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The Crimson Rope

Page 13

by London Saint James

  “I make everything I sell. Well, except the clamps and vibe toys. Those I get here or there. But all the whips, paddles, and collars are my own work.” Pride flashed in the mesmerizing blue depths of his eyes. “That particular collar is very special … One of a kind, actually. It used to belong to my girl.”

  A tingle of warning crept along her spine. Used to? Curiosity reared its head, overtaking her good sense. “Why doesn’t it anymore?”

  “My submissive passed away three years ago. Brain cancer.”

  If she could have crawled under the table at that moment, she would have. “I’m so sorry.”

  Alexander lifted a belaying hand. “Please, don’t be. You couldn’t have known. I knew when I stepped back into the lifestyle there were bound to be questions.”

  “I still shouldn’t have stuck my nose where it doesn’t belong.”

  His eyes sparkled when he smiled, accelerating her heart rate. “Well, then I have the perfect way for you to make it up to me.”

  Beth flashed him a dubious look. “Really now?” His grin was infectious and she returned it with her own.

  “Really.” He reached out and grabbed hold of her hand, sending shockwaves of heat up her arm. “Come with me.”

  Alexander led her to a crowded table at the center of the room. Keeping her hand clasped tightly in his own, he asked the young woman at the table if they were ready.

  Ready for what?

  “Yes, Master Alex. Sir said you could do your demonstration whenever you were ready to go. Do you want me to introduce you first?”

  Alexander shook his head. “That won’t be necessary. Thank you, Amy.” He turned and headed for the empty dance floor, still dragging Beth along with him.

  She let him pull her along, distracted by the shudder of electricity surging up her arm from the point of contact.

  He released her hand. “Wait right here.”

  The intensity and possessiveness of his gaze warmed her to her toes. “Yes, Sir.” A desire to please him welled within her, and calling him sir seemed as natural as breathing.

  Alexander left her alone in the center of the room, disappearing behind a door. He returned a few moments later with some sort of wood and metal contraption she’d never seen before. He carried his burden to where she waited, setting it on the floor between them. “For now, I have two questions for you.”

  “All right.”

  “First one is easy. What’s your name?”

  Her cheeks heated. “Beth.”

  He reached out a hand in greeting. “Alexander Sterling. The pleasure is most assuredly mine.”

  She placed her hand in his and he gave it a light shake.

  “Now that we have the formalities out of the way, my dear Beth, it’s time for the second question. What are your limits?”

  She cast a quick glance around the room to find what felt like a million sets of eyes trained on them. “You want to know that now?”

  “It’s relevant. Trust me.”

  “Umm…” She searched her befuddled brain for a response. “Blood, scat, needles, knives, permanent marks…the usual I guess. Oh, and mummification.” She shivered. “I can get a bit claustrophobic.”


  “It is?” She tried to keep her gaze from wandering to the contraption resting on the parquet floor between them.

  “Yes. I need your help. Will you help me?”

  While she didn’t know him, and had only just met the man, her body, her very soul seemed attuned to him. Her every nerve ending responded to his request with a resounding yes. Despite the little voice in the back of her head telling her she was a fool for trusting a complete stranger, Beth whispered a meek, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” Alexander turned and faced their audience. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, dominants and submissives. I want to thank you all for allowing me to take up some of your valuable time. Master James and his lovely submissive, Amy…” he waved a hand toward the table he had stopped at earlier, “…have requested I give you all a demonstration of my newest invention this evening. An item I am sure many of you will be very interested in seeing.”

  Beth swallowed hard.


  Rather than give in to her growing sense of panic and running for the nearest exit, she remained rooted to the spot, hands at her sides, while butterflies of excitement warred with stinging bees of fear in her belly.

  Alexander bent and began unfolding the metal and wood contraption, locking pieces into place and twisting others this way or that until the piece began to resemble something she recognized: A spanking bench. She wrinkled her nose. This was no ordinary bench. Oh no. The one Alexander made had head stocks attached to it at the front, ensuring any submissive locked in for a session would not be escaping without permission, or someone with a key. She noticed the buckled leather straps on the kneeler, yet another way to keep a submissive from making a premature departure. Beth alternated between being impressed Alexander was able to make something so complex and fear of being the first to use the new device…let alone with an audience.

  Alexander turned and pinned her with his gaze. “Ready?”

  Despite her quivering limbs, Beth refused to back down. The tattooed stranger was far too interesting, and she had every intention of enjoying his attention while she had it. She manufactured a smile she hoped appeared confident. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Excellent.” He pivoted back to their growing audience. “The lovely Beth has agreed to assist me with my demonstration. Please give her a hand.”

  A round of polite applause broke out as Alexander reached a hand toward her.

  She placed her damp palm in his, and allowed him to guide her onto the small platform.

  “Kneel here, my dear.”

  Grateful she faced the DJ table and not the crowd, Beth did as instructed. Her cheeks were already stained with heat and her heart threatened to race itself right out of her chest. She wasn’t used to being the center of attention, and wasn’t sure she liked it. She was accustomed to more private sessions with her D/s partners.

  Beth shot a quick glance at Alexander as he worked to fasten the buckles over the back of her knees and caught sight of the solid pecs peeking out from beneath the leather vest. She bit back a small sigh. For him, she’d make an exception.

  Once her legs were buckled, Alexander opened the head-stock and flashed a smile. “Head down, girl.”

  Beth placed her hands on the platform between the two support posts and lowered her head until her neck rested on the cool bottom curve of wood. “Like this?”

  “Yes, just like that.” Alexander swung the top back into place over her and secured it with a small padlock. “Perfect, angel.”

  His compliment set fire to her belly, singeing the wings of the butterflies dancing about inside it. She took a deep calming breath and let it out slowly while Alexander once more faced the crowd.

  “As you can see, our submissive volunteer is now secure and ready for her session.” He gave her bottom a pinch. “Aren’t you, Beth?”

  She bit back a squeal and managed to whisper, “Yes, Sir.”

  A shuffle, and suddenly, his face occupied her entire field of vision. His eyes burned into hers. The crowd disappeared, fading beneath the blinding heat of his attention.

  Her breath caught. Beth dropped her gaze, a coward under the intense scrutiny.

  “Look at me.” The command in his tone was unmistakable, a beacon to her submissive nature.

  She willed herself to lift her chin and look at him while she focused on the speed of the air moving in and out of her lungs. The effort to distract was useless. As soon as those intense blue orbs locked on, she was lost, breathing forgotten.

  “I’m going to spank you, Beth. In front of all these nice people. And, to do that I’m going to have to lift up that lovely green skirt of yours and expose what I imagine is a delectable ass to them. Are you sure you’re okay with that? If you have any concerns, now is the t
ime to voice them.”

  His words vibrated through her, calling every nerve to attention. A knot tightened her stomach. At that moment, all that mattered to her was the hunger in his eyes and the way her body reacted to it. She was his to control. “I understand, Sir.” A smile pulled at her lips. “I’m glad I wore one of my best thongs.”

  His soft chuckle melted her defenses just a bit more. “Good girl. I don’t suspect you’ll need it, but your safe word will be orange, to match the pretty highlights in your hair.” Alexander rose and moved to her left, out of view.

  Beth wished him back almost instantly, a chill running through her at the loss of his heated gaze. “Yes, Sir.”

  She gasped when his hand made contact with the back of her thigh. He pushed the hem of her skirt up, sliding it easily over her hips, exposing her ass to the audience just as he’d promised.

  A low murmur reached her ears, but even if she could have turned her head, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know its cause.

  “Scrumptious,” Alexander whispered on an exhale, his fingers tracing a line along her hip, down to the back of her knee, and up again. “And, I agree on the panties, Beth. Very nice.”

  Her cheeks burned hot. “Thank you, Sir.”

  His palm caressed her bottom in a leisurely, sensual circle. “Too pale.” His hand came down hard across her ass, setting it ablaze.

  Beth swallowed a squeal of shocked pleasure.

  “You’ve a total of five coming. Count them all. Loud and clear so they can all hear you.”

  She gave herself a mental shake and called out. “One, Sir.”

  His hand came down again, searing the flesh of the other cheek.

  “Two, Sir.”

  “That’s a good girl.” Alexander brought his palm down, catching her high on the thighs.

  Beth sucked in her breath and closed her eyes, letting the painful heat burn its way deep, drawing her further into her submissive state. “Three, Sir,” she croaked.

  “What was that?” Alexander removed his hand. “I don’t think we all heard you.”

  A whimper clawed its way up her throat. “Three, Sir,” she called out.

  “That’s what I thought you said.” There was a smile behind his words. He rested his hand on her hip. “As you can see, my friends, the girl is at my mercy.” Alexander moved behind her, gripped her hips, and pulled them back until her bottom pressed against the unmistakable evidence of his arousal. “Her holes are at just the right height, which is completely adjustable, by the way.” He released her, coming around to the front. He gripped her chin and lifted until she was eye level with his zipper. “Both in the back, and the front.”

  Beth licked her lips.

  He rubbed his rigid bulge across her nose, making her painfully aware of the material keeping her from tasting. Releasing her chin, Alexander cleared his throat and stepped away. “The bench is great for all kinds of corporal punishment scenarios, from hand spankings, to flogging, and even some short whips. Though, I still recommend the cross for the long single tails.”

  She listened to the rich timbre of his voice, floating somewhere between consciousness and a blissful cloud of barely suppressed desire. Her mind screamed for him to touch her again. Her nails curled into the wooden base she knelt on, and her hips moved slightly left to right, beckoning his attention.

  “And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the Lock, Stock and Spanker. I’ll be taking orders for the rest of the evening, and if you place an order with me tonight, I’ll knock twenty-five percent off the price.”

  She felt Alexander working at the straps holding her legs in place. Disappointment needled her. He’d said there would be five, but he’d only spanked her three times. The demonstration had come to an end just when she was getting warmed up. Beth tucked away her frustration.

  With her knees freed, Alexander slid the skirt back down over her throbbing, heated bottom and moved to her side. He unlocked the stocks holding her head in place and offered a hand.

  Beth placed her palm in his and he helped her to her feet. She glanced up at him, heart hammering against her ribcage, breath coming in short gasps. Animal hunger flashed in his azure depths, weakening her knees, and confusing her further.

  Alexander looked as if he were about to say something, but merely cleared his throat again turned away. “Please give my beautiful and compliant assistant, Beth, another round of applause.”

  She gnawed her lip, still breathless, embarrassed by her obvious fawning. Unsure of what else she should do, and feeling dismissed, Beth gave a quick curtsy, turned, and scrambled back to the table she shared with Marcy. She slipped into the empty seat and refused to look at her friend, berating herself for being a complete ass. How could she have forgotten where she was and who was watching.

  It was just a demonstration. Nothing more. Get over yourself.

  “Well, well, well.”

  Beth shot Marcy a look. “What?”

  “Aren’t you just the little helper? I’m impressed.”

  “Oh, shut it, Mistress. With all due respect, of course.”

  “Oh, of course.” Marcy tried to stifle a grin, failing miserably.

  Beth grabbed her wine glass and frowned when she realized it was empty. “I need another drink. A really strong one.”

  Marcy’s bubbling laughter followed her all the way to the bar.

  The bartender nodded a greeting as she arrived. “Another spritzer?”

  “No. Just wine this time, and I’d also like a shot of tequila. No training wheels.”

  The bartender quirked a brow at her response, but had the good sense to refrain from making a comment, and merely got to work on her order. He set the full shot glass on the bar and headed for the wine rack.

  “Something I said?”

  Beth swung about, tequila in hand, to find Alexander looking down at her, brow furrowed. She downed the shot and set the empty glass on the bar. “Not exactly.”

  “Listen. I wanted to apologize.”

  “Apologize? For what?”

  “For cutting the demonstration short the way I did. I just…well, forgot where I was for a minute there. Got a little too…” he searched the ceiling for the right words, “…into what I was doing. You’re the first girl I’ve touched since Mia passed, and I guess I wasn’t as prepared as I thought. Anyway, I’m sorry if I upset you.”

  It took a few moments for his words to penetrate, for her to understand he was apologizing for enjoying himself too much, and he hadn’t been disgusted. “I was worried I’d done something wrong somehow. I appreciate you letting me know that wasn’t the case. Apology accepted, Sir.”

  “One other thing, if I may?”

  She flashed a polite smile, ignoring the shivers of excitement his proximity seemed to induce from her limbs. “Of course. What is it?”

  “I want you, Beth. I’d like the opportunity to finish what we started here today. I wasn’t lying when I said you’re the first girl I’ve touched since Mia. You’re also the first girl I’ve wanted to touch since I lost my angel, and I’m not quite ready to let you go. I’d like to invite you to come upstairs with me.”

  Beth swallowed hard. “Upstairs?”

  “Yes, I have a room here at the hotel for the next two weeks. I’m working on a play space for a friend.”

  His room? Alone … Finish what they started?

  Her stomach tightened. She could think of nothing else she wanted more than to spend more time with him, under his control. To feel his strong hands on her again. Beth tossed a quick glance at the table where Marcy sat, watching them. Would she judge? “Umm…”

  Alexander followed her gaze. “If you have other obligations, I understand.”

  “Oh, no. It’s not like that,” Beth stammered, “We came together, but were just friends.” She knotted her fingers together. “Yes. I mean, I’d like very much to go upstairs with you.”

  His smile stalled her heartbeat. “Excellent. I have a few things to finish up down here, and I have to pack up
the tables.” He handed her a room card. “Room 215. Go up whenever you’re ready and I’ll join you once I’m finished up here. I shouldn’t be more than thirty minutes. Bring your wine and help yourself to the mini fridge. All right?”

  Beth took the door card, and after trying to decide where to put it with no purse or pockets, tucked it into her bra. “Yes, Sir.”

  He winked. “I can’t wait to get my hands on you again. See you soon, Beth.”

  She watched him move away, enjoying the way the leather pants clung to his well formed ass before heading back to the table to tell Marcy she was about to have a one night stand with Alexander Sterling.

  A small part of her hoped Marcy would be green with jealousy.

  * * * *

  Beth stared at the room number on the door while summoning the courage to use the key card in her hand. A few moments later, she swiped the card through the slot and pushed the heavy door open.

  The room was pretty much what she expected, although there was only a king bed instead of the two doubles she was used to. Maybe that was why it appeared to dominate the entire space. Either that or she was too focused on what was to come to think of much else. The latter was probably more likely.

  A long cherry dresser lined the opposite wall, topped by an equally massive mirror. Its surface was littered with all manner of leather strips, various colored gems, and metal works -- the tools of Alexander’s unusual trade.

  She considered the contraption he’d demonstrated with her help. What did he call it? The Lock, Stock and Spanker? The imagination and sheer deviousness needed to create something like that boggled her mind, and if she were completely honest, excited her beyond measure. Her gaze wandered over the scattered pile of gemstones on the dresser. While the collar he’d made Mia was breathtaking, Beth decided she would much prefer the pretty blue sapphires in the pile, choosing them over the emerald jewels that adorned the one on display downstairs. She held a gem up to the light and marveled at the way it sparkled, tossing its refracted color onto the plain white walls.

  “They’re almost as beautiful as you are. Almost.”

  Beth dropped the sapphire on the dresser and whipped about. “I didn’t hear you come in.”


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