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The Crimson Rope

Page 11

by London Saint James

With the plug in her ass, and his cock in her cunt, she was almost too tight, and when he started to thrust, every slide in and out awakened sensitive nerves.

  "Fucking hell, Lucy. You're so tight. That's it, milk me. Take my cock. I'm fucking you, my sweet girl. So good. Fuck!"

  Josh increased his thrusts, and Lucy flew. Higher and higher in spirals of bliss, the pressure built, until she exploded in an earth and limb shattering release that had her screaming his name over and over. Josh pumped faster, harder, pounding her into the bed, and when he started to rub her clit, Lucy fell apart again. Still he kept going, his voice a hoarse whisper in her ear.

  "Again, scream for me, sweet Lucy."

  "I … I can't."

  "Yes, you can, for me."

  He changed the angle of his thrust, and fucked her at the same time with the butt plug. The dual sensation proved too much as he hit yet another sensitive spot deep inside her cunt, and Lucy saw stars. The most powerful and intense orgasm yet robbed her of her voice. She was dimly aware of Joshua's grunts of release into her shoulder, as he came with a shout of his own, and then collapsed on top of her.

  His murmured words of endearments sounded suspiciously like those three little words she was longing to hear, but floating in her post orgasmic haze, tiredness took over. Her limbs didn't seem to belong to her anymore and she couldn’t get her mouth to form the words needed to tell him how she felt. His weight lifted off her and she shivered without his body heat to keep her warm. Something warm and wet was placed on her ass, and she winced when Josh removed the butt plug.

  "I'm sorry, my love, nearly all done. Let me untie you now and clean you up. I'm so proud of you. I've pushed you hard, my sweet little Lucy."

  She smiled into the tender kiss he gave her, and then she was free. Curiously bereft without the cuffs holding her in place she shivered, and the room faded away.

  "I've got you, Lucy … just sleep now. I'm right here."


  Lucy woke up to the sound of raised voices. The hushed, yet annoyed tones of Josh and the muffled, yet easily recognizable voice of her father. Instantly she was wide awake, and scrambled to sit up. Her ass cheeks protested the sudden movement and she smiled to herself as the events of the previous night came flooding back to her. Uncle Josh and she had had the most decadent and kinky night of fun together, but he'd insisted on taking her home in the early hours. She had been too sleepy to protest, and Joshua had smuggled her into her bedroom and under her covers, before the rest of the household had woken up.

  She'd clung onto him, not wanting him to leave, but he'd kissed her nose, and told her to behave.

  "You need your sleep, and then a good long soak in the bath in the morning. Use Arnica in your bath. I'm afraid you're going to need it."

  He'd looked so sheepish that she'd giggled.

  "I should blooming well hope I need it. And I hope I carry your marks on my skin when I look in the mirror."

  Josh had smiled and kissed her breathless, before leaving her, and she'd fallen into an exhausted sleep.

  He sounded less amused now and worry chased away her newfound happiness. There was the slam of a door and then nothing. Whatever her father and Josh were arguing about they'd taken it behind the closed doors of her father's study, it seemed.

  Lucy scrambled out of bed and grinned at the delicious soreness in all the right places. That grin turned into a full-blown smile of happiness when she saw her naked back in the full-length mirror of her en-suite bathroom. Her back, ass, and thighs carried the marks of Joshua's possession, and a warm glow spread through her veins.

  This was what she wanted, needed, and no one would get between her and Josh now. She would make damn sure of that. Mindful of her Sir's instructions she ran a bath and sank into the bubbles, and she pushed the remaining niggles of worry away, even as the familiar deep thrum of Josh's sports car announced his departure. He would be back, of course. He wouldn't abandon her now, not after everything they'd shared.

  Chapter Four

  Josh could hear the raised voiced from the driveway, and he grimaced and grasped the collar burning a hole in his pocket. After the most exhilarating eight weeks of his life, he was more than ready to come clean to the judge, but he couldn't decide whether today was the worst or best day to declare his intentions. All he did know was that Lucy needed him.

  It had only been out of consideration for Lucy's feelings that he had stopped himself from speaking to Edward before. She hadn't wanted to upset her father unduly, so the two of them had snuck around in the dead of night like teenagers. It had been exhilarating at first, but Josh was getting too old for that shit, and with every day that passed the risk of discovery became greater, until today their time had run out.

  Josh had hoped to get here before the proverbial hit the fan, but clearly he was too late.

  Mrs. Watling, the aged and inherently loyal housekeeper opened the door to him before he could even press the doorbell.

  "Oh, I'm so glad you're here, Mr. Worthy. I haven't seen the judge this angry since Mrs. Jennings left, and poor Miss Lucy has been in tears. He will just not listen to reason."

  Josh gave the harassed looking housekeeper what he hoped was a reassuring smile, and patted her arm.

  "It will be okay. This must have come as a shock to him. I'll see myself in. Under the circumstances, announcing me may not be the wisest option."

  Mrs. Watling's smile was so fleeting he'd have missed it, had he blinked.

  "They're in the study, but then I'm sure you can hear that."

  Josh took a deep breath and opened the door into a war zone. Lucy stood hands on hips, staring down her father. Her beautiful eyes were red-rimmed and her skin blotchy, testament to the many tears she must have shed, and Josh forced himself to unclench his fists. It wouldn't do their cause much good if he punched his lifelong friend the minute he saw him.

  As it was, Judge Jennings seemed to have aged ten years since Josh had played golf with him only three days ago, and some of Josh's anger at seeing his Lucy so upset fled. Ed did not know the full details, and the pictures strewn across the gossip pages would have been enough to shock any parent. Taken several months ago, they showed a half-naked Lucy restrained against a spanking bench, swallowing an unknown man's cock, whilst another paddled her ass. The men's faces were out of sight, but Lucy's features, though grainy, thanks to the poor quality of the picture taken on a mobile phone, were nonetheless easily recognizable by those who knew her.

  There were also much clearer ones, taken of Lucy exiting a well-known sex shop two weeks ago, and despite the situation, Josh's cock did its usual bounce into action, whenever Lucy was near. She'd been shopping for their weekend away, and he'd thought he'd died and gone to heaven, when he'd seen her in the sexy corset she'd bought. Not that she'd spent a lot of time in it. They had completely immersed themselves in their Master/slave persona and she'd spent the rest of the weekend naked and on her knees.

  He smiled recalling that happy time that had prompted the purchase of her permanent collar.

  "You." Edward's icy tone of voice pulled Josh out of his happy thoughts. "Did you know about this? Is this your doing? After all, you're into all this shit."

  Before Josh could respond, Lucy launched at him with such force that he had to take a step back to absorb the impact of her curvy little body. He hugged her close and she snuggled in with a desperation that tore at his soul.

  "I'm so glad you're here." Lucy's voice sounded so lost, he gave in to instinct. He wrapped his hand into her hair, and tugged hard. A shiver went through her and she snuggled in closer still, and he dropped a kiss on the top of her head, mindful of his old friend turning all shades of ashen grey in front of his eyes.

  "I've got you, girl. Let me sort this."

  His eyes met with Edward's across her head, and whatever Lucy's father read in his eyes, some of the hostility went out of his stance. He sat down with a heavy thump and swiped the offending newspapers off his desk in one fell swoop. Lucy jum
ped in his arms when the judge brought his fist down on the solid oak surface and swore.

  "Fucking hell, if I didn't think I'd break my fucking hand on your jaw, I'd punch your fucking lights out. How fucking dare you to touch her? She's young enough to be your daughter. I trusted you, damn it. You of all people should know what this means after Bridget—" He stopped himself just in time, but the damage was done.

  Lucy went stiff in Josh's arms and then pushed away from him with a frown, before she rounded on her father.

  "What the hell has all this got to do with Mum? You never mention her name, ever."

  "Lucy," Josh tried to intervene, but his fiery little sub turned on him too.

  "No, I want answers and I want them now. Why is he mentioning Mum now? Neither one of you ever did, when she left. No matter how much I pleaded with both of you. And Mum just disappeared without a trace. Yes, I tried to find her, but it was impossible. All I remember was dad and her having a row, and then she was gone. Why? Why after all these years do you bring her up now, unless…?"

  Her voice trailed off and her eyes grew huge and Edward and Josh both rushed to grab hold of her, as she swayed.

  Josh got there first and cradled her close. He shook his head at his friend and sat down in the big grandfather chair by the fire, and he settled a now freezing cold Lucy on his lap.

  "I think it's time you explained to your daughter what happened, Ed. I told you, you should have done it years ago."

  "Fuck you, Josh."

  Joshua would have laughed, had the situation not been so serious. Lucy flinched in his arms, and anger made him rash.

  "No, but I am fucking your daughter, and I have no intention of ever letting her go." If possible Lucy went even more rigid in his arms and her sharp intake of breath matched her father's. Josh knew he was deliberately being crude, but damn it all to hell and back, he was tired of pretending. Clearly, the judge thought the worst and hadn't been interested in any explanation, jumping to the worst conclusion possible, but Lucy wasn't her mother. She wasn't a careless bitch only out for her own pleasure, and it grated on his nerves that her father of all people would think so little of her. He'd put his daughter on a pedestal for all these years, and one so high it was a miracle she hadn't tumbled off it long ago.

  "Lucy is mine, so get used to that, Ed. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but I will not let you take your anger over Bridget out on her. I came here today to tell you of my intentions."

  He framed Lucy's face in his hands and smiled at her. The ghost of an answering smile lit up her pale features briefly and he kissed her nose.

  "We've been seeing each other for a few weeks now." He glanced across at his old friend and watched him struggle to take this all in. Pity once again warred with his need to protect the miserable woman on his lap, but there was really no contest.

  "She asked me to keep this quiet, because she was worried how you'd react, but I've had enough of hiding. Ed, I love your daughter, and I want her to be my submissive. I want to make this official if she'll have me … and this doesn't make her the slut the papers brand her. This isn't your ex-wife all over again."


  Blood rushed in Lucy's ears and she had never been so grateful for being cocooned in Joshua's arms as she was right now. She'd stopped listening to what he was saying to her father, only dimly aware of their exchange getting more and more heated. Those words kept bouncing around in her head on a continuous loop. Ed, I love your daughter, and I want her to be my submissive.

  Josh loved her. He'd actually said the words out loud. For weeks now she'd been on the verge of telling him that she loved him. Had whispered the words when she knew he was fast asleep and there had been times when she thought she'd heard him say those words back, when he thought her asleep. Every time, however, she'd convinced herself that it had just been wishful thinking. To hear him say that he'd wanted to make it official, that he was going to speak to Daddy meant the world to her.

  He'd been shocked when she'd phoned him in tears at the pictures in the paper, claiming that he hadn't known what she'd been talking about. She'd believed him. Josh was one of the few men she knew who paid no attention to anything but the financial section of any paper, much like daddy, so she had been dismayed to see her father call her into his office and to see the papers all over his desk.

  The things he had accused her of had hurt, really hurt. He'd looked at her with such disgust in his face, as though he didn't know her at all. This was why she had kept this side of her hidden, why she had pleaded with Josh to not say anything to her father, why she'd clung onto the secrecy of their relationship, safe in the knowledge that she wouldn’t have to confront her father and his wrath.

  "Pet, are you with me?"

  The use of her sub name, delivered in his commanding voice got her instant attention like he no doubt intended it to. Moisture pooled between her thighs and she fought the urge to sink to her knees in front of her Sir and to hide her face in his groin, as was his preferred greeting when they were alone. Even without that comforting ritual, the soothing caress of his large hands on her shoulders grounded her.

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Good girl. Your father has asked you a question. You need to answer it, pet."

  Reluctantly she tore her gaze away from the sharp angles of Joshua's face and turned her head to look at her father.

  "Is this really what you need?"

  There was a wealth of pain behind that halting voice and she nodded, not trusting her voice to work past that huge lump in her throat.

  Her father nodded just once and then closed his eyes and shook his head.

  "Okay, then. I shall never understand this. I didn’t with your mother and I sure as fuck don’t get why my little girl needs to get beat up like that."

  Josh's hands on her shoulders tightened and she could feel his body tense around her, but he didn't say anything, and she loved him a little bit more for that.

  "Josh doesn't beat me, Daddy, and he doesn't hurt me." She had to grin at that, and her father's face just registered suspicion and disbelief. "Well, not anymore than I want him to. I can't explain why I need this. I just know that I do, and it's nothing you've done that caused this or could have prevented it. It's just who I am, Daddy."

  Her father's eyes filled with tears, and she too blinked away tears.

  "I'm sorry about these pictures. They were taken a long time ago, and have nothing to do with Josh. I stopped doing all that a long time ago. All I want, all I ever wanted was Josh. I love him, Daddy, and he never laid a finger on me, and boy did I try to get him to do just that."

  Josh's short laugh rumbled through her and his hold on her tightened again, in a silent warning or promise she wasn't quite sure, and didn't much care.

  "Minx, you'll pay for that." His whispered promise into her neck made her heart beat faster and she leaned back into him. An action not lost on her father.

  He looked at her for the longest time and finally he relaxed and simply opened his arms. Lucy wasted no time to take him up on that silent peace offering and breathed in deeply. Daddy smelled of tobacco and whisky, the scent of her childhood so very familiar and comforting that she sighed and let the tears flow freely.

  "I love you, Daddy."

  "I love you too, Lucy, and I'm sorry for the hurtful things I said, but you see, all I saw when looking at those pictures was your mother all over again."

  He let her go and stepped away from her, and Lucy held her breath. Josh stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. His presence her silent anchor in this topsy-turvy world she had been thrust into this morning with the arrival of the papers.

  "I never mentioned your mother to you after she left, because she left under a cloud. Bridget needed pain to get her off, but with her it was lots of pain. Much more than I was prepared to give, so she looked for her fix elsewhere. She started to flaunt her men in my face, and stay out all hours. Even having you only slowed her down for a while. I believe you were the
only reason she actually agreed to marry me. Anyway, you don't need to know the sordid details, but eventually she had enough. She walked out on both of us and I was determined to keep you away from all that ugliness."

  He smiled at her and shrugged his shoulders.

  "I was never enough for your mother. At least with Josh I know that won't be a problem for you. It’s how we met, you know, Josh and I?"

  Josh's hold on her tightened and he murmured his confirmation into her neck.

  "Your father came to see me for some instruction on how to give your mother what she needed. It was never going to work, because he's not wired that way, but we bonded anyway. And when he invited me over for dinner one day and I met this little blonde haired imp called Lucy, I was lost hook, line, and sinker. Little did I know, that impish little angel would turn into such a beautiful bratty sub, just perfect for me."

  He turned her around in his arms and the emotion in his amber eyes blew her away.

  She was dimly aware of her father's sigh and his murmured excuses, before the door to his study opened and shut and she was alone with her Sir.

  Joshua released her and pulled something out of his pocket. The room spun and she suddenly found it hard to breathe when she realized what he was holding in her hands. The diamond studded collar sparkled in the sunlight streaming in through the French doors leading from her father's study to the gardens, and she looked from the collar to Josh and back again.

  "I came here today with the intention of asking you to accept my collar, my sweet Lucy, after I told your father how I felt." He shrugged and ran a hand through his hair, and her fingers itched to run them through the strands now sticking up and to smooth them back down again. She knew better than to try, though.

  "Turns out circumstances worked against my plan, but the sentiment remains. I know we have lots to sort yet, not least of all this whole mess with your dad and your mother, but Lucy, I love you. I'm tired of hiding my feelings, of hiding who we are. Will you let me collar you? Will you accept this as a token of my commitment to you? Will you wear my mark to show everyone who owns you?"


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