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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Basketball Daddy (BWWM Alpha Male Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (African American Unexpected Pregnant Contemporary Romance)

Page 104

by Ava Walsh

  “Hannah.” Chelsey couldn’t smile any longer. Her pretend face had long disappeared.

  “How crazy is this?” Hannah jumped out of the chair and flung her arms around Chelsey’s neck, nearly strangling her.

  “It is crazy. What are you doing here? Are you back in town?” Chelsey managed to ask, even though she could feel her heart racing in her throat and her palms growing sweaty. She hadn’t seen Hannah in three years. She didn’t want to see Hannah. She wished she could forget that they had ever been best friends.

  “Well, not back back. Just for a week, actually,” Hannah said, finally pulling away from her, giving her some space to breathe.

  “How come?” Chelsey asked, realizing that she still had the scissors in her hands, dangerously pointing towards herself in fact. She placed them on the counter in front of the mirror.

  “It’s my parents’ thirtieth anniversary. They’re throwing a big party. Aron is flying in as well. Fingers crossed.” Hannah giggled and Chelsey tried to smile. “I had no idea you were still in town,” she added.

  “I had to come back,” Chelsey said, probably too quickly, and then stole a look at the clock.

  “Why? I thought you were liking New York,” Hannah probed.

  “My mother…she got ill and I had to come back and take care of her,” Chelsey said, and ran her hands through her hair. She could feel herself blushing, and her nerves were giving way to full-blown panic. Hannah clucked her tongue in sympathy.

  “Is that why you stopped replying to my emails and texts? I’m so sorry, Chelsey. I had no idea.” Hannah looked genuinely upset and sympathetic, and Chelsey immediately felt guilty for lying.

  “She’s alright now, though. So, all is well.” Chelsey tried to shrug it off with a nervous laugh.

  “So you’re working here now?” Hannah asked, and Chelsey took in a deep breath and smiled her widest fake smile.

  “Only temporarily,” she said, and started to take a few paces back.

  “Well, that’s exciting, then. It’s been years since you gave me a haircut. Remember when you used to practice on my hair, and sometimes even on Aron’s?” Hannah giggled again, but Chelsey was slowly backing away from her now.

  “I do remember. But…it’s just that I have to go now. Something’s come up,” Chelsey said, interrupting Hannah’s laugh. She had backed far away enough from Hannah to be able to reach the coat rack on the wall, where she turned to pick up her jacket and bag.

  “Are you serious? You can’t be serious. I just got here, Chelsey. What’s wrong?” She could hear Hannah’s voice behind her as she ran towards the door, pushed it open and hurried out without turning to inform Monica that she was leaving. She wanted to get as far away from Hannah as possible, as far away from the mention of Aron’s name as possible. The guy who had ruined the possibility of continuing a friendship with Hannah. The guy who she thought she was in love with. The guy she could never get over.

  Chelsey arrived at her car, jerked the door open and sat down with a thump. She breathed out deeply and tried to steady her heartbeat. She had a daughter to go back home to.

  Chapter Two

  Chelsey picked Ruby up in her arms and carried her to the kitchen. She couldn’t believe her luck; Ruby was sleeping. This meant that she would have some time to herself, to think things over. She started boiling the vegetables and the chunks of chicken breast, placing Ruby on her high chair. So, Hannah was back in town, and Aron might follow. Chelsey knew what that meant: there was no avoiding facing them. If she knew Hannah at all, she was not the kind of girl to just take no for an answer.

  Chelsey had continued to text back and email Hannah for a few months after they had finished college nearly three years ago and Hannah left for Chicago, just to avoid an onslaught of questions. What she couldn’t bring herself to do, though, was answer any of her calls. As for Aron, if she knew him at all, he was the kind of guy who probably wouldn’t even remember her. They had all grown up together. Chelsey had practically lived at their home all through her teenage years. Hannah and she were inseparable. Aron was in the room next door. Aron was her best friend’s brother, and also the guy of her dreams.

  The water boiled over as Chelsey stood leaning against the cabinets. She realized a minute too late, and the stew had already boiled over the pot and spilled all over the floor. The commotion woke Ruby up and she was squealing in no time. Chelsey stubbed her toe in the rush to turn the gas down and also go to Ruby to placate her. She cursed, then apologized and soon enough felt hot tears pricking the back of her eyelids.

  “C’mon, sweetheart. Go back to sleep. Mommy’s going to make us some nice warm dinner,” she cooed to her two-year-old daughter. Ruby’s screams started to die down as she placed her head on her mother’s chest, right next to her beating heart, but she was blubbering still. Chelsey couldn’t help but smile at the small bubbles Ruby was blowing out from her saliva-laden mouth.

  “You’re a cutie, aren’t you?” she cooed again, and gently rubbed her nose with her daughter’s. She looked into Ruby’s glassy blue eyes. They reminded her of her own mother’s. Her mother who didn’t speak to her anymore. The mother she hadn’t seen in over a year. Chelsey’s mother was disappointed and angry; she was upset with her daughter for getting pregnant at such a young age. Mostly, she was angry with Chelsey because she refused to reveal to anybody who Ruby’s father was.

  With Ruby in her arms, Chelsey rocked over to the living room and placed the baby into the playpen. She reached for the remote and switched the television on, knowing the sights and the colors always calmed Ruby down. She wasn’t prepared, however, to see Aron’s smiling, victorious face on the TV screen. Her hand flew to her mouth in surprise rather than disbelief. She almost felt like she was being watched, like somebody was listening in on her subconscious.

  It was a news segment on yet another victory for the Los Angeles Rams. The presenters had nothing but praise for Aron Keels, the star Quarterback who had led the team to another win. Aron Keels is unstoppable, the voiceover said, as Aron’s dark curls were pasted over his sweaty forehead on-screen. Aron Keels is a hero to millions, the man continued, and Aron was laughing while running with his team towards the exit, with thousands of cheering fans in the background. Chelsey had to close her eyes tightly to get the image out of her sight, but his piercing green eyes were forever embedded in her brain. She couldn’t simply forget his face.

  Her heart was racing again. Ruby was thankfully distracted, playing with her building blocks, and Chelsey rushed to the stack of newspapers on the side of the couch. She sifted through them till she found the one she was looking for. She’d found it on page 3 of the paper a few weeks ago but quickly ignored it then, choosing to strengthen herself by living in denial. Today was not the day she could live in denial anymore.

  There it was, Aron Keels’ smiling face staring back at her. It was a series of shots of him leaving an LA nightclub. Two girls, in seemingly matching sequin dresses, clung from both his arms. They were all smiling. She could see the glittering Rolex on his wrist and the long black Limousine behind them, waiting to take them back to his place. The gossip column detailed out his relationship with the girls, who were both rising models. Aron Keels definitely had a reputation in LA. He was the hot stuff that everyone wanted. They wanted to sleep with him, to be seen with him, to endorse him, to shower him with advertisement deals. And Aron Keels happily obliged.

  She could feel the rising anger in her gut. That was not the guy she knew growing up, but that was clearly who he had become. She threw the newspaper away from her and walked back over to Ruby to brush her soft, black curls away from her forehead. She didn’t know how she was going to deal with this, with any of this.

  The phone rang and Chelsey jerked around to look at it where it was lying on the coffee table. There was a loud rap on the door simultaneously, and Chelsey could feel herself losing control. Who could be calling her at this hour? Who could be knocking on her door? She wanted to remain where she was,
Ruby and her, locked up and out of sight of the world. But the phone kept ringing and the knock on the door kept getting louder.

  “Chelsey! I know you’re in there. Open up, will you?” Hannah’s shrieking voice pierced through her soul. She was still frozen on the spot.

  “Chelsey, open up! What’s going on?” Hannah shrieked again. This time, Chelsey finally stood up, took in a deep breath and walked over to her phone. It was Hannah calling, and she cut the call. Then she walked over to the door, trying to maintain an even breath, and opened it.

  Chapter 3

  When Chelsey opened the door, Hannah was standing outside in the hall with her hands on her hips. She looked furious.

  “You have a lot of explaining to do,” she said in a breathy voice, and tried to push past Chelsey and into the house. Instead, Chelsey shut the door behind her and stood with her back to the adjoining wall, crossing her arms in front of her.

  “I’m busy, Hannah. We’ll have to talk later,” she said, as calmly as she possibly could.

  “Busy with what? Do you know how many people I had to call just to figure out where you live now? I thought you still lived with your mom.” Hannah’s voice was still high-pitched, as she had not yet managed to calm herself down. Chelsey nodded in response.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Hannah. I’ve just been very caught up with things,” she said quietly, trying to avoid looking directly into Hannah’s eyes.

  “I have no idea what’s going on with you, Chelsey. Firstly I didn’t even know you’re back in town, now I find out you’ve been living here for close to two years. Why have you been hiding all this from me?” Hannah took a few steps towards Chelsey, who turned her face away.

  “Hannah, I’m sorry. I just don’t have the time right now,” she said, placing her hand on the doorknob, hoping Hannah would get the hint and leave.

  “What’s going on? Is there someone in there with you? Are you married or something?” Hannah’s eyes went to the door knob and then back to Chelsey’s face.

  “No. I’m not married. I’m just busy. I really can’t talk right now,” Chelsey said, and let out a deep breath. Hannah’s face changed. She was going to try a different approach; clearly rage wasn’t working.

  “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on? We’re best friends. We tell each other everything.” Hannah reached out and placed a hand on Chelsey’s shoulder.

  “We used to be best friends, Hannah. Let’s just face reality. We’re not even friends anymore,” Chelsey snapped, and moved a few inches to let Hannah’s hand drop back beside her.

  “And whose fault is that? You completely cut me off. I’m back here trying to figure all this out and you’re still pushing me away. What did I ever do to you?” Hannah’s eyes were tearing up and Chelsey couldn’t handle it anymore. She knew she would start crying as well if Hannah kept probing and pushing.

  “Nothing. You didn’t do anything. Sorry, it’s not your fault,” Chelsey said, and turned her face away.

  “Then tell me what’s happening. Whatever it is, you don’t have to go through it alone.” Hannah placed both her hands on Chelsey’s shoulders now, and they looked into each other’s eyes.

  “I have to go back in now, Hannah. Let’s talk later,” Chelsey said quickly, before either of them had the chance to get any more emotional than they already were. Hannah stepped away, rubbed her hand under her nose and sniffled.

  “Alright. Whatever. Just promise me that you’ll show up at the anniversary party tomorrow. We’re having it at our house. My parents expect to see you there and so do I,” Hannah said, in a quieter voice. Chelsey stared back at her and tried to smile.

  “I’ll try my best to make it,” she said, after a few seconds had passed in silence. But Hannah shook her head.

  “After all the years you spent with us…we practically grew up together, Chelsey. You’re a part of the family. Everyone will be disappointed if you simply don’t turn up. That’s all I have to say,” Hannah said, and turned on her heels to start walking down the hall towards the stairs. Chelsey remained standing where she was until she heard Hannah’s footsteps on the stairs, descending down.

  She stood for a few more minutes with her back pressed against the door, until she heard Ruby wailing.

  “Hi, baby. Mommy’s back. Sorry, were you scared?” she said, trying to sound cheerful as she opened the door and found Ruby standing in the pen, pouting.

  The television was playing a repeat of the news segment and Aron’s face was on the screen again. Chelsey found the remote, switched the TV off and picked Ruby up into her lap.

  Back in the kitchen, she was more careful with the stew this time. She simply didn’t have the time or money to waste. She couldn’t work several hours in the day and afford a sitter for Ruby at the same time, so money was always tight. How did I end up here? she thought to herself as she ladled stew into two plastic bowls for Ruby and herself. She had been on her way towards success. She had bagged a fancy New York internship, she was creative and competitive. She used to be an artist. Now she didn’t care anymore. She gave people regular, unimaginative haircuts and made barely enough to pay the bills.

  And now, Hannah and Aron were back in town to complicate her life even more. She shook her head in distress as she pushed a spoonful of stewed vegetables towards Ruby, who turned her head away with a stubborn pout.

  “Eat your dinner, baby,” Chelsey begged her, as her mind reeled with indecision. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She wanted to see Aron, she wanted to see Hannah and her parents. She didn’t want to be so rude as to simply not turn up. But she also knew that seeing all of them, seeing the new Aron, would destroy her emotionally. How would she ever get over something like that? It had taken her nearly three years to get over him the first time he left. Was she even over him now?

  Chapter 4

  Chelsey had picked out the only dress that remained unwrinkled and clean in her closet. It was a knee-length navy shift dress that she’d bought during college, several years ago. She styled her hair into a neat chignon on the right, lightly dusted her eyes with a muted copper eyeshadow and picked a matching copper lipstick for the evening. Thankfully, she had a pair of black pumps and a black velvet clutch to go with the dress.

  She caught a quick reflection of herself on the top of the Keels’ front door just before Hannah opened it. Hannah was in a long, red silk dress with a back that plunged right down to the small of her waist. She had on a matching bright red lipstick and dangling gold earrings. She looked ravishing, as always.

  “You made it.” She lunged forward and gave Chelsey a tight hug. “And you look amazing. Your hair is gorgeous” she added, as they gently pulled apart.

  “Thanks, Hannah. You look lovely too,” Chelsey said, as Hannah shut the door behind her. Their house was teeming with people and there was low classical music playing in the living room. Chelsey recognized several faces from the neighborhood and people she had been introduced to when she frequented the Keels home.

  “We have to talk when I get the chance. Can I get you a drink first?” Hannah asked with a smile, as if the dramatic scene outside Chelsey’s house the previous night had never even happened.

  “Yes, please. I could do with some wine,” Chelsey said, and Hannah smiled and flew away towards the kitchen, her beautiful dress trailing behind her as she walked, exchanging smiles and nods with people along the way. Hannah was always the center of attention; it clearly ran in the family.

  “Hello, Chelsey.” She heard a voice behind her and whipped around, almost dropping her clutch. Aron was standing at the door of the living room with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He was in a dark tailored suit which matched his hair. A gray shirt peeped out from within the folds and the collar was left slightly open at the neck. He was looking at her with his piercing green eyes, a soft grin lingering on his face.

  “Hello, Aron. How are you?” she managed to say, and dropped her gaze towards the floor. She could feel herself blushing.
He was aging gracefully. The sharpness of his jaw was more pronounced now and she could smell the masculine, musky scent of his cologne from several feet away.

  “I’m very well. Hannah was worried that you wouldn’t turn up,” he said, and took a few steps towards her. Chelsey looked up and tried to smile at him.

  “I’ve been busy. But here I am,” she said, adding a flourishing laugh at the end of that. He didn’t laugh, but he continued to grin at her. He was standing very close to her now, and try as she might Chelsey couldn’t look directly at him any longer.

  “Where have you been, Chelsey? It’s like you fell right off the Earth,” he said, taking a long, slow sip from his glass. She noticed the same Rolex on his wrist, how his voice had changed a little, grown deeper and smoother over the course of the three years since she last saw him.

  “I’ve been right here. My plans for New York didn’t work out,” she said nervously. With her beating heart and her sweaty palms and his eyes focused on her, she couldn’t come up with appropriate excuses or lies. He leaned towards her more, and she could feel his breath on the loose strands of her hair that were resting on her nose.

  “Why? Why didn’t you tell us that you’ve been here all along? I’ve been thinking of you,” he said, and when she lifted up her eyes to look at him, he was staring directly into hers. The smile on his face was close to mocking her. She could barely breathe. It was like he was gripping her heart with a tight fist.

  “There you are. You found her!” Hannah’s voice interrupted them and she came up to Chelsey with two glasses of red wine in her hands. Chelsey grabbed a glass from her and sipped from it quickly, thankful for the distraction.

  Aron smiled at his younger sister and then looked back towards Chelsey.

  “I was trying to find out why she’s been in this godforsaken town all these years,” Aron said, and Hannah laughed.


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