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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Basketball Daddy (BWWM Alpha Male Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (African American Unexpected Pregnant Contemporary Romance)

Page 136

by Ava Walsh

  “But, thank you for your input. I will let the cook know.” She gave a satisfied smile and looked at each of their faces.

  “Was that all you needed?”

  The women around her all had grave expressions on their pretty little faces. Louisa was looking up at the benefactor, pleading for support, but he gave none. He continued to stare at Melissa with a stern expression on his face, but Melissa swore she could see laughter dancing around in his honey colored eyes.

  When there was no response from the group of women, Melissa gave an over-exaggerated smile and turned to leave. She made her way over to the bar and let out a sigh as she leaned, ever so slightly, against the wall. The kitchen staff had just given her a five-minute ETA on the desserts. The bartender took one look at Melissa and laughed.

  “You all right over there?” Taesha chuckled, walking over to the sidebar.

  “You look like you’re about to kill somebody.” She mouthed a thank you to one of the bus boys as he dropped off a flat of freshly washed wine glasses. She grabbed the flat and set it down on the sidebar, facing Melissa, as she whipped a towel off the counter and started drying the glasses.

  “One of the guests didn’t like the halibut,” Melissa bit back her smile and continued to scan the crowd. Taesha raised an eyebrow and started a new row of glasses.

  “Aren’t we serving salmon?” Taesha let out a quiet giggle, shaking her head.

  “Todd should get a kick out of it. He hates these people as much as I do, if not more.”

  Exhaustion hung on every word that left Melissa’s lips. Taesha smiled reassuringly.

  “Then why take these jobs?” Taesha tilted her head to the side. “There are enough mid-class events to keep us busy until we retire. We don’t have to deal with the stuck-up rich people if we don’t want to.”

  Taesha glared at Melissa expectantly. Melissa took a deep breath.

  “Do you like the BMW you are driving?” Melissa finally looked over at Taesha, who had a knowing smirk on her narrow face. Melissa smiled brightly. “That is why we take these events.” Melissa could feel eyes on her, she scanned the room. The benefactor was looking right at her. He leaned over to Louisa’s ear and then offered a nod to the other women.

  Melissa watched as he walked across the banquet hall, shaking hands and smiling politely, but saying quick goodbyes as he made his way toward her. Watching him walk across the floor was like watching a dance. He was radiating confidence and grace. It was beautiful. He had finally reached Melissa and held out his hand.

  “Hello. I’m Clayton Masters,” Melissa forced a smile and took his hand. He lifted her hand to his lips, then released her. Her skin burned where his lips had grazed her skin. She could feel her face grow hot.

  “Hello, Mr. Masters. I hope the event is what you expected?” Melissa’s voice came out an octave higher than she was used to. She glared at Taesha who was laughing at her.

  “Yes, it is perfect.” A smile played on the corners of his full lips.

  “I’m sorry if I offended your date earlier,” Melissa swallowed slowly, hoping he wouldn’t notice. His presence was very imposing. She wasn’t easily intimidated but he was making her very nervous.

  “No worries. I probably would have done the same thing. Louisa just likes to cause trouble,” his smile grew bigger as he spoke.

  “I wanted to thank you for planning the event for me. It has been a great success. Thank you.”

  He gave Melissa another brilliant smile and offered a polite nod to Taesha, who had been eyeing him from behind the bar, then turned and left.

  “Well, that was interesting.” Taesha tilted her head as she watched Clayton walk away.

  “That is a very fine specimen of a man if I must say so myself.” She licked her bottom lip and got back to setting up the glasses.

  “That he is,” Melissa sighed and went back to observing the event.

  Chapter Two

  Clayton jumped in the back of his limo and leaned back against the seat, rubbing his temples. He couldn’t wait to get home and relax. This time of year was never easy for him. Normally, he enjoyed these social events but come this Fall he found himself more irritable and hungry. He let out a long sigh and then laughed.

  That event planner sure is feisty. Feisty, yet very professional. He couldn’t believe that she had told off Louisa and Isabelle. But they deserved it.

  He looked out the window as the lights of the city started to fade as they headed out of town.

  He had to admit, she knew how to hold her own. Clayton was used to women throwing themselves at him and getting flustered if he so much as looked in their direction.

  But not her. It was only then that he realized he hadn’t gotten her name.

  The limo made its way down a long gravel road, lined by jack pines. Eventually, they came into a clearing and his house came into view. He had never been so glad to get home. He never brought his conquests here. He would rent suits at the hotel for that. This was his safe place. He didn’t have to hide here. He didn’t have to keep up the charade.

  He thanked his driver and made his way into the house. He loosened his tie and undid his shirt, heading straight for the fridge and pulling out some steak and a salad. He had eaten enough for two at the event but he was still hungry. He would be hungry right up till the first snow fall.

  I hate this part. He cursed under his breath. That salmon was amazing. Perfectly done.

  It was his favorite, part of the reason he had requested it as the main course. He laughed at the memory of Louisa telling the event planner that the halibut was overcooked.

  He needed to speak to this woman again. Clayton looked down at his hand. He could still feel sparks tingling in his palm where her skin had touched his. He dug around in his wallet, looking for her business card. He punched the number into his phone and then looked up at the clock.

  It’s a little late to be making house calls. I’ll call tomorrow. He set his phone and the card down on the island and flipped the steaks.

  After he had finished both his steaks and his salad, he returned to the fridge. He was craving something. Something sweet. Then he remembered that he had a bag of frozen mixed berries in the freezer. He pulled them out, doused them in honey and put them in the microwave. He unconsciously licked his lips as he watched the bowl circle around inside. He pulled out the berries after the timer went off and started shoveling them into his mouth. He knew that he would still be hungry.


  Clayton stood on the balcony that protruded from his bedroom. He stared out into the dense forest as he sipped on his scotch. It was quiet and peaceful. He closed his eyes and took in the brisk fall breeze as it swirled around his naked body. He finished off his drink and went back inside, leaving the French doors open. He loved the feeling of the night air when he slept. He crawled under his covers and for the first time in a long time he dreamed. He dreamed of long flowing red hair, wild green eyes, and the fiery aura of the woman who had no name. Yet.

  Clayton rose with the sun, feeling refreshed and anxious all at once. He knew it would be too early to contact his mystery woman. He had searched the business card repeatedly for a name, but there was only the name of her business, Irish Fling. He chuckled at the name. It seemed ironic to him that her business was named after exactly how he wanted her.

  After his run through the woods, he came home and started some breakfast. A breakfast fit for a king. It always shocked his friends that he didn’t have a maid or a cook. All he would tell them is that women weren’t allowed in his home. He didn’t need anyone to take care of him, he could do just fine on his own. He picked up his phone and the business card.

  It may still be a little early, but I can’t wait any longer. He dialed the number and waited until he was greeted by a perky female voice on the other end of the line.

  “Hello, you have reached Irish Fling. How can we liven up your day?” The woman rattled out the company greeting.

  “I would like to speak with your e
vent planner, please.” He could feel his stomach tighten slightly. He only now realized that he had no idea what he was going to say.

  “One moment, please,” the cheerful voice echoed through the phone and then some music started playing. She had put him on hold.

  It wasn’t the usual hold music. It was modern upbeat songs like you would hear on the radio. It was a nice surprise. Then the music cut out and there was the sound of a woman’s voice. Sweet and soft.

  “Hello, this is Melissa Cleary. How can I help you today?” Even her voice sent shivers up and down his spine.

  “Hello?” Only when she spoke again did he realize that he hadn’t said anything.

  “Sorry. Hello, Miss Cleary, this is Clayton Masters.” He was hoping that she didn’t hear him clear his throat before he spoke.

  “Oh yes, Clayton Masters, the benefactor from last night’s party. I had the bill sent over to your company, I hope that was okay?” Her angelic voice had a tinge of worry in it.

  “Yes, that is fine. I was actually calling to see if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight?” He made sure to lay the charm on extra thick.

  “Sorry but tonight won’t work. I have a fundraiser that I am putting on.”

  Clayton sat there dumbfounded. He had never been turned down before.

  “Alright,” he wasn’t about to take no for an answer.

  “I understand you are a busy woman. What night will work for you?” The anxiety that he had been feeling earlier was starting to build in the pit of his stomach.

  “Honestly, I’m not too sure. A lot of things come up last minute. How about you leave me your number and I will call you when I am free?” He heard her slide out a drawer and ruffle some papers.

  What am I doing? I don’t leave women my number, hoping they will call me back. But he had to see her again.


  She repeated the number back to him once he was finished.

  “Was that all you wanted, Mr. Masters?” Her tone was very professional. He was not expecting professional. Giddy, nervous, even speechless. But being asked on a date by Clayton Masters didn’t even phase her.

  “Yes, that will be all, thank you.” Clayton hung up the phone and tapped it gently on the counter top. He smiled and shook his head. His heart was going to have a run for its money and he didn’t even know it yet.

  Chapter Three

  Melissa reached around the shower curtain and grabbed a towel off the towel warmer. She let out a tired sigh as she ran her fingers through her damp hair. She wrapped the towel around her and waltzed out of the bathroom, taking in the chill from the rest of the condo. She walked into the kitchen to grab herself a glass of water and nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “Jesus Christ, Taesha!” Melissa gripped the wall for support and clutched her towel to her chest.

  “You scared the shit out of me!”

  “Sorry, Mel,” Taesha grinned and let out a mischievous laugh.

  “I just came to see if you were finished with my cookbook.” She held up a cookbook that she grabbed off the top of the fridge.

  “You know that they came up with this weirdly popular invention called a cell phone right? They are these conveniently pocket-sized phones that you can carry anywhere and make calls from anywhere there are cell towers. They are really quite spectacular.” Melissa shot Taesha a sarcastic glare as she brushed by her on the way to the glass cupboard.

  “Hardy-har-har,” Taesha leaned against the counter while Melissa filled her glass with some water.

  “So did you call the hotshot yet?” Taesha lowered and raised her eyebrows.

  “No,” Melissa nearly choked on her water.

  “I’m not going to either,” Melissa set her glass down at the back of the sink and headed for her bedroom.

  “What? Why not? He’s totally hot and rich!” Taesha followed behind her and flopped down on her bed as Melissa made her way into her walk in closet.

  “I know his type, Taesha.” Melissa rummaged around for an oversized t-shirt.

  “I’ve dated his type. I just know where that road leads and I promised myself that I would never go down that road again.”

  Taesha flipped through one of the magazines she pulled off of Melissa’s bedside table. When she didn’t hear anything more from Melissa, she pushed herself off the bed and made her way to the closet. Melissa had her pajamas on and was staring at herself in her three-way mirror.

  “You know... I’ve never had a guy ask me on a date before,” Melissa turned toward Taesha, arms crossed over her chest.

  “I’ve usually pursued them, but I could never keep them,” she pursed her lips into a small smile and swallowed the lump in her throat.

  “Yeah, I know,” Taesha walked into the closet and looked at the wall of high-end shoes by the door.

  “But that was a long time ago, Mel. You’ve changed since then. You’re not the same insecure, eager to please girl anymore.”

  She picked up a pair of Prada pumps and inspected them.

  “You’re strong, confident and you don’t take shit from anybody.” She set the shoes carefully back onto the shelf and turned back to Melissa.

  “Especially not some rich bastard looking to score,” Taesha walked back to the door and leaned against the frame.

  “I know and I worked hard to get to be the woman I am now,” Melissa turned the light off in the walk-in closet and followed Taesha back into the bedroom.

  “It’s just that sometimes that insecure girl still finds her way back into my thoughts and no matter how brief the time she spends there, it still gets to me.” Melissa flopped down on her bed.

  “That’s what I’m here for.” Taesha flopped down beside her.

  “To tell you that you’re a badass bitch, put your game face on and go get yourself some hot, rich ass,” Taesha gave Melissa a playful nudge.

  “He’s not my type,” Melissa let out a sigh behind her chuckle.

  “Hot and rich isn’t your type?” Taesha raised her eyebrows and propped herself up on her elbow.

  “Look, nobody said you have to date the guy. But you deserve to have some fun. Just don’t get attached,” Taesha smiled and patted her on the arm before sliding off the bed.

  “I’m heading home now. You should really think about it, though. Like I said, you don’t have to date the guy. Hell, you don’t even have to like the guy. Just go out and let off some steam. It’ll be good for you.”

  She started to leave but turned back when she reached the doorway, pointing her finger sternly at Melissa.

  “And you tell that insecure, pussy bitch that I said fuck off the next time she rears her ugly head.”

  Taesha gave a wink and headed out the door. Melissa laughed and shook her head. She pulled out her phone and pulled her day planner out from the drawer in her bedside table. On the top of last week's schedule, she found Clayton Master’s number scribbled carelessly in red ink. She sighed and punched the number into her phone. She opted for a text instead of a phone call. She knew better than to call someone she didn’t care about. Texts were less personal, even if it was only her own opinion.

  Meet me at The Golf, Friday at 7 pm. Short but sweet. She smiled and gave a satisfied nod. No sooner did she put her phone down, it vibrated.

  I can pick you up. It’s not a problem. She bit the inside of her cheek and hit reply.

  It’s quite all right. I’ll just meet you there. Friday at 7. She tossed the phone to the opposite side of the bed and got up to shut off the light. She crawled under the covers and reached over for her phone, switching it to silent. She noticed that he had sent a reply.

  I’ll pick you up at 6:45. She couldn’t help but smile at his persistence but she knew she had to be firm with him.

  Then I will conveniently leave my house at 6:30. She set the phone on the bedside table and wriggled deeper into her goose down duvet. She was just about to close her eyes when she saw the screen on her phone light up. At first, she rolled over and ignored it. Closing
her eyes and nuzzling her pillow. But her curiosity got the best of her and with an annoyed sigh she rolled over and grabbed her phone.

  Then I will be at your house at 6:15. Look, woman, I want to take you out and be damned if I’m going to let your pride get in the way of giving you a proper date. If I have to search this entire city to give you a ride to The Golf, I will. Melissa’s heart skipped a beat. Much to her dismay. She hit reply one last time.

  Fine. Pick me up at 6:45. But if you are so much as a minute late I am getting in my Mustang and I am driving my own ass to The Golf. Whether you like it or not. She decided to save herself the effort of reaching for her phone again and waited for his reply. Within seconds she had it.

  A Mustang? I am definitely picking you up. There is no way that fine ass of yours should be riding in anything less than an Aston Martin. See you Friday. Melissa didn’t answer. She wasn’t a fan of rich people waving their money around, rubbing it in people's faces. She put her phone on the bedside table and rolled over. For the first time in a long time, Melissa fell asleep with a smile on her face.


  Melissa sat at her desk going through the paperwork for the party she had planned that night. It was an easy event for her, considering a sixtieth birthday party isn’t too demanding. Not to mention she loved the family she was doing it for. She had planned their anniversary parties, children’s birthday parties, fundraisers and many more events.

  The Andersons were one of the few rich families that she actually enjoyed being around. They were very modest, down to earth people. They had even invited her to a few family dinners. They were like a family to her.

  “Miss Cleary?” A small knock came to her office door, followed by a tiny blonde.

  “You can call me Melissa,” she smiled with a small chuckle at her new intern’s politeness.

  “What do you need, Sarah?” She motioned for Sarah to come in.

  “I brought you some coffee, Miss...” Sarah stopped and cleared her throat nervously.


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