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The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1)

Page 22

by Matthew M. Johns

  It was late, and many of the taverns on Dauntalus’ South Road were doing brisk business catering to the diverse night life of the mega city. At Rowley’s, nobody noticed the three foot cloaked figure slipping through the crowd. It stopped in the middle of the room and scanned the occupants. The figure found its quarry in the back, away from the hearth and a majority of the crowd. The cloaked figure slipped through the tavern and sat down on the other chair at the table next to its target.

  Jared didn’t notice the small figure join him. He was eating and brooding. The cloaked figure sat at the table and observed the half-breed boy for several minutes. The figure could have sat there for as long as it wanted without being noticed; however, it needed to talk with him.

  The figure removed his hood, revealing the unusual features of a nisse. His ears were pointed, both at the top and bottom. His skin had a luminosity to it, though it was not bright enough to light the space around him. His eyes, however, did glow a deep blue with no hint of white irises or the black of pupils. He adjusted a ring on his right middle finger before clearing his throat.

  Jared jumped slightly, then quickly recovered. In all of his travels he’d never seen such a being as this. He stared unabashedly, trying to study every detail.

  “I am nisse,” the figure spoke with in a soft tone, “My name is Pax.”

  “You are one of the hidden ones?”

  Jared’s amazement was amusing to Pax, and he let a smile rise upon his lips. When he spoke, his voice held some joviality to it. “We have been called that, yes. We are a highly secretive race, and it has led to some speculation on the fanciful end.”

  Pax paused, waiting to see if Jared was going to add anything. When he didn’t, Pax continued. “I am seeking to deliver a message, and have come across information which leads me to believe you may be able to help me.”

  Pax stopped again and waited once more for Jared to speak up. The boy didn’t, though. The young carriage driver was staring at Pax still. When he realized this, he abruptly stopped and mumbled an apology.

  “Sorry, I’m being rude.”

  Pax shook his head, “No slight was received. It is a typical reaction when somebody first meets us.”

  Before he could stop himself, Jared asked, “Do all of you. . . glow?”

  Pax shook his head. The light from the distant fire caught the motion, and Jared realized that Pax’s hair was not black; rather, it was a dark midnight-like blue. Jared drew his attention away from the observation and focused on the nisse’s words.

  “We vary in size, physical form, and attitude, as do all the other species. The luminosity of our skin is apparent in sixty percent of our race, though the single eye color and luminosity of our eyes is nearly universal.”

  “Oh,” was Jared’s only response. Pax let there be silence between the two of them for a brief moment, to make sure there would be no more questions forthcoming. When there weren’t, he cleared his throat once more.

  “You are a carriage driver, correct?”

  Jared nodded.

  “Several weeks past you brought in a carriage. . .”

  Pax stopped abruptly, noticing Jared’s posture stiffen and a hand disappear under the table. Pax raised his hands in front of him.

  “Please, we have no quarrel,” he said softly.

  “You’ll forgive me,” Jared responded guardedly, a hint of warning in his voice. “The carriage and its contents have enemies. My friend and a good deal of Coterie fell bringing it here safely.”

  “I am no enemy,” Pax said, lowering his hands and placing them on the table top, “just a messenger. From your description of the carriage it is truly you I seek. I have been sent here by a Truth Blade in search of his wife. I was told she was traveling from Haven to Dauntalus. After some searching I’ve found you. You have driven in the only carriage from those two points in some time.”

  Jared studied Pax for nearly a minute, then sighed. “A Truth Blade, you say. Well, that may explain the attack on the carriage.”

  Jared moved his hands back to the table and took another bite of his meal. Pax let the silence between them lengthen, knowing the carriage driver was willing to share more. After finishing a second bite, Jared did continue.

  “We were transporting two women, a human and an elf acolyte. We were attacked by goblins, a Dark Rider, and I believe at least one demon. Luckily we had Coterie from Haven riding with us, or we could not have made it here at all.”

  Pax nodded. He’d heard some of the tale of the damaged carriage’s arrival.

  “I believe the human female is who I seek.”

  Pax produced a well wrapped parcel. it was nearly flat and looked as if it could only have a few sheets of paper within. Jared looked more closely at the elaborate seal covering the length of the parcel. Small, yet detailed scenes were etched into the wax, as were twelve sigils which Jared had never seen before.

  “He used the Sword of Truth to seal it, and only his wife’s hand can break it open.”

  Jared stared at the envelope for a moment, then frowned.

  “There are complications you should know about.”

  “Such as?”

  “The carriage was attacked, as I said. We barely made it to Dauntalus alive. The human female was injured, a poison dart or arrow. I brought her to the best place that had a chance to help her and used the last bit of my influence to get her in. As far as I know, she is still there.”

  Pax could tell that Jared was reluctant to go on, yet he needed the information so he prompted him. “Where did you take her?”

  After an additional moment's hesitation, Jared looked up from the table and made eye contact with Pax. “She is in the care of the crown. I took her to the royal healers. I have been accorded visitation rights, though they require the bidding of the lady. I left word as to where I could be contacted. As of yet I have not had such a summons. I could help you; however, I don’t know that my presence so near the citadel will be well received.”

  Pax studied the young half-breed’s face. There was more to his answer, yet the nisse knew it would not be forthcoming.

  “Thank you for your information. I don’t wish you to put yourself into any uncertain situation, though I would be further grateful if you could at least make introductions. I have letters of identification I can use to help grease the gates, as it were.”

  Pax waited while Jared mulled over the request.

  The boy nodded before he said, “I’ll help. I’m curious as to her condition. Perhaps I can find out more by helping you. Meet me here two nights from now and we’ll go together to see what we can.”

  Chapter 26

  The dead body was found outside the castle gates in the early hours of the morning. The head was found outside the king’s quarters shortly thereafter. Lord Avrant looked down at the head of Brother Brogene and knew his enemies were going to be patient no longer. Brother Brogene had been of one the most enthusiastic backers of Lord Avrant, even in light of all the rumors of the new twelve. There were those on the council who were not enamored of Avrant and sought to align themselves with the Koens. It was no doubt a group of such a persuasion that had sent him this gruesome message.

  The king stepped around the head and closed his chamber door behind him. There was no sign of his personal guard and thus he had to travel down the corridor and around the bend before he found one of them. Silently he beckoned the young elf to follow him and returned to his bedroom door. The guard saw the head and, though his face was awash with revulsion and confusion, he silently picked the gaeder head up off the ground and wrapped it in his uniform cape.

  “Where is my door guard?” the king asked coolly.

  “I’m not certain, sir,” the guard responded quietly, trying to keep fear and apprehension out of his voice. “I just came on duty and was assigned roaming patrol this morning.”

  The king was not pleased; this much was evident in his look. He opened his door slightly and reached around, then pulled on something. He then silentl
y closed the door and stood, waiting. Within a minute another elf came running. This one wore a servant's uniform. Ignoring the young guard, Lord Avrant turned his attention to the servant.

  “Do not disturb the queen. Her maid will bring her breakfast, but no other is to be allowed entrance. Prepare a carriage and a heavy guard. She had been feeling ill of late, and wished the comforts of her estates to convalesce. In addition, let General Kolk know that I require a full guard around the council tent, and ask him to inform the council to meet after lunch.”

  The king turned back to the guard, who did not care for the hawkish focus of the calm yet irate lord. “Relay to General Kolk the need to also oversee the flogging of those responsible for the late watch in the castle. You are dismissed.”

  Even before the king’s back was completely turned the guard was running off, head still in hand. Lord Avrant eyed the servant, then the bloody mess at his door. For the first time the attendant noticed the blood and balked.

  “Have this mess cleaned up. I will take breakfast in my study, where I will be until this afternoon’s meeting with the council.”

  The king turned and went back into his room. From there he opened an adjoining door that lead into a paneled room. There was a large bookshelf, a comfortable looking alcove with cushioned seats and a small table, several display cases with various objet d’art, and a large wooden desk. It was to this desk that he headed. Once at his destination, he pushed a button on the underside of it. Two metal rods rose from the desk and began to disperse a light mist that hovered between the two poles. With a small spark from the left rod, images began to form in the mist.

  Lord Avrant put on a pair of leather gloves he had retrieved from a desk drawer. Within moments his hands were in the mist and the images slowly started to fade, save a strengthening image of the castle proper. Avrant made an enlarging gesture, and the image zoomed out to reveal a topographical map of the Council Rock and the surrounding area. He could easily see the council troops’ encampment and numbers popped up, informing him of the various numbers each tent supposedly represented. He made another enlarging gesture, and the scale changed to include most of the entire kingdom. There, just inside the northwest border, three red dots, were converging. These red dots and the number displayed within them, represented the forces sent by the rulers of the Third, Fourth, and Ninth Kingdoms. At their steady rate of progress Avrant knew they would be at Council Rock by noon.

  In the early evening, the night prior, Avrant had sent a messenger to intercept them. They were instructed to march directly into the camps between Council Rock and Ven and begin to kill all aggressive forces therein, save those that bore upon their chests the sigil of the Seventh Kingdom. Lord Avrant’s own guard wore this uniform, and patches were handed out to four council members’ troops to place on their clothes. Brother Brogene had been one of those council members.

  Once again the king stuck his hands into the mist. This time, however, he shrank the scale of the map and focused on the image of Way House. A nasty grin curled upon Avrant’s lips. Soon Kolk would have his orders and the Sword Bearer would know council would meet again. The Truth Blade would be present while Avrant dissolved the council and arrested those not loyal to him. Avrant was not sure how the man would react, but he would not be present when a special band of horsemen assaulted Way House and killed them. The king’s grin broadened in the hope that the Truth Wielder would bring a few of his children along so he would have the pleasure of killing a few of the upstarts himself.

  Avrant was not aware of the identity of the horsemen that had been arranged to attack Way House. Though the Dark Riders would not be a full strength in the middle of the day, they had a complement of thralls as reinforcements. In addition, nearly all the Riders had been trained in hand to hand combat without the use of their Void powers. All of this, coupled with the fact that the Truth Blade would not be present at the house, bolstered the confidence of all involved. The Riders chose metal weapons, knowing they would not have access to their shadow tools. They also chose fresh horses, as the ones they typically used were so infused with Void power as to be nearly useless in daytime combat. Once these preparations were complete, the Riders waited for the signal to move out. Each one was eager. Each one was ready to have the new twelve under their blades and out of the Way World.


  Yero paused. The Coterie brothers looked concerned. David stood, hand upon his sword, thinking things over. The Beagle waited. Finally, David spoke up.

  “I think we all agree that something is happening, something we can’t see.” They all nodded, and David continued. “Very well; we now have to figure out the best plan moving forward.” At this David turned to the Beagle who shrugged.

  “This future is not mine to see,” the angel said. “However, I would ask you all to consider two options. First, we could wait here and see if anything happens. The Way House is defensible with the numbers we have, though our enemies know this territory well. Second, we can move the children to another location, in hopes of not being where our adversaries expect us to be.”

  First Thunder growled and pounded his fist on the table. “So we should expect to be attacked!”

  Rock nodded and spoke gravely, “It makes the most sense, brother. Yero said the king was not really reactive to the death of one his allies. He has plans in motion that aren’t disturbed by this turn of events.”

  “Would it be above him to have ordered the act himself?” asked Fleet of Foot.

  Everyone looked at Yero, who shook his head before answering. “I’m not sure, but other members of his family have done worse. Let us just say, it is not out of the realm of possibility.”

  “Let us not forget,” said the Beagle, “that other forces are at play, too. The Dark Riders have mysteriously been absent since shortly before our arrival at Council Rock. There are Void forces behind the scenes.”

  “What likelihood is there for additional angelic aid?” asked Yero.

  The Beagle shook its head. “Unless there is an overabundance of demonic forces, I will be all there is.”

  “Very well,” David said, “then I say we fortify Way House and make a stand here. Should things go awry at the council or here, we can reach other relatively quickly. I’d like the children armed and centralized.”

  “I hope you don’t plan on going to the council meeting alone,” commented Fleet of Foot.

  All eyes were on David, who stood silently scowling. “What do you suggest?” he asked, a sharpness in his tone. “None of you can be there. Yero, the closest ally available who is allowed to be in the tent, said he was already assigned to patrol the camps during the meeting. Honestly, I feel something is more likely to happen at the meeting than here, and thus I don’t want my children present.”

  “To that point,” Yero responded, “it is probably best for you to have help at the tent. Hogan has been detailed to the royal guard. I can have him carry two swords, giving you an extra one available for, say, Mel.”

  “The boy has become fairly good at defending,” said Rock. “Your daughters Eve and Deborah also have a good sense of defensive fighting. All are good options for watching your back. Besides, if Yero is able we can get a bo staff in the tent ahead of time for either of the girls to use.”

  “I just said. . .” David began, but the Beagle cut him off.

  “David, I know you desire to protect your children at all costs; however, you have to understand they will one day be out of your sphere of protection.”

  “That time is not now.”

  “David!” the Beagle said sternly.

  David fell into a chair, clearly battling with frustration. The Beagle trotted over to him and stood placing its front paws on David’s leg.

  “David,” the Beagle spoke softly. “We all are in God’s care. He has brought you here to fulfill a great destiny. Trust in the Word, in the people He has put in your life, and trust your children.”

  David reached out and rubbed the dog/angel’s head. Fin
ally, he spoke. “I know old friend; it’s just. . . to me I still see them as my little ones toddling around, needing me to watch over them.”

  “They will always need you, David. However, they will now need you more as a guide and a moral center. They still need you to protect them and stand up with them from time to time, though your oldest are stepping into manhood and womanhood, as kings and queens. Trust in them and those who have been teaching them. Most of all, trust God.”

  David looked at those surrounding him and nodded. “Very well,” he said, with tired resignation lacing his words. “Deborah and Mel can come with me as they typically do anyway. Yero, hide the staff and let Hogan know we need his help. The rest of you will fortify and defend here. I only hope we are ready for whatever happens.”

  Final plans were made by everyone, be they soldiers, councilors, demons, kings, or the smallest of the Koens. An oppressive air of apprehension hung over the vicinity of Council Rock. Noon came and meager meals were eaten. Then came the heralds, and council was called. The hour was at hand.

  Chapter 27

  The news of Brother Brogene’s death was known to all, as well as the details of where his body and head were found. The councilors had already spent the first part of the day speculating and plotting, so now they merely waited for the king to arrive at the council tent. Save Brother Brogene, not a single council member was missing. They were all present when the king arrived and did not see the extra guards surround the tent. However, they did notice the larger royal guard. Each guard stationed himself at a cardinal point within the tent. Hogan placed himself in easy view of the Koens.

  The king moved to his dais and sat before his desk. The council members and Koens then took their seats. No one spoke or moved for nearly two minutes before Count Merrin stood.

  “The crown recognizes Count Merrin,” the king droned.

  Merrin bowed and quietly asked, “How do you wish us to proceed, sire?”

  The king stood as Count Merrin quickly took his seat. Lord Avrant surveyed the room before he spoke, royal disdain dripping from his voice. “It was no secret that Brother Brogene was a staunch supporter of the crown and spoke quite vocally against the insidious corruption taking hold upon our fair kingdom. His death was clearly meant to silence such opposition and as a threat against the crown.”


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