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Over The Limit

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by Lacey Silks

  Over The Limit

  by Lacey Silks

  Kobo Edition

  Copyright 2012 © Lacey Silks

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  A burst appendix ruined Valerie’s prom and her plans to give her virginity to her boyfriend. Circumstances drew them apart until she’s caught speeding. Trying to weasel out of a ticket, she uses all her charms on the Officer before recognizing him as Mike, her prom date. As feelings from past return, Val is cuffed by the one man she’s longed for and wanted to give herself to. When Officer Mike surprises Val with an unexpected punishment, Val vows to go over the limit more often.

  Over The Limit is an erotic romance short story, approximately 5800 words (250 words/page). Contains adult content and graphic sex scenes (M/F).





  About the Author

  More work by Lacey Silks

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  To our men in uniform


  Floodlights illuminated the dance floor in an alternating sequence, and fake fog seeped out of a machine in each corner of the gymnasium. Overhead, bubbles popped, breaking in colorful patterns. Waves of blue and green shadows on the walls complemented the prom’s undersea theme.

  I held my arms around Mike’s neck: my first real boyfriend, to whom I’d promised myself. The ring on my finger said so, and tonight was the night. Mike had rented a hotel room across the street. For the first time, I had no curfew, and my parents thought I was spending the night at a slumber party. It would be perfect. The nerves inside me had tugged at my stomach all day. I couldn’t eat and had hardly drunk anything. The pain of hunger pinched around my bellybutton.

  “Are you all right?” Mike pulled me in closer. “You look a little flushed.”

  “Just nervous,” I replied. “The dance is almost over.”

  “Don’t worry, Val. I’ll take care of you.” He smiled his innocent boyish grin that would soon become a man’s—and soon I wouldn’t be the last virgin in high school. Though the pressure over the years had increased, I was glad I’d waited, and Mike was patient. We’d met as juniors when he sat next to me in math class. Our friendship had grown until our first kiss a year later, which sealed us as a couple.

  Tonight, I would transform my boyfriend to a man, and he would make me a woman.

  “Have you had anything to eat?” he asked, brushing the side of my face with the back of his hand.

  “No.” I shook my head and made a face. The thought of food made me feel queasy.

  “Come on.” Mike pulled me off the dance floor, grabbed a plate off the dessert table, and stacked it with some fruit and cake. The tempo picked up again on the dance floor.

  We sat down at the table and he fed me a tasteless piece of melon with a fork. I chewed it like gum.

  “I don’t like it,” I mumbled.

  He pressed his hand to my forehead, “You’re burning up, Val. Are you sick?” His forehead creased, and the dark chestnut eyes I loved so much turned almost black. Or maybe it was my inability to focus.

  “I don’t think so.” I fought the nausea that hit when the melon plummeted into my stomach.

  “I think you are. Let’s go find Nurse Kelly.” He took me under my arm and we made our way toward the entrance where most of the volunteer chaperones hung out.

  As soon as the door behind us closed muffling the music, I bent over in pain from the clutching around my stomach. “Ouch!”

  My scream drew everyone’s attention. Mike lowered me to the red carpet and I curled in a fetal position. The pinching sensation stabbed continuously, and I could no longer concentrate on the buzzing of people around me.

  “It hurts.”

  Beyond the sound of my short breaths, the rush of people around me hummed in my ears. Someone placed a wet cloth on my forehead.

  “I know, Val, I know.” Mike smoothed my hair. “Help is on the way.”

  A few minutes later, sirens sounded in the distance. The hall blurred behind my eyes as the room spun. Strong arms rolled me over onto a flat surface. Once in a while I saw Mike’s face over mine, mouthing words I could no longer hear.

  The last thing I remembered saying was, “Don’t leave me, Mike, please don’t leave me.”

  “I won’t,” he repeated. Or perhaps it was just the movement of his lips that told me he wouldn’t.

  As the paramedics whisked me away on a gurney, I didn’t realize I wouldn’t see Mike again for over a decade.

  Twelve years later

  Blue and red lights flashed in my rear view mirror. My gaze flew to the display of my Miata, which showed twenty over the limit.

  “Shit! Where did he come from?” I hit the brakes.

  Since when did the cops patrol the middle of nowhere? It had been over an hour since I’d left the town limits, and I hadn’t passed another car for almost fifteen minutes. Getting a break was not in the cards tonight. As I raced with the hood down, all I wanted was to drown my soul in the wind instead of in another bottle of wine chilling at home.

  The music on the radio vibrated the front windshield and I turned it down, pulling over onto the gravel shoulder. The pebbles crunched under the wheels as I stopped. I popped a mint in my mouth. Behind me, the cruiser’s headlights outlined the silhouette of an officer pushing through the dust cloud toward my car.

  Good. It’s a man. I brushed my fingers through the tangles in my hair.

  He paced with confidence. I hoped it wasn’t an old geezer that I’d have to persuade to let me weasel out of a ticket. Looking at this cop’s body, I assumed he was young. All the old ones were fat, with beer bellies that hung over their belts.

  I pouted my lip out before applying raspberry lip gloss, and quickly checked my makeup. Flustered, I pushed up my bra, squeezing the only assets that had gotten me out of trouble in the past. “OK, girls, do your job.”

  I rolled down the window. “Can I help you, officer?” I shined my most innocent smile at him, but he kept his gaze on the pad of empty ticket forms. His cap covered his eyes.

  “License and registration,” he barked, as if I’d just disturbed him from a nap.

  Knowing I had to lift my behind and flash a piece of my thigh at him, I reached over
the front seat to the back and grabbed my purse. There was no way he’d give me a ticket after I used my charm. This strategy never failed. When I sat back in my seat, he was flipping through a notepad, scratching something off on each page. Not even a glimpse at my exposed legs. I searched through my bag, which resembled the inside of a piñata. Finally my hand caught the wallet.

  “Do you know how fast you were going, ma’am?” he grumbled, chewing his gum.

  Ma’am? Didn’t he see my thigh? Or my squeezed boobs?

  “I’m so sorry. I’m in a rush to a funeral.” I batted my lashes at him, but he just kept writing on his notepad and hadn’t flipped a page in a few seconds.

  Shit, he’s already writing the ticket!

  “Dressed like that? At this hour?” he asked, checking his watch.

  He noticed!

  “License and registration,” he snarled, this time looking up from underneath his cap. His eyes widened and brows narrowed when our gazes locked. Something about his dark stare made me hold my breath. Chills ran down my spine as I tried to remember if he was a cop who’d caught me speeding before, but I was sure I’d remember those chestnut eyes. Their familiarity turned the chills to warmth that spread through me, and his cold response didn’t matter. He leaned in toward me and took a whiff. I held my breath and closed my eyes.

  He backed up, and I exhaled away from him.

  I handed him my papers and discreetly popped another mint in my mouth.

  “Valerie White,” he murmured, studying the license again as if he were checking to see if it were fake. The uniform suited this cop more than others I’d seen. He owned it. His perfect, narrow hips held the belt of power like a trophy, and the outfit looked more like a stripper’s costume than a police officer’s.

  “Yes, sir.” I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, feeling my palms sweat.

  “You were speeding.” His cool tone of his voice became warmer, and suddenly a guilty feeling for pretending I didn’t break the law overwhelmed me. It’s not something I experience too often. In my line of work, climbing the ladder of success while fending off the predatory eyes of my male co-workers had thickened my skin. I was the only woman at the dealership and the top producer. Driving away from the city was my way of escape.


  “Don’t give me a funeral story. Be honest, Valerie.” Officer Grumpy jumped in before I got a chance to defend myself.

  My hands slid down to my knees and my shoulders lowered. I slouched in the seat, wondering what had happened to the “ma’am.” If I opened my smart mouth back at him, I could end up spending the night in jail. All he had to do was ask me to take a breathalyser and I’d be done.

  “I was blowing off some steam. I’m sorry. My boyfriend just broke up with me and—and—” Fresh tears streamed down my cheeks, and I began to sob. Cries of defeat often helped. Men couldn’t stand women crying and usually left them to their tears.

  “Have you been drinking, miss?” He leaned in again.

  “I had a glass of wine, that’s all.”

  “Step out of the vehicle, please.” Officer Persistent pulled on the door handle and backed up.

  “Really, I’m fine. It was an hour ago.” I batted my wet lashes at him again, trying to compose myself to look like the businesswoman that I was during the day. But tonight, I was sure my hooker-worthy ensemble and running mascara didn’t do justice to the persuasion my eyes were capable of.

  “Step out of the vehicle ,Val.” His frosty tone became warmer each time he spoke, and his voice was hitting a nerve inside me I couldn’t quite understand.

  Val? What, we’re on first name basis now, Officer Rude? I hope you choke on that gum!

  Only one person in my life had called me that – everyone else knew I went by my full name – but he lived on the other side of the country, was probably on his way to becoming a movie star. I lowered my skirt, lifted my feet over the threshold, and stepped out. The gravel hurt my soles.

  “You’re barefoot?” he asked, readjusting his cap.

  Officer Kind stepped back, his face hidden in the dark shadows of the night. His shoulders stretched outward in the fitted uniform that narrowed at his waist and hips. My mouth watered, and I wondered whether that was the effect of the wine in my bloodstream. As I admired his body from the top down, my gaze rested on his belt buckle again and the faint outline of his package below. My inner needs began to concentrate inside my panties.

  “No shoes?” He focused on the ground where my toes wiggled over the pebbles. In truth, they wiggled because of the effect this man had on me, and I couldn’t figure out the reason. Warmth spread through me as the last glass of wine I’d had half an hour ago began to kick in.

  “It’s easier driving than in six inch heels.” I strained to maintain my composure, discouraged I’d get a ticket. The alcohol wasn’t helping to subdue my emotions. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve.

  “Please don’t cry.” He helped me over the gravel and onto the street split with a white marker in the middle. Beyond us, darkness swallowed the road in both directions. “Can you walk a straight line for me?”

  Did I sense a change in his tone? I thought I heard compassion. Perhaps there was hope. I shook my head sideways, keeping my eyes on the pavement. There was no reason to pretend I was capable of walking – or driving. That was a bad idea.

  “How many glasses of wine did you really have, Val?” Officer Polite asked. The care in his voice suited him better. It struck a chord inside my belly, then tingled down to my lower half.

  “Two.” I paused. Honesty might work with this guy. “Maybe three.”

  “OK, take your purse and your shoes out of the vehicle and come with me.”

  “Are you gonna arrest me?”

  For the second time since he’d stopped me, we locked gazes. His eyes softened and mouth curved up on one side, “No. I’m officially off duty, and I was going back home. You’re coming with me.”

  That was better than getting a ticket. I concentrated on his face from behind the blur of my tears. The chiseled cheeks and the dark eyes that swallowed the night and rough jaw line reminded me of someone. “Mike?”

  “Officer Mike.” He grinned.

  “Mike Roberts?” I rubbed my eyes, and the remnants of my mascara smeared on my wrists.

  He nodded with the grin that I remembered.

  “Oh, my God, it is you!” I jumped up at him, wrapping my hands around his neck and legs around his waist.

  He held me under my behind, supporting my weight. The grip of his bare hands on my bottom and fingers pressing along the line of my panties rushed my pulse.

  “How? What are you doing here?” I asked between my breaths, then planted a long wet kiss on his mouth. His minty breath mixed with mine, cooling my tongue. The smooch deepened and sped my pulse. The Mike I remembered had never taken my mouth as forcefully as he did now. I parted my lips even more, allowing him to taste me as much as he wanted. I didn’t know exactly what had come over me, but seeing someone familiar after breaking up and now getting stopped for going little over the limit had overwhelmed me with the need to be comforted. A need that grew stronger between my legs.

  Mike’s fingers dug into my bottom. His kiss was more intoxicating than when we had dated. His tongue pressed against mine in a tangle that caused passion to burst between my legs. The hard exchange of pleasure slowly turned into a soft torment that swelled my breasts and continued downward, and we finally pulled away.

  “Wow,” he whispered lowering me to asphalt. My full front slid against him, feeling the buttons and buckles and hard flashlight attached to the belt; or perhaps that wasn’t a flashlight.

  “I know.” I straightened my skirt and top. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was just transferred from the west coast a few months ago. I had no idea you lived in Minnesota.”

  I loosened my grip and steadied my footing. Mike looked hot and sexy in his uniform. The way he stood in a wide stance, fingers hooked into the
belt, made me certain he’d be a great stripper. Especially with such growth that pushed through his pants. His eyes shone, admiring me.

  A new urge flew through me when I remembered waking up alone in a hospital twelve years ago, and I slapped him. “You promised you wouldn’t leave me!”

  He rubbed his cheek. A red mark began to appear. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have a choice, Val.”

  “Not even to say goodbye?” The pain in my own voice struck a surge of feelings from past memories. I’d been taken away in an ambulance on our prom night, the night I had promised myself to Mike, and ended up in surgery with a burst appendix. Mike never made it to the hospital, and after I recovered, I’d found out he’d moved to the other side of the country.

  “It was an emergency. My father passed, and we left the same night. When I came back a few days later, you had moved. No one knew where.” He took a step toward me.

  “My parents fought again, and my mother decided she needed a new start on life. I had to go with her.”

  “And you moved here?” Mike looked around, but in the dark, the long fields of corn and wheat blackened into an infinite abyss. The nearest light was that of an airplane overhead.

  “I live on the outskirts of Minneapolis. You?” I asked, hope rushing through me like a tsunami.

  “About a mile that way.” He pointed into the darkness. I knew there was a small lake in the distance. “Val, I never stopped thinking about you.”

  Mike took both my hands into his. His matured grip was full of promises that had been denied the night of the prom. A light breeze swept my extensions against my face and I heard a click. Metal cuffs circled my wrists.

  “You’re arresting me?”

  “You just assaulted an officer. Some kind of punishment is in order.” An indecent grin spread across his face.

  The way he said “punishment” made the hairs on my arms stand in a series of goosebumps. Was he flirting or suggesting something?

  “I’m sorry, Mike, but of all people, you should understand why I slapped you. Wouldn’t a ticket be sufficient instead of the cuffs?”


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