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Roaring Up the Wrong Tree

Page 10

by Celia Kyle

  He flexed his hands, fisting them and then allowing part of his shift to flow through him as he relaxed. Hands became paws with that single movement, human nails giving way to blackened claws.

  “No one is touching her.” He tilted his head left then right, cracking his joints. “No one.”

  He drew air into his lungs, searching for any hint of Reid’s true feelings, and found nothing. Psychopathic asshole couldn’t give a damn about the strings he pulled.

  “Oh, I disagree, Keeper.”

  Keen didn’t care for the wolf using his old title as a slur, a reminder of his duties, but it did bring forward a rush of knowledge. Ideas, ways to mold the laws to his bidding, filled him.

  As he pieced together her defense, and his plan, Reid kept speaking. He had no doubt that the male goaded him, but Keen had a bigger play in mind.

  “Ms. Scott has the Southeast Keeper’s number on speed dial so my hands have been tied because the man’s a stickler for the rules. He bitches to the wolf Alpha and he comes down on me. Not something I want. So, she’s been rotating through my territory with that bitch mother of hers for years.” When Trista’s gasp reached him, he decided Reid would bleed for that remark. “Now, she stayed in Grayslake too long and, as you know, any shifter leader can exact justice for a true infraction whether she’s in their own territory or not. She’s mine, bear.”

  The wolf grinned like he’d won the lottery.

  “Unless…” The idea twisted and turned through his mind and the bear was on board with Keen’s thoughts. “… she is one of your allies. In which case, she’s bound by that agreement.”

  He recognized that others appeared in a loose circle around them. Some he knew—Reid’s wolves and a woman who he assumed was Adrienne—as well as his brothers and their mates. He let his gaze flick to Ty’s and noted the remorse and pain etched in his brother’s features. He was going to have to rely on Reid’s knowledge of the laws and Ty’s guilt.

  Reid snorted. “An ally? A hyena? Heath Scott’s sister? You gotta be fucking joking.” He shook his head. “Pass over the bitch and let us end this. She knows this reckoning has been coming for a while. My ex-Beta caught the mother and took care of her before a true agreement for leniency was established. But this whelp—”

  Suddenly Keen had a hissing and spitting woman attempting to crawl her way over his back. Fully human hands reached around him, clawing and scratching at the air as she fought to reach Reid. “You fucking killed her. You fucking bastard, asshole, son-of-a-whore! You violated the law, you asshole!” Keen spun and caught her, holding her against his chest and still she battled to get to the wolf. “Fuck you and your fucking laws!”

  “It was a purge,” Reid growled in return, but Keen heard the doubt hidden beneath the outrage.

  “For hyenas fuck-hole, she was human,” she hissed.

  Dear God, he didn’t even want to follow the lure Trista placed before him with those words. Reid had been trying to catch Trista and her mother for years as they skirted the laws of visitation which meant he knew they weren’t part of the Boyne Falls hyena pack. Which also meant Trista’s mother had been eliminated without cause since Ty’s order addressed the pack. And if Trista was the half-sister of Heath Scott and only a half-shifter herself… Her mother was human.

  He held her close, quieting her struggles until she sobbed against his chest, her face pressed along her neck as tears soaked his skin. So strong and so fragile at the same time. She’d been running and it was going to stop. Now.

  “Through the law of claiming, I Keen Lincoln Abrams, fourth son of Jeremiah Abrams and youngest brother to Ty Abrams, Grayslake Itan, claim Trista Scott as my own. She is my mate, she will bear my young, and she will serve at my side.” Trista met his gaze, red-rimmed eyes wide and filled with horror and hope and he didn’t falter as he repeated the words that would tie them together. “I have said it and so it is done.”

  Then the air filled with howls battled by growls, but Keen didn’t care. For the first time in his life, his bear was truly at peace, truly relaxed, and it was all because of the woman in his arms.

  He had her. Now he refused to let her go. Ever.

  Chapter Eight

  Trista had to leave, had to get away. She was desperate to run and flee the moment Keen turned his back just as much as she craved being in his presence.

  He’d claimed her before one and all. Claimed. Period. Done. No backsies.

  And she’d stood there and let it happen. No. She’d fought to get to Reid, fought to scratch out his eyes and claw out his heart.

  Her mother was gone. Morgan, the now-dead pack Beta, had killed her and Reid gloated about it. Gloated. Held tight in Keen’s arms, her anger rushed forward anew, anxious to be unleashed on the wolf Alpha.

  She wanted to kill him, to watch him squirm and cry out as she tortured him. Had it been quick for her mother? Or slow? What did they do to her?

  Trista ignored the fight that surrounded them, voices raised as the men yelled at each other. They didn’t matter. Nothing mattered.

  Another sob raced up her throat and it escaped before she could swallow it once again. She couldn’t let the emotion overtake her, not while Keen still held her. It would be another step, another shuffle toward depending on him wholly and that couldn’t happen.

  “Shh…” His large hand traced her spine as he hugged her closer. “I’ve got you now.”

  He did and she didn’t want him and she refused to listen to the voice in her head that called her a liar.

  “Keen.” Another choked sob, another gasping breath as she battled for calm. She pressed against him, molding her body to his, and promised herself she’d allow him to hold her for one more minute. One more second and then she’d pull away.

  The fight continued, the coppery tang of blood filling the air as the roars and snarls of the two groups went after each other.

  Trista wasn’t sure how long it continued—seconds? minutes? hours?—but it ended with one feminine shout.

  “Enough!” Damn, the Itana had one set of lungs on her, and she was effective. All growls ceased and the sounds of battle quieted in an instant. As soon as peace reigned, she spoke again. “Now, I don’t know the laws like Keen, but I know he wouldn’t make a claim without being one hundred percent right.” A snort shot through the air and it was immediately followed by a low grunt. “I said enough,” Mia snapped. “I don’t hesitate to believe him and that means it would be best if the wolves left our territory for the time being.”

  It was a prettied up order, plain and simple, and the low shuffle and crunch of wolves stomping past them filled Trista’s ears. She kept her gaze averted, remained locked in Keen’s embrace, as they moved along. She didn’t want to look at them, didn’t want to acknowledge that she cowered before them in another’s arms.

  She’d lean on him… just this once. Except, based on the tightening of his embrace and the rumbling growl coming from his chest, she didn’t think he’d accept “once.”

  He wanted forever. His claim said forever.

  And that scared the hell out of her.

  The thunk of vehicle doors closing preceded the roar of engines and the scattering of gravel as the wolves departed. She stretched her senses, verifying the pack members no longer lingered, and then she allowed herself to relax a little. Not completely because Van still stood nearby, but some of her tension eased.

  The sounds of the SUVs and cars departing slowly lessened until only the nervous shuffle of Keen’s family reached her. An increase in volume and a rhythmic crunch announced someone’s approach and the chest against her cheek expanded as a threatening growl escaped him.

  Trista wasn’t comfortable around Keen’s family, but she figured none of them were ready to put her down. At least, not at the moment.

  She wiggled a hand free and stroked him, rubbing her hand across his chest in a soothing motion. “Shh…”

  The snarl lowered to a rumbling purr and he rubbed his cheek over the top of her head.
  A low cough was followed by someone clearing their voice, and finally Ty spoke. “Keen? We have things to discuss.” It was phrased as a statement yet sounded like a question.

  Part of her was thrilled that her… something… was strong enough to make the Itan nervous. The other half of her didn’t want Keen as her anything.

  Keen slowly slid his arms from around her, easing his touch as he stepped away and then presented her with his back. Once again she leaned into him, taking comfort in his strength and power. He was her concrete and steel wall against the world.

  “I think I said enough not two minutes ago.” His voice vibrated through her, stroking her in a gentle wave.

  Ty hesitated and unease filled his words. “I heard what you said, but I still think there are things to talk about.”

  Trista rubbed her cheek along his shoulder, transferring her scent to his clothes. It seemed to soothe him and she knew they were in the middle of a delicate situation. She’d do just about anything to keep the peace and get them out alive.

  Keen reached for her hand and she quickly grasped his while allowing him to pull her to his side as he turned around. His fur-speckled arm draped over her shoulders and she leaned into him.

  Ty looked at her and amended his statement. “Alone.”


  “Keen,” Ty tried again, but this time he was silenced by the Itana.

  “Ty, enough. I am so over this. I am five hundred months pregnant, Lauren is hardly showing in her fourth month, which inhales rapidly. I’d really like to say ‘it sucks’ but brilliant me decided the family shouldn’t use that word.” Mia harrumphed. “But that’s beside the point. It’s hot as huckleberry outside. I’m going in the house. I’m getting something cool to drink from Gigi, and then I’m going to try to not look like a beached whale while I collapse on the couch.” Mia glared at her mate and then let her furious stare travel to Van. “You can join me or you can pout about being outmaneuvered. Either way, Lauren, Keen, and Trista are coming with me.”


  Blatantly ignoring her mate, Mia stomped toward her and Keen and snatched Trista’s hand. “Both of you, let’s go.”

  “Mia, you can’t do this. There are things to discuss. Her family caused the deaths of our own bears. Think about Isaac,” the Itan growled.

  There was no disputing the truth. Trista didn’t know the details, but it sounded like something Heath and the pack would have done.

  The Itana whirled on her mate. “Our bears? Isaac?” Mia shuddered and drew in a shaky breath. “I would like to think our clan was smarter, had more sense, than to rain the sins of others on an innocent’s head. I would like to think that Isaac could easily see the truth about Trista and Keen and he would welcome her into this family. Keen was shot in the chest by hyenas while protecting me. He has done nothing but fight to protect this clan, and has acted as the clan’s Keeper even though you men haven’t given a flying fig about it. So maybe you all should take a good, hard look at yourselves before you condemn Keen and his decision to mate Trista. Because, I’m telling you now, Trista is one of us. Period. Even if Keen were to sever their mating right this second, I would not let her walk away.”

  Anger and hurt suffused Ty’s features and Trista wished she could curl into a small ball and hide like she did when a child. Arguments, yelling, always ended in pain. She’d like to think Ty wouldn’t harm his mate, but there was no telling.

  “You can’t just—”

  Mia snapped her fingers and whirled on them, pointing at Keen. “I’m allowed to make decisions about clan membership, right? I can do that as the Itana?”

  Keen furrowed his brow and nodded.

  “Good. Quote the appropriate law”—the Itana snatched Trista’s wrist and tugged her out of Keen’s embrace as she waved her hand toward Ty—“to this cornnut and tell him what’s what. I’ll be with my new sister-in-law.”

  As she was dragged across the lawn behind the Itana, she wasn’t sure what the hell just happened. She’d stepped outside the house an outsider and suddenly she was a hyena in a clan of bears and being personally welcomed by the Itana even though the Itan looked like he was ready to blow a gasket.

  Oh. And she was mated.

  She followed Mia, allowing herself to be hauled away from Keen. The farther away they got, the less she could hear of Keen and Ty’s conversation.

  “Just ignore them.” Mia tugged. “Ty, God love him, is an idiot sometimes. Especially when it comes to Keen. Hopefully they’ll work out a truce before one of them ends up bloodied.”

  The Itana didn’t seem too broken up about the prospect.

  She glanced at Lauren trailing in their wake, smiling wide as she rested her hand atop the small baby bump. She looked as if she couldn’t care less about the unfolding drama.

  “I’m sorry about all this. For Van getting hurt.” Trista frowned and Lauren waved away her apology.

  “Don’t. I understand my mate and,” Lauren shook her head, “he just wants to protect the clan.”

  They thumped up the front steps and Trista paused long enough to give Lauren her full focus. “And I’m a threat to that?”

  “My mate seems to think so. He’s not a bad male, but as the Enforcer, he’s very, very devoted to the clan’s safety. Hyenas threatened that, he lost some of his guards in the battle, so there’s some animosity.” Lauren reached out and squeezed Trista’s hand. “But there’s none here with us. There won’t be with the clan. Powerful bears feel stronger than most and their emotions run hotter and deeper than anyone’s. Even after the attack and purge, no one gave you trouble in Grayslake. They didn’t even report your presence.”

  Trista knew that but it was because of her mother, of the relationships they’d forged over the years with clan and pack members.

  Lauren released her. “Give Keen, give the clan, a chance.”

  Trista let her attention drift to Keen, to the massive werebear male who argued hotly with his eldest brother while his gaze was intent on her. Emotions tumbled across his face at an ever increasing pace. He still roared at Ty, but the warmth in his features heated her from inside out. Part of her wondered if his claim was due to more than just her salvation.

  That same part stomped on the idea and reminded her that she didn’t need anyone, that attaching herself to a man and depending on him for anything was a mistake. Didn’t she remember what happened after her father died?

  Lauren nudged her toward the front door and she followed the two women. The scent of blood crawled from the den, carried by the gently blowing air.

  Van’s shout had them halting, had Lauren turning toward her mate. “I don’t think so.” His words were garbled by his bear’s snout. “She’s not stepping inside the house.”

  Now it was Lauren’s turn to yell at her mate, her turn to defend Trista. “She can either safely go into the clan den, or our home, but as you heard your Itana she’s part of the clan.” The woman stepped up to her mate, grasped his hand, and brought it to her stomach, forcing the fierce male to splay his fingers over the mound. “You told me no one would ever talk bad about our child because it’s half human, that you wouldn’t tolerate prejudice in the Grayslake clan. Why can’t you see that it should apply to Trista as well?”

  Van’s midnight gaze traveled from Lauren to Trista and back again. Indecision warred with hate-tinged anger and then, finally, he bent his head and rested his forehead against his mate’s.

  “You’re asking too much.” The words were raw, hoarse, and she knew the scraping syllables weren’t due to his animal, but the emotion that shrouded him.

  “Lauren,” Trista whispered and stepped forward, gently laying a hand on the woman’s arm. “It’s okay.” Being hated was nothing new for Trista. “Don’t fight with your mate over me.”

  She wasn’t worth it. At all. Ever.

  Lauren gave her a sad smile, tears filling her eyes, but it was Van who spoke. “We’re not fighting. My mate is simply showing me that I’m an a

  Mia coughed and then released a muffled “Language.”


  Keen refused to listen to another word. Not a one. Period. Ty kept talking, kept arguing and snarling about Keen’s choice, while he focused on his mate—mate—and her conversation with Van.

  Van, who only minutes ago, tried to gut Trista.

  When a ripple traveled over Van’s skin, fur rising in its wake, Keen walked away. He didn’t say a word, there was no “by your leave.” He turned from Ty, his Itan, and strode toward the gathering within the entryway. His bear bristled at Van’s closeness, mere inches separating his new mate from his violent family member, and he increased his pace when Trista reached for Lauren.

  Keen focused on Trista, speaking to her in low tones, and he pushed his way between the couple and his mate. A growl formed in his chest, vibrating his body with the weight of his bear’s anger. Van shouldn’t be near Trista. Ever.

  That thought led him to another, to the realization that he needed to get away from his family as soon as possible. He had a new family now, one made up of him and Trista. One he hoped to expand just as soon as they turned their connection into something solid and real.

  Everything in him craved that, his bear desired Trista above all else. He just hoped they could find their way.

  The rumbling snarl continued as she glared at his brother. “Get away from her.”

  Van’s growl countered Keen’s as Van shoved his pregnant mate behind him. “Back off, Keen.”

  The sounds battled, his beast determined to dominate Van’s. His animal pushed against him from the inside, stretching his muscles and pressing his bones almost to the point of breaking. It ached to shift, to destroy all threats to Trista.

  She was his now—his—and he wouldn’t allow any harm to come to her.

  “Keen.” Trista’s hand fluttered over his back, fingertips stroking his ever expanding body. “I’m fine.”

  His beast calmed the tiniest bit, allowing him to speak more clearly. “Get back.”


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