GUNNER: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 3)

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GUNNER: Southside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Southside Skulls MC Romance Book 3) Page 27

by Jessie Cooke

  “Thanks,” Gunner said. “Just finished getting my ass kicked for three hours. I’m starving and exhausted and I have to be back in six hours, so I can be in shape to win a fight so you can get out of debt.”

  “Testy,” Zack said with a grin. “But in my defense, I offered plenty in return.”

  “Yeah,” Gunner said, hoping Zack was finished as he started to walk away. He wasn’t.

  “Why don’t you ride with us?”

  Gunner turned toward him. “Nah, thanks. I’m going to eat and get some rest before I have to go back tonight.”

  “The girls have some sandwiches ready in there. Go eat one. We ride out in half an hour.”

  “We? Maybe you didn’t hear me say no thanks?”

  “I heard you. But my prez and his VP, and one of the sergeants at arms, had to attend a meeting this morning. There’s some club business some of the others and I have to handle. I could use some more muscle.”

  “So you’re not really asking me if I want to go? You’re telling me?”

  “I’d rather not have to insist. I mean, a person might think you’d want to show your gratitude to the guy that got you out of hot water with the infamous Head Hunters.”

  Fuck. “I’m going to eat. I should be ready in half an hour,” Gunner said as he pulled open the door. “If I’m not, feel free to go without me.”

  “See you out here geared up and ready to go at one p.m.” Gunner was tempted to hold up his middle finger, but his impulse control was getting better. He wasn’t sure that was a good thing. He was afraid all this pent-up aggression might cause him to explode one day…and then instead of a middle finger or a tap on the jaw, he might do some real harm.

  The clubhouse was packed and he sat with Billy while he ate. He felt bad that he hadn’t spent much time with Billy lately. Billy didn’t seem to be upset by it, however. The whole time Gunner ate, he talked…about this woman or that one. Gunner only heard about half of what his friend was saying. His mind was going a hundred miles again, trying to figure out a long-term plan. He was taking his last bite when he heard a shrill whistle. The noise in the clubhouse came to an instant halt, and suddenly you could hear a pin drop.

  “Sorry about that,” Zack told the room with a smile. “Just wanted to let my boys know I’m ready to ride. We leave in five.”

  Gunner’s eyes were fatigued, but Zack’s eyes were burning through him like a challenge. Gunner wiped his mouth on his napkin and stood up. He wasn’t about to back down from a challenge, especially from that asshole.

  They crossed the state line into Kentucky and ended up in a little town called Hopkinsville. The drive only took about half an hour and Zack never explained to Gunner what they were doing or why they were there. He just handed him a gun as they walked into a little out-of-the-way bar and said:

  “Don’t get shot. Tammy will be pissed at me.”

  Gunner thought about shooting Zack, wondering if Tammy would be pissed about that. He might have if not for the other four guys Zack had brought along with him. They were all nomads too, and even though there was nothing different about Zack’s patches than theirs, he seemed to be the one in charge. They all had their guns ready as they pushed through the doors, and the first guy in pressed his into the temple of the bouncer at the door. There was a burly, dirty-looking biker with a woman on his lap near the bar. As soon as he saw them, he dumped her on the floor. The bartender froze with his hands in the air, and the other four bikers looked like they were debating reaching for their own guns.

  Zack smiled like he always did and said, “Good afternoon, gentlemen. I wouldn’t take out a piece if I were you. You’re outnumbered and we already have ours out. Shrek, check the bathroom and the back. Grinder, take a look in the kitchen, see if we got anyone hiding out.”

  While Zack’s men went to do what they were told, the man that’d had the woman in his lap said, “What the hell do you want?”

  Zack walked over to him and said, “Stand up, Tweaker.” The man continued to glare at Zack. The nomad continued to smile. He pressed the gun into the man’s head and said, “Stand up,” in an almost eerily calm voice. The man stood up and with the gun still to his head Zack said, “What does your rocker say, Tweaker?”

  “You can read, or can’t you?”

  Zack chuckled. “You know, I wasn’t really in the mood to get sprayed with brain matter today…that is, if you have any. But you’re pushing your luck here, Tweaker. What does it say?” Zack pulled the gun back slightly and pushed it forward again, slamming the barrel into the man’s temple.

  “It says Tennessee. Fuck!”

  Just as calmly as before, Zack asked him, “Funny, but I could have sworn this bar was in Kentucky. Where’s your clubhouse again?”

  “Fuck, man, you know all this shit. We just had this conversation a month ago. The Bandits wiped out half our club for wearing rockers that said Kentucky over the past two years. We’re right on the border. We’re small and we stay out of Invader business. Why can’t you just leave us alone?”

  “See, Tweaker, before we had our little talk last month, our executive board was considering just that. It was brought up at church that y’all were minding your own business and staying out of ours. So, my prez, being the generous man that he is, told us to give you a little time and slack and see what you did with it. We were doing that, and then a little bird flew into my window one night and told me y’all were working with some street gang, moving guns up out of Mississippi. He also told me that those guns weren’t being sold in Kentucky. Nope, they were being distributed to street gangs right in our own backyard in Tennessee. Gangs that we have relationships with. Gangs that have suddenly stopped needing a lot of what we’re selling.” Gunner guessed that Tweaker was not a poker player, since he looked as guilty as hell and like he was about to piss his pants. Sweat rolled down the sides of his face. “You going to deny that, Tweaker?”

  His voice was shaky now as he said, “Man, Zack, it’s just pocket change to a club your size.”

  Zack reached down and used the front of the man’s shirt and kutte to bring him to his feet. He still had the gun to his head but now they were face to face. “It’s our pocket change and you’re stealing it. You’re using that rocker to let these street rats we deal with believe you’re associated with us somehow. You’re cutting prices and selling them sub-standard shit. Shrek!” The huge biker that had checked the bathrooms and back room stepped up next to Zack. “Got your knife?”


  “Cut that rocker off. Slick…start cutting the rest of them.”

  Tweaker was visibly shaking as Zack held him up and Shrek cut off the bottom half of his leather vest where it said, “Tennessee” with what looked like a hunting knife. Slick took a switchblade out of his pocket and stepped up to the guy closest to Gunner. He leaned down and sliced off the bottom of the guy’s kutte. He did that to the other three men in the room and after Zack shoved Twister back down in his chair, he collected them. He piled them on the table in front of Twister, picked up the half-drunk whiskey on the table and poured it on top of them. Then he took his lighter out of his pocket and flicked it at the patches. They sparked up and Twister pushed his chair back away from the table.

  “Don’t make me come back and light a match to this whole place, and your clubhouse.” Zack gave his guys a hand signal and started for the door. They were almost there when one of Tweaker’s guys decided to pull out a gun. Gunner saw him first but Zack was between them before he could get off a clear shot, so he yelled out at Zack.

  Zack must have seen the guy too in his peripheral vision, because he just made a half turn and before the guy even got off a shot, Zack had put a bullet in his head, right between his eyes. Gunner didn’t know whether to be impressed or scared shitless.


  Tammy was pissed. It was a perpetual feeling for her when it came to Zack, but this time she might be pissed enough to shoot his ass. Gunner had come back from Kentucky, confused about what he’d g
one with Zack for in the first place, but actually impressed with the asshole. The fact that Zack put Gunner in a volatile situation didn’t piss her off as much as the fact that Gunner acted like Zack was his new fucking hero. He got into the shower, trying to coax her in with him, but she was too pissed off to fuck. There was something else she had to do first.

  She left him to his shower and went to look for Zack. When she didn’t find him in any of the common areas, she banged on his bedroom door.


  “It’s Tammy. We need to talk.”

  “Come on in, sweetness.” She hated when he called her pet names, and he knew it. He just did it to piss her off. She was rolling her eyes when she pushed open the door. When she took in the scene in front of her, she stopped in her tracks. Nothing Zack did should surprise her, but she just hadn’t expected to be greeted to the sight of mounds of naked flesh. “Come on in and close the door, beautiful.”

  Zack was on the edge of his bed, completely nude. Tamara could see his hard chest and big, tattooed arms. His long legs were stretched out in front of him, but Tammy couldn’t see his cock. That wasn’t because he was shy and had covered it up, though. It was because he had it shoved all the way down the throat of the redhead on her knees between his legs. She was completely nude as well, and Tammy couldn’t help but notice that she had a huge alien head tattoo on her right butt cheek. Zack always did like the ones with plenty of ass. The girl kept on with what she was doing like a pro as Tammy said, “Jesus! You’re such a pig!”

  He grinned and winked. “You’re the one standing there gawking. You want to join in, baby? You know Daddy has plenty of dick to go around.”

  “Not even a little bit. You’re a pig! You disgust me! Get her out of here, I need to talk to you.”

  Zack pulled the girl up off her knees and had her standing in front of him with his hands on her hips. Tammy realized how crazy she’d been to expect him to tell the girl to leave when he had this kind of opportunity. She knew him too well to make such a rookie mistake. Zack used his hold on the woman’s ample hips to spin her around and sit her down on his thick cock. Tammy could hear how wet the girl was as she slid down onto him. The girl smiled at Tammy and blew her a kiss as she began playing with her big tits. “Sure you don’t want to play?” Zack said. “Lyndsie likes pussy almost as much as she does cock.” Tammy backed out and slammed the door. She was still fuming when she got back to the room, and what pissed her off even more was that she was horny too. Gunner still had the door to the bathroom closed, but she couldn’t hear the shower running any longer. Without giving it any more thought than that she wanted him, she stripped off her jeans and t-shirt. She was standing there in her black lace bra and black lacy thong when he stepped out of the bathroom in a towel.

  “Well, hello, sexy,” he said with a grin. Tammy stepped up to him and he ran his hands from her neck down to her breasts, massaging and caressing them until she moaned. “I like finding you here like this.”


  “Oh yeah, baby. I’m glad I didn’t get off in the shower.”

  She laughed. “Me too.”

  He let his hand run down between her legs. “Damn, baby, you’re soaked.” Tammy felt slightly guilty, but she knew it wasn’t Zack that turned her on, it had just been like watching dirty porn. Gunner was the only one she wanted. “God, you’re sexy,” he whispered, leaning down and catching her lips with his. He kissed her passionately, bringing his hands back up and unhooking her bra. Once her breasts were free, he caressed them again and rolled the nipples between his fingers, pinching down on them just the way she liked. She was moaning into the kiss and pressing her tits into his hands and her pussy was getting even wetter. In a second the juices were going to be running down the insides of her thighs. He let go of one breast and untucked the towel at his waist and let it fall to the floor. Tammy immediately reached for his cock and began to stroke it with both hands while he continued to play with her breasts. She loved touching him. She loved the look of desire he got in those sexy blue eyes when he wanted her.

  He broke the kiss and brought his mouth down to her neck. She felt him moan against her flesh before sucking a piece of it in between his teeth. His hands trailed down to the top of her thong and he pushed one down into them, letting two of his fingers get doused with her wetness. Then he pulled it back up and let go of her neck so that he could run his fingers across his lips, wetting them with her juices. She reached up and grabbed a handful of his dreads and pulled his mouth back down onto hers. She licked and sucked wildly at his lips, loving the taste of herself on him.

  He returned the kiss with just as much passion, and she didn’t even realize he was leading her over to the bed until she felt it hit the backs of her legs. He bent down to remove her thong and she ran her fingernails across the top of his back. When he stood back upright she let her palms push into his strong chest and traced the contour of his muscles with them. Then, she sat down on the bed and took his cock back into her hands. She leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock and then swirled her tongue all the way around it. Squeezing it with one hand as she licked, she put her other hand on his balls and massaged them as she sucked. He was moaning and moving his hips and his hands were tangled up in her hair. She loved making him moan. It got her off almost as quickly as being fucked. She pulled down on his balls and squeezed them, his groan sending chills down her spine. While he was still excited over that, she sucked his entire thick cock into her mouth, taking him into the back of her throat.

  She could feel him throbbing against her lips and tongue as she bobbed her head up and down. He used his hold on her head to move her where he wanted her mouth, working his hips back and forth as he did. She could feel his legs shaking and his cock swelling, and she knew he was getting close to his orgasm. He was groaning loudly and his grip on her hair was making her head tingle. She finally released him with a “pop” and he let out an even louder groan.

  “You want to come in my mouth?” she asked. Instead of answering her he leaned down and kissed her forcefully, slowly moving down to his knees in front of her as he did. His hands were back on her breasts on his way down, squeezing and caressing. He worked them down to her legs and pushed her knees open wide, ducked his head down, and pressed his tongue against her clit. She moaned loudly, holding herself upright on the bed with one hand, and pressing his face deeper into her pussy with the other. He licked her softly at first, all around and across her clit. She began to thrust her hips up and press his face down harder. She wanted more. She wanted it harder and faster. He let her suffer for a few more minutes and then all at once he pushed two fingers up into her pussy, causing her to cry out in pleasure, and all the while his tongue flicked at her clit, ever faster. She was really close to coming when he pulled his face back and started pumping his fingers in and out of her even faster and harder. She was meeting each one of his thrusts with her hips, and she could feel the orgasm rising all the way from her toes. He waited until she was right on the verge and then he pulled his fingers out. She growled.

  “You wanna come, baby girl?”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  “You want me to keep fingering you?”


  “And licking your clit?”

  “Yes, yes, yes!”

  “Tell me. Tell me you want to come.”

  “Jesus, Gunner. I want to come, please…please lick my pussy and finger me until I come.”

  He bent back down and pressed his tongue against her sensitive clit. She mewled with pleasure as she felt a finger sliding back into her at the same time. Her walls automatically clamped down and she looked down and watched his tongue as he started flicking it quickly against her clit again. She got even more excited as she watched his fingers, now two of them, disappear into her pussy. She was panting and whining and pulling his hair, and then he crooked one finger in half and touched her G-spot and that was it. She came like a waterfall and he stayed between her legs and lapped up ev
ery drop until she had to collapse back against the bed, completely spent. He wasn’t finished with her yet, though, not by a long shot.

  He stood up and flipped her over so that she was face down on the bed. He smacked her ass with the palm of his hand and said, “Lift it up, baby.” She moved her knees all the way up onto the bed and put her face down in the pillow as she lifted her ass in the air. Gunner slapped it again and she moaned. “You like that?”

  “Mm-hmm,” she groaned out, into the pillow. He smacked her a few more times, just hard enough to sting, and then he bent down and kissed each one of her cheeks gently. She smiled at his sweetness, and she was still smiling when he took her by surprise and shoved his big cock into her sopping-wet pussy. He started moving, thrusting his cock in hard and fast, over and over. The deeper he went, the more she liked it and the louder she got. She loved feeling him bottom out inside of her. She loved feeling his hips smack up against her ass. She was about to come again, and she thought he was ready too when he pulled out and she felt him slide his fingers back into her, but this time he pressed against her asshole with his thumb while he fingered her. She was so loud that she thought they might be able to hear her in the great room, but she didn’t care. It felt fucking insane. It didn’t take long before she was coming again. She had to bury her face in the pillow and scream this time. It was mind-blowing. He didn’t give her time to recover before he moved his fingers and put his cock back into her.

  He grabbed onto her hips and dug his fingers into her flesh as he pounded her from behind. He was out for his own pleasure then, and the way he grunted and growled and manhandled her turned her on. He pounded her until she knew she’d be sore the next day, before leaning forward, sliding a hand underneath her, and putting his fingers on her clit. With his lips near her ear he whispered in a husky voice, “Come again, baby. Come with me.”


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