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The Boss: (Billionaire Romance)

Page 8

by Lexy Timms

  Jamie nodded at him. “Of course, Mr. Reid.”

  He sat down at his desk and looked down at his phone.

  Jamie picked up the keys and went to grab her purse. Stretching her legs would feel good and she could pick the dry cleaning up on her way back to the house. Maybe even change quickly herself.

  Christine called Jamie as soon as she walked out of the building. For a second she was sure Christine was staking out the building to see her comings and goings. But she dismissed the idea a second later. There was no way she would be that dedicated to anything.

  “Hey, Jamie, are you busy?” Christine asked.

  “I’m working, but I was sent on an errand, so if it’s quick—”

  “I just need to know where to send the wedding favor stuff to.”

  “Um, sure, yeah.” Jamie rolled her eyes. “Just send it to my office.”

  “Your boss okay with that?”

  “It’ll be fine. I’m in a bit of a rush, Christine. I’ll message you the address.” She stopped by her car. “You can just send it to your place and—”

  “Jamie, you’re my maid of honor. I need you right now and you can’t spare a moment of your time?”

  “I’ll send you the address. No problem.” She didn’t have time to argue. “Bye!” She shoved her phone in her pocket and reached for the car handle.

  “James! Jamie! Jamie-James!”

  You have got to be joking! She turned at the sound of Stephen’s voice and then pressed her body against her car. He reeked of booze and his shirt was wrinkled and unbuttoned.

  Stephen stumbled toward her. “I’ve made a horrible mistake, Shamie-Shames,” he slurred.

  “What are you doing here?” she hissed. “Why aren’t you at work?”

  “Sick day,” he mumbled, stumbling closer. Jamie took a step back to the side, and then another.

  “I should marry you, Jamie, not Christine.” He reached to stroke her hair and missed it entirely. “You’re the sexy, smart one. Way too nice for your own good.” He grinned crookedly. “Not to mention the shit you do in bed.” His eyes slid down her. “You had that extra roll thing going, but I gotta feeling if I uncover you, it’s gone missin’, ain’t it?”

  Jamie forced herself to remain calm. She could outrun the drunk bastard if she needed to, even in heels and a long skirt. “Are you having second thoughts about the wedding?”

  He tossed his hands up and took another step closer to her.

  Jamie realized she had backed herself up against the wall of the building.

  “Don’t know. She’s hot. Lousy lay and doesn’t shut up.” He shook his head. “She bitches and whines a lot.” He rubbed his eyebrow with his thumb, swaying as he stood.

  “Do you even love Christine?” Jamie checked her watch. She didn’t have time for this conversation. She also felt sorry for her sister. She could get on her nerves a lot, but that didn’t mean she deserved a loveless marriage. “Stephen, you’re drunk. You need to go home, sleep it off. I’ll pretend we never had this conversation.”

  “Shut up,” he said, grabbing her arms. “Just shut up.” Before she could protest, he started kissing her. Hard. Jamie struggled and gagged but he just held her tighter, pinning her against the wall and pressing his body up against hers. He forced her lips open and rammed his tongue into her mouth. Jamie gagged even harder. She tried to turn her head away from him but he grabbed her hair to hold it in place. But in doing so he let go of her arms.

  She reached behind her to grab her phone and he shoved her harder into the wall, pinning her arms in place. She stopped struggling against him and focused on opening the phone. She didn’t care who she called or redialed. As long as she got a number and someone could hear her struggling against him.

  He reached behind her and jerked her hand, the phone fell to the ground by their feet. Stephen didn’t even notice. He pressed her hand against his small erection. Probably too drunk to get it up.

  She twisted her neck back and forth, trying to free her mouth. She bit his lip, tasting his blood, and still he wouldn’t let her go.

  “You know you want me,” he mumbled as he moved to her ear, making sure his hand held her neck in a tight grip.

  “Let me go!” Jamie started struggling again. "I’ll scream, Stephen!" she hissed as his knuckles tightened around her neck, cutting off her airway.

  "Shut up!" he said, licking her and kissing her again.

  Suddenly the painful pressure of him against her released. He flew back. Someone had heard her calling out in the parking garage and had come to her rescue.

  Jamie’s hands dropped to her knees as she fought to catch her breath. She looked up when the distinct sound of someone’s jaw being punched brought her back to reality.

  Alex stood a few feet away, punching Stephen repeatedly. She ran up and held his arm. "Stop please," she said. "He's not worth getting arrested for aggravated assault."

  Alex looked at her, breathing hard. Jamie shivered at the rage burning in his eyes. "You're right." He glared at his former friend, now bloody and still drunk. He picked Stephen up by the front of his shirt. "Get the fuck outta here," he hissed. He threw Stephen on the ground again.

  Stephen clumsily picked himself up and stumbled off, muttering insults under his breath.

  Jamie watched him leave and suddenly the adrenaline drained from her. She fell against Alex, trembling and wiping her mouth, ready to throw up from the thought of Stephen. "Thank you," she said. "I’m glad you showed up."

  "I'm glad you called me," he replied. "That was very smart of you."

  She shook her head. "It was a hail Mary," she said. "I couldn’t see my phone and had to do it behind my back.” She giggled out of nervousness. “I'm just glad I actually pressed one of my speed dial numbers and you knew where I was." She shivered, thinking about what could have happened if she hadn't done that.

  Alex took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders. "Let's take you home," he said. "You need to rest and calm down."

  She nodded, suddenly feeling exhausted. "I only need to rest for a few minutes," she said. "I'll be okay, I swear."

  "I know," he said. "But please let me take you home. For my peace of mind."

  Jamie glanced at him and realized he looked more traumatized than she felt. His hands were shaking and his breath came out hard. "Okay," she said. "Let's go."

  Alex pulled into the garage of his house. Jamie stared quietly out the window as the garage door closed. He turned the car off and sat quietly beside her for a moment. "I'd feel better if we head inside my place instead of yours. I can go and grab you a change of clothes if you’d like."

  Jamie nodded. “I forgot to get your dry cleaning. We could have picked it up on the way home.”

  “Don’t worry about my clothes. I’ve got plenty upstairs.” He opened the car door. “Come on, let’s get you inside.” He came around and opened her door and politely, with the perfect amount of space, walked beside her and helped her inside his house.

  Not once did he take his hand off of the small of her back, as if he needed reassurance that she was still there. They came through the garage into the kitchen. It was set up similar to her apartment below. A lot of space and light colors. Everything was beautiful and tasteful. The full kitchen had sparkling granite tops, a state of the art refrigerator and stove with hardwood cupboards.

  Alex led her through the kitchen to the living room that was furnished with leather couches, a flat screen TV and paintings and photographs of all styles on the walls. Next to the fireplace was a spiral staircase. It had to be the most luxurious house she had ever been in. She could just imagine his bedroom had the same masculinity as the rest of the place.

  Alex took no notice of her amazement, or didn't say anything about it as he led her over to one of the leather couches. "Sit down. I'll go make tea."

  "There really isn't any need," she said. "I'm fine now. I promise." She did feel a lot better now. She just wished for a stiff drink to erase the awful taste in her

  "Even if you are, I'm not." He strode over to the kitchen and filled a tea kettle with water. "And I know you're not, Jamie. You haven't stopped trembling."

  Jamie balled her hands into fists to stop the trembling. "I'm fine," she said. "Just a little shaken up."

  "Which means you're not fine." After turning the stove on, he came back and sat down, looking over her with a furrowed brow. His fingers brushed against the bruises forming on her arms. "Does anything hurt?" he asked softly.

  Jamie shook her head, unable to talk with him touching her so gently. How did he make her mind go completely blank with just a touch?

  "I wish there was some way I could make the bruises go away," he said. “What the hell was that idiot thinking?”

  "They'll heal," she stuttered. Damn it, why couldn't she ever think around him?

  "I'm so sorry," he whispered.

  He leaned closer to her, need and concern warring in his eyes.

  Jamie bit her lip as her breathing escalated, but not because she was scared. Just the opposite. She should so not be thinking about him kissing her at the moment. It was wrong, on too many levels.

  The tea kettle started whistling and Alex got up quickly to turn it off. "What type of tea do you like?"

  "Do you have peppermint?" she asked, fanning herself.

  "Definitely," he said. He opened a cupboard and Jamie caught a glimpse of rows and rows of tea. He smiled when he saw her look. “I like tea.” He shrugged. “It’s one of those few facts that everyone knows about me, so they always give me tea gift sets when they need to buy me a present.”

  “I see,” she said, trying not to laugh. “Well, there are definitely worse presents to get.” She looked at a photograph on the wall. Alex was in it with another man who had the same eyes and nose as him, as well as an older couple. “Is that your family?”

  He followed her gaze. “Yes.”

  “They all look very kind.” Really? That’s your comment about them? She swallowed, trying to push her embarrassment down.

  "They are." A shadow passed over his face.

  Apparently Alex Reid had secrets too.

  He handed her one of the tea mugs and the relaxing scent of peppermint wafted up from the cup.

  "Thank you," Jamie said automatically.

  He sat down beside her, staring at his own mug. "You know you can't just keep changing the subject, Jamie. I realize I have no jurisdiction over your personal life, but I’m still concerned.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You need to warn Christine, then."

  She sighed. “It’s complicated.”

  “No it’s not. The guy’s a dick.”

  “We used to date.”

  “Oh shit. You’re not still sleeping with him, are you?”

  Jamie shot him a look.

  “Okay, don’t kill me here!” He held his hands up. “It just popped out. Sorry.”

  “We were dating and then he met my sister. Now they’re engaged.” She shrugged, now really wishing she had a drink in her hand, not tea. This was so embarrassing.

  “He’s an idiot. It sounds like him and your sister are perfect for each other.”

  Jamie took a sip of the tea to stall for time before answering. "He was drunk. He would never do that in his right mind."

  "That doesn't matter. If he makes drinking a habit, then there's a good chance Christine will be in danger."

  "She wouldn't believe me," Jamie said. "She loves him. Or thinks she loves him.” She waved her hand. “If I say anything she'll just think I tried to seduce him or something." She hated how true her words were.

  Alex must have known they were true as well, because he didn't say anything for a long time. "I'll talk to Stephen," he finally said. "We've known each other for a very long time and I think he'll listen to me. He had better if he knows what's good for him."

  Jamie shivered. She had no doubt he would make good on his threat if Stephen ever behaved indecently again. "You really don't have to.”

  "I need to," he said. "Someone needs to look after you.”

  Jamie's mouth went dry. "Why are you doing this?" she whispered.

  "You know why," he said, looking away again. "Don't make me say it."

  "But I don't know," she said, her impatience rising slightly. "If you went to such lengths for all of your employees, you wouldn't have the energy to run your company."

  "No," he said. "But you're in danger, and I can't have that."

  Jamie took another sip of tea, knowing her cheeks were flushed. "Thank you for talking to Stephen," she said. "I really don't want Christine hurt and I know she won't listen to me about this. Her judgement has always been a little cloudy when it comes to her man."

  "I had a feeling that’s the case," he said dryly. "Among other things. But why do you care so much for her when she’s so rotten to you? I'm not sure if I've ever seen family members as vicious and vile as yours are."

  She laughed. “She’s family, aren’t we all like that at times?" She laughed again at the look on his face. "Even if she manipulates me, I still love her." She shrugged. "It's complicated. But families are always convoluted, right?"

  He nodded. "That is definitely true." He glanced at the photograph of his family on the wall. He looked back at Jamie. "Whenever it gets too complicated, you can always talk to me. If that makes you uncomfortable, though, then I'm sure Ms. Campbell would be willing to listen. She seems to like you pretty well. And I think your healthcare plan covers therapy—"

  Jamie laughed. "You think I should be in therapy?"

  He smiled, catching on to her teasing tone. "All I'm saying is you should talk to someone. You don't have to do everything alone."

  "I know," she said. "Thank you, Alex. That’s very sweet of you. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me."

  He smiled at her and then blushed slightly, making him look endearing as well as incredibly sexy.

  "What?" Jamie asked.

  "I was right about you calling me by my first name."

  Jamie blinked. "Pardon?"

  “Nothing.” He squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Nothing. Sorry.”

  “Finish it, Mr. Reid. You can’t say something loaded like that and then try to hide behind nothing.”

  “It’s incredibly sexy.” His cheeks turned red and he stared down at his mug.

  “What is?” Her heart sped and its beat pounded against her ears.

  “I was right about you calling me by my first name. It’s incredible sexy.”

  She giggled. “Really?”

  "You have no idea."

  Chapter 14

  The conversation halted suddenly. She knew he was trying to be kind after everything that had happened.

  “All rightie,” he said, standing up. “I need to cancel that meeting going on in...” He checked his watch. “Shit! I need to call the company now.”

  “It’s too late to cancel. Just go to the meeting. I’m fine.” She stood and walked to the kitchen, setting her mug by the sink. “I’ll head down to my apartment.”

  “I can cancel.”

  “Why? I’m fine.”

  “I don’t think you should be alone.”

  “Mr. Reid. I’m fine. I’d like to finish up what I need to do. I’ll do it from home, but that’s it. I’m back in work tomorrow. I am fine. Seriously. I’m not lying.”

  “You can work from my place. Please?”

  She inhaled a long breath. “Fine. But only because I left my tablet and laptop at the office.”

  He grinned. “I have one here connected to the office. I’ll get it sorted for you.”

  “Thank you. Again.”

  When Alex reluctantly left her to go to the meeting, she waited till his car had disappeared behind the gates before going down to her suite to shower and change her clothes. After the shower she stared at herself in the mirror. Three spots were showing on her neck that would probably bruise. She could wear a scarf for a few days and hide it. Since it had grown cool, long s
leeves and jackets were the in-thing.

  She stared at herself, surprised at how calm she felt. Everything was going to be all right. She was tired of being a doormat. She deserved more. Changes were going to start from this moment on. Stephen was going to apologize the next time he saw her. She wouldn’t put up with Christine’s whining or any pressure from her family. She’d let go of the few friends she’d had in college. Now she didn’t want to be on her own.

  She loved her job, her apartment and she was even beginning to like herself again. What happened with Stephen sucked a royal big one, but, oddly, something good was going to come out of it. Her.

  She smiled at herself in the mirror and stuffed her hair into a pony. She dressed into a stretchy pair of jeans that were too big around the waist now. “That’s why we have belts,” she muttered to herself and stared at the sparse walk-in closet. She’d been saving money so maybe it was time to buy a couple more work outfits. She grabbed a dark blue t-shirt out of her drawer and threw it on.

  Back in Alex’s house, Jamie settled at the bar counter in his kitchen and worked on the laptop. She could totally picture Alex here doing the same thing. Without distractions from the office like ringing phones and people talking, she finished up her work quickly, leaving her with nothing to do but wait for Alex to come back. “Then what?” she asked herself.

  Jamie checked her personal phone, ignoring the texts from Christine and her mother. She did not have to deal with them until tomorrow. Alex sent a message on the business phone and she replied to let him know she was all right, just working on the laptop in his kitchen.

  She glanced at his computer. It was his personal computer, not his work computer, even though he had access to everything at work. She wondered what he did in his free time. It would be so easy to look at his history.

  No. That would be a terrible intrusion of privacy. He was her boss! She was his PA. He had explained a week or so ago that he would like to start incorporating more work at home and hoped she would be okay with working from the house. That had been one of the reasons he had redone the large suite apartment where she now lived. She didn’t mind at all.


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