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The Club Sin Series 4-Book Bundle

Page 57

by Stacey Kennedy

  “Perfect.” She grinned, not worried about it, anyway. The restraining order and abuse would show up on Rory’s report, not hers. He was the criminal. But Kyler’s actions warmed her. She supposed as a cop he did take privacy seriously. As a Dom, she imagined that protection was only amplified.

  His gaze held hers with a pure promise of seduction. “However, I’d like to do one thing first. A little test would be good for you.”

  “What test?” she asked.

  “A test to show me that you’re ready and as willing as you suggest.” He glanced down to his sandwich for a a few seconds, then lifted his head. “I’m off tomorrow, so let’s do this: Meet me for breakfast tomorrow at the diner beside your office. Let’s say eight o’clock, so you won’t be late for work at nine.” He arched a brow. “Does that work?”

  She frowned. “Why do I have to meet you? Can’t we just get the documents together and go to the club on the weekend?”

  His lips pressed into a firm line. “You want to play this game, little one. This is how it’s done. Always on my terms.”

  His unyielding gaze told her that this wasn’t up for negotiation. Perhaps he needed to believe she was serious, and, well, she was. “Okay, I’ll meet you tomorrow.”

  “Terrific.” All the tension faded from his eyes with his pleased smile. “Now eat your sandwich, Ella.”

  She rolled her eyes. “For a man who says he only likes the Dom thing in the dungeon, has anyone ever told you you are extremely bossy?”

  “I never said I only like being a Dom in the dungeon, did I? Though, we can talk about that tomorrow.”

  A shiver slid through her at his low, rumbly voice. “Color me intrigued.”

  He winked. “So you should be.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning, the soft music played through the speakers in the diner and Ella stared down at the menu for the tenth time. She’d slept all of four hours last night and tossed and turned the rest, anticipating today. Her body felt weighted against the exhaustion.

  Waitresses dressed in fifties-inspired clothing hustled around the restaurant, and Ella found herself feeling right at home wearing her navy blue sakura sailor dress. As a bell chimed on the front door, she glanced in its direction and immediate warmth sped through her.

  Dressed in jeans and a white golf shirt, Kyler strode through the restaurant, passing by the bright speckled red stools at the counter. He stared right at her, as if no one else existed.

  She cocked her head, watching the way he moved. His strides were long and purposeful, speaking of power and dominance. She didn’t doubt she’d pick him out of a crowd within a few seconds, because Kyler had an element born into his sexy body that only some men owned.


  Not simply a love for oneself, but that he lived life to the fullest. She’d needed a challenge to herself to get what he possessed, though more and more she started to believe she was getting closer to feeling what he must in his soul.

  No regrets.

  Pure happiness.

  Once he reached her, the side of his mouth curved in his sexy way, and he leaned down, dropping a soft kiss against her lips. “You look beautiful this morning.” Then he lowered onto the bench across from her.

  “Thank you.” She noticed a small boutique bag in his hand. “What’s that?”

  “Something for you,” he replied with a grin.

  Ella’s stared at the bag in wonderment. Before she could dig in a little deeper to that, the waitress said, “Hi, I’m Emily, and I’ll be your server today. Can I get you both some coffee?”

  “Please,” Kyler replied.

  Ella nodded.

  The waitress added, “Do you need a minute with the menus?”

  Kyler’s gaze swept to Ella. She replied to the waitress, “I’ll just take the special with scrambled eggs.” She had no clue what the special was, but in most diners that meant eggs and bacon.

  “I’ll have the same,” Kyler added.

  The waitress gathered the menus with a smile. “Perfect. I’ll go and grab your coffees.” Then she was off toward the kitchen.

  Ella glanced to Kyler, spotting a notable difference in him. His gaze was harder, more demanding. It touched something inside her—something that wanted to burn for him. “So…”

  He shook his head. “Wait for the coffees, then we’ll talk.”

  That’s how they stayed, silent and staring at each other for the next few minutes until the waitress placed their coffees and the creamer on the table. Ella looked between Kyler and the bag, curious about what this test was. Her belly fluttered in excitement—half in nervousness, the other half in unquenched desire.

  By the time the waitress left the table, Ella could barely sit still in her seat. Kyler took a drink of his coffee, regarding her over the rim of his mug. Another long moment passed before he said, “All right. Let’s get the talk out of the way. I chatted with Dmitri and he has agreed to let you join Club Sin.” He pulled a business card from his pocket and handed it to her. “Dmitri arranged for you to meet with a doctor tonight after work for your exams. Be there for five o’clock, all right?” At her nod, he added, “Her name is Mary. She’s a close friend of Dmitri’s and will give you all the needed physical tests.”

  Ella sipped her coffee, then asked, “Which are?”

  “Pregnancy, HIV, and STD. Every member must be tested on a quarterly basis, and if they play with others outside of the club they must use condoms.” He hesitated, regarding her with his watchful stare. “Are you on the pill or another form of birth control?”

  “The pill.”

  “Perfect.” His gaze darkened, voice got gruff. “Are you good at taking it?”


  “No missed pills in a while, then?”

  “I take it every morning.”

  His smile was as sweet as it was dangerous. “If I said we won’t use condoms anymore, would you have a problem with that?”

  Skin against skin with this guy. No more interruptions to get the condom on. And knowing that he was tested often for diseases and he’d see her clear test results, too? “I would be okay with that.”

  His brow arched, stern and serious. “If you ever miss a pill, or if you’re taking antibiotics, please tell me. We’ll use condoms. All right?”

  “Okay.” Though she understood the necessity of the conversation, it felt awkward. From what she’d read in BDSM 101, everything Kyler did and all the communication made him a good Dom.

  She had no doubt about that.

  He drew in a long breath and then continued. “You’re new to all this, so there will be a learning curve for both of us. I need to get to know you. You need to learn what I expect. We’ll take things slowly once I get you into a scene.”

  “Makes sense.” Heat flooded her from head to toe, leaving her fidgeting against the hard cushion.

  His mouth twitched, his gaze sizzled. “If you have questions about your first scene, now is the time to ask them.”

  God, I have a thousand questions. Where to start? At the beginning, she supposed. “Will you tell me what to do? Like how to act at first, because I imagine I’m going to feel like a mouse in a pit full of lions.”

  He chuckled. “Of course. I’ll make sure you understand everything that is going to happen before it does. I’m there to guide you throughout. You’ll never feel unstable or unsure.” He took her hand in his, wrapping her in his strength. “I’m well aware this will come with nerves on your part. I won’t push you too far, Ella. I want this to be fun.”


  “There are personal things that I don’t like a submissive to do and that I will correct during our playtime.”

  “Like what?” she blurted out.

  “Some are small personal preferences, like eye contact.” He ran his thumb over her hand, following the movement with his gaze. “But I will explain all this in the scene. You won’t question what I expect. It’ll all be very clear.” He paused, studying her in
tently. “In regard to something I don’t like, how you orgasm easily poses a problem for me.”

  “Don’t most men like that?” She laughed.

  A flare erupted in his potent stare. “We’re not talking about most men, we are taking about me.” There was hardness in his voice as he continued, “And no, I don’t like that. Your pleasure can’t ever build because it unleashes too quickly.”

  She watched him, seeing he was dead serious. In fact, this conversation was the most stern she’d ever seen him. From what she’d read, a good Dom always negotiated the scene with his submissive first, and she supposed Kyler took all that very seriously. Somehow it made him all the more worthy. “And you plan to fix my orgasms?” she mused.

  He nodded. “That I will.”

  She studied him, looking for any uncertainty in his features, but there was none. As it seemed, he firmly believed he’d fix her orgasms, for cripes’ sake. Wasn’t that the point of sex—to orgasm?

  Before she could state as much, he went on, “My personal preferences are things you’ll learn over time. There’s no need to rush anything. For now, if you have questions during the scene it’s all right that you ask me. I want you to be comfortable.”

  She pondered, nibbling her lip. “But I get no say in what happens during the scene?” At the shake of his head, she added, “And I’ll learn through punishment when I do something that you don’t like?”

  She’d seen submissives at Club Sin being punished. Some in horrible ways, others in creative ways that were sometimes funny. One submissive had a butt plug inserted that looked like a horse’s tail, because her Dom had said she kept whining at him and it sounded like neighing.

  Kyler slid his fingers down her forearm, stirring heat. “There will be some punishment, yes, but not at first. You’re new to the lifestyle, and I understand this. You’ll be allowed to make a few mistakes before punishment comes into play.” He winked. “As long as they aren’t big mistakes.”

  “Big mistakes like…?”

  “Being outright disobedient or disrespectful to me.” He swirled his fingers over her tattoo. “I doubt you have it in you to behave that way, anyway. So, the point is moot, which is why you don’t need to worry.”

  She looked to her coffee cup, then up to him. “Will you embarrass me through punishments?”

  “If that’s something that worries you, then you’ll add it to your hard limits.” He softened his voice, regarding her with a keen eye. “Remember, you have control here, and can set up a scene in a way that makes you comfortable. And you have a safe word. I want this to be enjoyable for you. Yes, you have to learn my preferences, but I’m not cruel, and I never punish through humiliation. I want your experience to bring something to your life, not take anything away.”

  Put that way, she realized he was right. Kyler was kind and gentle, and also rough when he wanted to be. A Dom knows when to hold your hand, and knows when to give it to you rough when you need it.

  Right to the heart of it, she did trust Kyler. A lot. “Okay, so what now?”

  He pushed the bag toward her. “There is a butterfly vibrator in the bag. Go into the bathroom and put it on under your panties.”

  She blinked. “Pardon me?”

  He folded his arms, and his expression showed very little. “You want to enter a D/s relationship with me, Ella, this is part of it. While I play mostly in the dungeon, I also play outside its walls. You are free to say dragon, which is Club Sin’s safe word, if you don’t want to do this.”

  She leaned forward and whispered, “Are you going to make me orgasm sitting at this table…in public?”

  “The orgasm is up to you, but if you worry about embarrassing yourself, then I suggest you keep yourself quiet.” He smiled, half amused, the other half totally sexily arrogant. “But I plan to eat my breakfast, and I want to do so watching you under the vibe’s hum.”

  Taking a quick glance around the diner, she noticed the restaurant wasn’t packed full, but there were enough people that she hesitated. Was he out of his godforsaken mind? Understanding safe words from her book, she turned to him. “What if I said dragon?”

  He watched her carefully, then said, “Sweetheart, I do this because I think you’ll enjoy it. You can say the safe word and we stop. It’s that simple. But I wouldn’t suggest this if I didn’t think we both needed it.” He dragged his fingers over her tattoo. “Tell me, would you do something this bold on your own?”

  She swallowed as his touch seemed connected to her clit, sending moisture to dampen her panties. “Hell to the no.”

  His gaze softened. “Then I’m pushing you, yes?”


  Tucking a finger under her chin, he looked to her with a gaze so firm she knew this was not part of the negotiation. As he’d done every time, he needed to see her act first. She assumed he required her to show him that she would do something out of her character all because he asked her to—all because he wanted her to do this. The first sign of submission? she wondered.

  He arched a brow. “I’m pushing you into new erotic adventures that provide excitement that a certain woman has been looking for.”

  Trust. Safe word. Communication. All the things the book told her were important in the lifestyle were all the things that were so true in her relationship with Kyler. “So this is the submission part in it, hmm? Giving control to you in a moment that makes me nervous or unsure and putting faith in you that you know what’s best?”

  He gave a slow nod. “Exactly. My rules. My play. Your submission to my desires, Ella.”

  * * *

  Kyler regarded Ella’s pretty eyes, which looked blue today, wondering over her next move. This was her test, her first show of submission. He had known playing in public would be hard for her, but it was the show he needed to believe she was serious. It impressed him that she’d read up on BDSM—in fact, that act of cleverness confirmed exactly why he liked her.

  Though all the same, he also did this for her. Ella wanted adventures, and she craved excitement. Wearing a vibrator in a busy restaurant was surely that. Besides, he already knew that Ella liked public displays of sex—that much she showed him on their first night together.

  Oh, how much fun he would have with her.

  Her cheeks were bright red as she reached for the bag, and he noticed the tremble in her hands. She looked inside, obviously finding the butterfly vibrator in the box that had black straps to hold it in place, but then she dipped her hand in and pulled out the lacy garments before putting them back into the bag.

  “You’re not expecting me to wear lingerie now, right?” she asked with huge eyes.

  He chuckled. She looked cute a little ruffled. “That’s what you’ll wear for me on Friday night at the club.”

  She glanced around the restaurant, no doubt taking in the amount of people. Kyler was pleased at it; he wanted others to see her. While no one would hear the vibe, since he’d purchased a silent vibrator, Ella would know she wore it.

  That would fuel her pleasure.

  He watched her draw in a deep breath, and arousal flushed her face. She finally said, “Please excuse me.”

  He winked. “That’s my girl.”

  She hurried off to the restroom, and Kyler studied the sway of her hips in her short dress. He’d never met a woman who dressed like Ella. She was so damn pretty in her cute dresses and how she braided her hair. To him, though, he wanted to see Ella come undone, the woman whose makeup ran down her face because of intense pleasure.

  The waitress returning with their food caught his eye, and as she placed the plates down, she asked, “Anything else I can get you?”

  “A glass of water, please.” Ella would soon need it.

  “I’ll get it right away,” the waitress said, then strode away.

  Kyler reached into his pocket, taking out the vibrator’s remote control when he spotted Ella heading out of the bathroom with the bag in her hand. The tight way she walked told him that she’d followed his instructions and wor
e the vibrator beneath her panties.

  When she neared the counter, he flicked the vibe onto full speed. She nearly dropped to the ground, but managed to grab on to the stool next to her. He chuckled as her cheeks burned brighter. He turned off the vibe, and she pushed off the stool, glancing to those around her—all of who stared at her in curiosity.

  “Damn heels,” she muttered with a breathy voice.

  The waitress laughed. “They’ve been known to kill.”

  Ella grinned at her, then rushed over to the table. She dropped down into the booth and glared. “Yeah, thanks a lot.”

  He switched the vibe onto full speed. “What was that?”

  Her eyes widened. “I—”

  “Glares are not acceptable when I’m having fun, Ella. Nor do I like snappy voices when I’m doing something very nice for you.”

  “Sorry.” She gasped.

  He switched the vibe off. “Punishment isn’t always done through painful methods, like a spanking. I hope that you took that experience for what it was, learning my preferences.”

  “Yep. Got it.” She straightened in her seat, pink-cheeked. “Don’t snap. Don’t glare. Lesson learned.”

  “Nicely done.” He chuckled.

  The waitress returned with the glass of water and placed it in front of Ella. Once the waitress was out of hearing distance, he continued, “Now you understand the process of how we’ll learn together, yes?”

  “Yes,” she said softly.

  Sir, he’d request in the dungeon, but not now. It was simply his need to hear the address from her mouth that made him yearn for it. But little did Ella know, he allowed a little leeway out of the dungeon. Sure, he liked kink whenever he could have it. He enjoyed having a fun sex life that pushed the boundaries. Though some parts of BDSM remained in the dungeon, and calling him Sir was one of them.

  He picked up his fork and ate some of his eggs, watching Ella do the same.

  Once she placed her fork in her mouth, he turned the vibe on to the lowest speed. A shiver ran through her as she chewed her food. Chuckling to himself, he focused on his plate and let her simmer in that level of pleasure.


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