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Testing Jayla

Page 4

by Angela Knight

  "And your asshole's next." Gray's fingers left her cream-drenched sex and roamed around the curve of her hip and down between her cheeks. He caught the dildo and began to withdraw it. Jayla gasped at the sensation. "Oh, I think you're in trouble, sweetheart. I don't believe this little plug stretched you enough." He laughed darkly in her ear. "Especially not as hard as I am right now."

  She quivered as he dropped the plug with a clatter on the stone floor and started working two fingers into her anus. Even after the plug, they felt so thick she whimpered.

  "Well," he rumbled in her ear, "you're good and slick. And very, very tight. You're going to be a luscious fuck, Jayla. And after putting all those pretty stripes on this round little ass of yours, I'm definitely in the mood to ream it for you."

  Jayla squeezed her eyes shut at the sensation of his long fingers twisting deep. "I'm sure you are... AH!! sadist."

  He laughed. "Exactly." Gray released her breast and stepped back to crouch behind her, simultaneously catching her cheeks in both hands. She felt him spread them, could almost feel the burn of his eyes as he examined the vulnerable opening between them. "Damn, you are tiny. Particularly compared to the diameter of my cock."

  "And I'll bet you can't wait to ram it deep," she said, shivering. God, she was hot. The idea of him invading her this way, his ruthless intentions ... It was unbearably arousing.

  "Oh, yeah. In fact, let's get started." Leather creaked as he stood and stepped in close. Something hard brushed the sensitive target of his lust as he positioned the massive head of his cock for entry. The shaft settled against her, the pressure slowly increasing as he pushed hard, inexorably digging in. Fire exploded along her nerves as the tiny opening began to yield. She moaned. "It hurts!"

  "I know." He sounded more predatory than sympathetic. "And it's going to hurt a lot worse. But if you concentrate on relaxing these exquisite little muscles, it'll get better. Eventually." He pushed in another ruthless inch, then another. The fire blazed higher, and she writhed helplessly.

  Just when she was about to scream, he reached around between her thighs and began to play with her clit, his long fingers devilishly skillful. The pleasure melded with the pain of his tunneling cock as he continued his merciless invasion.

  Until finally he was in to the balls.

  "God, you're tight," he growled, circling her clit with his thumb as he stroked a finger into her cream-drenched cunt. "Damn, the idea of being your master is tempting. It'd be tough to decide between your juicy pussy and snug little asshole."

  Slowly, he began to withdraw, pulling his big shaft an inch at a time back up her channel, tormenting the tender flesh even as he fingered her cunt and clit.

  Jayla whimpered. Being fucked this way was overwhelming, intense. And darkly erotic, despite the pain. He felt so damn big - his cock, the powerful body plastered against hers, torso rolling as he pulled out, then slid deep again, reaming her with ruthless, lingering strokes. "God!"

  "That's right, relax," Gray crooned. "You'll start to love it soon. Any slave with a Hollander like yours discovers the appeal of a buttfuck pretty fast."

  He was right. As the instinctive clamp of her muscles loosened, a strange, dark pleasure grew with every thrust. Until she could only hang in her chains and moan as he used her with delicate brutality, her body battered by pain and delight.

  She'd never felt so utterly at a man's mercy, so intensely fucked. She felt like a slave, as if he was driving home his claim each time he drove his cock into her desperately stretched rectum.

  And the man doing the claiming was Eric Gray, the captain she'd fallen in love with an never expected to have, the heart of so many dark fantasies.

  Jayla realized suddenly she was rolling her hips back at him, taking his cock as deep as she could, impaling herself. The dark ecstacy of it surged through her, and she knew she was about to come.

  She'd begun responding just as he'd known she would, meeting his thrusts hungrily, driving her asshole back onto his cock. Her moans and whimpers of pleasure were as tempting as her tight, slick flesh.

  God, he wanted to keep her. The idea of owning Jayla, having her bound and ready for his use anytime he wanted her .... He slammed his hips forward and listened to her ecstatic yowl even as his cock luxuriated in her tight, greased grip.

  Why not? he thought suddenly. She was a high-Hollander bloodslave who found his dominance wildly arousing. Why shouldn't he collar her, fuck her lushly tempting body's every orifice, feed from her throat...

  Enjoy her bright wit, listen to talk about her day....

  His, dammit. She was meant to be his.

  Forgetting mercy, forgetting everything but the need to claim, he began to drive hard and deep, shafting her tight asshole. He heard her startled yelp at his suddenly violent possession, but there was as much arousal and pleasure as pain in the cry, so he didn't stop. Within three thrusts, she was writhing as the merciless use shot her into a climax.

  Her pleasure kicked his own lust higher. He felt his lips pull back from his fangs and leaned down toward the delicate throat he'd already tasted.

  As she came, he simultaneously buried his cock to the balls and sank his fangs deep. He heard her scream as he shot and shot....

  And drank, his head spinning with the brutal pleasure of possessing Jayla at last.

  Finally, Eric drew his fangs from her soft throat. Her head lolled back on his shoulder, two sets of bites marking her neck. He eyed them in satisfaction, remembering the pleasure he'd taken with each. He'd done a very thorough job of making her his. And she'd loved every minute of it, judging by the way her eyes were closed in an expression of dreamy pleasure.

  Then he frowned. Something about the position of her head, the way her body hung slack in the chains....

  The rough hemp rope circled Jane's throat, digging deep into the skin where his mouth had played the night before. Her eyes bulged in her gray face, tongue blackened and protruding....

  Eric jerked away from Jayla with a muffled exclamation of horror and swung toward the door. "Charit! Charit, get your ass in here and prepare this girl for the surgery!"

  "What?" Jayla demanded behind him, sounding like a woman jerked unexpectedly from a pleasant dream. "What's going on, Eric? You...."

  "Moore!" he bellowed, ignoring her. He wouldn't have her on his conscience too.

  "Do me the courtesy of talking to me, dammit!" she snapped. "I thought you understood!"

  "You're the one who doesn't understand," he snapped over his shoulder at her.

  "Then explain it to me! Tell me what the hell happened to you!"

  She sounded so furious, so completely unlike the sweet, unassuming woman he knew, he had to turn and look at her. "Look, you may think you want to play the game, but you don't. You won't be able to deal with it."

  Jayla jerked at her chains in a gesture of rage and frustration. "What the hell are you talking about? Aren't you the man that just beat and fucked my ass? At what point did you hear me beg you to stop?"

  "You feel that way now, when your heat's up, but what about later?" He whirled away and began to pace. "I won't be responsible for the damage."

  "The only damage I'm in danger of suffering is from your rejection." She glowered at him. "Who was she, Eric? Because I know's a woman somewhere in this mess."

  He had never told anybody about Jane, but if it would help her understand.... "All right, yes. There was a woman. But it wasn't her fault. It was mine."

  "So what happened, Eric? How did she fuck you up?"

  His shoulders slumped. "I fell in love with her."

  The anger drained from her eyes. "I thought it was something like that."

  "She was so much like you. Bright mind, sensuous. Funny. Beautiful. I fell in love with her. She had learned of what I was, knew of my ... needs, had read things."

  "She wanted a vampdom."

  "Or thought she did. And I wanted her so badly, I obliged, even knowing that she was an innocent. And it was..." He squeezed his e
yes shut. "Wonderful. I made sure she found the full extent of pleasure, as, God knows, I did."

  "But she wasn't able to process it."

  "No," he said, putting a hand to the back of his neck and trying to ease the knot of tension gathering there. "The guilt.... She couldn't accept what we'd done. Couldn't accept finding pleasure in it." Gray took a deep breath, blew it out as he fought the rise of pain. "She...hanged herself."

  Jayla winced. "God, I'm sorry. I can imagine how you...." She broke off, frowning. "Eric, what year was this?"

  Startled, he looked up at her, not understanding why it would matter. "1972."

  "Which explains a great deal, if you stop to think about it."

  He frowned. "I don't follow."

  "Think about it, Eric. You were there, you should know that time better than I do; I only know it from books. But from what I've read, that was an era when women were experimenting with sex, but they'd still been raised to be 'good girls.'"

  He nodded. "And Jane certainly had been. Her father was a Baptist minister."

  Jayla rolled her eyes at him. "Damn, what did you expect? Back then, most people thought vampires were figments of the imagination at best, or some kind of demon at worst. She killed herself the next day?"

  He glowered, wishing she'd drop the subject. "Look, I would rather not..."

  "Did she?"

  Knowing she'd keep harping at him, Eric said reluctantly, "Yes."

  "Did it ever occur to you that whatever went wrong with her had been going wrong for a long time?" She stopped as if something had occurred to her, then asked suddenly, "Did she let you tie her up?"

  Gray shifted on his feet, frowning, wondering what one thing had to do with another. "She insisted. I didn't really want rough play with her, but she demanded it." He thought back. It was hard to remember those days, to think back beyond the horrifying moment when he'd found her hanging dead. "There'd always been an aura of sadness about her, a sense of some deep pain. I wanted to save her from it, not inflict more."

  Jayla met his eyes and said gently, "Eric, she expected you to kill her."

  "What?" He stared at her. "No! I loved her! I would never have hurt her."

  "Of course not, but she didn't know that. She deliberately slept with a vampire in 1972. She didn't know you don't drain people. I'd bet money she was clinically depressed, and had been for a very long time." She shook her head. "She wanted you to end it for her."

  As Jayla watched, Gray staggered to the closest pillar and leaned against it, looking dazed. "Suicide by vampire," he murmured. "In the early days, we all run into people who... I never dreamed she was one of them. But the signs.... The sadness. She had a drug problem. I wanted to help her with it, but she was Kith, and she wouldn't let me into her mind. And she couldn't beat it. I was so worried about her...."

  Her heart ached. This Jane had been dead three centuries, and he still grieved for her. "Stupid bitch."

  His head snapped up in shock and outrage. "What?"

  "You loved her like this, and she threw it all away. Hurt you this bad. I'd give anything if you loved me a tenth as much as you do that dead idiot."

  Gray laughed shortly, "Oh, Jayla, I love you a lot more than that. Why do you think I've fought this?"

  She froze, unable to believe her ears. "What?"

  He pulled away from the pillar and moved toward her, his eyes locked on hers. "I love you, Jayla. I've been in love with you for months. But I've shielded myself for so long....I was terrified you wouldn't be able to handle what I wanted from you."

  "I'm not that fragile, Gray," she said softly. "I'm not some twentieth century virgin. I'm a ..."

  "Bloodslave." The smile that curved his lips was so slow and hot she felt arousal bloom low in her belly. "Which is pretty damn convenient, since I seem to be in need of a bloodslave right now."

  Jayla grinned at him as a crazy, giddy joy rolled over her. "That is convenient."

  "Mmmmmmm." He shuttered his glowing eyes. "You know, I've never had a high-Hollander slave before. The possibilities are endless. Tanaka's going to be really disappointed."

  Her eyes widened. She hadn't thought of his vampire second-in-command. The two of them had always shared Farr. The idea of both of them.... "Why? Doesn't he like me?"

  He loomed over her, lowering his head toward her mouth. "Oh, he likes you a lot. He's told me for the past year I ought to approach you about becoming a bloodslave." He brushed his knuckles across one breast as he reached the other hand down toward her cunt. "That's why he's going to be so disappointed. Because I'm not sharing. He'll have to get his own sub. I find I'm very ... possessive where you're concerned."

  She closed her eyes as he skillfully twisted her nipple. "Oh, I don't know. I might enjoy both of you at once."

  He nipped her ear in retribution. "Oh, darlin' - I think you're going to have your hands full as it is." Gray smiled slowly, seductively. "And that's not the only thing that's going to be full."

  "Mmmm. I can't wait."

  He reached for her and proceeded to make her wait very short indeed.




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