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Page 14

by D. A. Stafford

  “After the incident, we listened to the radio for several days when I finally told my parents I was going back to save some of the women at the hospital I volunteered at. My parents were obviously less than enthused but, they let me go. Dad gave me a 9mm gun and several clips of ammunition for protection. I headed down the mountain in my dad’s old truck. When I got to the hospital, I managed to convince Sloane’s attending doctor to give me the medication Sloane needed for her treatment and to control her pain. Sloane was in a lot of pain, but we managed to make it back to the ranch without any incidents. We heard on the radio the next day a man went into the same ward Sloane was in and shot everyone. That day was the last transmission we heard on the radio.”

  “Sloane was at the ranch for about three weeks with my mom, caring for her. There’s nothing better than a mother’s love to help, right?” Jessie took a deep breath fighting back the tears.

  Riley spoke up, “It’s okay Jessie, I can tell this part.” Jessie mouthed the words ‘thank you’ to Riley. “We all kept watch on Robert to see if he would develop MEDS, but after three weeks we thought he was in the clear. Somehow two men stricken with MEDS had infiltrated the mountain and managed to sneak up on Lily in the garden. One of them hit her over the head with a rock, and the other was trying to rape her. When Robert finally realized what was happening he was able to kill the man who was raping her. But the damage was already done because when Lily rolled over to try and get out of the way, the other man kicked Lily with the point of his cowboy boot to the base of her skull, severing her spinal cord and killing her instantly.”

  Everyone was dead silent and staring at Riley, waiting for her to continue. “Robert was so enraged he killed the other man by snapping his neck. He ran to Lily and cradled her in his arms. Jessie and I were gathering wood and saw the whole thing but were too far away to do anything. Lily was gone. Robert sat there with Lily in his arms, weeping, and then suddenly all hell broke loose. He burst up from the ground and started screaming and cursing at the top of lungs all the while kicking the two dead men. It was awful. Jessie tried to stop him, but he turned on her. We both tried to talk to him to calm him down, but he grabbed a shovel and started swinging it at Jessie intent on killing her. That’s when Jessie realized he wasn’t going to stop.” Riley sighed. “She aimed the 9mm and shot him in the chest. It was the only thing which snapped him out of it because when he went to the ground he told her he was sorry and he loved her. He even thanked Jessie because he was going to be with his Lily soon.”

  Jessie broke in and continued not wanting to dwell on the past. “Riley helped me bury mom and dad. About a month after that we were about to run out of pain medication and medical supplies for Sloane. I couldn’t let Sloane suffer, so I made my way down to the hospital in my dad’s truck again to get the supplies she needed. There were abandoned cars on the road and some dead bodies as well, but for the most part, it was a ghost town. I got the things I needed and made my way back to the ranch. As I was about to turn off the main road I saw an overturned bus, I didn’t see when I went down to Bend. I got out of the truck to investigate when I heard a woman screaming. That’s when I saw two men raping Marie.” Gade and Aryn’s face turned angry, and their hands flew to Marie’s back to caress it, but Marie shook them off. Not wanting to be touched. “I killed the men,” Jessie said staring at Gade and Aryn. “Marie was so tiny I was able to pick her up in a fireman’s hold and take her to the truck. Riley and I nursed her back to health along with Sloane. Sloane seemed to be doing a little better with her pain, so we weren’t as concerned as we once were.”

  “Everything was going along great for a couple of months. I’d hunt and fish and the ladies would tend to the garden. Unfortunately things were going along a little too good because the electricity finally went out. The generator was needed for the well water pump. We conserved on gasoline as much as possible, but after two weeks we were becoming critically low. I decided to go back to Bend to siphon fuel from vehicles. I figured the worse had passed because the town was pretty much empty the last time I was there. I broke into the hardware store in town and grabbed as many five-gallon buckets with lids I could find. It took me most of the day, but I managed to siphon gasoline from abandoned vehicles and filled as many of the buckets as I could, then put them in the back of the truck. I had gone the whole day without incident, but when I was lifting my last bucket into the truck, something down the street caught my eye. It was a dazed and disheveled woman covered in bruises and blood, walking down the street.” Jessie looked at Teagan who nodded for her to continue. “She was just walking. No destination in mind, just…walking. I started to walk towards her when suddenly two men came out of nowhere running towards her intent on harming her. I took careful aim and shot them. Teagan didn’t even flinch when I shot the two men…she just kept walking. I was able to guide her to the truck and took her back to the ranch to nurse her back to health. Three weeks later is when Looch and Leigh saved us.”

  The Kings, Queen, Looch, Leigh, Zara, Gade and Aryn were in astonishment of what these women and especially Jessie had gone through.

  “I could go for a beer.” Jessie finally said with a sigh.

  Riley had an evil smile then chuckled. “I may be able to help with that. I may have raided your dad’s liquor cabinet before we left Earth. In fact, there’s the expensive bottle of tequila he never opened that’s calling my name. What do you think Jessie?”

  Jessie laughed. “You are so bad. Can you get it? I have an idea.” Waggling her eyebrows, she said, “Meekie Margaritas!”

  “You’re on. I’ll be right back.” Riley laughed while getting up to go to her room.

  Queen Maya interrupted, “What’s a Mar-ga-ree-ta?” Trying the word on her lips.

  “I think you’ll like it, your majesty. It’s a mixed drink with fruit, a sweetener, and liquor in it. In this case, tequila.”

  “How exciting Jessie. We have alcohol as well, but it’s so stout most females don’t take part in such things.”

  Jessie smiled and said, “Most of our hard alcohol is mixed with something else, like a carbonated beverage, sweeteners or fruit to make it taste better. Riley and I like tequila, so sometimes we drink little amounts of it called shots with a lime chaser. Marie? Do you like Margaritas?”

  Marie bowed her head. “Mother would never allow it.”

  “Well, mother isn’t here to tell you no, so if you want to try it you can. If you like it, great, if not, it’s not a big deal.”

  Marie brightened and chuckled, “You’re right. It’s time for me to start living my life. I want to try a Meekie Margarita.”

  Meesa led Jessie to the kitchens and showed her the alien version of a blender and how to prepare the meekie fruit.

  While Jessie was busy in the kitchens with Meesa, Councilman Cerin strolled over to Looch and Zara. Bowing to Looch, he asked, “Prince Looch, forgive me; I was wondering if I could speak to my daughter in private for a moment?”

  “But of course Councilman Cerin.”

  Cerin led Zara down a hall and into a vacant room. When they were alone, he whirled around and grabbed Zara harshly by the arm. “Listen to me you little bitch; you are failing. If you don’t start piquing Prince Looch’s interests, I’ll personally make sure you end up just like your mother.” Cerin backed up his threat with an electrical shock through the necklace. Zara cried out and immediately dropped to her knees.

  Sucking in air to try and extinguish the burn of the jolt, Zara pleaded. “I don’t know what you want me to do? It’s obvious Jessie is Leigh and Looch’s ayah.”

  “You will use the only thing your dead mother gave you, which is your body. I want you to seduce Looch and leave the rest to me.” He picked her up off the floor. “Do not screw this up or you’ll be sorry. Do you understand me, dear daughter?”

  All Zara could do was nod as she tried to catch her breath from the horrible shock her father had just given her. No one knew, but the necklace was a scent inhibitor and an obedienc
e collar. No one was any wiser to her plight. Ever since her mother was killed, Zara suspected they had taken the necklace from her mother and placed it on Zara to control her.

  At least her father, Heloc was dead. Out of the two of her fathers, he was the worst. He would beat her bloody then heal her with a handheld healing unit so no one could see her bruises, but Heloc wouldn’t heal the broken ribs he inflicted because it showed her they were in control.

  Cerin shook Zara again, “I want to hear you say it. Tell me you understand what I just told you.”

  “Yes, father…” Cerin squeezed her arm harder. “I mean yes, Councilman Cerin. I understand what I’m supposed to do.”

  “Very well then. Go back to Looch and make sure you seduce him.”


  Councilman Cerin met the ladies in the kitchen to supervise the drink concoction they were making. Jessie couldn’t put her finger on it, but Cerin just graded on her nerves. He always seemed to be slinking around like a snake in the grass. “Councilman Cerin, can I help you with something?”

  Brushing imaginary crumbs off his jacket, he nonchalantly answered her. “No Jessie, I’m here to make sure there are no…” looking down his nose at her he finally continued, “issues with the drinks. I would hate for the Kings or Queen to fall ill due to your drink.”

  Jessie placed the drinks on a serving platter and sneered back at Councilman Cerin. “No one is going to have any issues as long as they don’t drink too much.”

  Cerin snapped his fingers at Meesa to pick up the tray. Riley turned to Cerin with outrage in her voice. “Don’t treat her like she’s below you. Meesa, would you like me to take that?”

  “It’s fine Riley. It’s my job. I enjoy serving the royal family.”

  Cerin bowed towards Riley, “To show you I meant no disrespect towards Meesa, I will help her serve everyone. Please let us depart.”

  They all filed out of the kitchen towards their respective seats, while Meesa and Cerin started serving the others. Jessie was surprised to see Zara sitting so close to Looch while seductively caressing Looch’s chest and arms. Looch seemed a little uncomfortable with the attention.

  Jessie handed Leigh his drink and waited for everyone to be served. Queen Maya spoke up with excitement and said, “This looks simply delightful. I’m anxious to try this drink.”

  Jessie looked around and saw Councilman Cerin made good on his promise and had helped serve everyone. Maybe she wasn’t giving him a fair shake? Finally, she raised her glass in a toast. “To all the wonderful people we have lost, and to all the great people we have gained.”

  Everyone drank the meekie margarita and two things happened. One, all the women seemed to like the drink and two, all the men didn’t. Leigh was trying to be polite, but she could tell he did not like the sweet drink. “It’s okay Leigh. You don’t have to like it to impress me. How about all the men take a shot. Riley and I will show you how.” Riley and Jessie poured all the men little drinks, found some fruit which tasted somewhat like citrus and thank goodness Arenians had something equivalent to salt. Jessie and Riley showed the men how to drink the shot, and they tried it. The men seemed to enjoy their shot and passed their margaritas to the females.

  Councilman Cerin didn’t partake in the drinks and left immediately after serving them. Riley and Teagan had gone back to their room’s right after finishing their drinks. Riley was claiming she was tired.

  The rest of the night seemed to pass with laughter and love. The Kings doted on the Queen. Marie looked at peace with Gade and Aryn’s attention, and they were enjoying Marie’s company. Maybe a little alcohol was all Marie needed to let loose. Leigh was stroking Jessie’s bare back and whispering sweet nothings into her ear, but the most significant transformation was Zara. Zara was laughing and carrying on a conversation with everyone, whereas before she’d only speak when spoken too. Looch kept looking towards Jessie with longing, but Zara was too drunk to realize it.

  Finally, Leigh broke the merriment and extricated themselves. “Jessie and I must depart. It’s late, and I’d like to get her to bed.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  With two meekie margaritas and a shot of tequila in her, Jessie’s inhibitions were gone. It was therapeutic to talk about what happened on Earth. Her parents wouldn’t want her to dwell on the past and what happened. She was raised to be a strong woman, and everything happened for a reason.

  When Leigh and Jessie arrived back to their room, she turned towards Leigh with a gleam in her eye. “I want to give you a massage.”

  “Mother told me you rub people to make them feel better. I can assure you, Jessie, with you by my side; I feel exceptional.” Leigh purred the last word and waggled his eyebrows.

  Jessie blushed and laughed. “I’m serious Leigh. Take off your pants and lay face down on the bed. I’ll give you your first Earthling massage.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Leigh did what he was bid, stripping his linen pants off on the way to the bed with no remorse for his nakedness and laid face down on the bed. She was trying to be as professional as possible, but it was hard considering she was a little tipsy and this gorgeous, specimen of a man was on the bed with his stunning, tight ass in the air. She should have thought better of this before she asked him to lay down. “I can do this. I’m a professional.” She thought.

  “I await your touch.” Leigh drawled.

  She strode over to Leigh, then started massaging his shoulders and back. She worked his muscles through her fingers, careful but firm in her ministrations. When she was finally done with his impressively sculpted back, she made her way down to his defined backside.

  Leigh moaned with contentment. She stroked Leigh’s cheeks with sure fingers until Leigh could take no more. He deftly rolled over and took her by surprise by rolling her underneath him.

  After the initial shock of Leigh pinning her, Jessie whispered, “I wasn’t done.”

  “I thank you for the massage. It felt amazing. You have a true talent. I’d like you to continue, but my need for you is too great. May I give you what I’ll call a deep, inner tissue, massage?” Leigh said with a chuckle and predatory smile on his face.

  Jessie shyly looked up at him and chuckled herself, “I can appreciate that.”

  “Last time, I allowed you to control the activities you were comfortable with. Although I thoroughly relished your Earthling blowjob, this time my sweet warrior, you’ll do as I say.”

  Leigh’s words sent shivers straight to Jessie’s core. She enjoyed her first time with Looch. She also enjoyed her time with Leigh. They were both passionate in their activities with her. Now, here in Leigh’s arms, she entertained the idea of both Looch and Leigh loving her together would have been perfect.

  This time she’d genuinely relish the moment with Leigh. No one was after her. She didn’t have to worry about her friends being safe, having enough food to feed everyone, or medical supplies to keep people alive. She knew Leigh would protect her and take good care of her. Pleasuring her was his priority as it was Looch’s. Jessie was a fool to think she could love only one man when clearly, she was in love with both of them.

  “Trust me to make this good for you. I’ll not disappoint.”

  With Jessie’s nod, Leigh grabbed the top of her gown and savagely ripped it away from her breasts. Leigh’s carnality startled her at first but spiked her desire for him even more. She wanted him, and she knew he wanted her with every fiber of his being. Leigh would love, honor and cherish her all the days of her life. She didn’t need a marriage vow to know it. She knew it in her heart.

  Contrary to Leigh’s raw display, he was ever so gentle with her. Slowly nipping and kissing along her neck and even lower. When he reached her nipple, it was already erect, begging for his touch. Leigh flicked his tongue over the sensitive peak. Which elicited a “yes” from Jessie. He then began sucking on the tight nub. She writhed under Leigh’s ministrations, moaning her pleasure.

  Once Leigh drew the reaction he was looking fo
r from Jessie, he slipped his body lower. Slowly, he kissed and nuzzled her flat stomach begging for his offspring to grow ripe in, all the while caressing her breasts with his hands. Her hips seemed to move on their own accord, rocking them in slow rhythmic thrusts.

  Leigh gently released the two lower side clasps holding the bottom of her gown in place. He then pulled the two sections off Jessie, all the while planting soft kisses up and down her thighs until he stopped just above her sex and inhaled deeply. In a deep baritone voice, Leigh professed his approval. “Goddess, you smell divine.”

  Leigh parted her legs, then wrapped his arms around Jessie’s thighs and buried his face in her soft, pliant folds. Leigh spent a large amount of time licking, sucking and nipping at her pink flesh. He couldn’t get enough of her. He penetrated her pussy with one long finger, causing her hips to buck. “Stay still Jessie.”

  Jessie couldn’t comprehend anything Leigh was saying. She was too lost in the feel of his tongue on her sex and his finger inside her vagina. Stroking upwards with his finger while flicking her clit with his tongue. The feel of it was more than she could take. She bucked her hips again. The motion earned Jessie a punishing bite to her inner thigh. Jessie called out in shock more than pain.

  “I said, be still.”

  “Please Leigh, I need to come.”

  “You’ll come several times tonight. So let us get started. Come for me, Jessie.”

  The pure eroticism of Leigh controlling her pleasure was mind-boggling. She went off like a rocket, soaring towards the sky and lost in the feel of it. When she finally came down from her orgasm, she noticed Leigh was on his knees in between her legs, stroking his thick erection. He was looking at her with lust filled eyes. “You’ll give me what I desire. No?”

  “Yes Leigh…please…I need you…I want you.” Jessie sputtered through her pants of pleasure.

  Leigh teased Jessie’s pussy, moving the fat head of his erection up and down her slit. His erection easily slid through her folds, slick with arousal. When she finally begged for Leigh’s entrance, he fit the wide head to Jessie’s entrance and thrust inside. Ramming into her several more times, Leigh called out, “You’ll come for me again ayah.” With that, Leigh reached down and massaged Jessie’s clit and she again broke apart. Her pussy clenched his cock like a fist. Leigh let out a half breath, half moan of satisfaction. “You feel amazing Jessie. I could do this all night just so the ecstasy would never end.”


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