early into the quest. It was at this point that Mel spoke up.

  “What are watches of the night?”

  Rock answered him. “When staying between towns or sanctuaries, smart travelers set night watches, times for people to stand guard over the rest of the camp.”

  David picked up the dialogue when Rock paused. “There are three night watches. First watch or early watch is the easiest because it lasts from six in the evening until ten at night. Second watch or mid watch lasts from ten at night until two in the morning. Mid watch is typically the most likely time for forces bound to the Void to attack. The keenest of warriors are assigned this watch. Third watch, or dawn watch, lasts from two in the morning until six in the morning, at which point the camp should be rising in order to make the best use of the day.”


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