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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Basketball Daddy (BWWM Alpha Male Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (African American Unexpected Pregnant Contemporary Romance)

Page 39

by Ava Walsh

  When the doors opened again, Strath was on the other side. I had been hoping to see him, but when I finally did and opened my mouth to say something, nothing came out. Tears sprung to my eyes. I couldn’t lie to him. He would know immediately and he would take it as an insult. I couldn’t tell him the truth, there was too much at stake.

  He took a pair of pliers off the wall and held them in his hand as he walked towards me. I shrunk back away from him, pressing against the wall. I stared at a puddle on the floor wondering how long I would last.

  “Did I not treat you well?” He asked me laying the pliers down on a table just out of my reach. “Was I not kind to you? I offered you protection and a comfortable life on my ship and you repay me with theft?”

  His voice was low and dangerous. I wished that he was yelling or screaming, I could deal with that. Instead, his voice was vibrating with a barely-controlled anger. Every time he looked at me it was with a furious glare. His playful flirting was gone. His interest in my humanity was gone. There was only anger left in him. I was forced to be aware of his strength, of the power he held over me.

  He went back to the wall of weapons and pulled the branding iron off the wall and put it down next to the pliers.

  “Do you think I want these used on you?” he asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Didn’t I tell you how to refer to me?” he demanded.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” I replied, but it came out a sob. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. Was it possible I could see a glimmer of pity there?

  “What were you doing?” he asked me.

  “Going to my ship,” I answered, my voice a hoarse whisper.

  He walked over to me, his footsteps loud and angry. He clamped his hand around my throat and pushed me back against the wall. He wasn’t choking me, but he could if he wanted to. His giant hand could have crushed my windpipe with a simple flex.

  “Why?” he demanded, his bright blue eyes were searching mine, scanning my face for any hint of a lie.

  I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t tell him. I owed it to my people to last as long as I could. I wasn’t ready to betray the rebellion. I shook my head and looked down to avoid the harsh glare coming from his beautiful eyes. His hand tightened around my throat.

  “Tell me,” he answered.

  I shook my head again. A sob escaped my lips. Tears were falling down my cheek. One fell and landed on his wrist. He looked down at it and then pulled his hand away.

  “How long do you imagine you’ll last?” he asked me. “Nothing has happened and already you’re in tears. A pretty thing like you should never have involved herself in a business like smuggling.”

  He walked over to me, but instead of wrapping his hand around my throat he brought his hand up and softly caressed my cheek. “You are soft, Andromeda Nus.”

  “Do you know the life I could have given you?” he asked. “The pleasures you could have experienced with me? Now look where you are. Look what you have forced me to do.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, my head hanging low, my tears falling and adding their liquid to the puddle below me.

  He tilted my chin until I was looking at him. “Say it again,” he said his eyes locked on mine.

  “I’m sorry,” I repeated looking deep into his eyes. I was sorry. I hadn’t meant to hurt him. He was caught up in this war the same way that I was. He hadn’t known my real purpose for taking the job or being in this system. He wanted to protect his people from smugglers, from people like me.

  He had made a genuine offer to me, but I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t leave the rebellion. The Regime was crushing humanity. They were destroying Earth, killing and enslaving my people. Strath had left the Regime, he wanted no part in the war against humanity. But I did. I couldn’t just walk away. I couldn’t live on his ship and ignore the suffering of my people. I was a fighter and I was going to die fighting.

  He nodded once at me. It was the truth and he could recognize that. He said nothing else. He looked at me and shook his head.

  “It didn’t have to be like this,” he said over his shoulder.

  Then he was gone. He walked out and the door closed behind him.

  Straining against my chains I tried to reach for the tray of tools, but it was useless. They had been put just past my reach to taunt me. Finally, I gave up and let the chains go slack. I fell back against the wall, falling down to the wet floor. I didn’t care anymore. I was going to die in this room. Wet or dry, none of it mattered.

  Somewhere below me, in the spinning mass of gasses of the red planet, were the plans the rebellion so desperately needed. Would someone else come to get them? Would the plans make it into the right hands? I had no way to know. But I wouldn’t tell Strath about them. I would manage to keep this secret. No matter what they did to me, I would never tell.

  I repeated this to myself. It was a mantra I said over and over again until it was true. I would die before I talked.

  Chapter Seven

  I didn’t know how long it took, but eventually Strath returned. I don’t know if I really slept, or if I just thought I did. I was hungry. The hunger had turned from pain to nausea to a general unending ache. I was also terribly thirsty. My mouth was dry, my lips chapped.

  “Stand, inmate,” a guard ordered. I glared at him and stumbled to my feet. My limbs were numb, my wrists were red and raw from the shackles. My arms ached from being tied to the heavy chains. I had to lean against the wall when I stood, my legs couldn’t hold me.

  Strath walked in. He looked fantastic. His dark toga hung from his strong frame, his dark hair was shining and neat, his face was clean-shaven. He nodded at the guard who left and closed the door.

  He walked wordlessly through the room, touching the chains on the walls and the torture instruments. But I was immune to that now. I had spent hours meticulously going over each and every tool in here. I knew them intimately now. I wasn’t afraid of them anymore.

  I was waiting for Strath to speak. Why had he, himself, come down here? Why hadn’t he sent his guards to break the truth out of me? Maybe he was the kind of leader who liked to do this type of thing himself. The thought horrified me.

  Finally, he turned to look at me, appraising me from head to toe. I stared back, unafraid, into his bright blue eyes.

  “It pains me to see you like this,” he said. It was the last thing I expected to hear. I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. “The guards have been waiting. I can see it in their eyes. They are desperate to have you, to break you. That is why I hired them after all, to break people. Do you want to be broken? Do you want this hot iron burning your precious skin? These pliers ripping out your teeth and your nails? Do you have any idea how painful that is?”

  I shook my head. I could imagine, but there was only one way to know and I was desperate to not know.

  He moved in front of me, his thumb traced the outline of my lips. I closed my eyes, allowing myself this one moment to enjoy his soft touch. He was so tender and gentle with me. I never wanted him to stop, but eventually, he pulled away.

  I opened my eyes and saw his blue ones staring directly into mine. “Tell me,” he whispered. He leaned into me, breathing on my neck, whispering in my ear. “Tell me where you were going. Let me help you.”

  “Why do you want to help me?” I asked. “Why?”

  “Can you not guess?” he asked. His hands were tracing the lines of my neck. I had to struggle to keep myself from falling onto him. I was ready to crumble and I wanted to just fall into his arms and let him take me from this place.

  “I want you,” he whispered. His voice was so low and quiet that for a moment I almost didn’t believe him. “I found out you were the smuggler who was sneaking past my borders. I had my men track you down. When I saw your picture, I was stunned. You were beautiful and smart, but even more than that, you were free. Free like I am free.”

  He took a step back and I longed for his comforting touch. The chains on my wrist were heavy
, I was tired and hungry. From a bag, he pulled out a container of water. I couldn’t stop the whine that escaped my throat when I saw it.

  He walked towards me but stopped a few feet away. Lugging my chains, I walked towards him and the water. The chains lifted off the ground, and then they were stopping me. My arms were pulled behind me as I strained towards the cool drink held in his hands.

  Strath tilted my chin up and set the container against my lips. He allowed a small sip to enter my mouth and I swallowed it. I sighed, it was wonderful.

  “More, please, My Lord,” I said. He brought the container up again and allowed more to enter my mouth. He let me drink my fill watching me all the while.

  “It pains me to see you like this,” he said as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “But it makes sense. You are a bird. It was foolish of me to think that I could contain you.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but then stopped myself. He saw the gesture and in two steps he was on me.

  “What?” he asked me, “What were you going to say? Tell me.”

  “It’s not that, My Lord. I just...I can’t just pick up and leave my life. I have people depending on me.”

  “Who?” he asked.

  I just shook my head.

  He looked at me with a dawning realization. It came over his face slowly, like a sunrise coming over the mountains. He nodded and said nothing as I waited with bated breath. “And you are desperate to return to these unnamed people? So desperate that you would run from me?”

  “I don’t want to. I have to,” I said.

  I could see in his eyes that he knew. He must have guessed that I was with the rebellion. What would he do? I was ready for him to hit me, or tell me he had to turn me in, but instead he just stared at me. Looking into my soul through my eyes.

  “You must? Is it that important to you?” he asked.

  “Yes, My Lord. But if you let me leave, if you would let me do this one last thing. I would return to you, I promise.”

  “You promise,” he echoed. He was looking into my eyes, searching for a lie, but at that moment, it was the truth.

  “Yes, I swear it. I was grateful for your hospitality and I would gladly return to it. But I have something I have to do first.”

  “Tell me what it is. I will do it for you.”

  “No, My Lord, I must do it.”

  He didn’t like that. His handsome face fell into an angry frown. He stomped away from me, walking to the corner of the room where he slammed his powerful hand on the wall. He let out a guttural angry yell and I turned my face away, terrified he might turn that anger back to me.

  He nodded. “I am no fool, Andromeda,” he said through pursed lips. “This is a dangerous business and you have no place in it.”

  “I’m stronger than I look,” I said.

  “Tell me, how much is this worth to you? What would you do for freedom?”

  “Anything,” I answered.

  He was on top of me, his eyes searching my body and then he was pushing me back as if I was nothing. The heavy chains scraped across the floor and I shuddered when my back hit the cold, wet wall.

  “Anything?” he asked. His face was only a few inches away from mine. I could have leaned forward and kissed him.

  “Yes, My Lord,” I answered, my voice a heavy whisper.

  “Give yourself to me,” he whispered into my ear. “For one night. Come to my chambers and submit to me and in the morning you can have your ship and you may go anywhere you would like. What do you think of these terms, Andromeda Nus?”

  “Yes,” I answered without hesitation.

  He pulled back as if surprised by my answer.

  “Very well,” he said and then to my surprise he produced the key to my handcuffs and undid them. I gasped as the heavy chains fell from my wrists. I stumbled forward, my center of balance off. I had grown used to the weight of the chains. Strath was there, he caught me and held me up.

  “The guards will take you to a room where you can shower, rest and prepare yourself for me,” he said.

  I looked up at him, so tall and strong above me. “As you wish, My Lord.”

  Chapter Eight

  The guards came and I was handcuffed and led away between them. The cuffs felt so silly and pointless. What threat could I possibly be to them? They were so much stronger than I was. But I did not fight in any way. I had agreed to this willingly, happily. In some way, it was what I wanted.

  It felt strange to be back in my old room. I ran my hands along the thick red fibers of my coverlet. I looked at the screens, seeing the stars reflected back at me. I turned the lights all the way down and let myself breathe. There was food left out for me: bread, meats, cheeses and fruits. It was a bounty, but my stomach had shrunk and I was quickly full.

  I peeled my disgusting clothes off and put them in the trash. I let hot water steam the bathroom before stepping into the spray. The water combed through my hair, dislodging all the filth and dirt and hay that had accumulated in the last few days. I turned around and opened my mouth, drinking the hot water, letting it wet my lips. Crying from relief.

  I cleaned myself from head to toe. Every last bit of dirt was removed from underneath my fingers. I scrubbed myself roughly with a brush. The soap smelled like lavender, it was rich and silky, far nicer than anything I was used to.

  I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I didn’t even bother getting dressed. I dropped the wet towel at the foot of my bed and climbed between the sheets. The bed was so soft and warm. My eyes were heavy, I struggled for a moment to stay awake.

  Was I worried about my deal with Strath? I felt that I should have been, but I wasn’t. I remembered our kiss from the night of the festival. His mouth on mine, the feel of his body, his strength and power had been intoxicating. I had wanted him then. Did I still want him now?

  The fact that this great Lord who oversaw thousands was this interested in me seemed impossible. He was surrounded by beautiful women, at least three of them, at all times. I’m sure there were thousands of women on this ship who would have been thrilled to join him in his bed. But out of all of them, he only wanted me.

  He thought I was free. He thought I was like him, answering to no master. I wasn’t though. I wasn’t like him. I had a cause I was tethered to. A cause I was not willing to give up.

  I drifted off into a deep sleep. While I was sleeping, I had a dream that a man came to me. The room was only lit by the stars on the screen, I could not bear to turn them off before falling asleep. I watched his silhouette against the stars. He entered the room and removed his toga. I could see the strong muscles in his shoulders work as he walked towards me.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand along my forehead, pushing aside a strand of hair.

  With a gasp, I awoke. Strath was sitting above me. He bade me to sit up and when I did, he brought a glass of water to my mouth and I drank eagerly. He put the glass down and cupped my cheek in his hand.

  He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back, my tongue sliding over his lips and into his mouth. He gripped my hair and pulled me even closer. My hand traced a line down his strong chest.

  He broke the kiss and looked down at my wrists, still red from the chains. He shook his head and kissed them both gently, carefully. The sight of this strong Lord in such a tender pose made me want him even more. I broke my hands free of his wrists and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss.

  His hand found my breast and he massaged it gently as we continued our embrace. I broke the kiss letting my head fall back. I wasn’t expecting his touch to be so light. He was so strong, he could crush bricks with his hands, but he was so gentle with me.

  His expert fingers explored my body, sparking fire along my collarbone and in the hollow of my throat. Then his mouth replaced his hands. He licked and kissed along my neck. The softness of his lips combined with the scruff of his jaw created an engulfing sensation that made me tremble in his arms. My entire body s
huddered and then I could take no more, I pulled his head up again and kissed him hard.

  “Come to bed,” I whispered to him. Our foreheads were touching and he nodded and slid between the sheets next to me.

  He was on his back and I trailed a line of kisses down his chest and his stomach. He was hard and I grazed him with my lips before taking the length of him in my hand. He moaned and his head fell back as I moved my hand up and down, slowly, teasing him with feather-light touches.

  I could have stared at his body all night. Each muscle was well defined and I could not stop from leaning down and kissing his stomach. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me to him. His lips crashed against mine. I lightened my touch on him. My fingers just barely grazing his hot skin.

  He growled, took me by the shoulders and pushed me down. He knelt between me, my legs on either side of him. I felt suddenly exposed lying like this underneath him. My entire body was open to him. I tried to cover myself, but he gently grabbed my wrist and stopped me. His hands moved up and down my body, touching every inch of me. He massaged my breast and traced a circle around my nipple. He moved lower seizing my thighs in his hands. I could feel his strength as he dug into my flesh.

  I was desperate for him to touch me. I didn’t care that he was a Dolcivs and I was a human. I only cared about his touch. I needed relief from the pressure he had built up. I writhed underneath him and he leaned down and took my breast in his mouth.

  Arching my back, I strained for his touch. He sat back on his knees and stared down at me, drinking me in. Consuming me with his eyes. As he stared he reached down and took himself in his hand and then slowly, oh so slowly, he pushed himself into me. I gasped as my body adjusted to his size. For a moment, my entire body froze as he thrust into me. But it was only a moment, I was wet and ready for him. He began to move back and forth in a slow rhythm. My hands were on his shoulder, pulling him down to kiss me as he moved slowly in and out.


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