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Elizabeth and Leicester

Page 45

by Sarah Gristwood

  Huntingdon, Katherine (Dudley, RD’s sister), Countess of: marriage; relationship with QE; father-in-law ; husband’s title; illness ; at Kenilworth; household

  Inner Temple


  Irons, Jeremy

  Irwin, Margaret

  Isabella, Queen of England

  Isabella of Castile, Queen

  Jackson, Glenda

  Jackson, J. E.

  James (VI), King of England and Scotland: birth; mother’s abdication; Scottish rule; English gifts to; marriage question; mother’s execution ; relationship with Essex; Spanish Armada; accession; Leicester inheritance case ; Dudley estates; favourites

  James , King of England and Scotland

  John, Duke (brother of Eric of Sweden)

  John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster

  Jones, Owen

  Jones, Robert

  Jonson, Ben

  Journal of matters of state (anon. tract)

  Julio, Dr, see Borgarucci

  Kapur, Shekhar

  Katherine of Aragon, Queen: education ; marriage; daughter; connection with Jane Dudley; divorce; death; marriage declared valid

  Kenilworth (Scott)

  Kenilworth Castle: John Dudley’s ownership; QE’s gift to RD ; RD at; RD’s plans; QE’s visits ; RD’s marriage to Lettice; RD’s last illness; RD’s funeral ; RD’s will; sequestered by crown

  Kett, Robert

  Kett rebellion


  Keyle, Robert

  Killigrew, Henry

  Kingston, Lady

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Knole Park

  Knollys, Sir Francis

  Knollys, Katherine (Carey)

  Knollys, Lettice, Viscountess Hereford, Countess of Essex, Countess of Leicester (RD’s wife): family background; appearance ; character; first marriage ; flirtation with RD ; children ; relationship with RD; marriage to RD; QE’s response to marriage; birth of RD’s son; finances; married life; son’s death ; RD’s death; RD’s funeral; RD’s tomb; RD’s will; third marriage ; young Dudley’s case ; death; tomb; fictional treatments of

  Knollys, Richard

  Knollys, Sir William

  Knollys family

  Knox, John

  La Noue, M. de

  Laneham, Robert

  Laws and Statutes of Geneva

  Le Havre

  Lee, Sir Henry

  Leicester, Earl of, see Dudley (Robert), Montfort (Simon de), Sidney (Sir Robert)

  Leicester House

  Leicester’s Commonwealth (pamphlet): publication; authorship ; allegations against RD ; on Amy’s death ; on RD’s son; editions ; reprinted

  Leigh, Alice

  Lennox, Lady Margaret Douglas, Countess of

  Lennox, Matthew Stewart, fourth Earl of

  Leslie, John, see Ross, Bishop of


  Lincoln, Henry Clinton, second Earl of

  Lingard, John

  Lok, William


  London Bridge


  Luther, Martin

  Maitland of Lethington, William

  Margaret, Regent of the Netherlands

  Margaret (Tudor, sister of Henry ), Queen of Scotland

  Marguerite of Navarre

  Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of


  Martyr, Peter

  Mary , Queen of England: childhood ; education; bastardy ; mother’s death; relationship with sister ; at father’s court; marriage prospects; brother’s christening; in family portrait; father’s death; at brother’s court ; religion; brother’s illness; succession question ; proclaimed Queen; reign ; marriage to Philip of Spain ; Wyatt rebellion; imprisonment of sister; supposed pregnancies ; burnings of Protestants; childlessness, ; Philip’s departure; sister’s marriage question; succession ; last illness; will ; death; funeral

  Mary , Queen of Great Britain

  Mary, Queen of Scots: claim to English throne; heir; appearance; marriage to Francis ; view of Elizabeth ; death of husband Francis; remarriage question ; peace treaty issue ; scandals concerning; question of marriage to RD; Darnley’s visit; infatuation with Darnley; marriage to Darnley; pregnancy; relationship with Elizabeth; Rizzio’s murder; birth of son; Darnley’s death ; marriage to Bothwell ; abdication; jewellery; flight to England ; Cecil propaganda against; imprisonment; casket letters; talk of marriage to Norfolk; plotting ; rebellion of northern earls; Anjou marriage question ; Ridolfi plot; response to St Bartholomew’s Day massacre ; taking the waters at Buxton; new of QE’s suitors; Throckmorton conspiracy; cipher letters; on RD in Netherlands ; Walsingham’s schemes; Babington conspiracy; execution; fictional treatment of

  Mary of Guise, Dowager Queen of Scotland

  Mary of Hungary

  Mary (Tudor, sister of Henry ), Duchess of Suffolk

  Matilda, Empress

  Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange

  Mauvissière, see Castelnau

  Maximilian , Emperor

  Melville, Sir James

  Mendoza, Bernardino de: on QE’s response to RD’s marriage; on QE’s Alençon marriage plans ; expulsion from England; in Paris

  Mendoza, Don Diego de

  Merchant Adventurers

  Micea, Marco Antonio

  Mildmay, Sir Walter

  Mirren, Helen

  Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester

  Moray, Lord James Stewart, Earl of

  More, Sir William

  Mortimer, Roger

  Morton, James Douglas, fourth Earl of

  Mulcaster, Richard

  Muscovy Company

  Nashe, Thomas

  Naunton, Sir Robert: on QE’s accession ; on RD; on QE’s favourites ; on relationship between QE and RD; on Hatton

  Neale, J. E.

  Netherlands: Spanish wars ; QE’s policy; Alençon’s involvement ; RD’s command; RD’s arrival; RD’s governorship; RD’s campaign ; RD’s departure ; Spanish forces

  Neville, Sir Henry


  Norfolk, Thomas Howard, third Duke of

  Norfolk, Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of: family background; Knight of the Garter; relationship with RD; relationship with QE ; support for Habsburg marriage ; relationship with Cecil; wives; Scots inquiry; question of marriage to Mary ; plot against Cecil; rebellion of northern earls; in Tower; release from Tower ; Ridolfi plot; in Tower; trial; execution

  Norfolk, Thomas Howard, fifth Earl of

  Norris, Sir Henry, Baron Norris of Rycote

  Norris, Sir John

  Norris, Marjorie, Lady

  North, Roger, second Baron North

  Northampton, Elizabeth, Marchioness of

  Northampton, William Parr, Marquess of

  Northumberland, Duke of, see Dudley (John)

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, ninth Earl of

  Norwich: Kett rebellion; QE’s visits

  Odingsells, Mrs

  Ormonde, Thomas Butler, tenth Earl of


  Owen, George, Dr

  Owen, Mrs

  Oxford, Edward de Vere, seventeenth Earl of

  Oxford University

  Paget, Lord

  Palavicino, Sir Horatio

  Parker, Matthew

  Parkinson, Cecil

  Parliament: reassembled (); declaration on marriage of Henry ; on QE’s marriage ; RD’s seat; role in government ; question of Mary’s marriage ; called by QE; national security acts; conspiracy fears ; execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

  Parma, Duke of: Netherlands campaign ; RD’s campaign against ; invasion force; Arthur Dudley story

  Parr, Katherine, Queen: relationship with Dudleys; marriage to Henry ; court; religion; relationship with Elizabeth ; marriage to Thomas Seymour ; death

  Parry, Thomas

  Parry, William

  Pembroke, Henry Herbert, second Earl of

  Pembroke, Mary (Sidney), Countess of

  Pembroke, Sir William Herbert, first Earl of
/>   Penshurst Place

  Perrot, Dorothy (Devereux) Perrot, Thomas

  Persons, Robert

  Philip , King of Spain: marriage to Mary ; consort status; dress; Mary’s supposed pregnancy; godfather to Philip Sidney; policy towards Elizabeth ; leaves England; returns to England; French wars; father’s abdication; final departure; suitor to Elizabeth ; favourite; Netherlands wars; response to St Bartholomew’s Day massacre; Irish policy; annexation of Portugal; Throckmorton plot; religious policies; Enterprise of England ; response to execution of Mary, Queen of Scots; Armada ; Arthur Dudley story

  Pickering, Sir William

  Pirto (maid)

  Pius , Pope

  Plaidy, Jean

  Plantagenet, Arthur


  Potemkin, Grigory

  Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, The (film)

  Progresses of Queen Elizabeth (Nichols)


  Ralegh, Walter: appearance; arrival at court; relationship with QE ; relationship with RD; marriage; writings

  Randolph, Thomas: Cecil’s correspondence; ambassador to Scotland; RD marriage proposal; on Darnley marriage; on Rizzio ; on RD’s quarrel with Norfolk


  Regiomontanus (Johannes Müller)

  Regnans in Excelsis (papal bull)

  Rich, Penelope, Lady

  Richard , King of England

  Richelieu, Cardinal

  Richmond Palace

  Ridolfi, Roberto

  Rizzio, David

  Robsart, Amy, see Dudley

  Rochford, Jane, Lady

  Rogers, John

  Ross, Bishop of (John Leslie)

  Russell, John, Baron

  Rutland, Henry Manners, second Earl of

  Rye, Walter

  Saffron Walden

  St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

  St Quentin, siege

  Salisbury, Magdalen


  Savoy, Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of

  Sawston Hall

  Saxony, Duke of (John Frederick )

  Schiller, Friedrich

  Scott, Sir Walter

  Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford, Duke of Somerset: character; relationship with John Dudley ; career; titles ; religion; Lord Protector; relationship with King Edward; brother’s plot; relationship with Elizabeth; Kett rebellion; in Tower; restoration; execution; widow in Tower

  Seymour, Edward (son of Katherine Grey), Lord Beauchamp of Hache

  Seymour, Jane, Queen

  Seymour, Thomas: appearance and character; marriage to Katherine Parr; relationship with Elizabeth; Katherine’s death; plot against King Edward; execution; grave

  Shakespeare, William: birth; on Ely Place; theatrical career ; will; works: As You Like It; Hamlet; Henry ; Midsummer Night’s Dream

  Sharp, Lionel

  Sheffield, Douglass (Howard), Lady: family background; character ; Sheffield marriage; relationship with RD ; Sheffield’s death; secret marriage with RD ; birth of son ; son’s claim to legitimacy ; remarriage

  Sheffield, John, second Baron

  Sheffield, Robert

  Shelley-Sidney, Sir John

  Shrewsbury, Bess of Hardwick, Countess of

  Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Duke of

  Shrewsbury, George Talbot, sixth Earl of: RD’s letters; son’s letters; Buxton spa; Mary’s imprisonment ; RD’s visit; QE’s letters ; RD’s gifts to; letter to QE on RD’s death

  Shrewsbury, Gilbert Talbot, seventh Earl of: letters ; Rowland White’s letter

  Sidney, Frances (Walsingham)

  Sidney, Sir Henry: Edward’s death; marriage; Spanish mission; career; on relationship between QE and RD; wife’s smallpox ; question of marriage between Mary and RD; Ridolfi plot; Irish policy; death of Essex ; death

  Sidney, Lady Mary (Dudley, RD’s sister): marriage; QE’s lady of the bedchamber; Habsburg marriage mission; smallpox ; at Kenilworth; family ; view of Alençon suit; death

  Sidney, Sir Philip: Philip ’s godson; relationship with RD ; relationship with QE ; writings; Irish policy; in masque; marriage; Netherlands campaign ; death; funeral

  Sidney, Sir Robert, Earl of Leicester

  Simier, Jean de

  Simnel, Lambert

  Sisson, Rosemary Anne

  Sluys, fall

  Smeaton, Mark

  Smith, Sir Thomas

  Smyth, John

  Somerset House

  Southern, Robert

  Southwell, Elizabeth

  Speed, John

  Spenser, Edmund

  Stafford, Dorothy, Lady

  Stafford, Sir Edward: religion; marriage; French mission; Leicester’s Commonwealth; Arthur Dudley story; passing information to Spain and France; Walsingham’s use of; Robert Dudley’s legitimacy claim

  Stafford, Sir William

  Standen, Anthony

  Star Chamber

  Stephen, King of England


  Stow, John

  Strachey, Lytton

  Stuart, Arbella

  Stubbs, John

  Succession, Acts of: (); ()

  Sudeley Castle

  Suffolk, Lady, see Grey (Lady Frances)

  Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of

  Sussex, Anne, Countess of

  Sussex, Henry Radcliffe, second Earl of

  Sussex, Thomas Radcliffe, third Earl of: QE’s views on marriage; attitude to QE’s marriage; Norfolk plot; relationship with RD; on RD’s marriage; death

  Talbot, Francis, Lord Talbot

  Talbot, Gilbert, see Shrewsbury

  Tamworth, John

  Thatcher, Margaret

  Throckmorton, Bess

  Throckmorton, Francis

  Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas: on Thomas Seymour; relationship with QE ; correspondence ; on Amy’s death; on question of RD’s marriage ; on question of Mary’s remarriage ; relationship with RD; Scottish policy ; Norfolk marriage question; in Tower; death; nephew’s conspiracy

  Tilbury, camp

  Titchfield Abbey

  Topcliffe, Richard

  Tower of London: Elizabeth’s servants in ; Somerset in; King Edward’s death; Lady Jane Grey in; Dudley family in; RD in ; Wyatt in; Elizabeth’s imprisonment; Elizabeth’s coronation; Katherine Grey in ; Throckmorton questioning ; Norfolk in; Ralegh and Bess Throckmorton in

  Tree of Commonwealth, The (Dudley)

  Trent, Council of

  Turbeville, George

  Tyndall, Humphrey

  Tyrwhit, Lady

  Tyrwhit, Sir Robert

  Valois, royal house

  Vavasour, Anne

  Vere, Robert de

  Very brief and profitable Treatise, A

  Victoria, Queen of Great Britain

  Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham


  Virgin Queen, The (BBC TV drama)

  Virgin’s Lover, The (novel)

  Walsingham, Francis: relationship with RD; Ridolfi plot; influence; RD’s letters ; French marriage question ; St Bartholomew’s Day massacre; Netherlands policy ; secretary of state ; religion; Leicester’s Commonwealth; spies ; agents provocateurs; Babington plot; execution of Mary; on QE’s response to RD’s death; Arthur Dudley story ; death

  Wanstead: RD’s purchase; RD’s wedding; QE at; RD’s retirement to; life at; Denbigh’s death

  Warbeck, Perkin

  Warner, Sir George


  Warwick, Richard Neville (the Kingmaker), sixteenth Earl of

  Warwick Castle

  Westminster, Palace of

  Westminster Abbey

  Westmorland, Charles Neville, sixth Earl of

  White, Rowland


  Whitgift, John

  William , King of Great Britain

  William (the Silent), Prince of Orange

  Wilson, Thomas


  Wolsey, Thomas

  Wood, Thomas


nbsp; Wotton, Sir Henry

  Wyatt, Sir Thomas

  Wyatt rebellion

  Wychwood Forest

  Zuccaro, Federico

  Zutphen, battle ()

  1 When the tree died in the 1970s, another sapling was planted by another Queen Elizabeth, while the dead trunk was temporarily resurrected in the Hatfield gift shop, sheltering a waxwork effigy of the princess.

  2 ‘Graceful in behaviour’, said another writer, Clapham, and ‘much addicted to sensual pleasures’; others again wrote of his ‘stately carriage’ and ‘grave look’.

  3 Spain and the Holy Roman Empire were both at this time ruled by Charles V. It was only in the last years of Mary’s reign that, after Charles V’s abdication, the two great Habsburg territories came to be governed separately - Spain by Charles’s son Philip, the Empire by Charles’s brother’s kin - and their ambassadors have to be distinguished.

  4 This is the theory convincingly expounded by her biographer Eric Ives. An alternative has, however, recently been put forward by Retha Warnicke, who suggests that Anne’s miscarriage of a possibly deformed foetus convinced Henry of her corruption and adultery.

  5 The chapel of Ely Place is also dedicated to St Etheldreda. It seems an odd coincidence that both Robert and Elizabeth should have grown up with churches dedicated to a saint and queen celebrated for her virginity.

  6 Dee is often described as having been Robert’s tutor, but this can only have been as an adult’s companion in study rather than a schoolmaster since Dee, born in 1527, was working abroad until Robert was almost twenty.

  7 That favourite was Christopher Hatton, who gave his name to Hatton Garden, which stands on the site today. All that remains of the old palace is the crypt below St Etheldreda’s chapel - ‘reclaimed for the old religion’, as the plaque outside puts it, in the 1870s.

  8 The only example of a woman ruler was Matilda, who in the twelfth century had contested the throne with her kinsman Stephen, and whose arrogance and ambition had almost torn the country apart.

  9 Charles V had now retired to a monastery. He would die in 1558, leaving the Austrian empire to his brother; from now on the Spanish and the Imperial ambassadors need to be distinguished.


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